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C O M F O R T - M A T I C
603.95.838 Ducato MTA Confort GB:603_83_787 Ducato Dual ITA 2-11-2011 9:50 Pagina 1

This Supplement describes the procedure for using the COMFORT-MATIC electronically controlled manual gearbox on the
Fiat Ducato.
For the correct use of the gearbox, it is essential to read this Supplement in full to find out at the outset which operations are
correct and permissible.
For additional information, consult the User Handbook to which this Supplement is attached.
603.95.838 Ducato MTA Confort GB:603_83_787 Ducato Dual ITA 2-11-2011 9:50 Pagina 2

COMFORT-MATIC GEARBOX ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
READY TO START ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
OPERATING PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
WARNING LIGHTS AND MESSAGES ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
IF THE VEHICLE NEEDS TO BE TOWED ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
IF A FUSE BLOWS ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
SERVICE SCHEDULE............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
CHECKING FLUID LEVELS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
AIR CLEANER ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
ENGINE CODES - BODYWORK VERSIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 15
PERFORMANCE .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
TRANSMISSION .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
CAPACITIES ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
FUEL CONSUMPTION / CO2 EMISSIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 18

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Your vehicle is equipped with an elec-
tronically controlled manual gearbox IMPORTANT For correct use of the sys-
known as the “COMFORT-MATIC” that tem, it is advisable to use your right foot
is able to operate in two modes: MAN- only to operate the pedal.
UAL and AUTO. ❒ Press the brake pedal.
The gearbox consists of a conventional F0N0350m ❒ Start the engine.
manual transmission equipped with a lever fig. 1
A-fig. 1, to which has been added an elec- ❒ Push the gear lever towards + (shift up)
tronically-controlled hydraulic device that fig. 1 to engage first gear (if starting
controls the clutch and gear shifts auto- from N or R simply move the lever to
matically. the central position) or R fig. 2 to en-
gage reverse.
❒ Release the brake pedal and press the
accelerator pedal.
❒ When driving, push the gear lever to-
wards (+) fig. 1 to engage a higher gear
or towards (–) fig. 1 to engage a low-
fig. 2 er gear.

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The gearbox can operate in two operat-
ing modes:
❒ the first is manual (MANUAL), where
the driver decides directly when to shift
❒ the second fully automatic (AUTO),
fig. 3 F0N0352m where the system decides when to shift fig. 4 F0N0353m
gear. This mode allows you to use the
UP function (steep road function),
AUTOMATIC MODE which allows you to shift gears at high- CONTROL LEVER
IMPORTANT For correct use of the sys- er speeds to allow you to drive up very Control lever A-fig. 1, on the central
tem, it is advisable to use your right foot steep roads easily with any load. To en- tunnel is a floating multistable lever, i.e. it
only to operate the pedal. gage this function, press the UP but- can take up three stable positions and
ton - fig. 4 between the controls on the three unstable positions.
❒ Press the brake pedal. dashboard. Select the gear and the op-
erating mode MANUAL or AUTO) The three stable positions correspond to
❒ Start the engine. by operating the control lever at any neutral N-fig. 2, reverse R-fig. 2 and the
❒ Push the gear lever to A/M fig. 3, to speed. central position between the unstable po-
engage automatic mode + (higher gear) sitions (–) and (+) fig. 1.
fig. 1 to engage the first gear, if start- The unstable positions, i.e. positions left
ing from N or R move the lever to cen- by the lever as soon as it is released, are
tral position R fig. 2 to engage reverse. upshift request (+), downshift request (–)
❒ Release the brake pedal and press the and automatic mode request (A/M)
accelerator pedal. fig. 3.

