Sayan Das
Sayan Das
Sayan Das
Name – Sayan Das
Roll no - 14400121013
Abstract- This report provides a simplified overview of threat Threat Modelling is a step-by-step way to find and rank
modelling and enterprise information security architecture. It potential dangers to a system.
explains how organizations can identify potential threats, design It helps us understand where problems could happen and
secure systems, and safeguard their data. Threat modelling helps how to fix them before they cause damage.
businesses predict security risks, while enterprise information
security architecture (EISA) defines the structure and policies
needed to protect an organization's information assets. The paper B. Importance of Threat Modelling
covers key principles, techniques, and best practices in easy-to-
understand language. Threat modelling is important because it helps in:
Keywords—Threat Modelling, Information Security, 1) Identifying Risks Early: It allows you to spot potential
Enterprise Architecture, Security Framework, Risk Management, security issues early in the design phase.
Cyber security.
2) Improving Security: By understanding threats, you can
build stronger defenses.
The fast growth In today's digital world, organizations 3) Saving Costs: Fixing issues early is cheaper than
face constant cybersecurity challenges. As data and systems dealing with security breaches later.
grow, so do the potential security threats. Threat modelling
helps identify these risks and find ways to mitigate them 4) Ensuring Compliance: Many industries have
before they cause damage. It is a proactive approach that regulations that require security measures, and threat
involves predicting possible attacks and planning defenses modelling helps meet those requirements.
in advance.
Enterprise Information Security Architecture
(EISA) ensures that security strategies are embedded into
the overall structure of an organization's IT systems. By The process of threat modelling typically involves the
creating a well-planned security architecture, organizations following steps:
can manage security risks more effectively. This report
breaks down these concepts into easy-to-understand steps
and terms, outlining the importance of both threat modeling
and EISA in modern cybersecurity.
C. Procedures
The specific steps to follow to ensure security.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all
those who have supported and contributed to the completion
of this report on "Threat Modelling, Enterprise Information
Security Architecture".