5 Basic Concepts in Geometry

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"Measures, Shape and Space ae Basic Concepts in Geometry jcometry is an important branch of Mathematics, The fundamental clements of Geometry include points, lines and surfaces. In this chapter, we wil learn some basic concepts in Geometry. Points, Lines and Surfaces Points In aly if, many things ppear as pins, such asa al tp, the ‘pote peni orth esl point opi of compass. In Geometry, we use a point to represent a position in space. ‘A point has no size. Usually, we use‘ or a small cross“ 10 represent a point and use a capital ete to label it. For example, we an represent points A and Bas fllows is made up of an infinite number of points. 1t has no thickness or width, It extends endlesly in both directions. There are two kinds ‘of lines: straight ines and curves, tg ine ‘Asshown above, we can label line bya leter Lor & IF to points, say 4 and 8, on a stright line are known, we can also describe the in as line AB (or ine BA). Cewast Cone pit and. Som i e © How many ih ne in this book, when we talk about a ‘line’, we meat a ‘straight houphstan BT lin’ unless otherwise stated. i ‘ie AB forte BA) 5 (9 How may crvescan te | seaming GE icactentoceren al A line segment isa part ofa line which has two end points and a fixed length, fa line segment has P and Qas its end points, the line segment ‘can be named as PQ (or OP). If the length of a line segment PQ is 7 em, we ean simply write PO= Tem! oor Note: Itwolines PQand RSintenectat7, ° Tiscalled the point of intersection of (a) acute angle(s)? (&) obtuse angle(s)? satisfy each of the following conditions: (© aheangas (© retox anges? e 0 ees 6. Name the yet age nec ofthe ong (© erento BC 7 7 (ores y= © © pos" © a= Or em ‘1. Expreas the folowing angle in degrees 14, In cach ofthe following, draw a figure that saises the given description. 1 (0) Stag ine panes though point Aud ) 2sihcan 1 pound ang ® ight angles oO; nel (&) Pisa point not ona line m. (© $rieht angle @ 15 righ nates (© Line segment POintersects line at a pot M. 1 Complete owing ble Find £408 nec oft following ue _— . © te oo = le 4 eo ieee A, w/,, ae 2 16, Thetaletelw shows of anges A Bad Comer he lowing anges : ae eT 4 Kok r Ba] evemancs | Zroutange | Farihtange ee VY 7? a oC rad ca sn Doe bY tone (0) Name pio ompleentay ages (0) Nance pif seplenentay ag 18 Given tat P= i 4 ine of the folowing se (0) 2Aand 2P are complementary. (0) 2Aand 2P are supplementary = Measures, Shape and Space 17, The figure shows a clock. Find the angle between the minute hand and the how hard t 2 o'clock. 18, From $00 pm. toS:5 pam, how many degres does the minute hand ofa clock rotate? 19, Inthe gue, 2AEB = 4°, 2BEC= 25° and ZBED = 65°, Find 2 @) 248¢, © zee. © 29, Name all the obtuse angles inthe figure 21, Inthe figure, 2408 = COD, ZAOD = 118° and 2BOC- (®) Find 2408. BQ) 15 240C aright angle? Explain your answer. 22, Inthe figure, 2X1 (@) Find 28xC. 9) Are £4XB and nig BD bSiaSgh bom se taps fg anim ind x and y ae a le ‘We can classify polygons according to ther interior anges: Polygons Convex pogo Concave pogo A polygon is @ plane igure which is enclosed by three or more line 4Atrsaisn penn enon’ by aR Paton in dye : = OO rrecangaseenian | Aateesie aly angles peaterthan 18 pl We ean also dasiy polygons as follows: - iy pole vse (#) The line segments of the polygon are called the sides of the polygon. Examples: Examples: Examples: © kL “Soran af ep Foreemp ef () The points where the adjacent sides meet are the vertices of the polygon. (©) The line segment joining any two non-adjacent vertices of a polygon is called a diagonal. For example, AC and AD are diagonals of the polygon i the above