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The system is returned to manual mode MANUAL OPERATION

by returning the lever to A/M position. (MANUAL)
With the vehicle at a standstill and the key In this operating mode, the driver is re-
out, the lever may be moved with/without sponsible for choosing the best gear ra-
the brake pedal pressed. The system does tio to engage, depending on vehicle ser-
not carry out any action after the lever has vice conditions.
been shifted and remains in the gear
stored before the key was removed. Proceed as follows to shift gear:
IMPORTANT With the engine running, a ❒ shift the lever to (+) position fig. 1 to
buzzer sounds to indicate errors between engage a higher gear; fig. 5 F0N0354m

the lever position and the gear effectively or

engaged until the inconsistency is resolved.
❒ shift the lever to (–) position fig. 1 to Avoid keeping your hand on
engage a lower gear. the lever when you are not re-
questing a gear shift or an
The accelerator pedal need not be re- Auto/Manual mode change.
leased during the gear change.
The system will not allow the gear change
if the gear shift request could impair cor-
rect operation of the engine and gearbox. AUTOMATIC OPERATION
In this case, the system will notify the dri- (AUTO)
ver that it is not possible to change gear to engage/release automatic mode (AU-
by displaying a dedicated message on the TO) press the lever to A/M position fig.
reconfigurable multifunction display (see 3; activation is indicated by the message
“Warning lights and messages” paragraph), AUTO fig. 5 and the gear engaged ap-
accompanied by a buzzer. pearing on the reconfigurable multifunc-
The system will shift down through the tion display.
gears automatically when the engine is
idling (e.g. during deceleration).

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In AUTO mode, the system will shift Automatic operation INFORMATION ON DISPLAY
gears on the basis of vehicle speed, engine (AUTO with UP function engaged)
rpm and the pressure applied to the ac- When the ignition key is turned to MAR,
celerator pedal. A gear shift may be re- The UP can only be activated with auto- after one second, the reconfigurable mul-
quested by operating the gear lever, but matic mode engaged. tifunction display shows the gear engaged
without necessarily disengaging this mode: and the last mode used (AUTO or
The UP function is turned on by press- MANUAL):
this function, known as ‘gear suggestion’, ing the UP button fig. 4 located between
suspends automatic mode for the time re- the controls in the dashboard. After this N = neutral;
quired to select the ratio requested by the function is activated the (green) warning
driver. 1 = first gear;
light 0 in the instrument panel comes
on together with a confirmation message 2 = second gear;
in the reconfigurable multifunction display
(see next paragraph). 3 = third gear;
Avoid keeping your hand on With the UP active, the system will select 4 = fourth gear;
the lever when you are not re- the most appropriate gear on the basis of
questing a gear shift or an 5 = fifth gear;
vehicle speed, engine rpm and pressure on
Auto/Manual mode change. the accelerator pedal, with the aim of 6 = sixth gear;
overcoming steep gradients in the easiest, R = reverse.
most comfortable manner.
Where necessary (e.g. overtaking), the
system will react to the accelerator be-
ing pressed to the floor by shifting down
through one or more gears in order to de-
liver the power and torque required to
give the vehicle the acceleration required
by the driver (all this takes place in auto-
matic mode, irrespective of whether the
UP function is on or off).

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ENGINE STARTING IMPORTANT If start-up is requested with

