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BS Electronics

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Bachelor of Science

in Electronics Engineering

Program Description

The Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering program integrates available and

emerging technologies with knowledge of mathematics, natural, social and applied
sciences to conceptualize, design, and implement new, improved,or innovative
electronic, computer and communication systems, devices, goods, services and

Program Educational Objectives

Within 3-5 years from graduation, the Electronics Engineering graduates are expected to:
1. be employed and practice as a licensed Electronics Engineer in a renowned
company, be equipped with entrepreneurial mindset and be prepared to pursue a
career and graduate school opportunities.
2. contribute in research and development projects or partake in innovating solutions to
current issues.
3. uphold and foster the Christian Filipino cultural values and heritage in the
practice of profession.

Program Outcomes

At the end of the degree program, students are expected to be able to:
a. Apply principles of mathematics and science to solve engineering problems using
technology and innovative methods
b. Conceptualize, formulate and implement experiments as well as analyze and
interpret data in a standard scientific manner with consideration of cost, quality,
security and environmental impact
c. Design an overall system to meet specified needs in electronics engineering with
consideration for social, political, economic, environmental, health and safety and
ethical standards
d. Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams
and in multi-disciplinary settings
e. identify, formulate and apply principles of mathematics and science to solve
complex engineering problems with an understanding on limitations
f. Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of engineering practice
g. Communicate, collaborate effectively and participate as a member or a leader in
a multidisciplinary environment
h. Innovate creative solutions which is responsive to both local, national and global
trends with consideration for the environment
i. Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change
guided by self-reflection and self-evaluation
j. Make a personal commitment to societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues
recognizing obligations to society, subordinates and environment in conjunction with
the Electronics Engineering Professional Practice
k. Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for Electronics
engineering practice
l. Apply knowledge of engineering management principles and economic decision-
making and apply these to one’s work, as a member and leader in a team, to
manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments
m. Specialize in at least one field of Electronics Engineering discipline and apply
learnings to provide sustainable and technically-sound solutions to present and
emerging problems

Admission Policies

1. Students seeking admission to the program must have a GPA of at least 85%.
2. Students admitted on probation must comply with the terms and conditions set by
the University.
Retention Policy (In addition to the University’s standard retention policy)

A student will be dismissed from the ECE program due to any of the following reasons if
1. he/she incurs a total of 18 units failure or.
2. he/she incurs a total of 12 units in one semester.
Electronics Engineering

First Semester Total No. of hrs Total Pre- Co-
Credit Lec Lab Assessed requisite
requisite Units Units
EMA101 Calculus 1 4 4 0 4 NONE EMA 100
EMA100 Algebra and Trigonometry 3 2 3 5 NONE
CHM101E Chemistry for Engineers(Lec) 4 4 0 4 NONE
CHM101EL Chemistry for Engineers(Lab) 1 0 3 3 CHM101E
IGG GG1 1.5 1.5 0 1.5 NONE
MATHMW Mathematics in the Modern 3 3 0 3 NONE
NSTP1 World 1
NSTP 3 3 0 3 NONE
PED1 Physical Education 1
(Wellness and Fitness) 2 2 0 2 NONE
EECE101 Practical Electronics 1 0 3 3 NONE
PCOM Purposive Communication 3 3 0 3 NONE
IRS1 Lasallian Spirituality 3 3 0 3 NONE
Total 28.5 25.5 9 34.5

Second Semester Total No. of hrs Total Pre- Co-

Credit Lec Lab Assessed requisite
requisite Units Units

EMA102 Calculus 2 4 4 0 4 EMA101

USELF Understanding the Self 3 3 0 3 NONE
EMA104 Engineering Data Analysis 3 3 0 3 EMA101
NSTP2 NSTP 2 3 3 0 3 NSTP1
IRS2 Christian Morality 3 3 0 3 IRS1
PED2 Physical Education 2
(Team Sports and Rhythmic 2 2 0 2 PED1
PHY101E Activities)for Eng ineers (Lec)
Physics 4 4 0 4 EMA100, EMA102
PHY101EL Physics for Engineers (Lab) 1 0 3 3 PHY101E
GE101 Engineering Drawing & CAD 1 0 3 3 NONE
Total 24 22 6 28

Summer Total No. of hrs Total Pre- Co-

Credit Lec Lab Assessed requisite
requisite Units Units
PHY102E Physics 2 (Lec) 3 3 0 3 EMA100,
PHY102EL Physics 2 (Lab) 1 0 3 3 PHY102E
RIZAL Life and Works of Rizal 3 3 0 3 NONE
Total 7 6 3 9
First Semester Total No. of hrs Total Pre- Co-
Credit Lec Lab Assessed requisite
requisite Units Units
EECE201 Circuits 1(Lec) 3 3 0 3 EMA102
EECE201L Circuits 1 (Lab) 1 0 3 3 EECE201
EMA103 Differential Equation 3 3 0 3 EMA102
IRS3 Spirituality in the Workplace 3 3 0 3 IRS1
GE103 Statics & Dynamics of Rigid 3 3 0 3 PHY101E
EECE102 Bodies
Electronic Devices and Circuits 3 3 0 3 EMA102
(Lec) PHY102E
EECE102L Electronic Devices and Circuits 1 0 3 3 EECE102
GE106 (Lab)
Engineering Economics 3 3 0 3 EMA104
PED3 Physical Education 3
(Swimming and Recreation) 2 2 0 2 PED1
PSPEAK Public Speaking 3 3 0 3 NONE
Total 25 23 6 29