figure : : pote spit me sar | gaat wm | es cn sane pen acordg othe numer ots ies. The eit a al : meaner ea = —~ =u] {J ones © | Asians | atimiorman | fe aer : aa : > : Naw A ropa polgo is ao dof euler! pon and i i eee ee ee ee ; crane ps — MeL Apprnvnndicnmananemygs — J pete era eae Do ll sie pons are 2. An msided polygon has vertices and interior angles | eingana on? Tina aatiaed EER preps TAR aes SAE a inpaan BEAN cncawpaan SEH caaamapaaa WRN canna porn AST ‘sorpokon ESR — ‘Measures, Shape end Space xz +; + °° « Classify each ofthe following polygons and put. Convex polygon ” A a o o > = o o 7 2 o Qo o “Ww 0 a o in the appropriate box(s). Concave polygon Regular polygon 1. Find the unknown in each ofthe following figures. 2 Draw aconvex quadrilateral by using a ruler. 3. Consider the following polygons. Be Find the unknowns nthe following figures. ’ ©. As cp 7] POR aight ie ‘BCD vig ne Inthe figure, AFB, FED, AECand BCD are straight ines. Find ands “The figure shows a hexagon ABCDEF which is made up of 5 eral triangles. It is known that the perimeter of cach wiange i 15cm. Fin the perimeter ofthe hexagon, 6 identical eq » % In the figure, ABCDEF is a regular hexagon and ABPORSTU is @ at regular octagon (@) I the perimeter of ABCDEF is 27 em, find the perimeter of 4 ABPORSTU. (©) tis given that she sum ofall the interior angles of ABCDEF and ABPORSTU are 720° and 1080" respectively. Find ZUAP. ers GB iicaccionocconery wa © 2, Inthe figuee, UX and VY are straight lines. Find the unknowns ae Basic Constructions In earning Geometry, we often have to draw parallel lines, perpendicular lines and plane figures, Rulers, protractor, compasses and set squares are some useful drawing tools Af OP OL nl poner se sure thangs — equa wh aes ie ta ERAS a Let us learn some proper methods of constructions of lines and plane Figures. Constructing Parallel Lines and Perpendicular Lines Constructing Parallel Lines ‘To construct a line passing through 2 given point P and parallel to a sven line 4B by using a ruler and a set square, we can follow the steps below: > Ne P 2 1 ten sdeofant_—— 2. Fite rer Toysethe, 3. Mark AB and PO Jrarejolne 1B Then” ste ong te rel thane [Eide wieehe” ——inskemecpom PDrawe ——Inaee 2B PO. ‘cofteseaqae ine Ppa ine A. T iteasures, shape end Space Constructing Perpendicular Lines Copying a Line Segment ‘To construct a line passing through a given point P and perpendicular ‘To copy a line segment MN on a straight line ¢ by using a pair of to given line 4 by using a ruler and a set square, we can follow the ‘compasses, we can follow the steps below: Sep tao ee ZN ne »> > > 7 7 4 tr : = 29, es 1 MetermAmocmantet 3 Reser demomm 3 eater, 1, tte sre ile of act 2, Pe hdr nds the 2. Ma te ml 07 ‘mace! > mecca, * Most iets Geaaccn ee Construct circle with contre O and radius 1.5 em. In cach ofthe following figures, use a ruler and a set square to construct the Hin, (#) A line BF passing through point Pand _—_(®) Aline passing through point Qand parallel to line AB Perpendicular to EF 2, In the figure, copy the line segment 4B on the fine @ and mark the line segment copied as CD. © Constructing a Circle Compasses are useful tols in drawing cic To construct rte ?em eee sr constricting Tangles We can use ruler, a protractor and a pair of compasses to construct ‘neem, ge cig oe ge conn 1 Reearmsofaparefeompaser tite 2. Placed he compe a owen Poe Ton iheconponerto ma cle ee _) E Trrcssre Shope ond Space Gun ‘Triangles with Three Given Sides ‘Triangles with Two Given Angles and Their included Side ‘To construct A4BC with AB =6em, AC=3em and BC=4em, we < To construct AXYZ with XY-= Gem, 2ZXY= 50° and £2 SV eesdetenee cor 1 Dw angen AB fg 6m 2 With thc, do aa fra Fraime ar