Theme Mitch Alboms Novel ''For One More Day''
Theme Mitch Alboms Novel ''For One More Day''
Theme Mitch Alboms Novel ''For One More Day''
A Thesis
Skripsi yang berjudul “Theme In Mitch Albom’s Novel “For One More
Day”, yang disusun oleh Nurhaedah, Nim: 40300105035 mahasiswi Jurusan
Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris pada Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Alauddin
Makassar, pada hari kamis, 27 Mei 2010 M. untuk memporoleh gelar Sarjana
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Makassar, 25 Februari
2010 Penulis,
Alhamdulillah Rabbil ‘Alamin, the writer praises to the Almighty Allah SWT for His
blessing and mercy so the writer can complete this thesis. Shalawat and Salam are
The writer realizes that this thesis cannot be completed without getting assistance,
guidance, understanding and encouragement from many paople. Therfore, the writer
would like to express her deepest gratitude to them. My great thanks go to:
1. My beloved parents, Juma’ and Nurbaya for their love patience, and sincere prayer
2. The Rector of UIN Alauddin Makassar, Prof. Dr. H. M. Azhar Arsyad, M. A. who
has given me a chance to follow the Literatureb Department so that I could finish
my study.
3. Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Dr. Mardan, M. Ag. and his staff, the Head
and Secretary of English Literature Departement, Drs. Abd. Muin, M. Hum and
M. Nur Akbar Rasyid, M.pd, M.Ed. for their support, help and encouragement.
4. Prof. Dr. Mardan, M. Ag and M. Nur Akbar Rasyid, M.Pd.,M.Ed, my pirst and
suggestions, corrections, and over all support since the preliminary part of this
5. All lecturers of Adab and Humanities Faculty of UIN Alauddin Makassar who
6. My greatest thanks and appreciation to may sister and my brother, Dewi, Citra,
Arsyad, who motivated and prayed for me during my study and writing this thesis.
Department 2005 with whom I share experience and knowledge diring my study
May Allah SWT, the Almighty bless us all now and forever.
The Writer
PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI…………………………………………………...
APPROVAL SHEET………………………………………………………...
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION…………………………………………...
A. Background…………………………………………………………...
B. Problem Statement……………………………………………………
A. Previous Study………………………………………………………..
B. Definition of Novel…………………………………………………...
C. Kinds of Novel………………………………………………………..
A. Research Method……………………………………………………..
B. Data sources…………………………………………………………..
A. Findings………………………………………………………………
B. Discussion…………………………………………………………….
A. Conclusion……………………………………………………………
B. Suggestion…………………………………………………………….
Name : Nurhaedah : 40 300 10 50 35
Title : Theme in Mitch Albom Novel “For One More Day”
The novel “For One More Day” is one of Mitch Albom’s works that tells
about the theme. The aim of this study is to find out the theme in the novel “For
OneMore Day” and the form of relationship between the theme and characters in
the novel “For One More Day”
In analyzing those two cases, the writer used the intrinsic approach in
analyzing the novel because they are closely related to the subject matter of this
research. The instrument that the writer used in this thesis research was paper
note. From this instrument, the writer found and wrote the data or subject matter
about theme in the novel “For One More Day”. And The procedures of data
collection used by the writer were: (1). The writer reads the novel carefully.
Through this way, the writer noted some events containing theme on that novel as
the primary data. (2). The writer collected and read some related literatures to
support the object that to be analyze. This way was used to find out the secondary
data in order to get complex data research.
The results of the analysis reveal that there are two main themes in the
novel For One More Days by Mitch Albom namely family and childhood. In terms
of the relationship between theme and characters, it is uncovered that the theme
family and childhood and with relevance daily activities. The two themes are
perfectly presented by author through the interaction among the characters.
A. Background
thought, and ideas. Also remarked literature is simply another way we can
experience that world around us through our imagination. In literature people learn
different kinds of literary works and novel as one of the literary works genre that
such as poetry, fiction, drama, satire tragedy and quite a few others. We can talk of
Literary work, be it novels, plays, and other literary works already created
one, long before anyone thought about what the nature, value, and meaning of
imagination that can describe the life of a more thorough examination of human
in the community where the author was a member of the public who then
lives where it is usually the author will be expressed or described about their live.