Second Semester Total No. of hrs Total Pre- Co-

Credit Lec Lab Assessed requisite
requisite Units Units
EECE103 Advanced Engineering
for ECE (Lec) 3 3 0 3 EMA103
EECE103L Advanced Engineering
for ECE (Lab) 1 0 3 3 EECE103
EECE202 Circuits 2 (Lec) 3 3 0 3 EECE201
EECE202L Circuits 2 (Lab) 1 0 3 3 EECE202
EECE203 Electromagnetics 4 4 0 4 EMA103
EECE105 Electronic Circuit Analysis and
Design (Lec) 3 3 0 3 EECE102
EECE105L Electronic Circuit Analysis and
Design (Lab) 1 0 3 3 EECE105
GE104 Material Science and Engineering 3 3 0 3 CHM101E
CFP101A Computer Programming 2 0 6 6 NONE
PED4 Physical Education 4
(Individual and Dual Sports) 2 2 0 2 PED1
Total 23 18 15 33

Summer Total No. of hrs Total Pre- Co-

Credit Lec Lab Assessed requisite
requisite Units Units
GBOOKS Great Books 3 3 0 3 NONE
EECE104 Principles of Communication
Design (Lec) 3 3 0 3 EECE102,
EECE104L Principles of Communication
Design (Lab) 1 0 3 3 EECE104
Total 7 6 3 9
First Semester Total No. of hrs Total Pre- Co-
Credit Lec Lab Assessed requisite
requisite Units Units
EECE106 Modulation and Coding
(Lec) 3 3 0 3 EECE104
EECE106L Modulation and Coding
(Lab) 1 0 3 3 EECE106
EECE107 Logic Circuits and Switching
(Lec) 3 3 0 3 EECE102
EECE107L Logic Circuits and Switching
(Lab) 1 0 3 3 EECE107
EECE108 Electronic Systems and Design
(Lec) 3 3 0 3 EECE102
EECE108L Electronic Systems and Design
(Lab) 1 0 3 3 EECE108
ETHICS Ethics 3 3 0 3 NONE
LITE Living in the IT Era 3 3 0 3 NONE
GE107 Engineering Management 3 3 0 3 NONE
EECE109 Signals, Spectra, Signal
(Lec) 3 3 0 3 EECE103
EECE109L Signals, Spectra, Signal
(Lab) 1 0 3 3 EECE109
EECE100 Electronics 4 3 3 0 3 EECE105
Total 28 24 12 36

Second Semester Total No. of hrs Total Pre- Co-

Credit Lec Lab Assessed requisite
requisite Units Units
EECE110 Methods of Research 3 3 0 3 EMA102, PCOM
3rd Yr
EECE111 Transmission Media and Antenna
System & Design (Lec) 3 3 0 3 EECE106
EECE111L Transmission Media and Antenna
System & Design (Lab) 1 0 3 3 EECE111
EECE112 Data Communications (Lec) 3 3 0 3 EECE106
EECE112L Data Communications (Lab) 1 0 3 3 EECE112
EECE113 Microprocess, Microcontroller
Systems and Design (Lec) 3 3 0 3 EECE107
EECE113L Microprocess, Microcontroller
Systems and Design (Lab) 1 0 3 3 EECE113
EECE114 Feedback and Control Systems 3 3 0 3 EECE103
EECE114L (Lec)
Feedback and Control Systems 1 0 3 3 EECE114
GenSoc (Lab)
Gender and Society 3 3 0 3 NONE
GE108 Technoprenuership 101 3 3 0 3 NONE
Total 25 21 12 33

Summer Total No. of hrs Total Pre- Co-

Credit Lec Lab Assessed requisite
requisite Units Units
EECE115 On-the-Job Training 3 240 3 4TH YR
Total 3 240 3
First Semester Total No. of hrs Total Pre- Co-
Credit Lec Lab Assessed requisite
requisite Units Units
ARTAP Art Appreciation 3 3 0 3 NONE
EIA1EC Engg Intensive Appraisal 1 for 1 0 3 3 EMA100,
EIA2EC Engg Intensive Appraisal 2 for 1 0 3 3 CHM101
ECE ,PHY101,
STS Science, Technology and Society 3 3 0 3 NONE
LOGIC Logic 3 3 0 3 NONE
EEC122 Navigational Aids 3 3 0 3 EECE10
EECE116 Computer Systems Architecture 3 3 0 3 4
EECE116L Computer Systems Architecture 1 0 3 3 EECE11
(Lab) 1/Capstone Project 1
EECE117 Design 1 0 3 3 4th Year 6
Total 19 15 12 27

Second Semester Total No. of hrs Total Pre- Co-

Credit Lec Lab Assessed requisite
requisite Units Units
EIA3EC Engg Intensive Appraisal 3 for 1 0 3 3 EECE 101,
EECE119 Operating Systems and Advanced
Programming Languages (Lec) 3 3 0 3 EECE116
EECE119L Operating Systems and Advanced
Programming Languages (Lab) 1 0 3 3 EECE119
RHIST Readings in Philippine History 3 3 0 3 NONE
EECE120 Seminars/Colloquium 1 0 3 3 4th yr
EECE121 ECE Laws, Contract, Ethics,
Standards and Safety 3 3 0 3
CWRLD The Contemporary World 3 3 0 3 NONE
GE105 Environmental Science and Eng’g 3 3 0 3 CHM101E
EIA4EC Engg Intensive Appraisal 4 for 1 0 3 3 EECE104,
EECE118 Design 2/Capstone Project 2 1 0 3 3 EECE117
Total 20 15 15 30
BS Electronics Engineering
No. of Unit Total
Courses Equivalen Units
Require t
Technical Course
Calculus 1 – 2 2 8
Algebra and Trigonometry 1 3
Differential Equation 1 3
Engineering Data Analysis 1 3 17

Chemistry for Engineers 2 5
Physics for Engineers 2 5 10

Basic Engineering Sciences

Engineering Drawing & CAD 1 1
Engineering Economics 1 3
Engineering Management 1 2
Technopreneurship 101 1 3
Statics & Dynamics of Rigid Bodies 1 3 13
Physics 2 2 4
Materials Science and Engineering 1 3
Computer Programming 1 2
Circuits 1 2 4
Circuits 2 2 4
Environmental Science and Engineering 1 3 20