Soniye ea of compas, 2 om SUY wth mae Esser ancora sen Neen © 0 53. Wi Baste core, ram ncof_| A Mak he rection of he res. ra nie pa es | * Dee od Bi AR A, oe ; 3. Brow TA whch meas sS* | Mar te pinto tert of ne XS Triangles with Two Given Sides and Their Included Angle rane aprooacan snirrate are vob The following steps show how to construct APOR with PQ=7em, 424rOis ic ngs emer PO and ‘Triangles with Two Given Angles and Their Nor-included Side Cargeasesoe ind ssid ruse 7 ® ‘When two angles and a non-included side ofa triangle ae given, we can fist find the remaining angle by using the property ofthe angle sey sum ofa triangle, and then construct the triangle with two angles and . ° thei include side = For example, to construct AXYZ with YZ=8em, 2YXZ= 75° and © exvz=s0,wecan first find 2xZY, 2. Draw nec Pf lngh7om | 2. Mark api My ming prt ck Spanier tiring ie CHZY+75°+50°= 180" (Zsumof 4) 2AZY= 180° -75"— 50" 4 ’ Then, we can construct AXYZ with two angles (2X¥Z = 50° and i 2XZY = 55°)and their included side (YZ = Bem). Triangles with a Right Angle, a Hypotenuse and One Given Side ’ ° ae ‘Consider aright-anged triangle as shown, ‘The side opposite tothe right angle is called ramen 4 Dror tine segment PRof lth Som | 4 I Rand Qa tan POR "he hypotenuse. ‘hepa he oe poe oe a ——= ‘Measures, Shape and Space ‘To construct ALMN with ZLMNV = 90°, LN=8em and MW= Sem, < & ‘we ca fllow the steps below: 1 Draw in gent Moh Som | 2. Dro PAM which meas 0 can sour aetegaeto pang arr byte prorair nw Pu aa 2. Wik asthe sore down arcof |. Jt Land Nba MN. (ales moc tee Prat ‘Construct the following triangles inthe space provided. (0) An equilateral triangle 4C with (&) ADEF with DE=4em, DF=25em side Sem APORwith PQ = 35cm, 2PRO=10S* (&) AXYZ with XY 45cm, 2XYZ= 9" and ZPOR = 40" and XZ = Sem GB iivcaictonts Geometry WE For Ql ~ 2, 6, 12~ 13 in this exercise, students may need to work om the figures in answering the ‘questions, Softopies ofthese figures are provided in the companion website of this series for students use, it necessary, |. The figure shows straight ine AB anda pont Using ruler and set square, construct the lines pasing through point P and () paralel to 4B, () perpendicular to AB. 2, The figure shows a triangle ABC. Using a ruler and a set square, 4 construet the ines passing through Band (@) parallel to AC, (©) perpendicular to AC. ’ a Construct two cles with the same centre O, whose rai are 2 cm and 3em respectively. Using ruler and a pair of compasses, construct the following figures. &) EQ ‘5. In-each of the following, usin a pair of compass, copy the line segment AB on the line and ‘mark the line segment copied as CD. w © L 6 Refer tothe igure, Using 2 pair of compasses, mark two points D c and Eon AC such that AD = DE= AB. 4 . 535 —~ ‘Measures, Shope end Space ‘Construct the following triangles. 7~ 11) 1 a Se a oO Ve SN la SS 5 oo p a Nee 15 / lhe : , {Ug urn et square, ms pot Don he fie wih tha a2cDis palogem, 1h. Thatecedon ettage ran (0 Ungar end sours te nt pang ough Pant pepsin OR (© Candpeprdaar'o PR, : eee () Dove ceamtd in pu twughaconmen ei? 16 earn ci be aa 15, The figure shows a ine segment AB, Construct a square of side AB. 16. (a) Construct ABC with Af = 10cm, BC= Sem and CA = 6Sem, (©). Measure the sios of 2BAC, 2ABC and ZACB. 17. (a) Construct ALAN with L (©) Measute the length of MN. Sem, LN'= Sem and ZLMN = 90% GB icsnctonte ceomeny 18, (a) Construct APOR with PQ = Semand RFQ = ZORP = 60" (©) © Measure the lengths of OR and RP. (Hence, tate whether APOR isa scalene triangle, an isosceles triangle or an equilateral ‘wiangle. aa Three-Dimensional Figures ‘Three-dimensional figures are objeets which occupy space. We also call 4Theedinenon gues can