Nonlinearity in Structural Dynamics Chapter 02
Nonlinearity in Structural Dynamics Chapter 02
Nonlinearity in Structural Dynamics Chapter 02
2.1 Introduction
It is probable that all practical engineering structures are nonlinear to some extent,
the nonlinearity being caused by one, or a combination of, several factors such
as structural joints in which looseness or friction characteristics are present,
boundary conditions which impose variable stiffness constraints, materials that
are amplitude dependent or components such as shock absorbers, vibration
isolators, bearings, linkages or actuators whose dynamics are input dependent.
There is no unique approach to dealing with the problem of nonlinearity either
analytically or experimentally and thus we must be prepared to experiment with
several approaches in order to ascertain whether the structure can be classified as
linear or nonlinear. It would be particularly helpful if the techniques employed
in modal testing could be used to test nonlinear structures and it is certainly
essential that some form of test for linearity is carried out at the beginning of
any dynamic test as the majority of analysis procedures currently available are
based on linearity. If this principle is violated, errors may be introduced by the
data analysis. Thus the first step is to consider simple procedures that can be
employed to establish if the structure or component under test is linear. In the
following it is assumed that the structure is time invariant and stable.
42 From linear to nonlinear
F y<t y>t
r Id
F3 = F1+ F2 n ea
F3 Li
y3 = y + y2
y y y
1 2 3 Y
Figure 2.1. Example of the static application of the principle of superposition to a uniform
clamped–clamped beam showing that for static deflections in excess of the beam thickness
a ‘hardening’ stiffness is induced which violates the principle.
y >> t
-y y
y << t
F = k1 y + k3 y3
Figure 2.2. The effect of reversing the applied load on the beam of figure 2.1: a symmetric
‘hardening’ stiffness nonlinearity.
F = k1 y + k2 y 2+ k3 y 3
y y y
F, y
Figure 2.3. The result of pre-loading the beam in figure 2.1 is a general cubic form for the
stiffness, lacking the symmetry of figure 2.2.
∆ L1
Figure 2.4. An encastré (clamped–clamped) beam under a centrally applied static load
resulting in a change of length from L to L1 . The elemental length represents the axial
to be
4 2 !2
EIY 2 L=2
L L 2
= L 12 dx 4:3 + 15:6 x 4:5x4 (2.4)
2 0 2 2
so finally
VF = 98:9EI 3 : (2.5)
The strain energy due to the in-plane axial load is found from the expression
governing the axial extension,
" 2 # 21
d y
L1 = (dx2 + dy2 ) = dx 1 +
2 (2.6)
" # " #
1 dy 2 1 dy 4 1 dy 2
L1 = dx 1 + + dx 1 + :
2 dx 8 dx 2 dx
" #
1 dy 2 dy 2
Z L=2
1 L=2
L1 = dx 1 + =L+ dx (2.8)
L=2 2 dx 2 L=2 dx
and L, the change in axial length of the beam, is given by
1 L=2
L1 L = dx : (2.9)
2 L=2 dx
Substituting for y (x) from equation (2.1) gives
L = 2:44 : (2.10)
Thus, the axial strain energy is
1 EA Y4
VA = (L)2 = 2:98EA 3 : (2.11)
2 L L
From Lagrange’s equations, the stiffness terms are given by
(VF + VA ) = 197:8 3 + 11:92 3 (2.12)
@Y L L
i.e. the linear elastic stiffness term is k 1 = 197:8EI=L3 and the nonlinear
hardening-stiffness term is k 3 = 11:92EAY 2 =L3 . (Note that the linear elastic
46 From linear to nonlinear
stiffness term k1 should be 192EI=L3 from simple bending theory. The small
error is due to limiting the assumed deflection polynomial to only three terms.)