Advanced Engineering Mathematics for ECE 2 4
Electromagnetics 1 4
Practical Electronics 1 3
ECE Laws, Contracts, Ethics, Standards and 1 3
Safety 1 3
Electronics 1 2 4
Electronics 2 2 4
Electronics 3 2 4
Electronics 4 1 3
Signals, Spectra, Signal Processing 2 4
Communications 1 2 4
Communications 2 2 4
Communications 3 2 4
Communications 4 2 4
Communications 5 1 3
Digital Electronics 1 2 4
Digital Electronics 2 2 4
Feedback and Control Systems 2 4
Methods of Research 1 3
Seminars/Colloquium 1 1
On the Job Training 1 1
Engineering Intensive Appraisal 1 for ECE 1 1
Engineering Intensive Appraisal 2 for ECE 1 1
Engineering Intensive Appraisal 3 for ECE 1 1
Engineering Intensive Appraisal 4 for ECE 1 1
Design 1/Capstone Project 1 1 1
Design 2/Capstone Project 2 1 1
Computer Systems Architecture 2 4
Operating Systems and Advanced Programming
Languages 2 4 83

Non–Technical Courses
General Education
Art Appreciation 1 3
Ethics 1 3
Mathematics for Modern World 1 3
Purposive Communication 1 3
Readings in Philippine History 1 3
Science, Technology and Society 1 3
The Contemporary World 1 3
Understanding the Self 1 3 24
General Education Course Electives/Mandated
Living in the IT Era 1 3
Gender and Society 1 3
Great Books 1 3
Life and Works of Rizal 1 3 12
Physical Education 1 – 4 4 8 8
National Service Training Program
National Service Training Program 1 – 2 2 6 6
Group Guidance 1 1.5
Logic 1 3
Public Speaking 1 3
Religion Studies 3 9
87 16.5
Total 209.5
Electronics Engineering

EMA100 3 2
The course introduces the concepts of
integration and its application to some
physical problems such as evaluation of
areas, volumes of revolution, force, and
The course is designed to strengthen and
work. The fundamental formulas and
increase the understanding of basic
various techniques of integration are taken
algebraic concepts of engineering students.
up and applied to both single variable and
Topics in algebra include algebraic, rational,
multi-variable functions. The course also
exponential, and logarithmic functions and
includes tracing of functions of two variables
their graphs; systems of equations; linear,
for a better appreciation of the
quadratic and higher degree polynomials;
interpretation of the double and triple
and word problems. Moreover, the
integral as volume of a three-dimensional
course will also reinforce the trigonometry
region bounded by two or more surfaces.
skills and concepts essential to success in
calculus. Topics in trigonometry include
trigonometric and inverse trigonometric
functions and their graphs; proving
identities; solving trigonometric equations;
application of the law of the sines and
cosines in simplifying trigonometric
expressions; and conic sections.

As evidence of attaining the learning

outcomes, the students are required to
submit collaborative works on:
1. the use of algebraic concepts in
solving real life applications.
2. the use of trigonometric concepts and
principles in solving practical
engineering problems.
3. the use of any mathematical software
in solving systems of linear equations.

EMA101 4
An introductory course covering the core
concepts of limit, continuity and
differentiability of functions involving one or
more variables. This also includes the
application of differential calculations in solving
problems on optimization, rates of change,
related rates, tangents and normal, and
approximations; partial differentiation and
transcendental curve tracing.

At the end of this course, the student must

be able to submit collaborative works on
exploring the use of any mathematical
software in curve sketching, locating the
maximum and minimum value(s) of a
function, and identifying one (1) real world
application of derivatives.

EMA102 4
At the end of this course, the student must linear functions of random variables with
be able to submit collaborative works on the context of their application to data
utilizing definite integration in finding the area analysis and inference. The course also
of a plane region as well as the volume of a includes estimation techniques for unknown
solid of revolution, and utilizing integral to parameters; and hypothesis testing used in
solve conceptual and real-world problems. making inferences from sample to
Prerequisite: EMA100 - Alegebra & population; inference for regression
Trigonometry and EMA101- Differential parameters and build models for
Calculus estimating means and predicting future
values of key variables under study. Finally,
EMA103 3 statistically based experimental design
techniques and analysis of outcomes of
experiments are discussed with the aid of
statistical software.
This course is intended for all engineering
students to have a firm foundation on
differential equations in preparation for their
degree-specific advanced mathematics
courses. It covers first order differential
equations, nth order linear differential
equations and systems of first order linear
differential equations. It also introduces the
concept of Laplace Transforms in solving
differential equations.

The students are expected to be able to

recognize different kinds of differential
equations, determine the existence and
uniqueness of solution, select the
appropriate methods of solution and
interpret the obtained solution. Students are
also expected to relate differential
equations to various practical engineering
scientific problems as well as employ
computer technology in solving and
verifying solutions. At the end of this
course, the student must be able to
submit collaborative works on exploring
the use of any mathematical software in
solving ordinary differential equations,
and identify practical engineering and
scientific problems solved using differential
equations. Prerequisite: EMA102- Calculus 2

EMA104 3
This course is designed for undergraduate
engineering students with emphasis on
problem solving related to societal issues
that engineers and scientists are called
upon to solve. It introduces different
methods of data collection and the
suitability of using a particular method for a
given situation. The relationship of
probability to statistics is also discussed,
providing students with the tools they need
to understand how “ chance” plays a role in
statistical analysis. Probability distributions
of random variables and their uses are also
considered, along with the discussion of
At the end of this course, the student must be units
able to: Apply statistical methods in the ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND
analysis of data. Prerequisite: EMA101- ENG’G
Differential Calculus This course is about environmental science
knowledge in ecology and human population
GE101 1 control, variety of resources and
outline plans for attaining sustainable
units society,, the enigma of pollution and the
ENGINEERING DRAWING & legal, technical and personal solution for it. It
CAD also involves a study of environmental impact
This course deals with the practices and assessment and environmental crisis.
techniques of graphical communication;
application of drafting instruments, lettering At the end of this course, the student must be
scale, and units of measure; descriptive able to understand the engineer’s role in the
geometry; orthographic projections; manipulation of materials and resources;
auxiliary views; dimensioning; sectional have a high level of awareness in the
views; pictorial drawings; and requirements environment and its significance; and
of engineering working drawings. It also understand the effect of design and
covers the concepts of computer-aided creation
drafting (CAD); introduction to the CAD
terminologies and environment with the
general operating procedures and
techniques in entering and executing basic
CAD commands.

