Job Satisfaction in Health Care Organizations.16
Job Satisfaction in Health Care Organizations.16
Job Satisfaction in Health Care Organizations.16
Kavita Bhatnagar, Job satisfaction among health-care professionals acquires significance for the purpose
of maximization of human resource potential. This article is aimed at emphasizing
Kalpana Srivastava1
importance of studying various aspects of job satisfaction in health-care organizations.
Department of Ophthalmology,
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coverage in formalized quality systems, it is essential that • Relationships with co-workers – social harmony and
a health-care establishment pays attention to the quality respect
of human resources in early stages of development of a • Promotion opportunities – chances for further
quality system. Attending to job satisfaction of staff is then advancement
a fundamental component of human resources quality. In • Pay – adequacy of pay and perceived equity vis-à-vis
particular, many researchers have demonstrated strong others[22,23]
positive correlations between job satisfaction of medical
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staff and patient satisfaction with the services in these Research tends to divide the characteristics of work into
health-care settings.[8-12] two broad categories: extrinsic variables and intrinsic
variables. In 1957, Herzberg et al. made the distinction
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Organizations’ efficiency depends to a large extent on between the intrinsic rewards from the job and the
the morale of its employee. Behavioral and social science extrinsic rewards from the job. The intrinsic factors
research suggests that job satisfaction and job performance refer to a job’s inherent features – people’s affective
are correlated.[13] Job satisfaction and morale among reactions to features integral to the work itself. The
medical practitioners is a current concern worldwide.[14-16] extrinsic work factors focus on issues that are external to
Poor job satisfaction leads to increased physician turnover, the job itself, such as pay.[21,24,25] The distinction between
adversely affecting medical care job satisfaction. [17,18] intrinsic and extrinsic work factors, rewards, motives,
Consequently, by creating an environment that promotes needs, etc., remains to be a useful tool in studies of
job satisfaction, a health-care manager can develop many researchers.
employees who are motivated, productive, and fulfilled.
This in turn will contribute to higher quality patient care There are important reasons why the researcher should
and patient satisfaction.[6,9] be concerned with job satisfaction. The first is that
people deserve to be treated fairly and with respect.
JOB SATISFACTION: DEFINITIONS, FACETS, AND Job satisfaction is to some extent a reflection of good
treatment. It can also be considered as an indicator of
emotional well-being or physiological health. The second
Schermerhorn define job satisfaction as the degree to which reason is that job satisfaction can lead to behavior of
individuals feel positive or negative about their jobs.[19] It employees that affects organizational functioning.
is an attitude or emotional response to one’s tasks as well Furthermore, job satisfaction can be a reflection
as to the physical and social conditions of the workplace. of organizational functioning. Differences among
Job satisfaction is motivational and leads to positive organizational units in job satisfaction can be diagnostic
employment relationships and high levels of individual of potential trouble spots.[26]
job performance.
Dissatisfied workers are more likely to provide inferior
According to Locke and Hanne, the definition could be services, and the physical and mental status and the social
‘the pleasant emotional state which flows from someone functioning of these workers can be affected substantially
realizing his or her motives (values) in the work’.[20] ‘Job by the level of their job satisfaction.[27]
satisfaction is simply how people feel about their jobs and
different aspects of their jobs. It is the extent to which However, as Schermerhorn points out, job satisfaction
people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) their job. alone is not a consistent predictor of individual work
As it is generally assessed, job satisfaction is an attitudinal performance.[21]
Job satisfaction can be considered as a global feeling about HEALTH-CARE INSTITUTION
the job or as a related constellation of attitudes about
various aspects or facets of the job. The global approach Hospital personnel have difficulties in meeting the needs of
and the facet approach can be used to get a complete their patients if their own needs are not met[28,29]; therefore,
picture of employees’ job satisfaction.[21] According to hospital managers have responsibilities to both staff and
Werner, job satisfaction has five facets, which can be put patients.[30]
together to measure a job descriptive index (JDI) as follows:
• The work itself – responsibility, interest, and growth According to the literature, job satisfaction in health-care
• Quality of supervision – technical help and social organizations is related to many factors: optimal work
support arrangements; the possibility to participate actively in the
decision-making process; effective communication among South Bend, Indiana: Press, Ganey Associates
Inc; 1999.
staff and supervisors; and to be able to express freely one’s 12. Ostroff C. The relationship between satisfaction, attitudes
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factors, such as making work more interesting, requiring Morale among general practitioners: Qualitative study
exploring relations between partnership arrangements,
more initiative, creativity, and planning. [34,35] This is personal style, and work load. BMJ 2002;325:140.
especially relevant when budget constraints limit increases 15. Kmietowicz K. Quarter of GPs want to quit, BMA survey
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37. McGregor D. The human side of enterprise. New York: from United Kingdom medical schools. Med Educ 2000;
McGraw-Hill; 1960. 34:348-54.
38. Dowell AC, Hamilton S, McLeod DK. Job satisfaction,
psychological morbidity and job stress among New Zealand
How to cite this article: Bhatnagar K, Srivastava K. Job satisfaction in
general practitioners. N Z Med J 2000;113:269-72.
health-care organizations. Ind Psychiatry J 2012;21:75-8.
39. Lambert TW, Goldacre MJ, Evans J. Views of junior doctors
about their work: Survey of qualifiers of 1993 and 1996 Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.
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