In practise, because it is not possible to fully implement the principle of
superposition, i.e. spanning all the possibilities of inputs, simpler procedures
are employed. Since best practice in dynamic testing should always include
some check of linearity, it is important that easy-to-use procedures for detecting
nonlinearity are available. The most commonly used procedures are based on
harmonic distortion, homogeneity and reciprocity.
and x_ (t) ! y_ (t) follows in the limit as t ! 0. (Note that there is also an
implicit assumption of time invariance here, namely that x(t) ! y (t) implies
x(t + ) ! y(t + ) for any .) Again, by superposition,
x1 (t) + !2 x2 (t) ! y1 (t) + !2 y2 (t) (2.14)
so taking x1 (t) = x
(t) and x2 (t) = x(t) gives
x(t) + !2 x(t) ! y(t) + !2 y(t): (2.15)
Displacement (m)
Velocity (m/s)
Acceleration (m/s/s)
Time (s)
Figure 2.5. Response signals from a nonlinear system showing clear distortion only on the
acceleration signal.
and this establishes the result. This proof is rather interesting as it only uses
the fact that x(t) satisfies a homogeneous linear differential equation to prove
the result. The implication is that any such function will not suffer distortion in
passing through a linear system.
It is not a corollary of this result that a sine-wave input to a nonlinear system
will not generally produce a sine-wave output; however, this is usually the case
and this is the basis of a simple and powerful test for nonlinearity as sine waves are
simple signals to generate in practice. The form of the distortion will be discussed
in chapter 3, it will be revealed that the change in form is due to the appearance
of higher harmonics in the response such as sin(3!t), sin(5! ) etc.
Distortion can be easily detected on an oscilloscope by observing the
input and output time response signals. Figures 2.5 and 2.6 show examples of
48 From linear to nonlinear
Figure 2.6. Distortion on the input force signal arising from vibration exciter misalignment
(the severe distortion is due to the exciter coil rubbing against the magnet).
Thus the nth output acceleration term is weighted by the factor n 2 compared
to the fundamental.
In figure 2.6 the signal represents the output of a force transducer during
a modal test. The distortion is due to shaker misalignment resulting in friction
between the armature of the shaker and the internal magnet—a nonlinearity.
If non-sinusoidal waveforms are used, such as band-limited random signals,
waveform distortion is generally impossible to detect and additional procedures
are required such as the coherence function described in section 2.5.2.
2 There are a number of opinions as to what constitutes weak nonlinearity. What it means here is
simply that the system does not undergo transition to chaos or show subharmonic generation.
Symptoms of nonlinearity 49
Y (! )
H (! ) =
X (!)
! XY ((!!)) = H (!) (2.21)
Figure 2.7. Application of a homogeneity test on a real structure. The close agreement of
the results is an indicator that the structure is linear within the excitation bounds used.
Accelerance FRF (log)
Force spectrum
FRF (accelerance)
Linear Frequency
Figure 2.8. A typical force ‘drop-out’ characteristic overlayed on the FRF of a cantilever
beam. Note the correspondence between the force spectrum minima and the FRF maxima.
Symptoms of nonlinearity 51
Figure 2.9. Application of a reciprocity test on a real structure. The close agreement of
the results is an indicator that the structure is linear within the test bounds.
force communicated to the structure near resonance and the response may be
linearized. If a control system is employed to maintain a constant excitation force
spectrum, nonlinearity can easily be detected using homogeneity.
2.2.4 Reciprocity
Displacement Displacement Displacement
Hardening Softening
Cubic Stiffness Bilinear Stiffness
Displacement Displacement
Velocity Velocity
The equation of motion of the SDOF oscillator with linear damping and
stiffness (2.23) is called Duffing’s equation [80],
and this is the single most-studied equation in nonlinear science and engineering.
The reason for its ubiquity is that it is the simplest nonlinear oscillator which
possesses the odd symmetry which is characteristic of many physical systems.
Despite its simple structure, it is capable of showing almost all of the interesting
behaviours characteristic of general nonlinear systems. This equation will re-
occur many times in the following chapters.
The FRF distortion characteristic of these systems is shown in figures 2.11(b)
and (c). The most important point is that the resonant frequency shifts up for the
hardening system as the level of excitation is raised, this is consistent with the
54 From linear to nonlinear
Figure 2.11. SDOF system Nyquist and FRF (Bode) plot distortions for five types of
nonlinear element excited with a constant amplitude sinusoidal force; —— low level, – – –
high level.
Common types of nonlinearity 55
increase in effective stiffness. As one might expect, the resonant frequency for
the softening system shifts down.
.. Frequency
Frequency (Hz)
Accel 04
. . .. .
. ..
0 6 12 18 24 30 36
Input Force (N)
Accel 00
. . Amplitude
. .
. .