At the end of this course, the student must

be able to prepare technical drawings by
applying the basic concepts learned to the
various areas of engineering. Prerequisite:

GE103 3 units
This course deals with force systems;
structure analysis; frictions; centroids and
centers of gravity; and moments of inertia.
It also deals with deals with kinetics and
kinematics of rigid bodies; work energy
method; and impulse and momentum (linear
and rotational)

At the end of this course, the student

must be able to design a report on the
stresses of trusses, beams, and frames of
one of the structure here in the University.
Pre-requisite: PHY101E,

GE104 3
This course introduces the students to a
broad study on the structure and
composition of materials (metals, polymers,
ceramics and composite materials) and their
properties and behavior in service

At the end of this course, the student must

be able to select the appropriate
material(s) for a given application.

GE105 3
technology companies or executing R & D
of productive and efficient safety
projects in companies as they start their
measures to be implemented in the
careers. The net result is a positive outlook
workplace and all manufactured products.
Pre-requisite: CHM101E-Chemistry for towards wealth creation, high value adding,
Engineers and wellness in society.

At the end of this course, the student must be

GE106 3 able to: Prepare a business plan for a
units technology idea; and develop an initial idea
ENGINEERING into a “prototype”. Prerequisite: None
This course involves the analysis and
evaluation of factors for the economic
success of engineering projects to ensure
the best of capital.

At the end of this course, the student must be

able to submit a case study applying the
various principles of engineering economy
to various engineering problems; prepare
a depreciation and recovery plan for
engineering projects; compare engineering
projects based on economic factors and
recommend the best use of capital for
engineering projects based on the
evaluation of economic factors. Prerequisite:
EMA103-Engineering Data Analysis

GE107 2
This course will entail students to learn the
basic function of a manager applicable in
decision making which are applicable to the
real world problems. Furthermore, students
would learn how to apply planning, leading,
organizing and control principles into the
resources in order to increase the efficiency.

At the end of this course, the student

must be able to: Know the basic functions
of management; describe the cultural setting
within which managers make decision and
the moral framework of their management
philosophies; describe the basic
functions of a manager; learn the stages of
strategic planning and to know the
hierarchy of plans and competitive
strategies; describe and apply in case
studies the elements and different types of
leadership; describe the structure of formal
organization; and describe the basic
principles of controlling and the essential
elements of the control system. Prerequisite:

GE108 3
This course is a philosophy, a way of
building a career or perspective in life.
The course covers the value of
professional and life skills in entrepreneurial
thought, investment decisions, and action
that students can utilize in starting
methods for sustainable management of
CFP101A 2 units
environmental systems and for the
remediation or restoration of degraded
Co-requisite: CHM101E- Chemistry for
This laboratory course introduces the Engineers
fundamental concepts of programming from Pre-requisite:
an object oriented perspective. Topics are None
drawn from classes and objects,
abstraction, encapsulation, data types,
calling methods and passing parameters,
decisions, loops, arrays and collections,
documentation, testing and debugging,
exceptions, design issues, inheritance,
and polymorphic variables and methods.
The course emphasizes modern software
engineering and design principles.

At the end of this course, the student must

be able to familiarize with fundamentals of
Programming languages; apply
programming concepts in engineering
problems; and create graphic user
interfaces in application to engineering
problems, Pre-requisite: None

CHM101E 4
This course provides students with core
concepts of chemistry that are important in
the practice of engineering profession.

At the end of this course, the student

must be able to submit collaborative works
on identifying chemical processes that
occurs in the environment and how these
processes affect us, give specific examples
of the role of chemistry in energy
generation, and find one specific
application of chemistry in their specific
field of specialization Prerequisite:None

CHM101EL 1 unit
LABORATORY A fundamental laboratory
course designed to relate and apply the
principles and theories in chemistry to
engineering practices. It is a combination
of experimental and calculation laboratory.

At the end of this course, the student

must be able to explicitly state experimental
observation in relation to specific
principles and fundamental concepts of
chemistry, interpret results clearly
obtained from the experiments,
answer questions related to the performed
experiment, develop critical and
technical communication skills, explain
the mechanics of alpha, beta and gamma
decay as well as the correlation between
half-lives, understand the natural
environment and its relationships with
human activities, and design and
evaluate strategies, technologies, and
( 1st and 2nd law, basic concepts on heat
PHY101E 4 engine and refrigerators), energy
units conversion (EM induction, magnetic flux,
PHYSICS FOR generators), semiconductor physics.
This course deals with vectors; kinematics; At the end of this course, the student
dynamics; work, energy, and power; must be able to use calculus to solve
impulse and momentum; rotation; dynamics problems in thermodynamics; describe the
of rotation; elasticity; and oscillation; fluids; three methods of heat transfer; solve
thermal expansion, thermal stress; heat basic problems in heat transfer; describe
transfer; calorimetry; waves; electrostatics; electromagnetism and apply its principles
electricity; magnetism; optics; image to problems on magnetic field and
formation by plane and curved mirrors; and torque; define electric current, resistance
image formation by thin lenses. and voltage; solve problems on inductance,
reactance, impedance, RLC, resonance;
As evidence of attaining the learning solve problems on resistance and
outcomes, the students are required to capacitances in series and parallel;
predict the outcomes of some actions or state Kirchhoff’s rules and
events, explain effectively why a certain
phenomena occur, or how certain local and
industrial issues are better addressed
without compromising the environment
and the welfare of the community. The
activity will enhance the critical thinking
skills of the students as well as improve
both their written and oral communication
skills since their output will be submitted
and presented in class.
Co-requisite: EMA102-
Calculus 2
Pre-requisite: EMA101-
Calculus 1

