MOU With RE Final
MOU With RE Final
MOU With RE Final
S No Description of Item
1. Kurnool Town(Excl)-Gadwal section(Excl) (55.47 RKM) has been commissioned and made
fit for RE in the month Mar-23. The Section of GWD-KRNT comprises of 4 stations.
2. Nearly 4 nos of SP/SSP/TSS are available in GWD-KRNT section and none of them are
charged as on date.
Station TS/SSP/SP Location Status
Gadwal GWD SP Km 190/400-420 Not charged Yet
Poodoor PDO - - -
Itikyala IKI SSP Km 205/615-632 Not charged Yet
ManopadMOA TSS Km 219/825 Not charged Yet
Alampur ALPR SSP Km 236/520-537 Not charged Yet
Kurnool Town KRNT - - -
3. During the joint inspection carried out by RE and division teams before commissioning of
RE in said section, the availability of S&T cable beneath SSP/SP/TSS which were then
under construction was noticed.
The same was raised and noted in inspection notes, indicating that it is a safety issue and the
cables need diversion on priority.
4. RE/SC unit has indicated below mentioned target dates to attend the cable diversions and
ensured that the
Location Type of cable TDC
SP/GWD 6 Quad cable (200m) 05.04.2023
SSP/ALPR 6 Quad (200m)& 10.04.2023
signal cable (500m)
SSP/IKI 6 Quad (200m) & 15.04.2023
signal cable (800m)
TSS/MOA Signal cable (800m) 30.04.2023
5. It is reiterated that there are proper procedures for protection of S&T cables in vicinity of RE
charged structures.
Vide para 22.5.7 of SEM Part-II ‘As far as possible, the cable shall be laid on the side of the
track opposite to the feeding post’
6. Tentative cable route plans of these sections attached for reference (copy attached)
Proposed Cable
route Avg
distance 5m
6Q cable 200mtrs
Proposed Cable
route Avg
distance 5m
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Cable route
Avg distance