0 5 10 15 20 25
Input Force (N)
Figure 2.12. Results from ground vibration tests on the tail-fin of an aircraft showing
significant variation in the resonant frequency with increasing excitation level. This was
traced to clearances in the mounting brackets.
(where the absolute value term is to ensure that the force is always opposed to
the velocity). This type of damping occurs when fluid flows through an orifice or
around a slender member. The former situation is common in automotive dampers
and hydromounts, the latter occurs in the fluid loading of offshore structures. The
fundamental equation of fluid loading is Morison’s equation [192],
where F is the force on the member and u is the velocity of the flow. This system
will be considered in some detail in later chapters.
Nonlinearity in the measurement chain 57
as shown in figure 2.10. This type of nonlinearity is common in any situation with
interfacial motion. It is particularly prevalent in demountable structures such as
grandstands. The conditions of constant assembly and disassembly are suitable
for creating interfaces which allow motion. In this sort of structure friction will
often occur in tandem with clearance nonlinearities. It is unusual here in the sense
that it is most evident at low levels of excitation, where in extreme cases, stick–
slip motion can occur. At higher levels of excitation, the friction ‘breaks out’
and the system will behave nominally linearly. The characteristic FRF distortion
(figure 2.11(e)) is the reverse of the quadratic damping case, with the higher
damping at low excitation.
Most of these problems are detectable in the sense that they nearly all cause
waveform distortion of some form or other. Unless one observes the actual
input and output signals periodically during testing it is impossible to know
whether or not any problems are occurring. Although tests frequently involve the
58 From linear to nonlinear
2.4.1 Misalignment
This problem often occurs when electrodynamic exciters are used to excite
structures in modal testing. If an exciter is connected directly to a structure
then the motion of the structure can impose bending moments and side loads
on the exciter armature and coil assembly resulting in misalignment, i.e. the coil
rubbing against the internal magnet of the exciter. Misalignment can be detected
by using a force transducer between the exciter and the test structure, the output
of which should be observed on an oscilloscope. If a sine wave is injected into
the structure, misalignment will produce a distorted force signal which, if severe,
may appear as shown in figure 2.6. If neglected, this can create significant damage
to the vibration exciter coil, resulting in a reduction in the quality of the FRFs and
eventual failure of the exciter. To minimize this effect it is recommended that a
‘stinger’ or ‘drive-rod’ is used between the exciter and the test structure described
in [87].
Two classical means of indicating nonlinearity 59
It is perhaps facetious to use the term ‘classical’ here as the two techniques
discussed are certainly very recent in historical terms. The reason for the
terminology is that they were both devised early in the development of modal
testing, many years before most of the techniques discussed in this book
were developed. This is not to say that their time is past—coherence, in
particular, is arguably the simplest test for nonlinearity available via mass-
produced instrumentation.
60 From linear to nonlinear
FRFs can be visually inspected for the characteristic distortions which are
indicative of nonlinearity. In particular, the resonant regions of the FRFs will
be the most sensitive. In order to examine these regions in detail, the use of the
the Nyquist plot (i.e. imaginary versus real part of the FRF) is commonly used.
(If anti-resonances are present, they can also prove very sensitive to nonlinearity.)
The FRF is a complex quantity, i.e. it has both magnitude and phase, both of
which can be affected by nonlinearity. In some cases it is found that the magnitude
of the FRF is the most sensitive to the nonlinearity and in other cases it is the
phase. Although inspecting the FRF in terms of the gain and phase characteristics
separately embodies all the information, combining these into one plot, namely
the Nyquist plot, offers the quickest and most effective way of inspecting the FRF
for distortions.
The type of distortion which is introduced in the Nyquist plot depends upon
the type of nonlinearity present in the structure and on the excitation used, as
discussed elsewhere in this chapter. However, a simple rule to follow is that if
the FRF characteristics in the Nyquist plane differ significantly from a circular or
near-circular locus in the vicinity of the resonances then nonlinearity is a suspect.
Examples of common forms of Nyquist plot distortion as a result of structural
nonlinearity, obtained from numerical simulation using sinusoidal excitation, are
shown in figure 2.11. It is interesting to note that in the case of the non-dissipative
nonlinearities under low levels of excitation, e.g. the polynomial and piecewise
nonlinear responses, the Nyquist plot appears as a circular locus. However, by
inspecting the ! spacings (proportional to the change in phase) it is possible
to detect a phase distortion. When the input excitation level is increased to the
point at which the effect of the nonlinearity becomes severe enough to create the
‘jump’ phenomenon (discussed in more detail in the next chapter), the Nyquist
plot clearly shows this.