the gearbox is a position other than N and
The system permits engine start-up with without the brake pedal pressed, the re-
a gear engaged and also with the gearbox configurable multifunction display shows a
in neutral (N); the brake pedal must al- dedicated message see “Warning lights
ways be pressed with the gear engaged. and messages”). In this case, repeat the
It is advisable to place the gear lever in start-up manoeuvre, pressing the brake
neutral (N) before starting the engine. pedal.
After start-up: IMPORTANT If start-up is requested with
fig. 6 F0N0354m the gearbox faulty, run the “Delayed start-
❒ the gearbox automatically engages neu- up” procedure (see also associated mes-
tral (N) sages): hold the key on AVV position for
When the UP function is activated the
(green) warning light 0 in the instru- ❒ the lever remains in the same position at least 7 seconds with the brake depressed
as the last time the engine was turned and the engine will start. The system will
ment panel comes on together with a con- remain in recovery mode (maximum speed
firmation message in the reconfigurable off
permitted: 3rd, Auto mode not available).
multifunction display. ❒ the reconfigurable multifunction display If the engine does not start, contact a Fiat
IMPORTANT If the display does not show shows the message (N) and an acoustic dealership.
the gear engaged after 10 seconds with the signal indicates any inconsistency be-
tween lever position and the gear en- IMPORTANT When the driver’s door is
ignition key on MAR, turn the ignition to opened, the system activates the auto-
STOP, wait for the display to turn off and gaged
matic part to prepare it for subsequent en-
then repeat the manoeuvre. If the prob- ❒ the gears that may be engaged are 1st, gine start-up.
lem persists, contact the Fiat Dealer- 2nd or reverse (R), with the brake ped-
ship. al pressed.
If the engine does not start
with the gear engaged, a po-
tentially hazardous situation
because the gearbox has au-
tomatically shifted to neutral is indi-
cated by a buzzer.

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Driving off in the vehicle, take-off, is per- ❒ press the brake pedal; For safety reasons, a buzzer warning
mitted in 1st gear, 2nd gear (recommend- sounds when the vehicle is parked with
ed on road surfaces with poor grip) and ❒ with the lever in (N) or (R) fig. 2 the gearbox in neutral (N) (the warning
reverse (R). move the lever to central position and sounds when the ignition key is turned to
then towards + (higher gear) fig. 1; STOP).
To engage 1st gear ❒ with the lever already in central posi- With the vehicle at a standstill, engine run-
tion, move the lever twice toward +
❒ press the brake pedal; (higher gear) fig. 1;
ning and (1), (2) or (R) gear engaged, the
system turns on the buzzer and automat-
❒ with the lever in (N) or (R) shift the ❒ release the brake pedal and press the ically shifts the gearbox to neutral (N)
lever to central position; accelerator pedal. when:
❒ with the lever already in central posi- ❒ the accelerator and/or brake pedals are
tion, move the lever toward + (higher To engage reverse (R) not operated for at least 3 minutes;
gear) fig. 1;
❒ press the brake pedal; ❒ the brake pedal is pressed for longer
❒ release the brake pedal and press the than 10 minutes;
accelerator pedal. IMPORTANT If the vehicle is moving, the
request is accepted and carried out if the ❒ the driver’s door is opened and the ac-
vehicle speed is less than 3 km/h within 1.5 celerator and brake are not operated
seconds of the request: if the request is for at least 1.5 seconds;
not implemented, the system will maintain
the gear engaged or if vehicle speed drops ❒ a fault has been detected in the gear-
below 10 km/h it will put the gearbox in box.
neutral (N) and the manoeuvre must then
be repeated.
❒ Shift the lever to (R) fig. 2;
❒ release the brake pedal and press the
accelerator pedal.

603.95.838 Ducato MTA Confort GB:603_83_787 Ducato Dual ITA 2-11-2011 9:50 Pagina 9

PARKING THE VEHICLE GENERAL WARNINGS ❒ although very inadvisable, if the vehi-
cle is unexpectedly allowed to roll
To park safely, it is essential to engage 1 ❒ With the vehicle at a standstill and a downhill with the gearbox in neutral
gear or reverse (R) gear with your foot gear engaged, keep the brake pedal (N) the system will automatically en-
on the brake pedal. If parking on a slope, pressed until you decide to set off. gage the gear best suited to vehicle
operate the brake pedal. It is also essen- Then release the brake and accelerate speed when a gear shift is requested to
tial to wait until the gear engaged disap- gradually; allow drive to be correctly transmitted
pears from the reconfigurable multifunc-
tion display before releasing the brake ❒ when parked for long periods with the to the wheels;
pedal. engine running, it is advisable to keep ❒ If necessary, with the engine off, it is pos-
the gearbox in (N); sible to engage 1st, R or N with the key
IMPORTANT NEVER leave your vehicle
with the gearbox in neutral (N). ❒ to safeguard clutch efficiency, do not in MAR position and the brake pressed.
use the accelerator to keep the vehi- In this case, gear shifts must be made al-
cle at a standstill (e.g.: parking on a hill); lowing at least 5 minutes to elapse be-
the clutch could be damaged by over- tween one gear shift and the next to
heating. Use the brake pedal instead safeguard the operation of the hydraulic
and operate the accelerator only when system and the pump in particular;
you are ready to set off; ❒ during hill st arts, accelerate gradually
❒ use second gear only when you need but fully immediately after releasing the
more control of take-off during ma- handbrake or brake pedal to allow the
noeuvres on surfaces with low grip; engine to increase its rpm to a greater
extent and overcome higher gradients
❒ if, with reverse (R) engaged, you need with more torque.
to engage first speed or vice versa, on-
ly change gear when the vehicle has
come to a stop and the brake pedal is