1 unit
A 1-unit laboratory course in Physics that
covers experiments on vectors; kinematics;
dynamics; work, energy, and power; impulse
and momentum; rotation; dynamics of
rotation; elasticity; and oscillation; fluids;
thermal expansion, thermal stress; heat
transfer; calorimetry; waves; electrostatics;
electricity; magnetism; optics; image
formation by plane and curved mirrors;
and image formation by thin lenses. It aims
to provide students with strong
understanding of the underlying principles
and develop their critical thinking

At the end of this course, the student

must be able to perform experiments in
Physics and write reports about the activity.
State experimental observation, interpret
results clearly obtained from the
experiments, and answer questions related
to the performed experiment.
Co-requisite: PHY101E- Physics for

PHY102E 3
This course deals with thermodynamics
apply them in a given circuit; describe
At the end of this semester, the student
concepts on nuclear physics; and describe
must be able to design a single stage
formation of semiconductors,
amplifier using a BJT or FET with a
superconductors and crystals. Co-requisite:
specified output. Submit also a simulated
PHY101E-Physics for Engineers
Pre-requisite: EMA101E- output of the design using MultiSim or any
Calculus 1 computer-related application software.
Pre-requisite: PHY102,
1 unit EECE102L 1 unit
A laboratory course that covers A laboratory course that covers
experiments on first and second law on experiments on solid state diode
thermodynamics, heat engine and familiarization, diode applications, power
refrigerators, experiments on electricity supply, transistor familiarization and
such as resistors and capacitors in series applications and other related topics.
and parallel, RL and RC circuits, reactance,
impedance, resonance and experiments on
semiconductor diodes.
At the end of this course, the student
must be able to perform experiments in
Physics and write reports about the activity.
State experimental observation, interpret
results clearly obtained from the
experiments, and answer questions related
to the performed experiment.
Co-requisite: PHY102- Physics 2

EECE101 3
This course includes basic concepts and
practical applications of discrete passive
and active electronic devices and their
formation as a system to form a useful tool
in industries; practical troubleshooting of
electronic system is also included. It also
gives the student practical hands- on
activities on the usage of the fundamental
measuring instruments and in assembling a
regulated power supply.

At the end of the course the student is

required to construct a regulated power
supply using the basic knowledge acquired
from the discussion on different passive and
active electronic elements such as capacitors,
inductors, transistors, resistors etc.

EECE102 3
This course deals with the introduction to
quantum mechanics of solid state
electronics; diode and transistor
characteristics and models (BJT and FET);
diode circuit analysis and applications;
transistor biasing; small signal analysis;
large signal analysis; transistor
amplifiers; Boolean logic; transistor switch.
Circuits 1
At the end of the course, the students are
expected to construct a single stage
amplifier using a BJT or FET with a EECE202L
specified output. Submit also a simulated 1 unit
output of the design using MultiSim or any CIRCUITS 2
computer-related application software. LABORATORY
Co-requisite: EECE102- Electronic Circuits A laboratory course that covers
and experiments on familiarization with AC
Device equipment, impedance of RC and RLC
s circuits; power dissipation in AC circuits;
measurement of power factor, three- phase
EECE201 3 circuit, power in three-phase balanced
units load,transformer, frequency response of
CIRCUITS RL and RC and maximum power transfer.
This course deals with the fundamental At the end of this course, the students must
relationships in circuit theory, mesh and be able to implement a group circuit design
node equations; resistive networks, network project utilizing the different AC circuit laws
theorems; solutions of network problems and principles. Co-requisite: EECE102-
using laplace transform; transient analysis; Electronic Circuits and Devices
and methods of circuit analysis.

At the end of this course, the students are

able to make a group circuit design
utilizing the different DC circuit laws and
principles for a simple Christmas lighting
Pre-requisite: PHY102E-Physics 2,

EECE201L 1
A laboratory course that covers
experiments on familiarization with DC
equipment, series and parallel connection of
linear resistors, delta to wye transformation
of resistive networks; dc power
measurement, Kirchhoff’s Law,
superposition law, thevenin’s theorem,
bridge circuit, RC/RL time constant curve
and maximum power transfer.

At the end of this course, the student

must be able to: Implement a group circuit
design project utilizing the different DC
circuit laws and principles. Co-requisite:
EECE201- Circuits 1

EECE202 3
This course deals with complex algebra and
phasors; simple AC ciruits, impedance and
admittance; mesh and node analysis for AC
circuits; AC network theorems; power in AC
circuits; resonance; three- phase circuits;
transformers; two-port network parameters
and transfer function.

At the end of this course, the students are

able to make a group circuit design for a
basic residential house lighting system.
Pre-requisite: EECE201-
EECE104 3 units
ELECTROMAGNETI This course deals with bandwidth; filters;
CS linear modulation; angle modulation; phase
This course deals with vector algebra, locked loop; pulse modulation; multiplexing
vector calculus, vector analysis, and their techniques; noise analysis; radio
applications in electric and magnetic fields, transmitters and receivers.
resistive, dielectric and magnetic materials, At the end of this course, the student is
coupled circuits, magnetic circuits and required to submit any design for an analog
fields, time-varying electromagnetic fields, communication system.
and Maxwell’s equations. Prerequisite: EECE102 and
At the end of this course, the student Co-requisite: EECE105- Electronic Circuit
must be able to perform algebraic Analysis and Design
operations on vectors; analyze and solve
vector quantities in cartesian, cylindrical and
spherical coordinate systems; define
electromagnetic quantities; write the
expressions for and explain Maxwell’s
equations; apply Maxwell’s equations in
solving electromagnetic problems and
identify and observe safety measures
relating to Electromagnetic fields.