In the case of dissipative nonlinearities and also friction, the distortion in the
Nyquist plot is easily detected with appropriate excitation levels via the unique
characteristic shapes appearing which have been referred to as the ‘apples and
pears’ of FRFs.
An example of nonlinearity from an attached element is shown in figure 2.13
where a dynamic test was carried out on a cantilever beam structure which had a
hydraulic, passive, actuator connected between the beam and ground. Under low-
level sinusoidal excitation the friction in the actuator seals dominates the response
producing a distorted ‘pear-shaped’ FRF as shown in figure 2.13.
When the excitation level was increased by a factor of three (from a 2N to
a 6N peak), the FRF distortion changed to an oval shape. These changes in the
FRF can be attributed to the nonlinearity changing from a friction characteristic at
low input excitation levels to a nonlinear velocity-dependent characteristic such
as a quadratic damping effect.
It is relatively straightforward to demonstrate that such distortions occur
Two classical means of indicating nonlinearity 61
Im (Fy )
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
27.0 23.5 Hz Re (F )
23.4 Hz
25.0 24.1 23.9 22.0 Hz
24.0 A 23.6
24.5 23.7
23.8 22.5
-4 B
-6 C
-7 22.9
23.2 23.1
Curve A, F = 1.5N
Curve B, F = 2 N
Curve C, F = 5 N F cos ωt
Hydraulic passive
Figure 2.13. Nyquist plot distortions arising from a combination of seal friction
nonlinearity in the passive hydraulic actuator at low excitation levels and a velocity-squared
nonlinearity at higher excitation levels.
Æ = Æ + jY j: (2.33)
62 From linear to nonlinear
jY j = Pk [(1 2 )2 + Æ2 ] ; tan =
(1 2) (2.35)
jY j = (1 2 )2 + Æ2
x S y
Figure 2.14. Block diagram of a linear system with noise on the output signal.
Two classical means of indicating nonlinearity 63
Syy (!) = jH (!)j2 Sxx (!) + H (!)Sxm(!) + H (!)Smx (!) + Smm(!): (2.41)
Now, if x and m are uncorrelated signals (unpredictable from each other), then
Swx(!) = Sxw (!) = 0 and equation (2.41) reduces to
Syy (!) = jH (!)j2 Sxx(!) + Smm (!) (2.42)
Syy (!) = jH (!)j2 Sxx (!) + H (!)Sxf (!) + H (!)Sfx (!) + Sff (!) (2.47)
where this time the cross-spectra S fx and Sxf will not necessarily vanish; in terms
of the coherence,
2 (!) = 1 2 Re H (!) Sxf (!) Sff (!)
Syy (!) Syy (!)
and the coherence will generally only be unity if f = 0, i.e. the system is linear.
The test is not infallible as unit coherence will also be observed for a nonlinear
system which satisfies
2 = Y XXY = 1: (2.50)
Finally, it is important to stress again that in order to use the coherence
function for detecting nonlinearity it is necessary to realize that a reduction in
the level of coherency can be caused by a range of problems, such as noise on the
output and/or input signals which may in turn be due to incorrect gain settings on
amplifiers. Such obvious causes should be checked before structural nonlinearity
is suspected.
Use of different types of excitation 65
0 Frequency 1kHz
0 Frequency 1kHz
Figure 2.15. FRF gain and coherence plots for Duffing oscillator system given
by equation (2.24) subject to low-level random excitation showing almost ideal unit
0 Frequency 1kHz
0 Frequency 1kHz
Figure 2.16. The effect of increasing the excitation level for the Duffing oscillator of
figure 2.15, the coherence drops well below unity in the resonant region.
The excitation, x(t) will be chosen to represent four common types used in
dynamic testing namely steady-state sine, impact, rapid sine sweep (chirp) and
random excitation.
