High Voltage Power Transmission Systems 7 May 2023

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High Voltage Power Transmission Systems

Article in Journal of Energy and Power Sources · May 2023


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1 author:

Israr Ahmad
The City School's Pakistan


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High Voltage Power Transmission Systems

Created by Engr Israr Ahmad

Phone: +92-302-2300316
Email: [email protected]

High Voltage Power Transmission Importance of

High voltage transmission systems
High Voltage
Systems refer to the infrastructure Power Transmis- are necessary to reduce energy
used to transmit electrical energy sion Systems losses and ensure the efficient use
over long distances at high voltage of electricity. The higher the volt-
levels, typically ranging from 110 High voltage age, the lower the current required
to transmit the same amount of
kV and above. These systems are power transmis-
power, resulting in reduced resis-
used to transport electrical power sion systems
tive losses along transmission lines.
generated by power plants to dis- play a critical role in modern pow- This reduces the amount of elec-
tribution networks or to other er systems, enabling efficient and tricity lost as heat, which means
reliable transmission of electricity that more energy reaches its in-
power plants, and to interconnect
over long distances. These systems tended destination, resulting in
different power systems. High volt-
are essential for delivering electrici-
age transmission lines are usually higher efficiency. In addition to effi-
ty from power generation sources,
made of metal towers with large ciency, high voltage transmission
such as hydroelectric, nuclear, or
insulators that support overhead systems also contribute to the reli-
thermal power plants, to popula- ability and security of power sys-
power lines. The power is trans- tion centres and industrial areas. tems. These systems are designed
mitted at high voltage to minimize They also facilitate the intercon- to provide redundancy and backup,
the energy losses that occur during nection of regional power grids and ensuring that power can continue
transmission, and is stepped down enable the integration of renewable to flow even if a portion of the sys-
to lower voltages for distribution energy sources, such as wind and tem fails.
to end users. solar power, into the grid.

History of High Voltage Power Components of High Voltage  Switchgear
This is used to control and protect the high
Transmission Systems Power Transmission Systems voltage power system from overload, short
Generation plant circuits, and other faults.
The history of high voltage power transmis- 

This is where electricity is generated from var-  Circuit breakers

sion systems dates back to the late 19th centu-
ry when alternating current (AC) technology ious sources such as fossil fuels, nuclear pow- These are devices used to interrupt the flow
was developed. One of the pioneers of this er, or renewable sources like wind or solar of electricity in the event of a fault in the
technology was Nikola Tesla, who worked power. system.
with George Westinghouse to promote the  Step-up transformer  Protective relays
use of AC power transmission. In the early
This is used to increase the voltage of the These are devices used to detect faults in
20th century, high voltage power transmission
electricity generated at the generation plant the power system and to trigger circuit
systems became more common as demand for
for efficient transmission over long distances. breakers to isolate the fault and protect the
electricity grew. Hydroelectric power plants
 Transmission lines system from damage.
and thermal power plants were built to gener-
ate electricity, and high voltage transmission These are cables that transport high voltage  Reactive power compensation
lines were constructed to transport this elec- electricity from the generation plant to substa- This is used to maintain the stability and effi-
tricity over long distances to cities and towns. tions or distribution centers over long distanc- ciency of the power system by balancing the
Over time, the technology used in high voltage es. reactive power in the system.
power transmission systems has improved,
 Substations  Control systems
with advancements in materials, insulation, and
control systems. Today, high voltage power These are facilities where high voltage elec- These are used to monitor and control the
transmission systems are a critical part of the tricity is transformed into lower voltage elec- operation of the high voltage power trans-
global electrical grid, allowing electricity to be tricity for distribution to homes and business- mission system, ensuring that it operates
generated and distributed efficiently and es. safely and efficiently.
reliably.  Transformers
These are used to transform electricity from
high voltage to lower voltage for distribution
and consumption.

Power Transformers Power transformers are used in a wide range High Voltage Circuit Breakers
of applications, including power generation,
Power transform-
ers are electrical
transmission, and distribution systems. They
are used to step up the voltage of power gen-
High voltage circuit breakers are essential com-
devices that are erated by power plants to high voltage levels ponents in power systems that are designed to
used to transfer for efficient transmission over long distances. protect the electrical equipment and network
electrical energy At the receiving end, they are used to step from damage due to faults and overloads. They
from one circuit down the voltage to lower levels for distribu- are used to interrupt the flow of high voltage
to another circuit, tion to consumers. Power transformers also electrical current in a power system, and to iso-
by means of elec- play a key role in the electrical grid, where late faulty equipment or sections of the network.
tromagnetic induction. They are used to step they are used to regulate the voltage and main- There are several types of high voltage circuit
up or step down the voltage of an alternating tain a stable power supply. They are also used breakers, including:
current (AC) power supply, depending on the in industrial and commercial applications,  Air Circuit Breakers (ACBs)
requirements of the electrical system. The where they are used to power large machinery
These are the simplest type of high voltage cir-
basic design of a power transformer consists of and equipment. In addition to their primary
cuit breakers and are widely used in low voltage
two coils of wire, known as the primary and function of voltage regulation, power trans-
applications. They operate by using air as an arc
secondary windings, wound around a common formers also provide isolation between the
quenching medium.
core made of laminated sheets of iron. The primary and secondary circuits, which helps to
primary winding is connected to the input protect electrical equipment and personnel  Oil Circuit Breakers (OCBs)
power source, while the secondary winding is from electrical hazards. Power transformers These circuit breakers are filled with oil as the
connected to the output load. When an alter- are available in a range of sizes and power rat- arc quenching medium. When a fault occurs, the
nating current flow through the primary wind- ings, from small units used in electronic devices arc is extinguished by the oil.
ing, it creates a magnetic field that passes to large units used in power generation and
through the core and induces a voltage in the transmission systems. They are typically de-
secondary winding. The voltage induced in the signed to operate at high efficiency, with mini-
secondary winding is proportional to the ratio mal losses and heat generation. Overall, power
of the number of turns in the secondary wind- transformers play a critical role in the efficient
ing to the number of turns in the primary and reliable distribution of electrical power,
winding. and their importance cannot be overstated in
modern society.

 Gas Circuit Breakers (GCBs) Surge arresters are installed at various points in
These circuit breakers use sulfur hexafluoride
Surge Arresters the power system, including at the entrance to
substations, on transmission lines, and at the
(SF6) gas as an arc quenching medium. SF6 is
an effective insulator and has a high dielectric Surge terminals of transformers. The selection and
arresters, placement of surge arresters depends on the
strength, making it an ideal choice for high
also voltage level and the specific characteristics of
voltage applications.
known as the power system. Surge arresters have several
 Vacuum Circuit Breakers (VCBs) important benefits, including:
These circuit breakers use a vacuum as the arc arresters,  Protection of electrical equipment and net-
quenching medium. They are compact and re- are im- work from overvoltage surges caused by
quire minimal maintenance. portant lightning strikes or switching operations.
 Hybrid Circuit Breakers compo-
 Prevention of damage to equipment and
nents in high voltage power transmission sys-
These circuit breakers combine two or more reduction in equipment downtime.
tems. They are designed to protect electrical
of the above types of circuit breakers to pro- equipment and network from overvoltage  Reduction in the frequency and duration of
vide better performance and reliability. High surges caused by lightning strikes or switching power outages.
voltage circuit breakers are typically rated in operations. Overvoltage surges can cause  Improved system reliability and stability.
terms of their voltage and current carrying damage to electrical equipment, disrupt power
capacity. They are designed to operate under Overall, surge arresters are an essential com-
transmission, and even cause blackouts. Surge
a wide range of conditions, including high tem- ponent in high voltage power transmission sys-
arresters are used to protect against these
peratures, extreme weather conditions, and tems. They provide protection against overvolt-
surges by diverting the surge current away
high levels of mechanical stress. In addition to age surges and help to ensure the reliable and
from the equipment and safely discharging it to
interrupting the flow of electrical current, high safe delivery of electricity to consumers.
the ground. Surge arresters work by providing
voltage circuit breakers also have other im- a low impedance path to ground for the surge
portant functions. They provide protection current. They consist of a spark gap and a
against overloads, short circuits, and ground metal oxide varistor (MOV) connected in par-
faults. They also help to maintain the stability allel. When a surge voltage exceeds the break-
of the power system by isolating faulty equip- down voltage of the spark gap, the spark gap
ment or sections of the network. Overall, high fires and provides a low impedance path to
voltage circuit breakers are critical compo- ground. The (MOV) provides a high imped-
nents in power systems that help to ensure ance path to ground under normal operating
the reliable and safe delivery of electricity to conditions but conducts current when a surge
consumers. voltage exceeds its threshold voltage.
 Suspension Insulators: In addition to their insulation properties, high
Insulators These are used for high voltage transmission voltage insulators also provide mechanical sup-
lines and are designed to be suspended from port to the high voltage conductors. They must
Insulators are the supporting structure using a metal hook. be designed to withstand high winds, ice loads,
and other environmental factors that can cause
essential com- They are typically used for voltages between 33
kV and 500 kV. mechanical stress. Power cables are an im-
ponents in high
portant component of high voltage power
voltage power  Strain Insulators:
transmission systems. They are used to trans-
These are used to support the conductor at the mit electrical energy over long distances under-
systems. They
end of the transmission line where it is termi- ground or underwater where overhead lines
are used to
nated. They are designed to withstand both are not feasible or appropriate. Power cables
support and
tension and compression forces and are typical- used in high voltage power transmission sys-
electrically isolate the high voltage conductors
ly used for voltages up to 500 kV. tems are typically designed with an insulating
from the supporting structure, which is usually a
 Post Insulators: material that is capable of withstanding high
tower or a pole. The insulators prevent the
voltages and transmitting large amounts of elec-
electrical current from flowing through the sup- These are used in substations and switchyards trical energy over long distances with minimal
porting structure and help to ensure the safe where the voltage is typically between 33 kV loss. The insulating material used in high volt-
and reliable delivery of electricity. High voltage and 500 kV. They are designed to be mounted age power cables is usually made of a solid or
insulators are subjected to a variety of stresses on a metal post and can be used for both in- stranded conductor that is surrounded by lay-
during their operation, including electrical, me- door and outdoor applications. ers of insulating material, such as paper, oil, or
chanical, and environmental stresses. They must
 Composite Insulators: synthetic polymers.
be able to withstand these stresses without
breaking down or losing their insulating proper- These are made of a fiberglass core and a poly-
ties. There are several types of high voltage in- mer or silicone rubber housing. They are de-
sulators used in power transmission systems, signed to be lightweight, durable, and resistant
including: to environmental stresses. They are typically
 Pin Insulators: used in areas with high pollution levels or cor-
rosive environments.
These are the most common type of insulators
used in power transmission systems. They are
designed to be mounted on the supporting
structure using a metal pin and are typically
used for voltages up to 33 kV.

Power Cables
There are several types of power cables used
in high voltage power transmission systems, in-
 High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Cables:

These are used for transmission of electricity

over long distances (typically more than 50 km)
with minimal loss. They are designed to with-
stand high voltages and transmit large amounts
of electrical energy over long distances.
 High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC)

These are used for transmission of electricity

over shorter distances (typically up to 50 km)
with minimal loss. They are designed to with-  Underground Cables:
stand high voltages and transmit large amounts
of electrical energy over short distances. These are used for transmission of electricity in urban areas or other areas where overhead lines
are not feasible or appropriate. They are designed to withstand the harsh underground environment
 Submarine Cables:
and transmit large amounts of electrical energy over short distances. Power cables used in high volt-
These are used for transmission of electricity age power transmission systems are subject to a variety of stresses, including electrical, thermal, and
across oceans or large bodies of water. They mechanical stresses. They must be designed to withstand these stresses without breaking down or
are designed to withstand the harsh marine en- losing their insulating properties.
vironment and transmit large amounts of electri-
cal energy over long distances.