them solis, Here are some common examples of solids in our daily ie; "eww *P ews 1 Solids are enclosed by surfaces. These surfaces are called faces of solids, -€Thentaan lssor ‘The line of intersection of two faces is called an edge. The point of Intersection of three or more edges is called a vertex. ecu ete Polyhedra and Non-Polyhedra yhedra and non-polyhedra. <'Poytan! i theplalorm of robs In general, there are two types of sol 1. Polyhedra PPolyhedra are solids enclosed by polygons only, such as euboids, ‘wiangular prisms and quadrilateral pyramids. GGA rg priom gurl prod a IT ease ae psa 3 ee BIE Sargent 2 guerra SE F Pacers spe andSpce 5 [Nom-polyedra ‘Non-polyheda are solids enclosed by both planes and curved surfaces, or curved surfaces only, such as creularevlnders, circular cones and spheres sie eae eine el coe 1. Foreach ofthe lowing sot sta poyhedcon? Pt ain the appropiate bo. 7 » ; © A Lvs [ne Ove Ox Lvs Cn Find the numbers of verties, edges and faces of the following solids. ‘a '} Se 5.38 intoducton to a fim {Tecmo apie chet nr {A prism has two identical an parallel end faces. The two end faces are polygons. Each ofthe two end faces is called a hase. The faces other ‘than the two bases are called lateral faces. The common sie of two adjacent lateral faces is called the slant edge. toe se. Za on Prisms are named according to the number of sides or the shapes of their bases, Here are some examples. gander sectangute ie esac tne ron nate ron eee ri ‘sd all the lateral faces ofa prism are rectangles swing (Ge all their slant edges re perpendicular to its (rel ena ‘ase, then the prism is called aright prism. When the right prism is placed with one base on a horizontal table, its top base is vertically above its bottom base chee Pyramid Tecoma sie ‘A pyramid has a polygonal base (eg yellow region inthe figure on the right), Except the base all other faces of @ pyramid are called lateral faces, which are triangular in shape. All the lateral faces meet at a common point, called the vertex ofthe pyramid. » as niet te atte b> ‘ct rs aR ae ea TR eae BEN RTRE ‘Measures, Shape anc Spoce Similae to prisms, pyramids ae also named according to the number of sides or the shapes of thei bases, Here are some examples. AD rnc ran conrad agonal pyramid ae ‘Consider the rectangular pyramid on the right. Its base les on a horizontal table. If the vertex of the pyramid is vertically above the centre (or centroid) ofits base, we say that the pyramid isa 4 he cet orci) right pyramid witha rectangular base rhe to gr [Name the following prisms) and pyramig() ) o aa GQ itcsseconteccorery Circular Cylinder 4 Tecoma et ike vb des [A circular cylinder has two identical and parallel end faces and one ‘curved surface. The end faces are called bases which are circles a @- ce eter If the line joining the centres of the bases is ee oe perpendicular to all the diameters of the bases, the tote briny 3 Circular cylinder is called a right circular cylinder. When the right circular eyinder is placed with one base on & horizontal table, its top base is vertically above its bottom base. aeeet Circular Cone “conta iro {A circular cone has one fla surface, one curved surface and one vertex. ‘The flat surface sits base which icicle poe, ove: tae a cial come Consider the circular cone on the right. Its base lies on a horizontal table, If the vertex of the circular cone is verially above the centre of its base, We say that the cone isa right hora abe Ta ace ae Ram Freerevazercsecd @ cross-sections of Solids {In daily life, when loaf eake ot a Swiss roll is sliced into two pieces, ‘two new end faces wll be obtained ewe fs bite {In Geometry, i a solid is ext along a plane, the new end face obtained