603.95.838 Ducato MTA Confort GB:603_83_787 Ducato Dual ITA 2-11-2011 9:50 Pagina 10


AND MESSAGES The message appears on the display to in-
dicate that the driver is using the gearbox The message appears on the reconfig-
incorrectly. urable multifunction display when it is not
“COMFORT-MATIC” Incorrect use (by the driver) could auto- possible to select MANUAL mode with
t GEARBOX FAULT (red) matically activate a procedure for pro-
tecting the system.
the engine running.
When the ignition key is
turned to MAR, the warning
light turns on and should go off after a few
seconds. Contact a Fiat Dealership if
Contact a Fiat Dealership if the message remains on the
The warning light on the dial comes on ei- the message remains on the reconfigurable multifunction
ther steady or blinking (together with a display. display.
message on the reconfigurable multifunc-
tion display and a buzzer) to indicate that
the gearbox is faulty.

If a fault is present, contact

a Fiat Dealership as soon as
possible to check the sys-

603.95.838 Ducato MTA Confort GB:603_83_787 Ducato Dual ITA 2-11-2011 9:50 Pagina 11


NOT AVAILABLE The message appears on the reconfig- DELAYED START-UP
The message appears on the reconfig- urable multifunction display together with The reconfigurable multifunction display
urable multifunction display when it is not a buzzer when the clutch overheats. shows these messages alternately and in
possible to select AUTO mode with the In this situation, limit take-off and gear sequence together with an warning buzzer
engine running. shifts or if necessary park (turning off the when the system does not recognise the
engine) until conditions are optimum. brake pedal to be operational during a
starting attempt.
Contact a Fiat Dealership if In this situation, keep the key on AVV for
the message remains on the at least 7 seconds with the brake pressed:
reconfigurable multifunction If the message still appears on the engine start. The system will be in re-
display. the reconfigurable multifunc- covery mode (maximum speed permitted:
tion display, contact a Fiat 3rd).
IMPORTANT Messages are displayed on-
ly if start-up takes place in a gear other
than neutral (N).
To safeguard clutch efficien-
cy, do not use the accelerator
to keep the vehicle at a stand-
still (e.g.: parking on a hill); Contact a Fiat Dealership if
the clutch could be damaged by over- the messages remain on the
heating. Use the brake pedal instead reconfigurable multifunction
and operate the accelerator only when display.
you are ready to set off;

603.95.838 Ducato MTA Confort GB:603_83_787 Ducato Dual ITA 2-11-2011 9:50 Pagina 12


This message appears on the reconfig- The message appears on the reconfig- (neutral)
urable multifunction display together with urable multifunction display together with This message appears on the reconfig-
a warning buzzer in the following cases: a warning buzzer when the system will not urable multifunction display together with
accept a gear change via the control lever a warning buzzer when the system asks
❒ when it is not possible to change gear because certain conditions required for
due to a fault in the system; the driver to perform the manoeuvre.
acceptance of the gear change are missing.
or When the gearbox is shifted to (N) the
message on the display should go off.
❒ when, due a fault in the system, is is on- PRESS BRAKE PEDAL
ly possible to engage 1st (1), 2nd (2), 3rd AND REPEAT MANOEUVRE
(3) or reverse (R). The message appears on the reconfig-
urable multifunction display accompanied, Contact a Fiat Dealership if
in some cases, by a warning buzzer for the message remains on the
safety reasons if you attempt to change reconfigurable multifunction
Contact a Fiat Dealership if gear with the vehicle parked without pre- display.
the message remains on the viously pressing the brake pedal.
reconfigurable multifunction