It is well known that the use of sinusoidal excitation usually produces the most
vivid effects from nonlinear systems. For example, a system governed by a
polynomial stiffness function can exhibit strong nonlinear effects in the FRF
such as bifurcations (the jump phenomenon) where the magnitude of the FRF
can suddenly reduce or increase. With stepped sinusoidal excitation, all the input
energy is concentrated at the frequency of excitation and it is relatively simple, via
integration, to eliminate noise and harmonics in the response signal (a standard
feature on commercial frequency response function analysers).
As such, the signal-to-noise ratio is very good compared with random or
transient excitation methods, an important requirement in all dynamic testing
scenarios, and the result is a well-defined FRF with distortions arising from
nonlinearity being very clear, particularly when a constant magnitude force
excitation is used.
It should be remembered that one of the drawbacks of using stepped sine
excitation methods is that they are slow compared with transient or random input
excitation methods. This is because at each stepped frequency increment, time is
required for the response to attain a steady-state condition (typically 1–2 s) before
the FRF at that frequency is determined. However, this is usually a secondary
factor compared with the importance of obtaining high-quality FRFs.
Consider figure 2.17(a). This FRF was obtained using steady-state
sinusoidal excitation. At each frequency step a force was applied consisting
of a constant amplitude sinewave. The displacement response was allowed to
reach a steady-state condition and the amplitude and phase at the excitation
frequency in the response were determined. The modulus of the ratio of the
amplitude to the force at each frequency increment constitutes the modulus of
the FRF (see chapter 1) shown in figure 2.17(a). The same (constant) amplitude
of force was chosen for each frequency and this amplitude was selected so that
the displacement of the system would be similar for all the excitation methods
studied here. The FRF was obtained by stepping the frequency of excitation
from 0.4 to 1.6 Hz (curve a–b–c–d) and then down from 1.6 Hz (curve d–c–e–
a). As previously discussed, the distortion of the FRF from the usual linear form
is considerable. The discontinuity observable in the curve will be discussed in
considerable detail in chapter 3.
Use of different types of excitation 67
0.5 0.5
(a) e b (b)
a d
0.0 0.0
0.4 1.0 1.6 0.4 1.0 1.6
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
0.5 0.5
(c) (d)
0.0 0.0
0.4 1.0 1.6 0.4 1.0 1.6
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
The most well-known excitation method for measuring FRFs is the impact
method. Its popularity lies in its simplicity and speed. Impact testing produces
responses with high crest factors (ratio of the peak to the rms value). This property
can assist in nonlinearity being excited and hence observed in the FRFs and their
corresponding coherence functions, usually producing distortions in the FRFs
opposite to those obtained from sinusoidal excitation. The use of impact testing
methods however, suffers from the same problems as those of random excitation,
namely that the input is a broad spectrum and the energy associated with an
individual frequency is small, thus it is much more difficult to excite structural
nonlinearity. Impact is a form of transient excitation.
The FRF in figure 2.17(b) was obtained by applying the force as a very
short impact (a pulse). In practice pulses or impacts of the type chosen are
often obtained by using an instrumented hammer to excite the structure. This
makes the method extremely attractive for in situ testing. The FRF is obtained
68 From linear to nonlinear
by dividing the Fourier transform of the response by the Fourier transform of the
force. Averaging is usually carried out and this means that a coherence function
can be estimated. The pulse used here was selected so that the maximum value
of the response in the time domain was similar to the resonant amplitude from
the sine-wave test of the last section. The results in figure 2.17(b) confirm the
earlier remarks in that a completely different FRF is obtained to that using sine
where and are chosen to give appropriate start and end frequencies. At any
given time, the instantaneous frequency of the signal is
!(t) = ( t + t2 ) = + 2 t: (2.53)
As one might imagine, the response of a nonlinear system to such
a comparatively complex input may be quite complicated. The FRF in
figure 2.17(c) was obtained using a force consisting of a frequency sweep between
0 and 2 Hz in 50 s. (This sweep is rapid compared with the decay time of the
structure.) The FRF was once again determined from the ratio of the Fourier
transforms. The excitation level was selected so that the maximum displacement
in the time-domain was the same as before. The ‘split’ response in figure 2.17(c)
is due to the presence of the nonlinearity.
excitation. In fact, experience has shown that it is often difficult to drive structures
into their nonlinear regimes with random excitation unless narrower-band signals
are used. This effect is also compounded by the fact that if an electrodynamic
exciter is being used to generate the FRFs in an open-loop configuration (no
feedback control for the force input) the force spectrum will suffer from force
drop-out in the resonant regions. This makes it even more difficult to drive
a structure into its nonlinear regimes and the measured FRFs corresponding to
different input spectrum levels may not show a marked difference. However, the
speed at which FRFs can be measured with random excitation and the combined
use of the coherence function makes random excitation a useful tool in many
practical situations for detecting nonlinearity.