EECE103 3
This course is a study of selected topics in
mathematics and their applications in
advanced courses in engineering and other
allied sciences. It covers the study complex
number and complex variables, Laplace and
inverse Laplace transforms, power series,
fourier series, fourier transforms, z-
transforms, power series solution of
ordinary differential equations, partial
differential equations and numerical
methods in engineering.

At the end of this course, the student must

be able to prepare algorithms, write
computer programs, use computer
software and implement these to the
solution of engineering problems.
Pre-requisite: EMA103-Differential

A computer laboratory course that covers
experiments and exercises based on the
topics covered in the lecture using available
software such as Matlab, Mathematica,
Mathcad or its equivalent.

At the end of this course, the student must

be able to prepare algorithms, write
computer programs, use computer
software and implement these to the
solution of engineering problems.
Co-requisite: EECE103- Advanced
Mathematics for
EECE106 L 1 unit
EECE104 L 1 unit
A laboratory course that covers
A laboratory course that covers
experiments on PAM, noise, FSK, ASK, PSK,
experiments on Passive and Active Filters
PCM, error detection and correction
and tuned circuits; AM transmitter,
Frequency modulation, Pulse amplitude
modulation, diode detection, time division
multiplexing and frequency division

At the end of this course, the student must

be able to make an analog radio transmitter
and receiver. Co-requisite: EECE104-
Principles of Communication Systems

EECE105 3 units
This course deals with high frequency
transistor models; analysis of transistor
circuits; multi-stage amplifier; feedback,
differential amplifiers and operational
amplifiers; integrated circuit families (RTL,

At the end of this course, the student must

be able to design a multistage amplifier
using a BJT or FET with a specified output.

EECE105L 1 unit
A laboratory course that covers
experiments on frequency response of a
transistor amplifier; cascaded transistor
amplifier; the differential amplifier; the
transistor as a switch; familiarization with
digital circuits; and filters.

At the end of this course, the student must be

able to construct a multistage amplifier using
a BJT or FET with a specified output.
Co-requisite: EECE105-
Electronics 2

EECE106 3 units
This course deals with random variables, bit
error rate; matched filter; digital modulation
techniques; ASK, FSK, QAM, PSK/QPSK,
CDMA, and W-CDMA systems; signal space;
generalized orthonormal signals;
information measures-entropy; channel
capacity; efficient encoding; error
correcting codes information theory; data
compression; coding theory.

At the end of this course, the student

must be able to: conceptualize, analyze and
design an application of modulation and
coding techniques. Pre-requisite: EECE104-
Communications 1
At the end of this course, the student
must be able to conceptualize, analyze
A laboratory course that covers
and design an application of modulation
experiments on SCRs, UJT, PUT; TRIAC,
and coding techniques. Co-requisite:
DIAC and other thyristors; optoelectronic
EECE106- Communications 2
devices and sensors; transducers;
interfacing techniques; and programmable
EECE107 3 units
logic controllers.
This course deals with a review of number
systems, coding and Boolean algebra;
inputs and outputs; gates and gating
networks; combinational circuits; standard
forms; minimization; sequential circuits;
state and machine equivalence;
asynchronous sequential circuits; race
conditions; algorithmic state machines;
design of digital subsystems

At the end of this course, the student must

be able to submit a group design project of
combinational logic circuit using universal
gates, mux or decoders, or on sequential
circuits such as counter applications: stop
watch, count up/down timers, digital clocks
or traffic lights.
Pre-requisite: EECE102-
Electronics 1

EECE107L 1 unit
A laboratory course that covers
experiments on diode, transistor and
integrated digital logic gates; flip flops;
registers; counters (binary, ripple, decade,

At the end of this course, the student must

be able to construct a combinational logic
circuit using universal gates, mux or
decoders, or on sequential circuits such as
counter applications: stop watch, count
up/down timers, digital clocks or traffic lights.
Co-requisite: EECE107- Digital Electronics 1

EECE108 3 units
This course deals with the theory, operating
characteristics and design of electronic
devices and control circuits for industrial
processes; industrial control applications;
electronics instrumentation; transducers; data
acquisition system; interfacing techniques;
and sensors.

At the end of this course, the student

must be able to submit a group design
project on any application of SCADA related
to the course such as communication
networks, industrial plans and process
control, or manufacturing.
Pre-requisite: EECE105-
Electronics 2

EECE108L 1 unit
testing instruments.
At the end of this course, the student
must be able to submit a group design EECE105
project on any application of SCADA
related to the course such as
communication networks, industrial plans EECE110 3
and process control, or manufacturing. units
Electronics 3 (LECTURE)
This course deals with research preparation
EECE109 3 units methods, research tools, research proposals, and
SIGNALS SPECTRA AND the implementation, presentation and publication
SIGNAL PROCESSING of research work.
This course deals with fourier At the end of this course, the student
transform; z-transform; convolution; FIR must be able to look for and identify a
filters; IIR filters; random signal analysis; research topic of interest; prepare and
applications of signal processing to speech, present a research proposal on the
image, etc. identified topic; design and conduct
experiments as well as to analyze and
At the end of this course, the student is interpret data; understand professional
required to submit any design of filters and
covered in the abovementioned topics.
Pre-requisite: EECE103- Advanced
Mathematics for
EECE109 L 1 unit

A laboratory course that covers
experiments on periodic and non-periodic
signals; computation of transforms;
sampling and quantization; measurements
on filter response; FIR filter and IIR filter
analysis and design.