isa erose-section ofthe slid. Se the following solids: “Be rg prin ae rem ‘Note that when a sold is cut along different planes, the cross-sections obiained may have different sizes and shapes. Saar CT 5.42 g--s) GB recactionts If-we cut a triangular prism or a circular eylinder along any planes ‘paralel1o its bases at different positions as shown below, all the ‘cross-sections obtained have the same shape and.szt asthe bases of the solid. Such soids are known as solids with uniform cross-sections, ey rami prim However, pyramids, circular cones and spheres do not have uniform come 4 cic of TS Note: Solids with uniform cross-sections may have more than one ‘uniform cross-section, For example, a cuboid has 3 uniform cross-sections as shown by the yellow regions in the figures below. In fa eonety asus, Shape and Space (@) Sketch the cross-section obtained when each of the following solids is cut at the orange ‘dotted line along the given plane. (8). Which ofthe solids in (a) has/have uniform cross-sections? GSP hcsictontocconery Wa 2-D Representations of Simple Solids In stadying the properties of solid, we may sketch or draw the solids ‘on a piece of paper, When we draw a solid on paper, we ae using a plane figure to represent the three-dimensional solid. We call such a plane figure the 2-D representation of the solid Sketching Solids Simple solids can be sketched by drawing the outline ofthe solid ieee oat ack ofie call Let us demonstrate how to sketch a triangular prism, a right rectangular pyramid and aright cirelar cylinder on paper. 1. Sketch a triangular prism In cach ofthe following, the same prism is coloured with different faces. Circle the prism of ‘which th coloured foe is one ofits uniform cross-section @ () XX A & BI 1, rash asf. 2, Dr thr ae wich ¢ 5. Jere eon ‘alte on cave Scere a aes ert WL Sketch aright rectangular pyramid, 1 Drow thea, 2 Mabey en theres 5. Jou sam he ‘fhe promi cha te Sones ft age Sielrteapehr te Tonmsale a our be Measures, Shape and Space IML, Sketch aright circular eylinder. 1, Baw toe bse: 2 Drawn vertical ins with 3. Drow oper be. ‘a gh te ies! tthe ghmat poner the mer be ‘Sketch the following solids Drawing Solids on Grid Paper Isometric grids and oblique grids are some common tools that we can, se to sketch 2-D representations of solids, Note: Accurately constructing scaled 2-D representations of solids according to the given dimensions on isometric grids and cobligue grids are not required inthe curriculum, Gi ivcaci vee a Isomettie Grid Isometric grid paper is made up of identical equilateral triangles, aS tone nasa kn shown in the figure below. OX and OY represent 0 directions which are perpendicular to each other on horizontal plane. 02 represen cretion “tt one OF or nd perpendicular tothe escent horizontal plan. 88 ‘When we draw the 2-D representation of a solid on isometric ge pe, the following points should be noted: 1 Edges of equal length on the solid must be represented by lines of ‘equal length on isometric grid paper. 2. Parallel edges of the solid mast be represented by parallel lines on ‘isometric grid paper. ‘The following shows how to draw the cuboid HL o ABCDEFGH on the right on isometric grid paper. 