Note that pseudo-random excitation is not recommended for use in
nonlinearity detection via FRF measurements. Pseudo-random excitation is
periodic and contains harmonically related discrete frequency components. These
discrete components can be converted (via the nonlinearity) into frequencies
which coincide with the harmonics in the input frequency. These will not average
out due to their periodic nature and hence the coherence function may appear
acceptable (close to unity) even though the FRF looks very ‘noisy’.
The FRF in figure 2.17(d) was obtained by using a random force and
determining spectral density functions associated with the force and response.
These were then used to estimate the FRF using
S (!)
H (!) = yx : (2.54)
2.6.5 Conclusions
These examples have been chosen to demonstrate how different answers can be
obtained from the same nonlinear model when the input excitation is changed. It
is interesting to note that the only FRF which one would recognize as ‘linear’ in
terms of its shape is the one shown in figure 2.17(d), due to a random excitation
input. This is because random excitation introduces a form of ‘linearization’ as
discussed in later chapters. As opposed to linear systems, the importance of
the type of excitation employed in numerical simulation or practical testing of
nonlinear systems has been demonstrated. Many of the detection and parameter
extraction methods for nonlinear systems, described later in this book, are
dependent upon the type of input used and will only provide reliable answers
under the correct excitation conditions.
n y
u S v
Figure 2.18. Block diagram of a linear system with input and output measurement noise.
the current section is to show that noise also leads to erroneous or biased estimates
of the FRF when random excitation is used via equation (2.54).
This time a general system will be assumed which has noise on both input
and output (figure 2.18). The (unknown) clean input is denoted u(t) and after
the addition of (unknown) noise n(t), gives the measured input x(t). Similarly,
the unknown clean output v (t) is corrupted by noise m(t) to give the measured
output y (t). It is assumed that m(t), n(t) and x(t) are pairwise uncorrelated. The
basic equations in the frequency domain are
Y (!) = H (!)U (!) + M (!): (2.56)
Multiplying (2.55) by X and taking expectations gives
This means that the estimator S yx =Sxx —denoted H1 (! )—is only equal to
the correct FRF H (! ) if there is no noise on the input (S nn = 0). Further, as
Snn =Suu > 0, the estimator is always an underestimate, i.e. H 1 (!) < H (!) if
input noise is present. Note that the estimator is completely insensitive to noise
on the output.
Now, multiply (2.56) by Y and take expectations, the result is
from which it follows that 2 < 1 if either input or output noise is present. It also
follows from (2.64), (2.62) and (2.59) that 2 = H1 =H2 or
H (!)
H2 (!) = 21 (2.65)
(! )
so the three quantities are not independent.
As the effect of nonlinearity on the FRF is different to that of input noise or
output noise acting alone, one might suspect that H 3 is the best estimator for use
with nonlinear systems. In fact it is shown in [232] that H 3 is the best estimator
for nonlinear systems in the sense that, of the three estimators, given an input
density Sxx , H3 gives the best estimate of S yy via Syy = jH j2 Sxx . This is
a useful property if the object of estimating the FRF is to produce an effective
linearized model by curve-fitting.
72 From linear to nonlinear
Heq(!) =
meq!2 + iceq! + keq
which approximates most closely that of the nonlinear system. In the time domain
this implies a best linear model of the form
and such a model is called a linearization. As the nonlinear system FRF will
usually change its shape as the level of excitation is changed, any linearization
is only valid for a given excitation level. Also, because the form of the FRF is
a function of the type of excitation as discussed in section 2.6, different forcing
types of nominally the same amplitude will require different linearizations. These
are clear limitations.
In the next chapter, linearizations based on FRFs from harmonic forcing
will be derived. In this section, linearizations based on random excitation will
be discussed. These are arguably more fundamental because, as discussed in
section 2.6, random excitation is the only excitation which generates nonlinear
systems FRFs which look like linear system FRFs.