At the end of this course, the student

must be able to submit any design of filters
covered in the abovementioned topics.
Co-requisite: EECE109- Signals Spectra and

EECE100 3
This course deals with the study on control
and testing: electromechanical, analog and
digital measuring and testing instruments,
R, L, and C measurements. It includes
principles and controls and test
measurements involving sensors,
pneumatic controls, actuators, thermal
detectors, thermocouples, thermistors,
transducers, PID controllers. It also covers
other operational amplifiers used in the

At the end of this course, the student must

be able to prepare a final design project
with practical applications in the field of
Electronics Engineering utilizing the
various types of of measuring and
ethical responsibilities as they become
familiar with the design and conduct of EECE112 L 1 unit
experiments or other research activities and TRANSMISSION MEDIA, ANTENNA
awareness of research publication SYSTEM AND DESIGN (LABORATORY)
requirements; communicate effectively as A laboratory course that covers
they understand contemporary issues and experiments on transmission lines;
the impact of engineering solutions in a antennas; measurement of frequency,
global, economic, environmental and wavelength, phase velocity in waveguides;
societal context; and use techniques, skills generation of microwaves; detection of
and modern engineering tools needed in microwaves; attenuation measurement; and
the electronics engineering practice. optical fiver system: numerical aperture,
Co-requisite: EMA104 – Eng’g Data attenuation, modal theory.
Pre-requisite: PCOM – Purposive At the end of this course, the student must
Communication and must be 3rd Year be able to construct a wideband antenna
Standing (2nd Sem Regular ) based on the design submitted in the
lecture class.
Co-requisite: EECE112-
EECE111 3 Communications 4
This course deals with data communication
systems; terminals, modems; terminal
control units; multiplexers; concentrators;
front-end processors; common carrier
services; data communication system
design; computer network models; TCP/IP;
principles; LAN; WAN.

At the end of this course, the student

must be able to submit a Bldg plan with
data network design and auxillary services
using the Philippine standards.
Pre-requisite: EECE106-
Communications 2

1 unit
A laboratory course that covers training modules
in two-
wire and four-wire circuits, modems, SDH, and

At the end of this course, the student must

be able to submit a Bldg plan with data
network design and auxillary services using
the Philippine standards. Co-requisite:
EECE111- Communications 3

EECE112 3 units
This course deals with transmission media;
radio wave propagation wire and cable
transmission systems; fiber optic
transmission system; transmission lines and
antenna systems.

At the end of this course, the student must

be able
to design a wideband antenna (VHF and
Pre-requisite: EECE106-
Communications 2
EECE113 3 units
Co-requisite: EECE114- Feedback and
This course covers concepts
EECE115 1 unit
systems architecture/organization
This course deals with the actual on-the-job
training or industry internship in the field of
programming, interfacing techniques,
specialization. This will cover 240 hours of
memory systems and bus standards.
At the end of this course, the student
must be able to submit a project using
microprocessor/ microcontroller with
assembly or high-level language
programming by groups.
Pre-requisite: EECE107- Digital Electronics 1

EECE113 L 1 unit
A laboratory course that covers
experiments on assembler, cross-compiler,
debugger; seven segment or LCD displays;
switches and keypads; motors with TTL-
input drivers.

At the end of this course, the student must

be able to submit projects integrated with
lecture, to be able to build a prototype
using microprocessor/ microcontroller with
the use of assembly or high- level
languages to be done by groups.
Co-requisite: EECE113- Digital Electronics 2

EECE114 3 units
This course deals with time and frequency
response of feedback control systems.
Topics covered include: time response of
first and second order systems; modeling;
transfer functions; pole- zero map; stability
analysis; root locus; bode plots;
compensators; PID controllers; and
introduction to state space techniques.
At the end of this course, the students
must be able to: Identify and demonstrate
the difference of an open – loop and a
closed – loop systems thru presentation of
existing systems of their choice. Pre-
requisite: EECE103- Advanced Eng’g Math

EECE114 L 1 unit
A computer laboratory course that
covers experiments that uses control
system software.

At the end of this course, the student must

be able to: create a short program to
illustrate and answer a specific problem
fundamentals of electronics engineering in the
At the end of this course, the student must be
design of an electronic system. It includes
able to: Relate theories learned in school to
the synthesis of processes, analysis of
the actual technical and/or practical
process conditions and the analytic,
solutions to industrial problems; familiarize
heuristic and optimum design of equipment
with varied plant operations and processes,
and processes. Economic analysis is included
operational techniques used and current
to estimate the cost of equipment, capital
management control; develop responsible
investment, total product cost and
attitude and self-motivation by
systematically handling tasks in design and
other activities relevant to Electronics
At the end of this course, the student must
Engineering; and develop good human
be able to submit a proposal by group
relations in industrial operations.
Pre-requisite: 4th year standing that will include the essential elements of
an electronic design
EECE116 3 units
This course deals with the design and
performance evaluation of advanced/high
performance computer systems. The
emphasis is on microprocessors, chip-
multiprocessors and memory hierarchy
design. Historical information is presented
as well along with data storage and low-
power dissipation schemes. Special
attention is paid to pipelining, ILP
(Instruction Level Parallelism), DLP ( Data-
Level Parallelism) and TLP ( Thread-Level
Parallelism) using hardware and/ or
software techniques to yield high

At the end of this course, the student must be

able to: design microprocessor based
systems by accounting for performance
and power dissipation. Prerequisite:
EECE113-Microprocess, Microcontroller
Systems and Design