5 A Z 1 Chas verte fom te a of 2 Dron hee AF BG Hand ‘ib aelfa he omer ptr of Defi ead abe se ne Drpracman ef he oil acon sa ‘Measures, Shape and Space Draw the 2-D representation of the following ee right prism on the given isometric eid paper. E a SEREREEES 2. Draw the 2-D representation of the following right prism on the given isometric grid paper. Oblique Gri (Oblique grid paper consists of identical right-angled isosceles trianales, as shown inthe Figure below. OX and OY represent two z directions which are 1 perpendicular to each other o a 4th sonia O7dston a OZ represents a direction cette lenges Fad ‘perpendicular tothe shoe ate Or wd 02 ‘horizontal plane. _ di [Note that parallel edges ofthe solid must be represenied by parallel lines on oblique sri paper. ‘The following shows how to draw the cuboid ABCDEFGH on the right on oblique grid paper 1. Dr th a ABCD oft ait > Seve aaa Sees Draw the 2-D representation ofthe following right prism con the given oblique grid paper. ~ ‘a raw the 2-D representation ofthe following right prism ‘onthe given oblique grid pape. “This Cvrk to sory coracing aed -D repens of ae Tsodag othe pes denon wns reed heer, GP rvcsctionts a ‘eat acing a {Sega famertnacaty oman 5 ewe aban ep ePoeca ‘me essures, Shape and Space 13. Draw the 2-D representation ofthe cuboid on the right on cach ofthe following grid papers. (Isometric grid paper () Oblique grid paper RREREE | na) 1. Determine whether each ofthe following solids sa polyhedron. @ 6 GB i tb O ‘Write down the numbers of vertices, edges and faces foreach ofthe following polyhedra. “> @ GP iivcarcioneceonery WM [Name the following prism() and pyramids). @& 4 b 4. Does each ofthe following solids have uniform cross-sections? ) So o A © t S. Sketch the cost-sction obtained when each ofthe fllowing solids is cut a the orange i ‘the given pane | yg (6. Doss each af the following solids have uniform cross-sections Io, sketch the uniform crose-section @& "EY ‘ay 1. Retro the oon te i (@) Isthe solid «polyhedron? () Does the solid have uniform cross-sections? Iso, sketch the uniform, cross-section. 551 ‘easures, Shape and Space 8, Sketch the following soli. : x 3 : ben. : ‘Determine whether each of th following sli isa polyhedron. @eo68 © 10, Sketch the new end face obtained when each of the following right prim is cut along the plane ‘essing through the given points, B, Cand D. @ o ac 11. Sketch the new end face obtained when each ofthe fllowing solids is cut along the green ine. VY P & FE vient pentagonal prism i plced ona horizontal able as shown. ‘Sketch the erosesetion obtained when the pentagonal prism cut (@) horizontally along the green dotted fine, () vertically along the orange sli line. iol we ke ‘The three fundamental elements of Geometry (@) Points A point represents a positon in space. It has no sie. () Lines A line is made up of an infinite number of points It has no thickness or width. A part of lines calle a line segment, Tt has two end points and fixed length. © Surfaces 'A surface contains an infinite numberof lines 1 has no thickness and it extends endlessly in all directions. Angles (2), Three ways of naming an angle (@ _Usethe symbol “2” and the letter representing the vertex: (i) Use the symbol "2" and the arms: ABC or £CBA (Gi) Use a small eter without “2°: () ‘Types of angles TRightangle | Obsuse ange [Staight angle] Reflex angle | Round angle Greer han Greater than oot | sorandiess | 180° | 180%and tes | 360° than 180° ‘han 360" LN] ] 8 ]o— (©) Complementary angles and supplementary anges (@ Ifthe sum of two angles is 90°, the two angles are called complementary angles. “They ar also sai to be complementary. (IF the sum of two angles is 180*, the two angles are called supplementary angles. ‘They are also said tobe supplementary Parallel ines and perpendicular lines (@) If two straight lines 4B and CD on the same plane do not intersect no matter how far they extend, they are called paral lines, noted by AB i/ CD. () If two straight lines 4 and CD intersect and form a right 4 angle, they are called perpendicular lines, denoted by ABLCD. c » ‘eases, Shape and Space 6, Three-dimensional figures 4, Triangles ‘Three-dimensional figures ar objets which occupy space. They