Statement 26-FEB-21 AC 60717576

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Statement date 26 Feb 2021

Last statement 27 Jan 2021

Barclays Bank
28 Jan - 26 Feb 2021
Mrs Elismara de Franca Goncalves
• Sort Code 20-10-53
• Account no. 60717576
• IBAN GB74 BUKB 2010 5360 7175 76
EAST HAM At a glance
E6 3PA Start balance £19.33
Money in £0.00
Money out £8.34
End balance £10.99

Your Barclays Bank Account statement Your deposit is eligible for
protection by the Financial
Current account statement Services Compensation Scheme.

Your transactions
Contactless Debit Card

Date Description Money out Money in Balance

28 Jan Start balance 19.33

02 Feb Card Payment to Padoca 1.15

Panificador Brazil BRL 8.30 On 01
Feb at VISA Exchange Rate 7.40 The
Final GBP Amount Includes A
Non-Sterling Transaction Fee of £

Card Payment to Panificadora Valis 2.72 15.46

Brazil BRL 19.62 On 01 Feb at VISA
Exchange Rate 7.40 The Final GBP
Amount Includes A Non-Sterling
Transaction Fee of £ 0.07

05 Feb Card Payment to Padoca 1.98 13.48

Panificador Brazil BRL 14.00 On 04
Feb at VISA Exchange Rate 7.26 The
Final GBP Amount Includes A
Non-Sterling Transaction Fee of £

12 Feb Card Payment to Apple.Com/Bill 2.49 10.99

Ireland On 11 Feb

26 Feb End balance 10.99

u Anything Wrong? If you’ve spotted any incorrect or unusual transactions, see

the next page for how to get in touch with us.

Credit interest rates

This account does not pay credit interest

Barclays Bank UK PLC. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register No. 759676).
Registered in England. Registered No. 9740322. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. Page 1
Sort code 20-10-53 • Account number 60717576

How it works Get in touch

Transferring money between countries u Our main number
Dispute Resolution
If you need to transfer money between countries, you 0345 7 345 345
If you have a problem with your agreement, please may be asked for your SWIFTBIC (Bank Identification Open 24/7 including
try to resolve it with us in the first instance. If you Code) and IBAN (International Bank Account holidays
are not happy with the way in which we handled Number). These are on the front of your statement
your complaint or the result, you may be able to u From abroad
and you’ll need them so that international banks can
complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service. If identify your account correctly. Full details are on: +44 2476 842 100
you do not take up your problem with us first you Open 24/7 including holidays
will not be entitled to complain to the Ombudsman.
We can provide details of how to contact the How we pay interest u Write to us
Ombudsman. Barclays, Leicester LE87 2BB
If your account pays interest and is in credit, we work
out your interest on the balance of your account at the u Find a branch
Important information about close of business every day. Interest is calculated on
the statement balance or the cleared balance,
compensation arrangements nder/
depending on the type of account you have. Where
credit interest rate(s) are shown on your statement, 0800 400 100
We are covered by the Financial Services
Open 24/7 including holidays
Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The FSCS can pay these are current at the time of printing the statement
compensation to depositors if a bank is unable to and may have changed during the statement period. u Your home branch
meet its financial obligations. Most depositors – Unless we say otherwise, any interest rates we show
including most individuals and businesses – are are gross annual rates.
covered by the scheme. We will issue the FSCS If you are a UK taxpayer you may have to pay tax on
information sheet and exclusions list which set out interest earned in excess of your Personal Savings u Online banking help
in detail what is, and is not, covered by the FSCS, Allowance (with the exception of interest earned on
0345 600 2323
once a calendar year usually with your account ISAs, which continue to be free from UK tax for eligible
Open 24/7 including holidays
statement. customers). For information and guidance please refer
to HMRC’s website u Lost and stolen cards
For further information about the compensation 0800 400 100 (or +44
provided by the FSCS, refer to the FSCS website at
The management of your tax affairs is your 2476 842 099 from
responsibility, including making any required
declarations to HMRC. abroad)
Using your Barclays debit card - what Open 24/7 including holidays

costs and what doesn’t If you use your overdraft Facility Tell us straight away if:
If your account is overdrawn, and you don’t pay off – you do not receive a
If you use your debit card in the UK Barclays will not
the full amount you owe, any credits paid into your Barclays card you were
charge you for using your debit card in the UK when
account will reduce any balance in excess of your expecting
making purchases, making a cash withdrawal, or
arranged overdraft facility first, and then your – any of your cards are lost,
when buying travellers’ cheques or foreign currency. A
payments will go towards repayment of your stolen or damaged
small number of ATM providers may charge a
overdraft. – you think someone else may
transaction fee but they should tell you about this
know your PIN.
on-screen before you commit to any transaction. To help you understand the charges associated with
If you use your debit card abroad or make a debit using your arranged overdraft, you can visit
Call charges will apply
card payment in a foreign currency (either abroad or or ask for a copy of ‘Our
(please check with your
in the UK) we'll charge you a 2.75% Non-Sterling Bank charges explained’ in branch. You can also tailor
service provider). We may
Transaction Fee when making purchases, making a the alerts you receive, which can help you stay in
monitor or record calls for
cash withdrawal, or when being refunded. This fee control and on top of your finances.
quality, security, and
also applies whenever you do not pay in sterling, for training.
Getting information from Barclays
example shopping online at a non-UK website.
As we explain in our customer terms, we calculate our We send information to customers with their
exchange rate using the reference exchange rate for statements about relevant new offers and products,
the Visa card scheme. Visa converts transactions into and about how to get the best from their existing
sterling using the Visa Exchange Rate on the day it Barclays accounts. If you don’t get these messages
processes the transaction – as this may be a day or and you’d like to, or if you do and you’d rather you
two later, our rate may be different on that day. didn’t, you can call 0345 7 345 345, go to
You'll find a comparison of our exchange rate for, or come into a branch. And if you
certain currencies as a mark-up against the rate change your mind at any time, just get in touch.
published by the European Central Bank in the
Barclays App or at the following website:
abroad/ This is updated twice a day. This may help
you to decide whether you want to accept the
conversion rate offered by the retailer or ATM provider
or accept our rate.

For a Braille, large print or audio version of your statement call

0800 400 100 (via TextDirect if appropriate) or contact your branch
Barclays Bank UK PLC. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential
Regulation Authority (Financial Services Register No. 759676).
Page 2 Registered in England. Registered No. 9740322. Registered Office: 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP.

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