Novel is firmed by two major aspects, namely intrinsic as fact which consists
of; plot, theme, character, setting, language, style, and point of view. The extrinsic
of the novel is concerned in the study. The conflict illustrated the problematic
element of human life that most are resulted from the social behavior of human
being. The term novel is applied to a great variety of writings that have in common
only the attribute of being extended works of prose fiction. As prose narratives of
Chaucer, Spencer, and Milton which beginning with the eighteenth century, it has
increasingly supplement.
The term ‘theme’ refers to some general idea embedded in a story the key
each term of theme definition, we will avoid some of the difficulties student have
in discussing theme. Here three common misapprehensions such as; (1) That it is
the same as a moral message; (2) That it is always made explicit at some point in
the story; (3) That it must embody some starling new truth.
Theme should not be confused with message as though the values of a story to
be measured by how large and strong is the does moral medicine it ladles out to
the reader. There may be a moral lesson, of course there often is in the most
fact the more artistic stories often avoid making abstract statement to sum up their
theme. Theme its basic subject, the fundamental it explore, it’s meaning as a
whole. The finish work, if it is good will have unity coherence and total meaning
“For One More Day” is story about a mother and the child. When he was a
child, Charley benetto, was asked by his father to choose whether he wanted to
live with his mother or his father. But not both. Then he chose to live with his
father, because he adored him his father went away when Charley was adult. And
Charley was grown by his mother herself. Although frequently he left ashamed
Years later, when his life was broken by beverage and regret, Charley
intended, to commit a suicide. But he failed; he was brought back to his old house
and found something surprising. His mother died eight years later still lived there
and welcome his going to home. It seemed that something has never happened.
under the title theme in Mitch Albom’s Novel “For One More Day”, because the
analysis. Therefore, the writer choose theme because it has power to effect human
behavior, thinking attitude, and their relationship with another people.
B. Problem Statement
1. What is the main theme in the novel “For One More Day” by Mitch Albom’s?
2. How is relationship between the theme and characters in the novel “For One
Based on the research questions above, the objective of the research are as
1. To find out theme in the novel “For One More Day” by Mitch Albom’s.
2. To find out the relationship the theme and characters in the novel “For One
motivation for the writer herself and students of literature. This study can be used
as a motivation for other students who want to do further research related to the
E. Scope of the Research
In one novel there are many characters contain to build up the story given by
the author. In the novel of “For One More Day”, the writer limits the discussion
on many character who have big role in story “For One More Day”, and the effect
F. Definition of Term
theme, a story is not a literature but entertainment. There is nothing wrong with
further, to reading such a story we get away from the medium of everyday life, but
we also get to advantage point from which we can greater understanding then we
immersed in the immediate. Such a story is literature. It also gives enjoyment and
The theme of a piece is its controlling idea or its central insight. It is the
unifying generalization about life stated or implied by the story. To derive the
theme of a story, we must ask what its central idea purpose is: what view of life it
to make inferences about the theme and to try to formulate a direct statement of it.
The theme of a story is whatever general idea or insight the entire story reveals. In
message; it may be what the happenings add up to, what the story is about. In
many a fine story, theme is the center the moving force, the principle of unity,
clearly, such a theme is something other than the characters and events of its story.
1. Traditional theme and non traditional theme presumably tells about something
positive one, comparing with non traditional theme, it presumably tells a story
3. Major theme and minor theme, Both refer to primary level of theme. Major
theme or central theme is the main idea of the whole story. According to
characters activities. Minor theme or sub is the increasing idea as fart of the story.
A. Previous Finding
Relating with this thesis, some of the researchers investigated the similar
Jane Austen. He described about theme. The discussion deals with the theme of
the main character, Jane Austen. In the analysis, the thesis writer wants to
know the theme and the relationship between theme and character. Nugrahayu
used the literary approach, applying the theories of theme, Title, point of view,
conflict, style, plot, setting. Besides, the thesis writer used the theme to support
the analysis. Through the analysis of Jane Austen, Nugrahayu finds out that the
theme of the novel is how the social background of American society around
years 1870.