Contact a Fiat Dealership if

the message remains on the
reconfigurable multifunction

603.95.838 Ducato MTA Confort GB:603_83_787 Ducato Dual ITA 2-11-2011 9:50 Pagina 13


Ensure the gearbox is in neutral (N) (by The COMFORT-MATIC system components are protected by specific fuses.
checking that the vehicle moves when Contact a Fiat Dealership if a fuse needs replacing.
pushed) and tow in the same way as a nor-
mal vehicle with a manual gearbox (see in-
structions in Owner Handbook).
If it is not possible to put the gearbox in
neutral, do not tow the vehicle and con-
tact a Fiat Dealership.

603.95.838 Ducato MTA Confort GB:603_83_787 Ducato Dual ITA 2-11-2011 9:50 Pagina 14


Check gearbox every

oil level 48,000 km
Check fluid in hydraulic every
clutch operation system 48,000 km
Check fluid in hydraulic every
clutch operation system 96,000 km (or every 2 years)



To check the gear oil and check/replace the hydraulic clutch operating system fluid, contact only a Fiat dealership.

WARNING Used gear oil contains substances that are hazardous for the environment. It is ad-
visable to have oil changed by a Fiat Dealership where used oil will be disposed of
according to the law.

Have the air cleaner replaced by a Fiat Dealership.

603.95.838 Ducato MTA Confort GB:603_83_787 Ducato Dual ITA 2-11-2011 9:50 Pagina 15


A 3000 kg
B 3300 kg
C 3500 kg
Version Engine code D 3500 kg MAXI
E 4005/4250 kg
F 2800 kg
130 Multijet FIAE348ID G 3650 kg
150 Multijet FIAE348IE M Manual gearbox
A Automatic transmission
180 Multijet Power FICE348IE
M 130 Multijet
The following body version code and key is an example that may be applied to all N 150 Multijet
body version codes : P 180 Multijet Power
R 115 Multijet
V 110 Multijet
A Short wheelbase
B Medium wheelbase
C Long wheelbase
MODEL D Medium-long wheelbase
U All wheelbases (incomplete vehicles).
A Chassis cab frame
ENGINE B Platform frame without drive cab
C Platform chassis cab
E Primary school bus
G Long cab trailer
WHEELBASE H Long cab frame
L Secondary school bus
M Bus
VERSION P Panorama
R 6/9 seater crew cab 15
603.95.838 Ducato MTA Confort GB:603_83_787 Ducato Dual ITA 2-11-2011 9:50 Pagina 16

For top speeds, see “Performance” in the “Technical Data” section of the Owner Handbook.


Six speeds plus reverse

Gearbox with electronically-controlled
hydraulic system

Single dry plate with

Clutch hydraulic engagement

Drive Front

603.95.838 Ducato MTA Confort GB:603_83_787 Ducato Dual ITA 2-11-2011 9:50 Pagina 17

Specified fuels
litres kg Recommended products


gearbox hydraulic operating system Specific fluid with“ATF DEXRON
III” additive

Clutch hydraulic operating system 0.050 TUTELA TOP4

Synthetic fluid FMVSS n° 116 DOT
4, ISO 4925 SAE JI704, CUNA NC

603.95.838 Ducato MTA Confort GB:603_83_787 Ducato Dual ITA 2-11-2011 9:50 Pagina 18


Fuel consumption according to Directive 1999/100/EC (litres x 100 km)
CO2 emissions according to 1999/100/CE Directive (g/km).
130 Multijet/150 Multijet Combi versions
Gross vehicle weight Fuel consumption CO2 emissions
Urban Extraurban Combined Combined
30q 8.3 5.6 6.6 173
33q 8.5 5.9 6.9 180
35q 8.5 5.9 6.9 180

