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Contribution of Froebel to
Educational Thought and Practice
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Educatio~ ·or
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w-2·. Princ iple of evolu tion or develop union with God : {Edu cation must enabl e lh
· ,le of unity and must enabl e him to have

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"' -ho~, tt->~~ k¾- ,rtance of ;is of Kindergarten System:
:rgartcn system is based upon the followillj principles :
-J( :If-activity; (2,:'.Learning by playjn&: (J,fcccdom io cdrrcatioo,
,arlicipalion. For explanation of these principles read from page
liques ofTmhing in Kinde arte : .- . . . _
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A motto for the guidance of mother or teacher..;
.~~v~rse wi_th accompaa~ai musjc, to sing to the child;
11 A picture 1Hustratin.s.,the virse.

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1ch song has three
esides play songs, Froebei deVJSCd such nursery rhymes as "Jack and

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·-~ FrQ!:be1's fanacrgancn, QISCIDUpe I§ or prorec!Jye apg co-operative
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:u~pty' '. The son8 are lo liiiiiiim 2roun nr io cbams agd
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s or with stories.
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294 L
in the complete
1 lps in expression of natural interests of the child. It helps
(iv) li'ourth gift , It is ag ·
prism. It helps the child t 0 am a 1~rgc cub~ divided into eight lopment of personality. -
(v) •·ifth ·n . constr~ct different kmds of building palle . CONTRIBUTION OF FROEHEI.,.TO MODERN EDUC
consists of a large cube divided into 27 - THEO RY AND PRAC TICE
cubes. When g1_ .. h also_ practice may
construct v. the ch1l~ combines the third, the fourth
and the fifth gift he Froebel's contribution to modern educalional lhcory and
help of these gifts
idea f ~ crynd beauttful forms an~ pallcr ns. With the summed up as follows : •
may he useful iit 1. Nursery education and Kindergarten : Froeb
e! allached great
1carnm ~ orfm a_ nu'!'b cr can he given to the child

. .· childr en in their earlie r years . He advocated
~ anthmcltc
0 and geom etry. rtancc to the educa tion of
more impor tant than that of the
(vi) Sixth gift : It ha~ a larg1; cubical wooden form which s etc. '
is madi' education of the earlier childhood is nt ?f.l~c
matic ation of the harmo nious devel opme
l8 full a~d 9 small parts. It 1s used m the teach ing of mathe er stages as it lays the found a prope r m•!•al
yet witho ut
It is co?'lposcd of two wood en squar es and, · . In his words, "All school education was
ij; (vh) Seven th gift:
small ~a~d s of two colours. It IS useful in the learning
of geometry. ·r
in their develop ·-
dation and that until the educa
·d and._orthy could be attain
ed." He
of the
us a
ry was
type of
nothi ng
I, the
Similarly other gifts a?d activi ties help childr of JOY and
comb ination with · ergarten, where children work and play in atmosphere
It should be noted that various gifts may be · . Kindergarten pione ered nurse ry educa tion. .
another lo make various desig ns and const ructio . lays stress on ch1ld-
s occup a. , 2. Child-centred education : Modern educa tion
After receiving all the gifts the child becom es busy in variou en and not as adults.
ty like clay mod .· trcd education. Children are treated as childr
Thi:sc ~cneral_ly !akc the Conn. of some creative activi be) emphasised the importance o_f the child's ~e~lo pment in _his early
-folding. These.
~es1gm~g, pamt!ng, toy-mak~ng, mat-weaving, paperis to develop · and the necessity of the study of cbtld' s natur e, bis instin cts and 1mpulses
Lo ch_1ld ren. The aun of these occup ations ples. Thus, he made
mter~tmg and to develop'. and thllS based education on psychological princi
' dexterity, to cultivate the sense of beauty and clcanlines i :: cation child-centred.
correct idea of Conn and colour. '. 3. Play-way in education : Froebe! is regarded
as the apostle of play-
also includ es: (a) Some move ' cts ~hould be taught
..,.; Besides these activities the system action so . y in education. He emphasized that variou s subje
; (b) Some action storie s; (c) Some psych ologic al development
plays like the ring game Kinde ~ .. ougb play, because it is in consonance with the pment. Even today, play
Curriculum, Discipline and Role of Teacher in the . .. the child. Play is the highe st phase of self-d evelo
Scho ol:
line and given an important place in the education of thengchildr by doing is implicit in
For this part read Frocbel's views on curriculum, discip •.l' 4. Leam ing by doing : Princ iple of learni
. '. dramatisation and hand
teacher from Page 503 tn 505. _. •·.
1 oebel's scheme. Froebel's songs, movements,the principle of learning as
Methods or Kindergarten System :
rlt etc. encourage learning by doing . He made
is very useful basis of educa tion. . . .
1. Useful for small cbildnn : Kindergarten system . ne of the impo rtant
traini ng : Froeb e) empha stSCd sense traini ng
on their intere sts and devel opmental :, · 5. Emphasis on Rnse
small children because it is based for the first time in children as senses arc gateways of knowledge . HIS gifts and occup ations
Froebe) emph asized the place of nurse ry educa tion ng is based on the
child e devised for training the senses of children. The traini
educational development of the -llrinciple of proceeding from concr ete to abstra ct.
centred s
2. Child-centred system: Kindergarten system is child-developme . l 6. Emphasis on nature study in curriculum: Froebe) improvement,
was a worshipper
tion. Child is provi ded with an oppor tunity for the the child shoul d have moral
of educa · nature study. He desired that
bis personality through self-activity. contact ~th naru_rc.
is an atm~ ~ou s uplift and spiritual insight by cominga _li!l~o expression of d1~e
3. Element oCf'reedom: In Kindergarten system, there Hence he recommended the study ~f natur e as ivm~
modern education.
m. The child is free to carry on his self-a ctivity . Freedom lea lace. Nature study is one of the most unportant subJe cts m
of freedo n tendencies , e! attach ed importance to
natural and rational development of the innate and bidde child. He acu · 7. Importance or manu al work : Froeb
Educa tion ofMan' Froebe!
child. The teach er docs not intcrf erc in the activi ties of the . ual work and hence dignity of labour. In 'The the realis ation of the
'stmarked, "Manual work is a neces sary condi tion for
as a director but as a guide. lf." It is the most
rgarten .thild's personality. Through it be comes to realise himse
4. Utilisation or learnJng by doing : Frocbcl's Kinde thus an insti:u m~nt .for
songs , movem of ideas and
utilises the principle of learning by doing. Froebel's ~ncretc medium for the expression
shapin g of chara cter. This p~c, ple
learni ng by doing . They h , development and a definite proce ss in the
dramatization and hand work etc. encourage the Basis Schem e of Educ ation as
· the development of iritellectual, moral and social qualit ies. '.of manual work has been embodied in
activities. . !,Propounded by Mahatma Gand hi.
5. Play-way In education: Kindergarten ~asc d on play peace with
rest and
gives joy, freedom. contentment, inner and ..outer . . \ .. -
. .