Harold Pinter’s “The Homecoming”. The analysis explains about theme in the
novel. The story of the novel tells about Max as theme, he has to act not only
as a mother but also as a father. He has a big responsibility for his family. But
his son (Lenny) sometimes does not like his father’s character. Max always
feels sad and fenestrated, because he thinks that he has failed in becoming a
good single parent. But he always hopes one day his son will succeed in his
In analyzing the theme from the novel “For One More Day” by Mitch
Albom’s, the writer presents in the form of the theme in the novel such as the
B. Definition of Novel
story form. The English word “novel” is derived from the Italian word
“novella”, meaning a tale, a piece of news. One particular forms literary works
by authors who express their feelings, thoughts, ideas, and experiences into
literary works and they try to make writing magnificent and interesting to read.
(Subair: 2006:5)
Novel is a book length story in prose form that applied to fiction when
sometimes the author who created it described the picture of life and human
(1993:282) that the novel is picture of real life and manners, and the time in
words or more. Works are prose fiction of farm about fifty thousands to about
forty five thousand words in commonly called novel. The novel is longer (at
least 40.000 words) and more complex than either the short story or the novella
and is not bound by the structural and metrical restrictions of plays or poetry.
In most cases a novel is about characters and their action in everyday life with
authors and the describes invented people and events which are not real. A
novel as reading book give us conscious about we are never seen before. It can
make us feel sad, happy or event angry according to story of the novel. Novel
usually illustrate about part of human life such as when they face a set of life
problems when they get married, when they struggled for reaching better
serpent and honor from the society and so on. It could be said from the
definition above that novel is a long work of fiction, that deals with characters
and setting comes from the imaginative thought of the author and presenting
the imitation of real life. In the other word a novel could be express the
The novel is one kind of literature that interested writing and readers from
compact, broadly realistic tale popular in the medieval period and best
representation of the soiled world of common people implied in the novel has
been present in the form from its beginning, it accounted for a distinction often
made in the eighteenth and nineteenth countries between the romance and the
novel, in which the romance was the tale of the long ago, the far away, or the
imaginatively improbable; whereas, in the novel was bound by the facts of the
romance, said that the novel reveals a concentration of life at a tense moment
while the novel describes the life of say a large and usually depicts scenes from
A novel has their own characteristics, among others that raise novel issues
and resolve them in detail. The novel has more space than a longer path than
the other literary types. Environment that affects the story is also presented in a
complete structure and takes the story into the wider development but limited.
Displaying the conflict and climax in the plot or plots by providing a more
in another.
3. Picaresque novel is a novel told in a series of rather than in one all unifying
4. Nonfiction novel is a novel where author present the actual people and
1. Title
The title of the novel is often service of function. It may name the
chief character, may suggest the plot, may mention some significant
objects, or may indicate the nature of the story. A title may serve several
purposes and gives both the place and something more. Beside that some
2. Point of View
much the reader must know, and can know. Of what is happening. A story
can be told from one of four different points of view. The first point of
view the story is told as though the author is in it. “I” is the character who
In the third person point of view the story is told as it happens to one of
the characters; he, she, it, or they. In the dramatic point of view the reader
point of view the author can tell anything he wants his reader to know. He
It has an advantage, means the author can describe the protagonist and
indicate things to the reader that the protagonist doesn’t know. To identify
the omniscient power in each character: we find out if the novelist tells
restricted. But if he tells the story in the third person, he may or may not
The great majority of first novels are written in the first person for two
communicate with each other in our daily lives in the first person, (2). The
such must be narrated in the first person. Most novels however are narrated
person singular Me, (3). Its person singular He, (4). Its person singular
3. Conflict
come out on stage and tell us about everything that happens, we want see it
actually happen.
It is come with the novel. We don’t expect or want the writer to start
out simply by saying. “once upon time” and then tell us everything. We
self in what is going on rather than merely hear about what is going on.
Therefore, the story must appeal to the emotion of the reader. (Hariratul,
4. Theme
Theme is what the story about. Related to the moral. The theme is
Theme is the central idea in an essay; it is also often termed the thesis.
Everything in an essay should support the theme in one way or another. The
term “theme” refers to some general idea embedded in a story the key word
Theme of a story is any general ideas or insights the entire story reveals in
about. A literary fiction, sometimes describes one main idea as the purpose
of the fiction that the author created. However sometimes theme in fiction
perception and be careful to catch what the author to convoy the reader.
From reading result the reader tries to find out the theme from story.
