MAT051 Syllabus
MAT051 Syllabus
MAT051 Syllabus
(MAT051 – Calculus I)
MSU-Main Campus aspires to be a Center of Excellence in Instruction, Research and Extension transforming itself into a premier and globally competitive national peace university.
CNSM Goals
1. To provide students with adequate background in Natural Sciences and Mathematics;
2. To provide students with a strong foundation in their field of discipline relevant to their pursuit of higher education;
3. To train students for service, particularly in the area of specialization in sciences and ultimately contribute to the development of the entire nation;
4. To promote scientific research; and
5. To upgrade the faculty member's competence in instruction and research.
A. Course Details
C. Course Outline
Week Topic/s Recommended Recommended
Teaching Strategies Assessment/Evaluation
I. LIMITS AND CONTINUITY Lecture Examination
Definition of Limits And Limit Theorems Discussion Assignments
o Intuitive Idea of the limit Exercises Exercise Report
1-4 o Definition of the Limit Visual Aids
o Proving Limits Using the Definition (optional)
o Limit Theorems
One-Sided Limits, Infinite Limits, And Limits At Infinity
Continuity Of A Function And The Intermediate Value Theorem
The Squeeze Theorem And Limits And Continuity
o The Squeeze Theorem
o Limits Involving Sine and Cosine Functions
D. Learning Resources
o Suggested Textbooks:
Canoy, Sergio, Jr., et al. A First Course in Analytic Geometry and Calculus. Revised Edition. Department of Mathematics, MSU-IIT. 2010.
Leithold, Louis. The Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 7th edition, 1995.
Mendelson, Elliott. 3,000 Solved Problems in Calculus. Mc-Graw Hill, 1988.
Protter, Murray H. and Morrey, Charles B. Calculus with Analytic Geometry. Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc., 1971.
Stewart, James. Calculus Early Vectors . Preliminary Editon. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 1999.
Program Outcomes
The minimum standards for the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics program are expressed in the following minimum set of learning outcomes:
a) To keep abreast of the latest developments in the specific field of practice
b) Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino languages.
c) Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams. (PQF level 6 descriptor)
d) Demonstrate professional, social, and ethical responsibility, especially in practicing intellectual property rights and sustainable development.
e) Preserve and promote ―Filipino historical and cultural heritage‖. (based on RA 7722)
f) Advocate for peace in multi-cultural setting.
g) Demonstrate broad and coherent knowledge and understanding in the core areas of physical and natural sciences, mathematics and statistics.
h) Apply analytical, critical and problem solving skills using the scientific method.
i) Interpret relevant scientific data and make judgments that include reflection on relevant scientific and ethical issues.
j) Carry out basic mathematical and statistical computations and use appropriate technologies in a) the analysis of data and b) pattern recognition,
generalization, abstraction, criticalanalysis and problem solving.
k) Communicate information, ideas problems and solutions, both, orally and in writing, to other scientists, decision makers and the public.
l) Connect science and mathematics to the other disciplines.
m) Design and perform safe and responsible techniques and procedures in laboratory or field practices.
n) Accepts and critically evaluate input from others.
o) Appreciate the limitations and implications of science in everyday life.
p) Commit to the integrity of data.
q) Gain mastery in the core areas of mathematics: algebra, analysis and geometry.
r) Demonstrate skills in pattern recognition, generalization, abstraction, critical analysis, synthesis, problem-solving and rigorous argument.
s) Develop an enhanced perception of the vitality and importance of mathematics in the modern world including inter-relationships within
math and its connection to other disciplines.
t) Appreciate the concept and role of proof and reasoning and demonstrate knowledge in reading and writing
mathematical proofs.
u) Make and evaluate mathematical conjectures and arguments and validate their own mathematical thinking.
v) Communicate mathematical ideas orally and in writing using clear and precise language.
w) Acquire and use knowledge and skills from other disciplines such as education, finance and statistics to deliver and
apply mathematical knowledge and content effectively.
Flexible Learning Options (FLO) Class Policies:
Flexible learning option is a learning approach, which combines the face-to-face (physical classes) and the use of other learning alternatives (online or distant learning)
in the delivery of lectures or sharing of knowledge to students. For online learning, there is still a lot of internet connectivity issues faced by students. Hence, the faculty has the
discretion to make their own policies on
a. checking of attendance
b. grading class participation
c. on deadlines for assignments/exercises/problem sets
d. on deadlines for quizzes/exams.
2. Be Scholarly
Check spelling and observe proper format before submitting your works or tasks.
Use reputable references in your study and requirements.
Avoid plagiarism or cheating in any forms.
3. Be Mindful
Use legitimate account that reflects your real name.
Wear decent and modest attire, and select a less distractible place for virtual meetings.
Avoid invading the privacy of your instructors by making unnecessary calls, messages or requests in their personal time (consultation hours is from 8AM to 5PM or daytime or
instructor’s discretion) and space.
4. Be Responsible
Comply tasks, activities, and requirements on time.
Update yourself about relevant information through reliable sources only.
Follow guidelines, rules and policies in the class and of the university.
Quizzes, Problem Sets, Exercises, Name of Faculty: ________________________________________________________________
Assignments 65%
Final Comprehensive Exam 30% Office: ________________________________________________________________________
Attendance 5% Consultation Hours: _____________________________________________________________
Total 100%
Approved by: