BMG 1927 03
BMG 1927 03
BMG 1927 03
SOJos{"I CAN' T CET OVERA CIRL LIKE YOU" (ar r. by Emile Grims haw).
" (W, M.Rice).
" HONOLULU CAKE-WALK " (Vess Ossman).
Read below what a Birkenhead player says :-
21 Gns
Fitted with the n e w manship perfect.
"Paragon" Resonator,
' illustrale d on back page " H. H. "
of cover. JJ
== ==== == === ~
ESSEX& SON~ BOND ST .. London,W.
B. M. G . ( i\l arc h , 192 i
BANJOIST High-Grade Instruments
Staccato Playing,
CLIFFORD ESSEX & SON, 15a, Grafton Street , Bond Stre et , London, W.
Jt Qnontef?Ql\aga3fnt btt'ottb to t~t JnttrttJt&'of t~t ®Anjo,
t d;,dfott ~nb 1tinbttb Jnifrumtnte-.
93 pla yc,ci, is u nequall ed by an~· oth er ,f'conc\ and thir<l strings of g11t. Th e
ANSWER S TO QUERIF.S 95 instrument for beauty and qna lit~· of player who will arrange a nd play real
"8 . M .G ." D1r>LOMAS ... 94 tone . I t is an instrum en t fer th e lover guitar accompan iment s to one or two
9'> favour ite waltzes will produce realh·
8 .M .G. KOTF.S or rea l music, and as th ere are excellent
CORRES? O~DE~ CI•: .•. 9$
channi:-ig effects and be really versatii~.
books of instruction, ~.nd hundr eds of
EX ? RESSto :,.: o:-- ·nu~ ~., :--,10 8.J
charming solos a, ·ailabl e, I think that
Gt"IT A I{ Ri=:CIT.\I . AT T lli- : \\'H i MOHE 1-fAt.T..
B.r .-\. f. C :.l.mcr S..; many banjo teach ers who hithe rto
Hox o u : LL' c. ,i..:1 -: \ \".-'.1.t•: 92 havE' gi·; en littl e thought to the gai tar, MR. E. H. KEYS.
i\l At:-.1~,· Anot :-r P1.AY~R:o, 83 might "·ith ad,·antage to themselve,
N EW DA~ CE :\[ USlC \\"l7H P AR TS J.~01- IlAXJO
Mr. E . H. Keys, wi1ose photo app ears
A NO Tt:: NOR-BA XJO ... 93
now give th e instrument some of th e on the ne xt, is a banjoi st of over
NOT ES A:,.:o CO;\f;\I E::-:·rs. fh The Ednor . .. 81
attention it so thoroughly deserves. twenty-fiv l' years' exper ience. He
~i~~i~e~~\;~~!;-1~ ;1~!f~\c;~!.rF~~~~;-~\ 1~cb ~ Every teache r who has intereste d teach es the instrument at East Dulwich ,
Tboroas . himself in the ukulel e or banju ke and is a "B.M.G ." E xami ner for this
Ko ·n::.sox T H € ~f A:--001.1:-: So1.o 1:-; -r111s I ssvi.-:. 92 should certain ly play the gu ita r, for distr ict . ~lr. Keys has a happy knack
RE Sl,;f.1T Of' TH R!::t:: '' B. I\l. (;_" CO. \JPETlllOZ-: S 82
it provi <les the finest of all accompan i- of creating and maintaining enthu-
Stcan-R.£.AO!X G FO!t B:,:-.Jo1s·rs. Uy the Editor 85 siasm among hi; pupil;, and it is not
ments to t hese sma ller instrumen ts.
THE TE:t'\0R-13.\NJ0. By A ndr t!w :'\1ontgomcry 92 surprising , the refore, t hat his serv ices.
TR1BL"T f: TO Ti!€" PARA GO:-: •· 9~ A portrait of Sei'ior Andres de as a teac her are so much sought aft er ·
$A. X 0l'IIOKES FUR HO. \! E PL. ,\\"l ~ C ... 9_; Segovia is repro duced elsewhere in this in East Dulwich and sur rounding,
\VnA· r OTHERS S,\Y 82 issne of" B.M .G." districts .
Are you intere s ted in the advancement of the Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar?
B . M. G. [March, 19 27
"T h e Ba n shee": A new solo for Ba nj o-•fin ge r style, plectr u m sty l e or te no r -ba nj o.
"Ex "placed above a chord indicates an extension of the fourth finger beyond the usual c/oee poait~cn of the left hand.
Issued as a Banjo supplemec.t to"B.M.G:'by special arrangeme,::twith The Lawrence Wright ~ r..sic C<!Denmark St. London.W. C. 2.
British owntrs of the copyr ight. · . ·.
To obtain a piano accompai::imeot for ase with this solo,every play er should purchase the sor.g'I can't get over a girl li ke you"Price
~1 post fr ee obtaioabe fro;;:_Mt!ssrs.Lawrc:i ce \\"ri i:;r.t or CEfford Essex & Son.,15~ Graftou St.New Bond St. Londou.W. 1.
l\:ot to lie pfaycd too fast, but the rhythm "W(lllmarked,
By VESS 0S8)1.AN.
Played with great sucee,;;; by
1" fJ
·• ~··· · ·· · · ··· .·.---···'··· ·:
• . •
l i. · I ~ I ' ~
V.1~BAXJO. - ..,
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HAREl\1- s·c.Lt\RElvf.
March tempo. 1st. l1A1'TDOLIN.
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EP[btr P1Ea:tfi§ff1E~
International Copyright.
CLIFFORD ESSEX C?, The Home of the B:rnjo, Ma.ndolin &. Gu.ital'.15a.,!Trafton.St. Bond St. W
March, 1927] B. M. G. 91
16 Popular Songs
arranged for Banjo b_y EMILE GRIMSHAW
Con-t e n-t s
Lonesome aud Sorry . . Fo.i ·•trt>I Behind the Clouds .. F o.<•trol
Tha t Night in Araby . .
Let Me Call You Sweet-
heart .. Walt:
Meet Me at Twilight . .
Tell Me To-night
For Baby and Me
Mary Lou
Memories Of You
and other Musical Instruments
are not only by far the best obtain-
Oh Charley I Take It Sing Your Sorrows able-- they represent the finest
Aw ay .. O,u -slll Away ..
Matador .. Ting a Ling .. Wall: value for money ever offered in the
Some Oth er Bird Whis - Tenderly . . . . Fox-lrol
tled a Tune .. P'ox-lrcl Here Comes Malinda. music world. There is no better
Price 1/ -, Postage 2d. extra, from
proof of this than unsolicited testi-
e.FEI.DMAN & CO., monials from users of " JOH N
125-129, Shaftesbury Avenue London, W .C. 2. GREY & SONS" Instruments.
This letter is typical of many in
our possession :-
.. Just over a year ago I purchased
one of your Tenor-Banjos , a John
"The Banjo,and Howto Play It."
Gr ey model, at £6.
Price nei, postag e 3d. extra . •· Since then I have been playing
''250 Banjo QueriesWorth Answering." it regularly at the best Dance Halls
in D erby and distric t, and I am now
Price 1/6 net, postage 1d. extra.
CliffordEssex& Son,15a, GraftonSt.,BondSt.,London,
W. playing at the Palais de Danse,
Derby, with Alec Marshall' s Broad-
way Band. I feel that I ought to tell
you that I consider it the finest in-
vestment I have ever made. T he
Tenor-BanjoNo.124 tone is perfect, and it is exception-
Neekof we ll ,easo ned ,elected
walnut . Two-layer fingerboard ally easy to finger. I thank you very
or sycamore and ebony, inlaid very much for producing an instru-
with mothe r-o'-p earl. Heel lo
match fingerboard, 17 nickel-
ment at such a price.
silver raised rrcl s. Pat ented ·· I am writing this te,timonial be-
non-slip grip peg,. BODY: cause I feel it is my duty to do so, but
highly nickel-p lated do uble
,pu n , he ll, lined with I I-inch should you desire to use it you have
!-rench polished laminated rim. my full permission.
Nick el-plated heavy strain ing
hoop. 28 br.c kel$. Selected •· W ith many very sincere thanks,
vellum. Nickel -p lated extend- •· I am, Sirs,
ed 1ailpiece with pressure
bar . Nick e l-plated
sleeve guard . . . .
£6 "Yours faithfully "
(name on request).{)w&Sons
"C at hedral•· Strings can be bought in any large Ciiy
1hroughcut the civilised world. · Their fame, whi ch
was rapid ly esttblished as British, has become inter~
nati : na l in charac ter.
Violini sh in Mexico, in the Uni1cd State s and
Write for the latest Jffostrafed Catalogue" E" of John
Have you bad ,1 i Can ada, in Ch 'na and Japan. in India, Afric , , and Grey & Sons Banjos and other Dance Band Instrument s.
copy? Jf aot, write 1 Australia, are to-day playing upon °Cathedral .. Sent Free on request.
: for one at <met. 1 Strin gs, and finding the playing "good ." Why~
; S ie.nt fr ~~ :a1,,:t r.,01't :
free to ;11nyadd r tSS-. j Why, just because or 1he wonderful "Ca1hedral ·· fj>~ ,
.., quality-th at superb, never-varying quali1y due to
our special pr ocesses cf manufaclure.
:f.Sritisbmu sic $tririgs, '.J!tb.
5, 130, Shacklewell
Te lephon e : Clissold 1714.
Lane, Dalst o n , E.s.
Td cSra ma: " •co llo. Kinla nd, London," =, , ,:,mS ~
+.-00-1'-;.:,I.ONDOH, s:.w.
B. M. G. [ March, 1927
T HERE are to-day a large number
of enthusiasts takin g up the
study of the tenor-banjo, the
" Scarborough.
"The · Paragon ' banjo whid, I
majority of whom appear to have the
mistaken idea that the tenor-banjo
is only used for playing the chords in
bought from you in December last is
the most perfect inst rument I have
ever handled. "T. E. V."
T HI S month's mandolin solo is
an Eastern num ber, and is
highly effective as either a
a modern dance band, and that nothing mandolin solo or mandolin orchestral
furth er is required. item with piano accompaniment.
I will endeavour to point out to " Thornton Heath . The whole of the composit ion should
these budding performers what a beau- " The ' Paragon · far exceeds in be played staccato with the exception
tiful instrum ent the tenor-banj o is in value any other banjo at double the of th e Trio, where consecuti ve crotchets
the hands of a moderate ly skilful price. I hav e had many enquiries about or longer notes occur. All the expression
play er, apart from chord playing. the instmment since I have been signs should be carefully observed, and
To know and hear the tenor-banjo playing it. "A . O." a st rongly marked accent should be
at its best, the stud ent mtst at once placed on th e first beat in each bar.
cultivat e a really good tremolo, which " Ha re:n-Scarem " is also obtainable
" Sheffield. for solo and second banjo; if the piece
can only be acquired in the first place
by knowing the correct method of " I have used the ' Parago n ' banj o is used in orchestra l form, a good plan
holding the plectrum, and then dili- on the stage of the Empire Theatr e in is to include tom-tom effects with taps
gently pr actising until a smooth and this city, and am convinced that for on the first, third and fourth quaver
regular tone is produc ed. pure tone and power, the instru ment is beats in each bar .
The plectrum must be held perpe ndi- supreme. "A . E. S."
cularly, so that the flat side catches th e
strings evenly . " Manchester.
The movement of th e hand must " I broadca st regularly every Satur - HONOLULU
come entir ely from the w:ist, which day, and have severa l lett ers from
should be a little arched. different parts of the countr y applaud-
When the student has become fairlv ing my playing and the clear, crisp
proficient with th e plectrum he should
turn his attent ion to the art of phra sing,
sound of th e ' Para gon ' banjo.
"H. M. G."
B ANJO ISTS who like a syncopated
tune, and most do in these days ,
will appreciate " Honolulu Cake-
ta king gr~at care lo note the var ious
arti culations and slurs, always bearin g Walk " in this month's music supple-
in mind that , just as literature depend s " Birmingham . ment.
for its sense on commas, semicolons, If any of the younger players are at
" The 'Paragon' banjo is satisfac - all doubtful of the time in any of the
etc., so does music upon its various tory in every way, and I am very
articu lations and slurs. bars, it will be found a good plan to
pleased with it. "F. G." double the amount of beats in each
It is quite possible for the tenor- bar.
banjoi st to play at least eighty-five " Nottingham . Fo r example, a capable player would
per cent . of th e violin parts of t he have no difficulty in counting th e first
up-to-dat e dance music with compara - " There is nothin g better than the
'Pa ragon.' "G . 1." bar if he counted only two -beats,
tive ease, and I have on numerous because he recognises the t ime as soon
occasions played at good-class dances as he looks at the bar through having
with piano, tenor-banjo, and drums, " Rochda le. seen similar combinations of notes in
using the orchest ral pa rts of the modern " For beaut v of tone, and excellence other solos
dance music for violin and piano.
The " G " and " C " strings of the
tenor-banjo are very effective in tenor
of workmanship, I have never seen the
' Parago n 's' equal. "F. Mn.Ls." ·--~
----- ·~·•----
--rir t=-1=-i=-t-t=
- --.
~ :.._
1- - ~ 1..~-
saxophone cues in the absence of the
saxophone. Th e glissando o:i th e " D "
and " G " stri ngs is most pleasing , A NEW 1st
. ------ -- ---
Coijnting r
especially in waltzes, if the player lias The usual method of counting th e
a thorou gh mastery of the plectrum. TENOR-BANJO abov~ bar would be I and 2 and 3 and 4,
no note' occurring on the actua l second
I would advise all players of this
instrum ent, when using the tremolo, STRING. beat . If, however, the young player
to endeavour to imitate the smooth ~Jessrs. Clifford Esse x & Son have will agai11 double the counting and
bowing of the violin. in tr oduc ed a Ne w 1st Tenor - Ban jo count two fours in each bar at twice
String that entirely removes the diffi- the speed, it is easier to analize the bar.
culty previously experienced by players
of foll-siz e instrume n ts in tuning up ·•· t:..:
to "A."
A Golledion of Se'Venfy Familiar NO INCREASEIN PRICE
. ;. ---·-=:-:t;;.::.-!=
- -- --
Melodies Progress('l)e[y Arranged Gutlrante cd to tune above the not e '' A. "
Counting 1. 2 3 4 1 z 3 4
By MYRON BI C KFORD CL IF FORD ESSEX fi SON, This might be done with any other
4/6 Posr FRBB. 15a , G rafton St., Bond St ., London , W, bars th at seem to present difficulties.
Those who a.pprecia.te your playing may we lcome the suggesti on tha.t the y lea.rn to pla.y the instrument.
Ma rch, 1927) B. M.. G . . 93
stage, this being in the original " Bing Boys " at the
Alhambra Theatre , London. The violinist, pianist, and
wind instrument section appear at most of the big
symphony concerts at th e Queen's H~ll or the Albert
Hall when dance engagements penmt.
The drumm er, Mr. Billy Culmer, is an experienced
variety performer , and appeared for some considerab le
time in that well-known act, "The Ten Loonies," and
also in " Casey's Court."
If Billy Culmer had not decided to become a pro-
fessional musician, he might have become a first-class
professional footballer . During the moments when he
is not actua !ly playing at a ball he is either talking
abo ut one or kicking one about.
Gharing Cross Road, W.C. 2, have issued:
"Just a Bird's-Eye View," " I don't Want
Nobody but Yon," "Ta lking to the Moon," and
W E other
give on this page a photo reproduction of !\fr.
Al. Vorzanger
(seated at the piano) and his Savannah Dance Band. The
players are ~[r. Stan Mitchell (piano), Mr.
"Meadow Lark," with parts for banjo and tenor-banjo.
The Lawrence Wr ight Music Co., of 19, Denmark
Street, W.C. 2., have issued : " I can't get over a girl
Billy Brooklyn (banjo), Mr. Eric Todd (trumpet), i\lr. Fred like you," " Red Rid ing Hood," "Sonny Boy,"
Maybank (violin), and i\fr. Harry Gleaves (drums) . "Sw inging Along," "Dismal Desmond," and " I'll
Thi s band hi1s a large :rncl up -to-cli1te repertoire, and the Follow your Footsteps," with parts for banjo and
players use Buescher bra ss inst rnments, to which Mr. Vorzan- tenor-banjo.
ger says th ey owe much of thl;'ir snccrss. Messrs. B. Feldman & Co., of 125, Shaftesbury
Avenue, W.C.2, have issued : "Y iddisha MISS IVY PECK, of Hern e Hill, h as MR. GEORGE i\focE, of Olifants-
Charles ton," "She's st ill my Baby," passed the" A" Grade test for Banjo lin font ein, S.A., has passed the "A"
"I can't Forget," and "To -night You playing. and " B " Grade tests for Ban jo
Belong to Me," with parts for banjo Teacher: Miss Lily Ridler. playing.
and tenor-ban jo Exa miner : Mr. E mile Grimshaw . Exami ner : Mr. F . Gittus .
iVIessrs. Keith Prowse & Co., Ltd .,
of 42, Poland Street, W.I, have issued :
"Do the Black Bot tom with Me," MR. WILL!..\MDONALDSON,of Clap- MR. BERNARD Boom, of Birming-
" Idolizing," " Dream of Love and ham, has passed the " A " Grade test ham, has passed the " A " Grade test
You, " and "Julius," with va rt s for for Baujo play ing. for Banjo playing .
banjo and tenor-banjo. Teacher : Miss Lily Rid ler. Examiner : Mr. F. Gittus .
Messrs. Ascherbe rg, Hopwood & Examiner: Mr. Emile Grimshaw .
Crew, of 16, Mortimer Street, have
issued : " Paree," with a pa rt for MISS BEATIE CLAY,of Birmingham,
tenor -bano j. MR. A. POOLE, of Ardwick, h as
passed the " A " Grade test for Ban jo has passed the " A " Grade t est for
Messrs. Chappell & Co., of 50, New Mandolin play ing.
Bond St reet, have issued : "Whistle play ing.
Teacher: iVIrs. Lobb . Examiner: Mr. F . Gittus.
Away Your Blues," wit h parts for
banjo and teno r-banjo. Examine r: Mr. Jo e Cashmore.
MR. ERIC MASON,of Birm ingh am , has
MR. NoRM/\N WARDLE, of Bolton, passed the " A " Grade test for' Banjo
has passed the " A " Grade test for playing .
Ban jo playing. Examiner : Mr. F . Gittus.
Teac her : Mrs. Lobb.
"B.M .G." DIPLOMAS. Exam iner : Mr. Joe Cashmo re.
MR. A. E . LEWIS, of 59, Beaumont
St reet, Liverpool, has been appointed
Mn. DAVE THOMAS , of 50, Stockwell i\-IR.WALTERE. HAWKER,of Camber- "B. M.G." Diploma Examiner for Liver-
Road, S.W.9, has been appo inted an well, has passed the " A " Grade test pool and Southport.
Examiner for "B.M.G." Diplomas for for Banjo playing.
the Clapham and Brixton districts. Teacher : Miss Rosina Langmead.
Examiner : i\fo-s Lily Rid ler. MR. s. HOLLINGS,of Batte rsea, has
passed the " B " Grade test for Banjo
MR. P . J. Boirn. of New Bedford playing .
Road, Luton , has been appointed an MR. SIDNEY BROWNING,of Birken- Teacher : Mr. Emi le Grimshaw .
Exam iner for "B.M.G." Diplomas for head, has passed the " A " Grade test Examiner : Mr. C. W . Spalding.
Luton and distr ict . for Banjo playing.
Examiner : Mr. Harry Hurst.
i\IR. W. H. ALLEN, of Gorton, has
MR. SYDNEYJ. RICH, of ,-:5, Hannon passed the " A " Grade test for Banjo
MISS BLANCHEOWEN, of Dorridge, playing .
Road, King's Heath, Birmingham. has
has passed the " A " Grade test for Exam iner : Mr. H . F . Greenwood .
been appointed an Exam iner for
"B.M .G." Dip lomas for Birmingham Ban jo playing .
Teacher : Mr. Earp.
and district .
Examiner : Mr. Sydney G. Hull. MR. WALTERISHERWOOD,of Ather-
ton, has passed th e " A " Grade test
IVLo\STEREDGARGREENWOOD, of Win- for Tenor -ban jo playing.
nipeg, has passed the " A " Grade test Teacher : Mrs. Barbara Lobb.
has passed the " B " Gra de test for
for Tenor -ban jo play ing. Exam iner : Mr. H. F . Greenwood.
Banjo playing.
Examiner : Mr. Ted Mills. Teacher : Mr. Albert Lyles.
E xaminer : Mr. W. Whittington .
Th e re n deri n g-of du ets is a n exce ll ent m eth od of impr oving one's k no wle d ge of t ime.
March , 1927) B. M. G.
R. A .-Your suggestion that strips of
wood should be fitted in the lid of the
case to protect the lining from damage
by the bridge i5 quite good, but the iclea
SAXOPHONES was written about al some :ength in
" B.J1.G." fo me years ago .
HOME R . M.-The little screw on your
J. X .-T hanks fo,· yo ur l<>tter in refer-
ence to banjo nomenclature. \Ve cannot
7,ither-banjo fitted between that part of
the rim between the end of the finger-
and the flange is for the purpose
give you the name oi a first-class teacher
of mu sical theo ry ia you r county.
Your public library probably contains
of giving added rigidity to the handle. many works on theory and harmony.
The tenclcnc i• of a handle is to come
forward, but if this scrC'w is extended so
~ to. fit tightly between the flange and
nm. 1t helps towards the pre"ention o f L. H .- (1) Th e tenor-banjo is never
IT H just a little enterprise on the handle coming forward. played in finger style.
W the part of a olaver, two more
play ers can · be· fonnd who
(2) Gut strings are not a success on the
tenor-banjo .
would be glad to foregnthcr in the
W. J.. -( 1) \\'h en rapid chords :\re (3) The best type of bridge for the
evcnmg for mutual practic e. lf, th en,
two alto pla,·c:-s can be assembled being played with altern;ite down :c:nd up tenor-ba njo is a mailer of taste. Person-
with_c?1e 13flat tenor play er, it become; pkctral strok~s, it is permissible 10 play a lly we pr efer :he Grover de Luxe (fitted
po~~1~le to get a pretty good effect by the top note on ly with the up stroke. with an ebony top).
choosmg those three parts from the lt is easier to play the complete cho:·d
cu rre::t orchestrations as they arc with an upstroke if th~ body of the banjo
arranged nowada,·s. It is sometimes is held perpendicular so that the string.,
E. F. (0 itario).-\\'c arc much inter-
a rather tir esome· proposition to orac- are in a line with the strokes of the right
hand. The disad,·antage of thls met11od ested in yocr Jetter in which you say that ·
tisc aloi~e. bnt with thrt: c congenia l almost all the dance tenor-banjoists yo u
soul;, and of conrse somebody to p lav of holding, however, is that the player
Cl'lnnot sec the fingetboarcl. have met in your country piay entirely
the piano part, a sa xophone group cai1 by cnr. l t may in terest you to know that
(2) As th e player you name plays only
not on ly have a lot of fun, but make danc e banjoists and teno r-banjoist s in
pretty good music. the tenor-ban Jo he is scarcely in a positi on
to give an opinio n as to whether the banjo this country play from the print <.'dparts,
i\Iost of th e orchestrations one finds and do not ha\'e to be comedians in order
-on the market now have a part labelled or the tc:1or-banjo is :he better instru• \\'e advisr you
to secure engagements.
" First saxophone, E fiat alto," ano th er mcnt for dance orchestral work . A short
time ago he ?.dvocated the reading of to_ play both banj o and tcnor-ba;ijo .
part lab elled " Second saxophone, B \\ atch "B ..11.G." for an important
llat tenor," and another one labelled parts by the American method of abbrc-
tenor-banjo announceme:1t shortly.
"Third saxophone, E flat alto ." Th ese vintecl signs : C,. Dm , etc.. but faile,i
three parts form a pretty good ensemble to explain what players must do in the
and will provide quite a lot of hom e absence of these signs. English players
enjoyment for practice. are not fal,c players; they w;rnt to read
It is worth while to scent around a and play in the correct way.
bit, ~d:ie_re you live, to find a couple CORRESPONDENCE.
of ao~!tlonal players who would enjoy
practising, as you do. And it is infinitely S. A. '.\1.-T hc third bar of ·• Banjo•
better than scrap ing up a fiddler, n1anhl " should be playrd with these To t,,e Editor of" B ..11.C."
trombone player. corn et playe r . and sho kcs: n , M v, M, n v, l son-,cho w t hink
more or iess Dear Sir,-•lt wa s with gr c:\t pk·:!Sure
per haps a drnmmer-all that your enquin · must have referr ed
struggl ing along in an thnt I sa w the article " Chords ;:ad ,hei r
beg inners-and to the second b.,;; if so, it is play ed: Inversi ons" in th is month's "B ..ll.G. "
effort to form an orchestra. n v nr-: v n
As a dance pla,·er, ! am quite con\'inced
thn t n tho:o\lgh :mowledge of c!1ords is
absolutdy neccssuy if 01:c is to ge t along
H. A. --( 1) lt is quit e impossible to a: all 1:1 the danc~ worlcl. Jt is :na ny
vamp to a mode rn song, p!nylng cnly the years ago since my :utor, )fr. J. Pido ux,
tonic, sub-<!ominc1at, and domin:1nt• of Rirmingham, led :11e :i;roi:g!t ,:,c
ancl nt the !-!amc time
PRICE CUT! ~C\"cnt h chords, " \' alley of In,· ers,ons." A s r stumble d
Gee-Whiz ! Banjo Srd, now play corrcct!y. Any banjoist who say~ al01!g, juggli:1g wi?:h notes he-re, there and
Sd. each. he can vamp an HCCornpm1!mcnt to an,· c,·erywhCl'C', t!1c w1!0lc k•1~gth of the
~-.ongand p1ny correct ..
hnrn~ony is <:it hc:"
Dtt:lt rt return s1crks ac.d t-e keybc~rcl, l 11s<>d to think ·' \\'lw docs th is
credlled. foolish or 11,11rutitfol. Some of the im- man make me do :his ta,k w!,en I mig ht
NE W ! ported ..-\mtricm: p!:tvcrs ~r.:- \"Cn· be lcnrni:1g son1c cew and a:rrnctivc
Gee-Whiz ! Banjo 4111,1/ 4 ea. bad rca<ic~. :me\ conseqm.'n~·;y baC banjO• solo ? •• Of com·3e l soon ~,~cai!~ereason-
1st, 2nd, 5th, 4-d. each . ist~ or tcnor•banjoists !ht· first faw timls able to the ~:.·ns~ of it all, ~:n(i I :1cvcr
Wrh o for Lftt or GEE- W HIZ! STRJNGS a numb er is played. reg ret 01v.· minute which was spent on
(2) There is little to gaiu by p!ayh :g the study. l alwa y, 1ry t,, persuade all
SALLANTYNE 'S MUSIC ST ORES, ..:hords in SC..'\les in "arious keys . l t is 1ny pupil"' to !;t~te ~ :horo !ig:h in:ercst in
• _:16, St. Vinctnt St., Glaig w, C.3. much teller to practise inversions. in ..-ersions. and ac;:~urcth em ::ha: thc-y will
Your friend would learn to play a second Banjo pa.rt with the greatest ease.
96 B. M. G. [March, 1927
be repaid tenfold in the fu ture for any lifty- fh e ju ,·enile s) gr ea tly appreciated The Chairman also commen ted on the ·
time spent new. the ite ms g iven b y ~[rs. Dawson and Mr . very successfu l concert. the second of its
It is articles such as the one i11 this J. F. C. Heath er (Sandiacre ). the pro- kind, giv en by the Club to membe rs ol the
month's" B.JVJ.C." which make the paper gramme consisting of banjo, mandolin Y.M .C.A . at their London headquarters,
ahnost in\"aiuable. 1\'fay we hav e many and guitar selec t ions, several be ing at and read to the meeting the Comm ittee 's
mor e on important subject s like this in the special request of the yo ung pat ients , heart y vote of thanks to all those mem -
the fu t u re . M . G. S. who joined heartily in the choruses. bers who gave their serv ices on this -
The Club 1neets at the afo1e1nen ti oned ·
GLASGOW.-The Glasgow Banjo, address o:t the seco n d Monday in each
l\Iandolin and Guitar Club (President, month, when any o ne inte rested in t he·
. Mr. Jan \'lien ) he ld its first annual
meeting in th e Grand Sa lon , Messrs.
ban jo, mando lin o r g uita r is hea r tily
invited to attend.
Cuthbertson's, 226, Sauchieha ll St reet,
at 8 p. rn., on February 15th. P laye rs
ALTA (Canada).-At a wncert given "'ho wo uld like to join should send their MATLOC K -At a conce rt given at
here by the Canadian Legion , Mr. James names to the Secretary, Mr. J . H y n d, $med ley's Hy d ro, Messrs . Du d ley Arthur ,.
Gray's banjo solos: " Georgia Med ley," 8 . Nit h S t reet, R iddrie, Glasgow. and Geo rge Bramley played " l\fau na
Tattoo," and "Donkey Laugh," were L oa" as banjo duet and " Beat as You
greatly appreciated. Go " for :he en core. " Cro mart ie " an d·
GORTON (Manchester). - It is intended " Sweet Memor ies " were a lso p laye d as a
to form a Banjo Club in this d istrict . ban jo q uartet t e.
B.•.TH.-'.\[r. R. Tarrant Bailey's Dance W ill players who would like to jo in kind ly
Band pcovided the music at a couple of send their names to i\fr . \\·. H. Allen, at
danc es giv en by th e officers ol J-f.M S . 160, Chapman Street, Go rton, Manchester . OLIF ANTSFONTEIN, S.A.-M r .
" Flying Fox" on January •5th and 9th. Ceo . Mace is very popu lar here at locat
concerts . Some of his favourite ban jo -
solos are " Darktow n Dandies," " Dream·
LONDON'.-The monthly meeting of
B!R~ll1"GHAM.-Among the artists Song," an:i "Georg ian Breeze ."
th e London Banjo, Mandolin and Guita r
app e.·ariP.g at a concert at the Exchange
Ciub "'as held at the Cent ral Y.M.C.A.,
Resta u rant on January 28th, were Messrs .
Ta,· ior ar, d ,~-icks, both we!! kno\\'n as Tottenh a m Court Road, on February 14th ,
and in spit e of a fog and the consequent SHEFFIELD.-Banjo selections were·
sol~ist s ar«i members of th<' Colorado g iven by Miss Rosina Norton and Mr.
disorganisat ion of traffic facilities, fifty-
Dance Ban ci. Accompanied at th e piano Aubrey E . Story at au orchestral and
four mernb ers and friends were present.
b y Mr . Leon :.rd Wicks, ~lr . Percy Taylor vocal concert, he ld at the St. Vincent's
The meeting opened with the Club March,
p lay ed seYeral solos , all of which were
which was followed by the Club's routine Hall, on Sunday, 30th J anuary . The ·
lo u<lly e:1core d. Ia addition to accom - selections included " Cava lleria. Rusti -
of compulsory playing for uu ..~mO!:!rS,
1;a ny ing i\! r. Taylor's banjo solos , Wii-. cana," Overtures "William Te ll " and
which consisted of th e following items :
\\ .ick s o biig ed th e ,1udience by play ing "Poet an<\ Peasan t ," " The Savoy Ameri-
:Mr. \ \ 'ill H erbert," Drum ~,ajor :"-larch " ;
severa l of t he lates t syncopated pia r,v can Med ley," and a number of popular
Mr. E . C. Larking, .. Donkey Laugh";
ios . Solos from both theie art;sts are dance numbers. The players were
Mr. H. Wh eeler, "Keynotes Rag";
frequ ,mdy re<Juest e<l a nd p layed as fox•• accorded a wonderful reception.
i\lr. G . Searl e, ·· Ca mptown Carn ival";
tr o:::i a t t h~ d a:.1c:.:s wl1ich th e Colorado
ifi ss Be n tle. "Sunflo\•: er Danc e " ; Mr.