Because theme is generally have the character of neutrally in means that the
(hariratul, 1988:20)
5. Style
Style is the way in which in an author selects arranges and presents his
length, rhythm, pauses, climaxes, antithesis and many others aspects the
of language. Good style in the novel writing to day is the effective use of
words, so that they carry their meanings to the reader clearly, logically and
levels: (1). The high (or grand); (2). The middle (or mean); (3) The low (or
basic, or plain) style. The function using the style is to colored and more
6. Plot
Plot is the sequence of the actions and events in events in a story. Since
every story, true or fictional, portrays human being engaged in actions and
participating in events, it follows the every story has a plot, one that can be
sketched in summary or outline. And plot is the event of a story such a plot
1. Man in a hole
The oldest and the most popular kind of plot is the actions begins with a
show how they try to clime out, and ends with them either ends with
them either escaping to safety or sliding back to the bottom for good.
2. Man on a road
A plot needs unity otherwise there is not one story, but several. Many
novels and some short story achieves their unity, not through a single
action but through various stages on the road of life, this called man on
a read. This kind more often found in novels than in short stories.
3. Man in a tub
event, and then a flash of realization, can form the skeleton of a plot.
incidents” that each follow plausibly from the other. There is a great variety
to plot forms. Some plot is designed to achieve tragic, affects, and others to
achieve the effect of comedy, romance, satire, and any other genre.
The author plans plot. The story moves from a beginning through a
series of event to a climax or turning point, and then to a logical end. The
exciting forces are those statements or happenings that excite the reader and
are part of the build up the story. The exciting forces are part of rising
action that leads up to a climax, point where the action is at its peak- most
intense, or most dramatic- and then falls off to reveal what happens in the
end. Certainly, a story is not following this exact order, but even when it
doesn’t, most of these elements of plot will be in it. A story can start at the
end in short, the story may start at any point, but the other part will
everyday reality that surround us. Look back o your experiences during
the part of ten hours. As the example, could you make them into a plot?
did and what happened to you, but would be a good plot, would it make
a good blueprint for a story. Probably not unless you did something as
an earthquake.
2. A successful plot must have a good structure that is the episode must be
arranged effectively and most important part of plot structure is tying all
7. Setting
Setting is the time, place and reality within which story takes place.
place just as well any time or place. In other stories most, in fact setting is
which are period of time society and at which level in that society if we are
reading of the story. We must know where the story is talking places, and
we must know when the story is talking places further more. It presents us
Setting is the locale and period in which a story occurs. A story must
take a place in space and time, and therefore must have some setting.
documentary film. (b) The setting can lend at atmosphere to a story and
thus contribute to its emotional effect. (c) Finally the setting can enter
8. Character
comment term for the leading male character is the here. The leading
people act and think through character, what a character does with social
conflict in the story, so that he is one of the things that very important in a
character that finally that a story line. All conflict or events in the fiction
his attitude, utterance, and action for this many ways can be done to
the analytic. In the dramatic, we form our opinion of the character from
they do and say, from their environment, and from hat other character think
of him. In the analytic method, the author comments upon the character,
According to the role, character classified into the major character and
minor character. Major character are the person who dominate the story
from the beginning until the end of story. They share active in making or
creating the conflicts and finally finish it. Usually these major character
minor characters are supporter figures, their attendance is limited to the role
they bring.
bad things and very hateful to protagonist. Generally they are troublemaker.
his exploitation in the story may differ from his historical activities.
For One More Days tell the story of Charley, a child of Charley, a child of
divorce who is always forced to choose between. His mother and father. His
grows into a man and stars a family of his own. But one fateful weekend, he
leaves his mother to secretly be with father and she dies while he is gone. This
haunts him for years. It leads him to depression and alcoholism. One night, he
decides to take his life. But some-where between this world and the next, he a
counters his mother again. In their home town, and gets to spend one last day
with her. The day he missed and always wished he’d had. By the end of this
magical day. Charley discovers how title he really knew about his mother, the
secret of how her love saved their family, and how deeply he wants the second
Mitch Albom mesmerized readers around the world with his number-one
New York Times bestsellers. The five people you meet in heaven and
Tuesdays with marry, now he returns with a beautiful, haunting novel about the
family we love and the chances we miss. For One More Day is the story of a
mother and son, and a relationship that last a lifetime and beyond. It explores
the question: what would you do if you could spend For One More Day with a
Charley Benetto, his life ruined by alcohol and regret, returns to his
discovery: his mother who died eight year ago, is still living in their old house,
and she welcomes him back as if nothing had ever happened. For One More
Days follows the one ordinary day so many of us years for: a chance to make
good with a lost parent, to explain family secrets, and to seek forgiveness.
