Courtroom Observer and Grand Jury

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Assembling The Common Law Grand Jury

October 7, 2024

Dear American Householder,

The Founding Fathers of America were excellent at what is good—they displaced and
destroyed economic tyranny from the British King and Parliament. A free people birthed a free

For 28 years, I’ve been meditating on what is distinctly good about our free country—
not its current slave status but its true character of a self-governed People. The Common Law
Grand Jury is one expression of true rulership in America—We The People. Although in
relation to God, we are prisoners until we yield to Christ’s liberation, in relation to our fellow
men, we serve one another to protect and fight for justice on every hand.

I am calling upon your duty as a Freeman to serve as a Courtroom Observer on October

30th to check the covetousness for public power and control in the courts. Why serve in this
capacity? Because I will be in the heat of battle by trial. Observers are vital to catching the
bigger picture of what is taking place and catching due process violations and bad behavior by
public servants er slave taskmasters. And to be on the ready as a Common Law Grand Juryman
in two criminal cases of which I am being accused, which are pretended offenses.1

This is what is wrong with Lancaster County > Pennsylvania > America—pretended
offenses. Are you one who is complaining about the unabated evil, or do you have evidence of
exercising, promoting, and defending American freedoms? Focusing or condemning the wrong
without demonstrating a superior alternative will never displace and destroy (2 Cor. 10:3–6) the
current evils of socialist, Marxist, and communist slavery that compel our compliance. I trust
you are aware that we are under freedom-denying and Christ-denying socialism, Marxism, and

Pretended offenses are why you are under force and threat of force to comply with
statutes and codes that are not American and, indeed, not of the unseen King Jesus Christ.
Instead, such entanglements are traced to the satanically inspired heart, mind, and will of
German pirate Karl Marx. His 1848 Communist Manifesto is a declaration for the abolition of
man and, consequently, the utter destruction of your family. This is the current reality for all of
us—lies, theft, and murder by public servants. I no longer consent to this evil prevailing under
my watch (read Psalm 1). I will walk in the King’s perfect Law of Freedom.

The King of Freedom never negotiated with terrorist accusers of His day, nor did
Patriots of Freedom, beginning with Paul, an Apostle of the King’s Freedom. In harmony with
the Royal Law of Scripture, America’s “common-law tradition is against wholesale

1 “For transporting us beyond the Seas to be tried for pretended offenses:” para. 21, Declaration of 1776

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manufacturing of crimes by legislative decree. In short, if the behavior in question seriously
injured no one else, it is no crime.”2 God alone decrees what constitutes crimes.

On that lawful standing, it has never been a crime to practice true religion (Christian self-
government), to speak or refrain from speaking, to peacefully assemble, to petition the
Government for grievances, to protect oneself with arms, or to conduct travel and trade on
public roads, which the People own collectively, not the Commonwealth. Those sworn to protect
these fundamental duties are encroaching upon many other freedoms, such as a precious-metals-
based currency, which protects from debt-based Federal Reserve Notes, imperceptibly stealing
our wealth.

The Common Law Grand Jury serves as a check on treasonous public servants
manufacturing crimes for pretended offenses. But Freemen must show up to exercise their duty
as Jurymen. The Grand Jury makes inquiries—apart from the commonwealth—into crimes.

“In all the history of Adam’s race, no means for limited government with so little cost
and such good result has ever been discovered as the Jury. Indeed, no country that has kept its
common-law Jury has ever lost its freedom. Without the Jury, nothing stands between the
accused and a lone employee of the State called a judge. Justice Story accords: to ignore the Jury
is to forfeit its strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers—this
very danger no longer crouches at the door but is now upon us.”3

The men who assemble to grant permission to the Commonwealth to prosecute are
considered by the United States Supreme Court to be a fourth branch of government. And
more fundamental to the Juryman’s duty is observing for Due Process violations.

“As goes the Jury, so goes the country—but not because the Juror is a representative
of the People. He is not. He neither owes any party nor bears any duty to follow the will of any
other but to follow only truth—as God gives him light. To be sure, American freedom has
always depended upon the People. But more to the purpose, American freedom relies on that
subset of the People called the Jury. To be sure, America has not a government of men but of
law—but not just any law: America is a government of common law, of which the heartbeat is
the Jury. To our forebears, the Jury was their way of life—the reason for which they risked all
and for which many give all: some their lives, others their liberty, others their property, and some
all three.”4

I have been closely examining the judiciary in this Commonwealth. With each
examination, I see more clearly the manipulations to an independent, neutral, and disinterested
judiciary since America declared Independence from an oppressive British Parliament and brute
King on July 4th, 1776.