2.8.1 Theory
The basic theory presented here does not proceed via the FRFs, one operates
directly on the equations of motion. The technique—equivalent or more
accurately statistical linearization—dates back to the fundamental work of
Caughey [54]. The following discussion is limited to SDOF systems; however,
this is not a fundamental restriction of the method 4.
Given a general SDOF nonlinear system,
one seeks an equivalent linear system of the form (2.67). As the excitation
is random, an apparently sensible strategy would be to minimize the average
difference between the nonlinear force and the linear system (it will be assumed
4 The following analysis makes rather extensive use of basic probability theory, the reader who is
unfamiliar with this can consult appendix A.
Equivalent linearization 73
that the apparent mass is unchanged, i.e. m eq = m), i.e. find the ceq and keq
which minimize
In fact this is not sensible as the differences will generally be a mixture of negative
and positive and could still average to zero for a wildly inappropriate system. The
correct strategy is to minimize the expectation of the squared differences, i.e.
Now, using elementary calculus, the values of c eq and keq which minimize
(2.71) are those which satisfy the equations
@J2 @J2
= = 0: (2.72)
@ceq @keq
The first of these yields
E [ceqy_ 2 yf
_ (y; y_ ) + keq yy_ ] = ceqE [y_ 2 ] E [yf
_ (y; y_ )] + keqE [yy_ ] = 0 (2.73)
E [keqy2 yf (y; y_ ) + ceqyy_ ] = keq E [y2 ] E [yf (y; y_ )] + ceqE [yy_ ] = 0 (2.74)
after using the linearity of the expectation operator. Now, it is a basic theorem
of stochastic processes E [y y_ ] = 0 for a wide range of processes 5 . With this
assumption, (2.73) and that (2.74) become
E [yf
_ (y; y_ )]
ceq =
E [y_ 2 ]
E [yf (y; y_ )]
keq =
E [y2 ]
5 The proof is elementary and depends on the processes being stationary, i.e. that the statistical
moments of x t , mean, variance etc do not vary with time. With this assumption
and all that remains is to evaluate the expectations. Unfortunately this turns out
to be non-trivial. The expectation of a function of random variables like f (y; y_ )
is given by Z 1 1
E [f (y; y_ )] = dy dy_ p(y; y_ )f (y; y_ ) (2.77)
1 1
where p(y; y_ ) is the probability density function (PDF) for the processes y and y_ .
The problem is that as the PDF of the response is not known for general nonlinear
systems, estimating it presents formidable problems of its own. The solution to
this problem is to approximate p(y; y_ ) by p eq (y; y_ )—the PDF of the equivalent
linear system (2.67); this still requires a little thought. The fact that comes to the
rescue is a basic theorem of random vibrations of linear systems [76], namely:
if the excitation to a linear system is a zero-mean Gaussian signal, then so is the
response. To say that x(t) is Gaussian zero-mean is to say that it has the PDF
p(x) = p exp
where x2 is the variance of the process x(t).
The theorem states that the PDFs of the responses are Gaussian also, so
1 2
peq(yeq ) = p exp
and !
1 2
peq(y_eq ) = p exp
so the joint PDF is
1 2
yeq 2
peq(yeq ; y_ eq) = peq(yeq )peq(y_eq ) = p exp :
2yeq y_eq 2y2eq 2y2_eq
In order to make use of these results it will be assumed from now on that
x(t) is zero-mean Gaussian.
Matters can be simplified further by assuming that the nonlinearity is
separable, i.e. the equation of motion takes the form
cE [y_ 2 ] + kE [yy
_ ] + E [y
_ (y_ )] + E [y_ (y))]
ceq = 2 (2.84)
E [y_ ]
which reduces to
E [y
_ (y_ )] + E [y_ (y))]
ceq = c +
E [y_ 2 ]
E [y(y_ )] + E [y (y))]
keq = k + :
E [y2 ]
E [y
_ (y_ )]
ceq = c + :
E [y_ 2 ]
Now, assuming that the expectations are taken with respect to the linear
system PDFs ((2.79) and (2.80)), equation (2.90) becomes
Z 1 !
1 y_ 2
ceq = c + p 3 dy_ y
_ (y_ ) exp
2y_eq 1
Z 1 !