Though Albom’s inspiring characters and masterful story telling. Readers will
newly appreciate those whom they love-and may have though they’d lost in
their own lives. For One More Days is a book for anyone in a family, and will
novel by the author of Tuesdays with Morrie, Charles Chick Benetto, grieving
over the death of his mother, uses alcohol as crutch to deal with his loneliness,
isolation, and depression and the disintegration of his mother’s ghost bring him
new awareness and leads him to attempt to put his life back together.
columnist for the Detroit Free press, Nationally-Syndicated radio host for ABC
Morrie, the phenomenal New York Times bestseller that first appeared on that
list in October 1997 and stayed atop the list for four straight years. Oprah
Winfrey produced a major television movie for ABC based on Tuesdays with
Morrie that aired in December 1999 and starred Jack Lemmon and Hank
Azaria. A phenomenon in its own right, the movie was not only the most-
watched on any network for that year, in its also earned four Emmy Awards in
2000, including those for “Best Actor” (lemmon) and “Best Supporting Actor
(Azaria). Tuesdays with Morrie has been turned into a play, which can be seen
in theatres around the country. With more than five million copies now in
Oprah Winfrey Show, NBC’s today show, the CBS Early show, Larry king
A. Research Method
qualified person to sort out a problem with the support of a certain amount
(hamdayani, 2009:26)
B. Data Sources
explains the data. Data in this research can be divided into two categories,
1. The primary data in the main data as the object of the research. In this
The instrument that the writer used in this thesis research was notes
taking. From this instrument, the writer found and wrote the data or subject
1. The writer read the novel carefully. Though this way, the writer notes
2. The writer collected and read some related literatures to support the
object that to be analyze. This way was used to find out the secondary
analysis is inner or from inside, and belonging to a thing by its very nature
1. The writer analyzed sentence in the novel carefully and then determine
3. The writer observed all of the information, related to the topic of the
A. Finding
Based on the comprehensive analysis, the writer found out that, there
were two forms of theme in the novel “For One More Day” by Mitch
2. Relationship between theme and character in the novel “For One More
a. Theme
lost and rediscovered. As Such, it’s portrayed as one of the most, if not
Chick’s father felt it, but he expressed it in a limited way, and wanted
desperately to live within terms, but he found that he’s simply unable to
Chick felt love for his daughter and makes a degree of effort to do better
by her, but he found himself handicapped by his crippling
b. Character
1. Maria Benetto
She is mother for Charley. She is wife for Chick (bonetto). She is a
2. Chick (Bonetto)
Chick wakes up and makes his way to his mother’s house. Though
she died ten years ago, she is in the kitchen cooking a meal and
3. Charley
Charley returns to his old family home, and spends one more day
father are revealed to him. His mother assists him in resolving his
issues and getting his life back on track. The day ends when Benetto
and stubborn.
B. Discussion
1. The theme of the novel “For One More Day” by Mitch Albom’s
The forms of family which Mitch Albom’s described in “For One More
drunkenly careens down a dark road. The trail that led him to this
(Scott Cohen), even though the man frequently pitched harsh comments
about having no sympathy for losers. Coming in from the diamond, his
unconditional love. The bewildered boy felt caught in the perpetual tug-
of-war between their divergent personalities, until the day his parents'
“Let me guess. You want to know why I tried to kill myself. You want to
know how I survived. Why I disappeared. Where I've been all this time.