I I •

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8. Women in the teachi~g profession : Froebel suggested to
.' are m?
) I women-teachers for tender children in Kindergarten, as they of entrustm1..,
affectionate to children than men-teachers. The modern trend rs is due to-:
I Lhc nursery and primary education of children to wom
· ::
influence of Froebel. ded~ ~~,
9. Sociological aspect of education : Sometimes, Froebe) is regar
rted !hat real 1
as the father of the sociological trend in education . He asse
, the hfe_
education can take place in the company of others, because
the beg m~g
individual is an integral part of the society. Hence from
in the soc•~ty. i~
children should be trained to lead a group life and to live well fellow-feeling·{;
Primary virtu~ like joi.nt r~ponsibility, co-operation, sympa~y, }(
should be developed in the children in the school commumty
Crit icism of Froebel :
1. Complicated philosophy: It is dillicult to understan
d the complicate<t."
unity cann ···
philosophy of Frocbel. His principle of symbolism and organic
t,·. abstract idea, _.
be understood. A child cannot be expected to understand an · ..
while playing with the gifts.
2. Too much emphasis on inner development: Froebel laid
too much t
lopment from··
emphasis on the fact that knowledge can be attained by deve
depends upon •;,..
within and by making the inner outer. In fact development also ulated by the.i
the environment. Inner development is modified and stim plimentary·
external. Thus both internal and external development are com :·.
and have to act together. e1'
Froeb "
3. Out-dated songs and plays : Most of the songs and plays of
are now out-dated. They need modification in the light of time
there is no:,.;
I 4. No correlation of various subjects: In Froebel's system
ently and has ·;
correlation of subjects. Nature. study is taken up independ
! ' is true in case ,.,_
it I
. nothing to do with reading, writing or other subjects. The same -~
t ~ ·, of other subjects. 1
.t ': . scheme 'lJ
· -,. ..
.,. l' '' 5. Scheme is not applicable to grown-up children : Froebel's
(. ery plays and t
: I is more applicable to younger children than to elder ones. Nurs
'' ·~
I mother songs do not have charm for grown-up children. too much \l
;,• 6. Too much emphasis on social aspe ct : Froebel puts ent of ;;f
t the deve lopm
1 emphasis on social unity. Very littJe has been said abou m according to J;-;
the individual personality of the child. In Kindergarten syste of a child, to ~
James Ward, "There does not seem room for the individuayear
earli est s." Modern ji
which all free play should be given in the rding to the ·~
~., psychologists beJieve that every child is to be taught acco
individual differences.
Conclusion :
signi~cant ~•
In spite of ce~tain limitations, Froeb7l's co~trib~tion i~ very
~ten remams a -i
to modern educational t~eory and l?ractI_ce. His Kinderga:
unity, theory of <'-
boon to the students. His absolute 1deahsm, concept of
ing', 'freedom '~,
development, his emphasis on 'self-activity', 'learning by play
the education of,!
in education', 'social participation' have given a new face to
time to come. ·
·• i the child. They shall continue to influence the society for a long
I '·\'

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