130 Multijet/150 Multijet Panorama versions

Gross vehicle weight Fuel consumption CO2 emissions
Urban Extraurban Combined Combined
30q-33q 8.7 6.1 7.1 186

180 Multijet Power Combi versions

Versions Fuel consumption CO2 emissions
Urban Extraurban Combined Combined
Short wheelbase Ducato 9.3 5.5 6.9 181
Medium wheelbase Ducato 10 6 7.5 197
Ducato MAXI 10.5 6.4 7.9 207

180 Multijet Power Panorama versions

Versions Fuel consumption CO2 emissions
Urban Extraurban Combined Combined
Ducato all types 10.5 6.4 7.9 207
603.95.838 Ducato MTA Confort GB:603_83_787 Ducato Dual ITA 2-11-2011 9:50 Pagina 19

Goods transport 130 Multijet/150 Multijet versions (*)

Versions Gross vehicle weight Fuel consumption CO2 emissions

Urban Extraurban Combined Combined

Van CH1/Box truck CH1 MH1/
Cab chassis and double cab (*)/ 3000, 3300, 3500 8.3 6.4 7.1 186
Flatbed cab (*)/Chassis cowl (*)
Van CH1 MH1/box truck MH1 3000, 3300, 3500,
MLH1 LH1/ double cab MH1 3500 Maxi, 4005, 8.5 6.4 7.2 189
4250 Maxi
Van LH1/Double cab LH1, MH1 3300, 3500, 3500 Maxi, 8.8 6.6 7.4 195
4005, 4250 Maxi

(*) Such consumption is meant for vehicles before the conversion.

603.95.838 Ducato MTA Confort GB:603_83_787 Ducato Dual ITA 2-11-2011 9:50 Pagina 20

Goods transport 180 Multijet Power versions (*)

Versions Gross vehicle weight Fuel consumption CO2 emissions

Urban Extraurban Combined Combined

Flatbed truck CH1/Chassis cab frame
and double cab (*)/Chassis cab with 3000, 3300,
9.5 6.5 7.6 200
platform (*)/Chassis cowl (*) 3500

Van CH1 MH1/ 3000, 3300,

Flatbed truck MH1 MLH1 LH1 9.9 6.7 7.9 207
Van CH1/Flatbed truck MH1 MLH1/
Chassis cab frame and double cab (*)/ 3500 Maxi,
Chassis cab with platform (*)/ 4005, 4250 Maxi 10.1 6.8 8.0 210
Chassis cowl (*)

Chassis cab frame (*)/ 3300, 3500,

Chassis cowl (*) 3500 Maxi, 3650, 10.4 6.9 8.2 216
4005, 4250 Maxi
Van CH1 MH1 LH1/ 3500 Maxi,
Flatbed truck LH1/ 4005, 4250 Maxi 10.7 6.9 8.3 219
double cab, MH1 LH1
Van LH1/Flatbed truck LH1/ 10.8 7 8.4 221
3300, 3500
Double cab MH1 LH1
(*) Fuel consumption figures apply to pre-conversion vehicles

Fiat Group Automobiles S.p.A. - Parts & Services - Technical Services - Service Engineering
Largo Senatore G. Agnelli, 3 - 10040 Volvera - Torino (Italia)
Print n. 603.95.838 - 10/2011 - 1 edition


The data contained in this publication is intended merely as a guide. FIAT reserves the right to modify the models and
versions described in this booklet at any time for technical and commercial reasons.
If you have any further questions please consult your FIAT dealer.
Printed in recycled paper without chlorine. C O M F O R T - M A T I C

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