But first, why I tried to kill myself, right? It's OK. People do. They
measure themselves against me. It's like this line is drawn somewhere in
theworld and if you never cross it, you'll never consider throwing
yourself off a building or swallowing a bottle of pills–but if you do, you
might. People figure I crossed the line. They ask themselves, "Could I
ever get as close as he did?. …"(For One More Day, 2006: 5)
woman whom he now also blames for not supporting his baseball
beloved sport and Dad, he always picks the latter. So it's no wonder he
little out of character is his reaction when it turns out that the special
into the bottle, eventually estranging his own family. But he is unable to
“What finished me, what pushed me over the edge, strange as it sounds,
was my daughter's wedding. She was twenty-two now, with long, straight
hair, chestnut-colored, like her mother's, and the same full lips. She
married a "wonderful guy" in an afternoon ceremony…”(For One More
Day, 2006: 6)
But just as he pulls out the pistol he’s been keeping in his
possession and Points it at his head, he sees his mother coming toward
him. Not sunder standing How could be possible, he gives into the
vision and is offered the ultimate gift: an Opportunity to relive that last
“As a child, Charley "Chick" Benetto was told by his father, "You can be a
mama's boy or a daddy's boy, but you can't be both." So he chooses his
father, only to see the man disappear when Charley is on the verge of
adolescence…(For One More Day: 2006.16)”.
insatiable curiosity about the transition dividing life from death. Like
his incredibly moving “The Five People You'll Meet In Heaven” from a
from the notion that it is shortsighted to believe life ends at the grave.
The story offers other lessons as well, which are applicable to the
Likely of more interest to adults than children, “For One More Day”
will undoubtedly leave you thinking about your own family and the
b. Childhood
Charley, a broken man whose life has been crumbled by alcohol and
regret hits rock bottom and staggers back to his old house, to find
mother who died eight years earlier is still living there, and welcome
“A year after my mother died, I did the dumbest thing I’ve done
financially, I let a sales woman talk me into an investment scheme. She
was young and good-looking in that confident, breezy, two buttons undone
fashion that makes an older man feel bitter when she walks past him
unless, of course, she speaks to him…”(For One More Day: 2006.6)
“So I was a daddy's boy. I mimicked his walk. I mimicked his deep, smoky
laugh. I carried a baseball glove because he loved baseball, and I took
every hardball he threw, even the ones that stung my hands so badly I
thought I would scream. When school was out, I would run to his liquor
store on Kraft Avenue and stay until dinnertime, playing with empty boxes
in the storeroom, waiting for him to finish. We would ride home together
in his sky blue Buick sedan, and sometimes we would sit in the driveway
as he smoked his Chesterfields and listened to the radio news led…”(For
One More Day: 2006.16)
"Chick's Story" Chick describes how his life deteriorated after his
series of jobs, and became estranged from his wife and family. He says
the turning point to the desire to kill himself (see "Quotes," p. 3) was the
family and the others will be the basis of the system of child.
2. The relationship between theme and character in the novel “For One More
the characters is highly related theme, it is related. Hence the writer can
conclude that, the theme can influence so that causes the happening of
the character. In his case hard theme or antagonist character has big
the conflict. We can see in the early story. Where have happened
Based on what were happened in this novel, so the writer can make the
conclusion that the characters in this novel were happened because of the
major character.
A. Conclusions
Based on the thorough analysis in the novel “For One More Days”
by Mitch Albom, it is revealed that there are two main themes appear
entirely discusses how a mother struggle to take care of her child. The
it mainly talks about a child who is able to live and survive in conditions
2. The relationship between character and theme in the novel “For One More
After analyzing this novel, the writer founds much realism regarding
that everyone has different character. Not only that, the writer is also able
character can create theme because basically characters are like these. It
will win its self and it does not want to give in. on the contrary weak
protagonist of antagonist.
B. Suggestions
Based on the analysis of the theme in this novel, the writer tries to present
the suggestion for the readers. The writer suggests the readers to take the
lesson from the novel “For One More Day”. This novel in the reality a lot of
giving knowledge addition. For good writer face vocabulary and also
understanding in life aspect. For that writer wish to lay some the following
1. The writer would like suggest to other students to study other aspect of
the novel “For One More Day” because there are many aspects in this
2. After the writer had analyzed the relationship between the theme and
character in the novel “For One More Day”, the writer hopes to next
researcher who wants to analyze character, not only focus on novels but
also of other forms of literary works such as drama, film or a short story
especially the theme family and childhood and with relevance daily
Carlsen, G. Robert. 1979. Themes and Writers. USA: Mc. Graw-Hill Book
Company, Inc.
Hariratul, Jannah, 1988. A Study Of The English Novel Theory. New York.
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