Ba1:c: ni,;.;e~ 1·.
J. Talb o t, "B a njo Ball ad " ; ;,\lr. J.
Aldred, "Dink ey's Pa t rol" ; '.:IIr. ;\'L SMALL HEATfi. - Som e excellent
BO CR::--E:.!Ot;' f H .-At the annual Benn, '' Sk i!)ping-Rop e Danc e "; IVIr. banjo solos were played here at the ·
conc e~~ giw,; b )· t he 23rd Bournemouth B. Bell , "Banjo Oddity." Dorridg e Public Hall, on January r5th,
Scou~s. on F ebru ary :,rd, a section of the An imio\·ation introdt.:c cd during the by Miss Blanche Owen and Mr. James .
de Yekey Juv en ile Sere,~adcrs played the e\ ·enin g was a very succ essful attempt at Earp ._L
fo llowin g ite ms : Saxophone solos," Valse ' · Communi t y " banjo play ing . Several
Van; te" a nd " Sax o p hobia" (Wiedoeft) ; solos were rendered by different groups
B a njo S o tos , .. Big Boot Dance " ol six or eigh t p layers wi th the p iano, and
(Grim shaw ), "P at ro l Ecccntrique" the idea was so much appreciated that it
(:llorl ey ), " Camp !o\\'n Carn ival " (Mor- wa s d ecided members should study, for
ley) ; Mandoli n Quar t ett e, " Habanera "
(Bick fc:·d) : ~Iando!in an d Guitar Duet,
comm unity playing at the next meeting,
the follo"'ing six solos : " Queen of the
" Polka Capri ce " ("·eekes) ; Steel Guitar Bul'l esque," " Rugby Parade," "Bonnie The rate for Adve rtisin g under this.
an d C kulei e Duets. ·• Zulie" Danse (de Scotl a nd.'' "R etu·rn of the Regiment," heading is 5/- p er half- in &h.
Yekcy), "Cor al Is les" Valse (cle Vekey) . " Gold Diggers l\'larch," and " Park
Th e "section " co:"!s iste d of the following: Crescent March." The chairman fu rther BARGAIN.- PROFESSIONA L MODEL -
BANJ O, equal to new , in case complete, £1"Z
Dori a Acld oo, Cyril ::inci Andre de Vekey, announced that the comm ittee have or near offor. V. C. \.Vood, cio " B .N/.G."
:1\ora Har ris, Ir ene Scott , Billy Chitty, arranged for a ser ies o{ fifteen -minute
and Mis. de ,·.,key (Guitar and Piano). recita ls bv various members. CAMMElt'ER PATENT ZITHER-BANJO,
in best leather case; in perfect or der ; on ly
A(ter (efreshments had been served , reason tor selling owner pur chased a "Concert
:\lr. Bernard Sheaff, a Vice -President, Grand ." A bargain. l,ro or offer. (Strahan. ).
A ,·ery enjoyable concert was g ive n to gave an int~n~:;tiug aud instructive talk
on "The Zither-Ban jo ," the Cha irman SOPRANO SAXOPHONE, " Haw kes ," sil-
the patients of the Derbyshire County ver -plated , latest improvements , perfect
Council Orthop.idic Hospital, at Bretby afterwards announci~1g that at the March con dition, _£15. Owner buymg Baritone ..
Hall, near Burton-on-Trent, on Saturday, meeting, Mr. Edward Fa.irs wou ld speak Stanley Wh.ite, 2 4 , Walslnghan, Roa d, Enfield,.
J anuary 22n d , 1927. The patients (some on " Th e Banjo." Middlesex. 'P hone, E nfield 13r3.
15:11,Gmfton Str eet, New Bond Str eet, \\• . Da nce Orehe.;tra'll-). (B., T•O., M., H. S.G., Sax., U .). ROTHERHAM.
Keys, E. H. (B .. Z-B . .S- M .) .-Q5, Lordship Spe:::ial Plectrum T11i1ion for Conter t ;,rnd 83nd en • Pa rker, J . (B .. T.- IJ. & Z - IJ.).- 214, Wellga t e.
l Dulwieh, S.E . : :. un:ncr for" lJ.M .G."
(E:-.:: All
J:a.g'.ttnerlt:!: .
Sauch ichall Stree t.
c..s. Pltblica1ions HOCkt'd .- , s3 ,
SA NDIACRE (D >:RB\' S1110~\.
Lavender, Pat. (B • .S- Z-B.).-uo , Selllo- Nava, Percy (13., T-B ., M., H.S. G. & U.) .
cou r t Ro.:i:
d, Tooting, S. W. 17. Plectrum Teeb nique and s tud ies for stand.ird baojo. Dawson , ~lrs. Elsie (/J .• Z- i/. , T - 11., U ., .11. &
Morris, George E. (B . .S- T-B.) . Finger and
Plectrum playing. Mod'"m da ntc $lfl '" a $pc-tiality.-
~;.e:s r~:~,:cr~l~1~
~~~dP~/~~~~i~:t Plectrum Sys•
G.). Districl £ x3mincr for "8 ..\/ .C." Di plomas .---9,
Stat ion Ro.1.d .
2,, Cadbury R.03(1, S.£. 16. ·Phone: l-lop 6$48. Wien, Jan (B . .S-Z.-B.). 40, Eden St., Riddrie. SHEFFIELD.
Newson, Robt. (B . .S- Z-8 .) .-39. Manor HULL lllommotl, W. S. (Banjo). - 19. Everton
Lane, Lee, S.E. 1.s. Ford , Roland F. S. (8 ., F,,,g,r and Plectrum Road, Droooo Dan k.
Rldler, Miss Lily (Z-B .. B .. M .• l'f. <SoTheory mttlt Qd$, T-8 ., M. , U. O' H. S.G.).-:o .£.s\to urt Stre-et, Milner, Oavl•l (/J. M. ~ G.).- 1':xamintr for
of Musfr). Holder of" C" Grade Oiplom.t.-$6, Millir.· Ne,vBdd ge Road . Stu di o: Y.P.t ., Ch.irlotte Stt t et .
wood Roac!, Herne Hill. "8 .M. C." Oipom as. :::c,, I{c.nboum e Roa t!, $ h3rrow .
' l'hon e : Central 879 Yt.