2 Declaration of Independence: A Common Lawyer Comments Clause by Clause, by Common Lawyer Brent Allan Winters

3 Juror Handbook: A Common Lawyer Comments, by Common Lawyer Brent Allan Winters

4 Ibid.

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Judges maintain their office according to their “good behavior” and are removed on
“conviction of misbehavior.” I recently read Federal Paper No. 78, written by Alexander
Hamilton. It is an excellent read for understanding what is meant by the good behavior of a
Judge. If you don’t have a set of the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers, read them online.
Read Federalist No. 78 before coming to my Community Gathering the last Sunday of October
and most certainly read it before the Court Hearing on October 30th.

Our ignorance of the need to restrain unruly Judges and confront lawlessness in our
courts is a significant contributor to our being compelled by force and the threat of force to
comply with satanically inspired laws. The People will not overcome the tyranny of lawless
police, lawless administrative agencies, lawless Judges, and lawless BAR lawyers by insisting they
obey the law they swore to uphold—the lawless do not obey law.

Instead, there is that which is more fundamental than law—virtue, liberty, and independence
—the very purpose of the Pennsylvania Commonwealth. Virtue in the People is required to
punish the criminal and, therefore, treasonous behavior. We are well past Judges committing
treason against true law, which is the liberty to self-govern.

When you serve as a Courtroom Observer and Juryman, that is virtue serving as a check
on corrupt public servants. We experience the level of corruption we do because there is no
virtue in the men of Lancaster County to stand against evil (Eph. 6:13). This is the phenomenon
Jesus taught about how our light is hidden and how our salt is not preserved from decay—
tasteless. What is the result? We are good for nothing but to be trampled under the foot of men.
How does that sit with your conscience?

Conversely, the King of Freedom also taught victory: “Behold, I give you the authority
to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by
any means hurt you” (Luke 10:19).

The question remains: do we stay in our “good for nothing” trampled under the state or
exercise the authority given to the King’s men to do the trampling on evil? It’s really that simple.
Live a principled life of increasing loyalty to the King of Freedom rather than being an apologist
for the devil-possessed Karl Marx.

In a word, men must master justice. I am leading my family to do just that—training

up our own common law legal team of virtue, liberty, and independence to overcome the evils of
Marxism destroying our communities. When virtue rises in you to be a light in a crooked and
perverse Lancaster County and Commonwealth, the effect is the same as coming into your
kitchen in the dark of night, flipping on the light switch, and observing the cockroaches
disburse frantically. Light confuses roaches! Isn’t that amazing? They thrive in the dark and run
for cover when light exposes their deeds.

The good work of standing against evil in our courts is a way of loving our neighbor—
when their good is evil spoken of. Let’s resurrect love for one another by coming to the aid and
comfort of each other when our good behavior of self-government is being accused of evil.

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Self-government is the government of America’s unseen King, and it is true religion in a day
when compliance with false lawgivers in bureaucratic agencies is destroying our families.

Let’s love our neighbors as ourselves and do good work to resurrect private sector virtue
as a practical application of the Royal Law of Liberty.

The Law-Word of God informs me to “not let my good be evil spoken of.” Therefore, I
am my own lawyer in court over an accusation from PennDOT and a private citizen claiming I
have harassed him. The presumption of innocence unless proven guilty is my good standing, and
it is your standing if you will seize it.

Again, why serve as a Courtroom Observer? You are vital as a witness over the whole
court proceeding, catching the bigger picture of what is taking place, due process violations, and
bad behavior by public servants. After the battle, we’ll return to my house to debrief and write
up affidavits. Be sure to read Federalist Paper No. 78 about judicial misconduct.

Come fellowship in our home on October 27th for discussion and preparation for court-
observing and resurrecting the Common Law Jury. And please, be at liberty to distribute this
opportunity and invite others to these freedom events.

“Do not fear the evil others do,

but the good that you fail to do.”

—Alex Havard

In the power of the King’s Love,

Barry H. Durmaz

P.S. If you need clarification on communism's wickedness, I highly recommend reading or

listening to Richard Wurmbrand's Tortured for Christ.

P.P.S. Join my family on another evangelist effort: Abolishing Prison Slavery. We are outside
the Lancaster County Prison on Sunday afternoons to pray, sing, distribute materials, and preach
the good news of the Great Liberator, Jesus Christ. Please support this vital work in the sacred
cause of restoring the dignity of man out of animal behavior. See video updates at

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NOTE: If you wish to be removed from my network mailing list, I will respect your
wishes if you email me to that effect: [email protected]. Thank you kindly.

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