Section3 2-Mod
Section3 2-Mod
Section3 2-Mod
�2006 Pearson Ed., Inc. 0-13-142917-5
Discrete-Event Simulation: A First Course Section 3.2: Multi–Stream Lehmer RNGs 1/1
Section 3.2: Multi-Stream Lehmer RNGs
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Example 3.2.1: ssq2 Arrival and Service Processes
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Example 3.2.2: ssq2 Arrival and Service Processes
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The Modified Arrival and Service Processes
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Stream Considerations
It must
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be some 54321
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Jump Multipliers
Theorem (3.2.1)
Given g (x) = ax mod m and integer j(1 < j < m − 1)
Jump function : g j (x) = (aj mod m)x mod m
Jump multiplier : aj mod m
If g (·) generates x0 , x1 , x2 , . . . then g j (·) generates x0 , xj , x2j , . . .
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Example 3.2.4: An Example Jump Function
aj mod m = 36 mod 31 = 16
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Using the Jump Function
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An Example 4-Stream Sequence
.... •
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x .
3j •.. (a, m) = (48271, 231 − 1)
•.. xj
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... ..
...... .....
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Example 3.2.5: An Appropriate Jump Multiplier
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Maximal Modulus-Compatible Jump Multipliers
jump multiplier
# of streams s ⌊m/s⌋ jump size j aj mod m
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Library rngs
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Example 3.2.7: ssq2 Revisited
(Single Serve Queue) ssq3.c
Use rngs functions for GetArrival, GetService
GetArrival Method
double GetArrival(void) {
static double arrival = START;
arrival += Exponential(2.0);
return (arrival);
GetService Method
double GetService(void) {
return (Uniform(1.0, 2.0));
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Single-Server Service Node with Multiple Job Types
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Example 3.2.8: Arrival Process
Arrival Process
double GetArrival(int *j)
/* Index j corresponds to job type */
const double mean[2] = {4.0, 6.0};
static double arrival[2] = {START, START};
static int init = 1;
double temp;
if (init) {
arrival[0] += Exponential(mean[0]);
arrival[1] += Exponential(mean[1]);
init = 0;
if (arrival[0] <= arrival[1])
*j = 0;
*j = 1;
temp = arrival[*j];
arrival[*j] += Exponential(mean[*j]);
return (temp);
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Example 3.2.8: Service Process
Service Process
double GetService(int j)
const double min[2] = {1.0, 0.0};
const double max[2] = {3.0, 4.0};
SelectStream(j + 2);
return (Uniform(min[j], max[j]));
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Consistency Checks
r̄ w̄ d̄ s̄ l̄ q̄ x̄
2.40 7.92 5.92 2.00 3.30 2.47 0.83
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