Sawyer, L. (B., Z- B ., T - B., U., 'Cello, P., S.). Smlib, Miss Sabina, A.L.C.B. I. U.M. Gold Story, A. E. P ostal tu ition in all strl cs of
ffir::rl~11i~ \~~e;.trum $t)'les.)- 248, Ash mo_re Road,
G~t ~~:~i~~~~~s!; 0!1 fi'.
[ -~tJ6Li~1::a:.!!!:;~B~¾~~;k~sz. ~~ll~rr~
;1t TanOeld, 7,~:ct
~t~sbe~."lity . 1 1
Spalding, C. W. (B . .S- Tmor -Banjo. all slylt s). Str « t, Doul e:\':ird. G. R. (8 ., U. , H .S .G.). Signor
,a. Pcnwortham Road, StrcathJm. Dan ti~Selm i's Orcht$W'I, Cr:tnd Hotel, S:. Sharro1,· St.
Thoma s, Dave (B .. Tenor •Banjol of the Savoy ILFORD and District.
Havana Band. All st)•lc-s.- .so, Stockwell Rd. , SW. 9. Davis, W. G. (B .. Z-B .• Banjo/i n .S-M .l.- 100, STOKE-ON-TRENT.
Twycross, Miss B. (HawaiianGuila r) .-21, St. Fclbrigge, Road, Coodmaye,, :Essex; also at Tbo Hetl'O•
ln sull, W. (!1.).-25, King's Aveoue, Wol-
politao Academy . B.arlbam Hall, Forest Gate.
:::~::n~ so~~,r:or1hl:;~ attr, \V. 2 ,, and .. Downderry, .. st:u1:on .
BATH. Gough, Beruard (B ., Z-B., M., U. ,and V .). SUNDERLAND.
Balley, R. Tarrant (B .• M . <!>-G.. Bala/a ik• tos , Stil e Vue Road. Johnson, Robert ill .• Z-B ., M., P., G., U.,
aml. /la wair,m Sted Crt;:ar} Agtnt for Sfo8,iii t 6' 1"h ory ).-33 , Quren 's Ctt1r~n1, Ct:c.,u r Rd .
Clifford Essex & Son. Director of tht Banjo Dan('e JARROW 0 0 N°T Y NE .
2 .a.nd. 32, Park ..~trecr;.. ____ ____ _ Littlejohn, John (B., Z-ll. & U.) .- 6o, \\"ans- WARRINGTON,
BIRKENHEAD . btt k Roa<l. Fowler, W. H. (D' . 6- Z -B .). Ui s u-ic t E.xam- for " 0 .M .G." Diplom as.- " AHhcto n,' ' Orlo rd
Hurst , Harr y (H ., Z- IJ . .S- T- IJ.) . Local Age nt L EE DS, Crecn, Orfor d. ~r. WMrington.
for Cliffo rd E$$C,o:& Son . (E x.i.mincr (or " IJ .C.'
Diplom3~}.-z86, Clc~,• eland Str t•ec. Whltungton, W. (8 . & Z. -8.).-Fioger or Leslie, Harry (D., Z. -8. , T .-B., M . & U.).
Pkc1 nu'n ~l \'l('.-J , !I i!lid;e Road, Hu n$li!:t. Lot.i i 25, ).lynle Cro,·c, L:i.tchford.
BIRMINGHAM . :\ g<"nt for Clifford Esse x & Son . j£1(am i:1er for
Hull, S. G. (Z .-8.e-M .) .- Commuoications to " IJ.M .G.' ' L>i1>!omas .)
Jo::z,W estfie ld H.d, Kin g 's Meath, Ili rroingbam. Studio : W ES T BROMWICH (STAFFS. ).
LEICE STER. Jones, w.. Junr. (B . .S- Z-8.).-3, Holly
Taylor & Soo s, ic W.;irc-honse, Bridge 5 trce t, Wal~II.
I Exa miner for r. IJ.M. G." Di t>}OJ')as.) Chamberlain, J . (8 .. z . IJ .. Fi11.tteror P lectrm11.J Hedge Rood
Kapua, Ken.
I T: ritio11 on Ha1,1•
{nm! his Hawa iian \ouitar ).
aUan 5!€,l G11:! a 1 am~ U>wl!.lt ) .--cjo 16,
~t ff! ~$1, : ~1t:irf~;l8ii!'
" IJ..ll. C ." Dtp)om:i:-.)
:1'~~d ~: 1: ~~;
s~~,-.,.~~! WE STON -SUP ER- MARE .
nce ROJ.d, Edgb :t$lOn.
Pldoux, John (Ba njo , So.xofJhont., Hau:aiian Balley, R . Tarrant, Junr ., Soloist , "2 LO,"
Gu itar, U lwl tlt 6' M .G.).-s o. Con'Oration Street .
Behar, L. (B .)
o f pl:i.r in!!!.-Ch a: 1dni
F inger and P lectrum st yles
Chonk. l>:!.rk Rt>ad , London R0,1;d,
::~~~~;;;e :lte~1~ ~s; i:n:
Lo ngto n Crovc Hou <c, Long ton Gro" c n.o ad .
~~;;~ ; -~
(l! u miner for •· /UT .G.'' Oiplom3S,) Bird, Bert L. (B. & Tenor-IJaujo ) . All
Barbara Lobb, A.T.C.L. (B .. T -D •. 8a,,joliu 6-
P/.) • •.\II Styl ~ . Bt; inncrs e.i.rdua y grc,un,lcd. Ex:in1• LIV ER P OO L . St)'les. - J J, Vic
toria Pa rk .
i11C"rfor" H..l/ .G." l)iplomas . Le.t<icr of 13o!ton 0;, n jo
Club . .\;,;rn c for Clifford J!J~ !I: & Son . .1 ;o. Sc. l!clim's Bullen, R. N. (B., Z.- B .. S ax. ). 149, Smith•
H:o.1d, down RO.\d, Seft on P:uk. 'Eu rnincr for" 8 ..\1.G." WOOLWICH and Dictrict.
Oiplomns. Ludlow, A. E. / B . 6- z.B.). CorrPCt Hand
BOURNEMOUTH , Collins, Harry (B ., M . & G. Expul ) . Origin. e,ultiwttion . 1.:ttest a ;1d best so,os thoroughl r taugh t .-
Oe Vekey, A. (B .. M., G., UArtl, I, S. Hawaiir.N :n or o f .. n .J/ .c:·
D~n,ls in Li\'-erpool an d di s !ric l. 131, 1-i:irkham Su ect, P lumstcad , S.E . 1S. 'Bus 53.
$Jui r,m·tar).-~o . St:i.l' Ournc 1.:0.