Substations are an important component of high
voltage power transmission systems. They are
used to transform and distribute electricity from
the transmission system to the distribution sys-
tem and to control the flow of electricity. Sub-
stations also play a critical role in ensuring the
safety and reliability of the power system.
Substations can be classified into two main cate-
gories based on their function: transmission sub-
stations and distribution substations.
 Transmission Substations:
These are used to transform the voltage of elec-
tricity from the high voltage transmission level
(typically 230 kV to 765 kV) to lower voltages
for distribution (typically 33 kV to 132 kV). They
are usually located near the power generation
plant or at key points along the transmission sys- Distribution substations typically contain smaller transformers than transmission substations and are designed
tem. Transmission substations typically contain to handle lower power loads. They also contain circuit breakers, disconnect switches, and other protective
large transformers that are used to step down
devices to control the flow of electricity and protect the equipment from damage. Substations also play an
the voltage of electricity from the transmission
level to the distribution level. They also contain important role in managing the power system. They are equipped with monitoring and control equipment
circuit breakers, disconnect switches, and other that allows operators to monitor the flow of electricity and make adjustments to ensure that the system re-
protective devices to control the flow of elec- mains stable and reliable.
tricity and protect the equipment from damage.
 Distribution Substations:
These are used to transform the voltage of elec-
tricity from the transmission level to the level
required for distribution to consumers (typically
11 kV to 33 kV). They are usually located closer
to the consumers and may serve a smaller geo-
graphic area than transmission substations.

High Voltage Power
 AC Transmission:

AC (alternating current) transmission is the

most common technology used for high voltage
power transmission. AC transmission technology
is based on the principles of electromagnetic in-
duction, where an alternating current is passed
through a conductor to generate an electromag-
netic field. This electromagnetic field can then be
used to transmit electrical energy over long dis-
tances. In AC transmission, the voltage of the elec-
trical energy is typically stepped up using trans-
formers to reduce the amount of current required
for transmission, which in turn reduces power
losses due to resistance in the transmission lines.
The voltage can then be stepped down using trans-
formers at the receiving end to bring the voltage  DC Transmission:
back to levels that can be used for distribution.
DC (direct current) transmission is an alternative technology for high voltage power transmission that has
become increasingly popular in recent years. DC transmission technology is based on the principles of elec-
trochemistry, where an electrical current flows in one direction between two conductors. In DC transmis-
sion, the electrical energy is converted from AC to DC using a converter station. The DC current is then
transmitted over the transmission lines to the receiving end, where it is converted back to AC using another
converter station. The voltage of the DC transmission can also be stepped up or down using converter

 Hybrid Transmission :
Planning and Design of High Voltage Power Transmission Systems
Hybrid transmission is a combination of both AC
and DC transmission technologies, where both
The planning and design of high voltage power transmission systems is a complex process that involves
various technical and non-technical considerations. Here are some of the key steps involved in the planning
technologies are used together to optimize power
and design process:
transmission over long distances. In hybrid trans-
mission systems, AC transmission is used for the  Needs Assessment: The first step is to assess the need for the power transmission system, including the
initial stages of power transmission, with DC trans- demand for electricity, growth projections, and potential sources of power.
mission used for the final stages of transmission.
 Route Selection: Once the need has been established, the next step is to identify potential routes for
This allows for the benefits of both technologies to
the power transmission system. This involves assessing factors such as terrain, environmental impact,
be utilized, including the efficiency and voltage con-
land use, and other constraints.
trol of AC transmission and the long-distance capa-
bility and lower losses of DC transmission. One  Load Flow Analysis: Load flow analysis is used to determine the electrical characteristics of the trans-
example of a hybrid transmission system is the use mission system, including voltage, current, and power flow. This analysis helps to ensure that the trans-
of High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmis- mission system can meet the power demand and maintain system stability.
sion for interconnecting different power grids or  Short Circuit Analysis: Short circuit analysis is used to evaluate the impact of a fault or disruption in the
for transmitting power over long distances, with power transmission system. This analysis helps to identify potential problems and ensure that the sys-
AC transmission used for local distribution. tem can withstand such events.
 Protection System Design: The protection system design involves selecting and designing protective
devices such as circuit breakers and surge arresters, to ensure that the power transmission system is
safe and reliable.
 Electrical Equipment Selection: Electrical equipment selection involves selecting the appropriate trans-
formers, cables, and other components for the power transmission system, taking into account factors
such as voltage level, power capacity, and environmental conditions.
 Construction and Commissioning: Once the design has been finalized, the power transmission system
can be constructed and commissioned. This involves testing the system to ensure that it is operating as
intended and can meet the power demand.
 Maintenance and Upgrades: Finally, the power transmission system must be regularly maintained and
upgraded to ensure that it remains safe and reliable over its operational lifetime.

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