1 y2
keq = k + p 3 dy y (y) exp
2yeq 1
76 From linear to nonlinear
which are the final forms required. Although it may now appear that the problem
has been reduced to the evaluation of integrals, unfortunately things are not quite
that simple. It remains to estimate the variances in the integrals. Now standard
theory (see [198]) gives
Z 1 Z 1 Sxx(!)
y2eq = d! jHeq (!)j2 Sxx (!) = d!
m!2 )2 + c2eq!2
1 1 (keq
and here lies the problem. Equation (2.92) expresses k eq in terms of the variance
y2eq and (2.93) expresses y2eq in terms of keq . The result is a rather nasty pair of
coupled nonlinear algebraic equations which must be solved for k eq . The same is
true of ceq . In order to see how progress can be made, it is useful to consider a
concrete example.
(y) = k3 y3 (2.95)
Z 1 !
k3 y2
keq = k + p 3 dy y4 exp :
2yeq 1 eq
In order to obtain a tractable expression for the variance from (2.93) it will
be assumed that x(t) is a white zero-mean Gaussian signal, i.e. S xx (! ) = P a
constant. It is a standard result then that [198]
Z 1 1 P
y2eq = P d! 2 2 2 2 = : (2.97)
1 (keq m! ) + ceq ! ckeq
This gives
Z 1
keq = k + p 3 3 dy y4 exp : (2.98)
1 2P
2 ckPeq
Equivalent linearization 77
2 ckkeq 3k3 P = 0:
ckeq (2.101)
3k3 P
keq = k + + O(k32 P 2 ): (2.103)
6 Z
Integrals of the type
dy yn exp( ay2 )
occur fairly often in the equivalent linearization of polynomial nonlinearities. Fortunately, they are
fairly straightforward to evaluate. The following trick is used: it is well known that
Z 1 1
I= dy exp( ay2 ) = 12 :
1 a2
Differentiating with respect to the parameter a yields
dI Z 1 2
da = dy y2 exp( ay2 ) =
1 2a 32
and differentiating again, gives the result in (2.99)
d2 I = Z 1 dy y4 exp( ay2 ) =
3 1
da2 1 4a 5
Continuing this operation will give results for all integrals with n even. If n is odd, the sequence is
started with Z 1
I= dy y exp( ay2 )
but this is the integral of an odd function from 1 to 1 and it therefore vanishes. This means the
integrals for all odd n vanish.
78 From linear to nonlinear
P=0 (Linear)
Magnitude FRF
50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0
Frequency (rad/s)
Figure 2.19. Linearized FRF of a Duffing oscillator for different levels of excitation.
The problem with using (2.75) and (2.76) as the basis for an experimental method
is that they require one to know what f (y; y_ ) is. In practice it will be useful to
extract a linear model without knowing the details of the nonlinearity. Hagedorn
and Wallaschek [127, 262] have developed an effective experimental procedure
for doing precisely this.
Suppose the linear system (2.67) (with m eq = m) is assumed for the
Equivalent linearization 79
P=0.0 (Linear)
P=0.02 (Analytical)
P=0.02 (Numerical)
Magnitude FRF
50.0 70.0 90.0 110.0 130.0 150.0
Frequency (rad/s)
Figure 2.20. Comparison between the nonlinear system FRF and the theoretical FRF for
the linearized system.
(All processes are assumed zero-mean, the modification if they are not is fairly
trivial.) Similarly, multiply (2.67) by y and take expectations
mE [yy] + ceq E [yy_ ] + keq E [y2 ] = E [xy]: (2.106)
Now using stationarity and E [y y] = E [y_ 2 ] which follows from
E [yy_ ] = 0 = E [y_ 2 ] + E [yy] (2.107)
E [xy] + E [y_ 2 ]
keq =
E [y2 ]
80 From linear to nonlinear
and it follows that the equivalent stiffnesses and dampings can be obtained
experimentally if the signals x(t), y (t) and y_ (t) are measured. In fact, the
experimental approach to linearization is superior in the sense that the equivalent
damping and stiffness are unbiased. The theoretical procedure yields biased
values simply because the statistics of the linearized process are used in the
calculation in place of the true statistics of the nonlinear process.
This analysis concludes the chapter, rather neatly reversing the title by going
from nonlinear to linear.