·ul , \\' ett S:outhbo umc . Studio, 331, VpP<" r P.lrliarncn t Str eet .
Carnell, G. E. (8 ., 2"-IJ. & Z·B. I All styles nl
n;:~:~: ~:~5
Glttus, Fred (D .. z. IJ.• T-ll .. M.). Stage d an- ~~~~t~ ~~:~~!io;i~ !~cl~-':rt:; Ramsden, Joe (B. & z .TJ.). Holder ol Dip -
<'ll~!i$eX~ Son".
d 11.;, :ill !-t)·les. Local .i.s:-enlfor C1i11Qr corr esponde nce. Contcrt p3r lia arra nged. rSi, Brc<:k• toina.- .:s, FMn<l:ilc Strttt .
Es1111incrfor " ll ..'1 .t;." D:1)10m35:.169, Olk Tree Lomc. 6t.ld Rd. N.
BRADFORD. Lewis, A. E. (/? ., T - Fi.. .11.). 59, lkan mont CAPE TOWN (S. Ars1 c ,, ).
Bradford School of Syncopation (P ., V., S ax. Street . (Ex:,mincr for " 8. M .G." Diplomas .) Jefferi es. R. J. (8 . .S- Z-8.). - Lesson• by
U. 6' T-8 .}.-Pri nci ra l, Ar!h ur Ca rtt r, -i6. Xt-."l«liffe MANCHESTER and Di s t ric t. c<Jne5p01'lJcr:c:e,-"9· l)urg Street .
Road , To ll('r Lane .
Borders, G. C. (B .).-Plcc trnm Solo a nd D a nce
BRISTOL. \\.'0tk.-3; , Firwood Avt'm 1e, S 1~ctford. JOHANNESBURG (S. AF RICA:.
Cradd•. H. E. G. IR .. Tenor-Banjo 6- Z-B.). - Greenwood, H. F. (B.) .- S. St . Dees Str eet, Sexton, Mrs. M. (8 . .S- M .). Finge r aod
:~ . WoodcT<lh .o\,·c,rnc. \\" hi t('hall. Mos.s Side. [l!xaminer for " U.M .G.' ' Diploma s.} P le-ctrmn D:'!n<:c '.\leth ods.-Co, ~ oord St reet, nc;,r
Linley, Wm . (B .. z . JJ.). Dance an d concert Pari- Stati on .
BROMLE Y. playing strl r-s. 9 , t,;prcr Plymouth Gro,·t", Stocl,;r,ort
Dray, Miss Hetty (B . ~ z . /J.) (Holder " B" no.,d, Lot1~sigbt. MEL BOURNE (.-\ USIR, \l.lA ).
Gr,1t;le Diplo m~).-s, . Ho lm,:dalc Ro;d . Qp('n for Shawcross, Joe (8., Z. - 8 . .S-Sa.r. ).- Pl ectrum Albert Durand / 8 ., M .. Steel Grotar . Uhu/1I,).
Da nce J;'.n:,::'l
gcmcn ts. PJ.\yin g: a nd L."lte.~t 0 :ince ,.lt1 bW.S a spe,ef.\Ety. - :z3,
Q,;,o,lwin 5 h·o:<"
t, z .,u ord . ,. St. \ 'in rc-nt l1'?:\<"t-.Albtr t P,1.rk.
Allen, R. (B .. /rJ ., G.).- 171. Cit y Road. NEWCASTLE. SYDNEY (:-.'.S. W., A USTRAi.iA ).
(Ex amin er for " 8. M .G.'' Oip !o m3s.) Holmes, El-James (B .. M . .S- Z -B .) .-3 27. Hine, A. (B .. Z .-13., M., G., .S-S t,et Guito,).
Hawk,n. Mrs. l.llll•n (B . .<;.. Z.-8 .). Holder Shields Ro.1.d, Hea ton. l'.,tudios, 141, Nort on Street, Le itbardt, Aae.ot for
of •'B., \ f,r.. ·· "C' ' Gra tle D ip1om"-.- 6z, l\i mbtdc )' 1Dis 1ric t £ s amincr for "n .,l/ .C.'' Oiplom:i.s.} CIUford Euex & Son's lnstrutl'.leoh a1)d tousle .
Ro.1;d, C:irdiff.
CHATHAM ( K>:sT l . Papwortb Sanders (IJ., M., G., Saxophon,. WINNIPE G /C,, :<ADA).
Fowle. T. W. (8 aNd Z-8.l. ,~ Thorold Roa~ Ulwld~ . /14wo.iiu G:1ita,.) Local Agent for Cllf!ord Ted Mllls.- Teach<r of Da,ijo (fioger or pick
&sex & Soo. (Distritt 21:aa)ioer for " B.M.G." st)•le), Ttll<W IJanjo. Ma ,ido/i,t , Guitar (Spu!Jb or
CROYDON and Di st~ ict. Dlol11ma , .) 3-2: A lfrctoo Road. Clly. sty M: .also Weidt '.s CJiord $ysUm (slmplJ5ed
Sialner ,Cb as. H. (B.&Z-/J .l.-~7 . Beverstoo e Richardson, Edward (IJ .• M . G- G., all styles). ba.rmony ) for all frett ed instrumc .ots. Agent for CUflord
Road, Th o rn ton ll<"3 tb, Surrer. Lot.\l Agen t for O\'er twen ty rears pro fC$$ional experitnce.-◄, Doswell Es,i;ex• lnJtn1ment s and AcccssoriH. (2:s:amincr for
Clifford £ .;~(':,c & Son. Str eet, Radford . •• 8 .M .G." l>iplomn. l 631, Corydoo Avenue.
A••••"''ATro,, -· • 1.-8 . .. z ;,h,,, ·Bao;n, .. 8 ... Banjo. " .11." Mandolin. . ; Dola." Maodola. "r.. " Guito.r. "V." Violin. •· P." Piano.
" Si x," Sa xo;,hone . ·• T -8 ." Te nor •B.injo. " U ." t.:ku lele. ' ' H. S. G." Haw a iian Steel Guitat .
"s:· Singing.
I\" B. M . G. (M arch, 19 27
MorePlayersof 'IJ'u
.. 8 °· Instruments
vvho have -testified 1:o -their merii:s.
cnn be pl:'l.)•ed is something of:\ 1·c,·e!:uion. Thi s, Buescher is the best trombone I have ever of Dcbroy Somers Band , sars : "In my
together with t he magnifi c1:nt finish :md workmnn- opinion the Buescher is th e ver y best. "
ship , m.'lkcs it an instrument to be highly proud of." used."