EECE116L 1 unit
A laboratory course that covers
experiments on fundamentals of
quantitative design and analysis; instruction
set principles; pipelining basic and
intermediate concepts; memory hierarchy
design; instruction-level parallelism; TLP;
and DLP in vector, SIMD, and GPU
At the end of this course, the student must be
able to: Perform experiments using
software and equipment that covers the
given topics and write reports about the
activity. State experimental observation,
interpret results clearly obtained from the
experiments, and answer questions
related to the performed experiment.
Co-requisite: EECE116-Computer Systems

EECE117 1 unit
This is the capstone course which utilizes the
project; use engineering economics to
evaluate profitability; apply analytic and
heuristic techniques in the design; use
A laboratory course that covers
software and simulation techniques to
experiments on the topics covered in the
design systems and processes and to
analyze their performance; analyze and
At the end of this course, the student
improve the performance of equipment and
must be able to perform experiments
processes by incorporating technical
using equipment and computer software
standards, ethics, health, safety and
applicable to the specified topics and write
environmental issues; model or simulate
reports about the activity. State
project or system design, develop oral and
experimental observation, interpret results
written skills; and work as a member of a
clearly obtained from the experiments, and
design team.
Pre-requisite: EECE108, GE106, EECE112, answer questions related to the performed
EECE113 experiment.
EECE118 1 unit
This is the continuation of EECE117 and is
the implementation of the proposed
concept in accordance to the research
guidelines of the university. The students
are required to submit and defend a
working output of the technology proposed
with a written documentation that
corresponds to the research paper format of
the university.

At the end of this course, the student

must be able to submit and defend a
working output of the design project based
on the proposal done in design capstone 1.

EECE119 3 units
This course covers topics that are primarily
based on CPU and memory management
starting from the hardware architecture
before moving to process scheduling and
resource allocation; some general properties
of process synchronization are investigated
dealing with the classical problems of critical
regions, producer-consumer relationship
and the more general framework of the
client- server schema.
At the end of this course, the student must be
able to be acquainted with the software
machinery devoted to control the processing
operations of a computer; to understand the
fundamental mechanisms which are the
normal working background of the current
computer systems; and the course terminates
with a short presentation of O.S. kernels.

EECE119L 1 unit
Operating Systems and Advanced
and Microwave Landing System (MLS).
EECE120 1 unit
Explain the theory and use of Radar
specifically for Air Traffic Controller (ATC).
(LABORATORY) This course deals with
a series of lectures and seminars on
selected topics that are highly relevant to EIA1EC 1
electronics engineering but are not unit
covered in any of the other formal ENGINEERING INTENSIVE
courses. It covers recent advances in APPRAISAL 1
electronics engineering. It is also a venue This review course on mathematics
for the students to present their projects covers the following subjects: algebra,
and researches. trigonometry, analytic geometry, differential
calculus, integral calculus, differential
At the end of this course, the student must equations, complex numbers, probability and
be able to organize seminars relevant to statistics, advance engineering mathematics
the electronics engineering; and develop a including matrices, power series, Fourier
sense of responsibility in fulfilling assigned analysis, Laplace transforms, and others. :
tasks particularly in organizing seminars,
colloquium and fora.
Pre-requisite: 4th year

EECE121 3 units
This course deals with contracts:
warranties; liabilities; patents; bids;
insurance; and other topics on the legal and
ethical positions of the professional
engineer. It includes safety and other
standards related to the ECE profession.

At the end of this course, the student

must be able to submit a case study that
will apply the laws to a given situation and
know the rights and obligations of the
parties; learn the intricacies of obligations
and contracts; apply safety standards and
other standards related to the engineering
profession; and familiarize with the PEC
Pre-requisite: 4th year

EECE122 3
The course introduces the student the
principles and theories of navigational
systems for air, marine, and space;
RADARS; directional finders (ADF), antenna
systems, non-directional beacons (NDB),
MLS; distance measuring equipment (DME);
VHF Omni Range (VOR), and global
positioning system.

At the end of this course, the student will be

acquire the knowledge about the basic
principles of radio. Explain the use of high
frequency (HF), very high frequency (VHF)
and ultra high frequency (UHF) in aviation.
Explain the basic workings of Automatic
Direction Finder (ADF) and the Non
directional Beacons (NDB), VHF Omni Range
(VOR), Distance Measuring Equipment
(DME), Instrument Landing System (ILS),
requisite: EECE104, EECE106, EECE109,
At the end of this course, the student must be
EECE111, EECE112,
able to: Recall basic mathematical concepts
and techniques; identify and solve different EECE121
problems in mathematics; apply different
strategies in solving multiple choice
Pre-requisite: EMA100, EMA101, EMA102,
EMA103, EMA104

1 unit
This course is a review on engineering
sciences and allied subjects, such as general
chemistry, college physics, computer
fundamentals and programming, engineering
materials, engineering mechanics, fluid
mechanics, strength of materials,
thermodynamics, electronics engineering law,
engineering economics, engineering
management, contracts and specifications,
code of professional ethics, and others.

At the end of this course, the student must be

able to: Identify and solve problems related
to engineering sciences and allied subjects;
apply different approaches to solving
multiple choice problems. Pre-requisite:
CHM101, PHY101, PHY102, GE106, EECE103

1 unit
This course is a review on electronics
engineering professional subjects such as:
practical electronics, circuits 1 and 2,
electronics 1, 2, and
3, digital electronics 1 and 2 and

At the end of this course, the student must be

able to identify and solve problems in
electronics engineering professional
subjects; apply different approaches to
solving multiple choice problems. Pre-
requisite: EECE 101, EECE 102,EECE105,
EECE107, EECE108, EECE113, EECE114,

1 unit
This course is a review on Electronics
engineering professional subjects such as:
Communications 1,
2, 3 and 4; Signals, Spectra and Signal
Processing and others.

At the end of this course, the student must

be able to identify and solve problems
in electronics engineering professional
subjects; apply different approaches to
solving multiple choice problems. Pre-

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