canbe simply called solids (a) Types of triangles Casfeation |_—__B te eng of he des iy th srs fhe anges - | Eeuitatrat | tsoueies | Scalene | Acvicansed | Rightanglt | Obtuse-anle| fee Name | Tange | mangle | wiange | tange | tiangle | tangle bd cs ere | Pm AIA AIANIN IS ones SEE icinrieeceeenemmcnnn @ Prisms i) Pyramids ‘One angle is Allsiesare| Two sides |Allsidesare| Allanglesare | One angle isa] OSs Tonal, | arcequal | unequal. | acuteangles. | rightangle. | LOY" o\|e (Angle sum of triangle “The sum of all the interior angles ofa triangle is 180°, ie, Insane, 4 ae mangling prion rior anid pogo rani Eadie, Ian cane d ‘ha (cata bre mein , souton ‘A non-polyson is sot nls by both planes and curve sues, o cured races Reman nly. Te fllving ate: Knds of so-plyeta | 62 + 2B4 18" = 180" @ Circular cylinders (@@) Circular cones (iii) Spheres. | 2a 1 -oe eet 5 4 © 5. Polygons | ‘A polygon is a plane figure which is enclosed by three or more line segments. ee Oh er (0 trosoldiscutelong lan, te eves hs obtained a rosezton fea TN cw] comme | essent ennesir [enue Sige | fons | “mire |“ robom | pe OQ L~ oe (i) Ie the cross-sections of slid have the same shape and size as its bases when the solid is ‘Attest one of D] aninioe ‘timerior | Asides anda E cnivscoe | oct” | ananan | ‘i | haters cat along any planes paral ots Bases at dierent poston, then the soi is known Property | angi sro | angesis rete | equ a oe as. solid with uniform eros-sction ‘han 5st = I Gi rican cco a Neeerenseeroneeed | B check (@ 2D representations of olds {@ When we draw a solid on paper, we are using a plane igure to represent the solid. Such plane figute is called the 2-D representation ofthe soli. 1 CHE ORE, ert ate th eur (i Isometsi grid paper and oblique eid paper are two types of eid papers which a ce ‘commonly used in raving 2-D representations of solids ample? «Dasani tent Drees Dns ‘on each of the fllowing eid paper (@) lsometse d paper « b © Obie ttre é : 2 neteto meg et ° (a) 2AOB and. ‘are complementary angles. far-© () 2408 and are supplementary angles. 3. Consider the folowing triangles. mwah Circle the appropriate answers (a) Triangle is (an equilateral an isoscoles/ scalene) triangle. oj}o (0) Tangle Bis(on equilateral an sone /a salen) ingle (©) “Wing Cis (on acute-anghed an obtuseangle/ariht-anglt ane (@ Thang Dis (an sute-angid/anobase-apge aight angle) wang 4. Inthe figure, ADCisa straight line. Find. ss7 k= ‘eosures, Shape aed space Clasiy each ofthe following polygons and puta in the appropriate box(es in the table. i ol] [9 H i (6. Refer to the figure. Determine whether each ofthe following statements “in the box; otherwise, put a is correct. itis coret, ut: (@) The solid is «polyhedron. () Thesold is a pyramid, (©, Thesolid has uniform erosssetions. (© The solid has 8 edges. 17, ‘The figure on the right shows a right triangular prism, The prism iscut horizontally along the dotted line. (@) Sketch the cross-section ofthe prism obtained. () Is the cross-section obtained in (a) one of the uniform ‘eross-sections? PW vrocuctinto Geonety, ama, onan For Q12, 14 and 19 in this exercise, sfopies ofthe figures are provided inthe companion website of this series for students’ use, necessary 1, In the figue, AMC, EMB and DCB are straight lines. Use 2" and letersto name the marked angles in the figure. "Name the types ofthe angles marked inthe figure, 3. Consider the figure on the right (@) Find 20D, 240D and 2408. (@) Hence, name the types of 2BOD, AOD and ZAOE. 4. In the figure, £AOB and 2BOC are complementary angles while 2AOB and 2BOD are supplementary anges. Find (2408, @) 2c00. 5. Inthe figure, 24OC= 86" and 280 aro supplementary angles, find COD, 24. FAB and ZOD 6 Inthe figure, BCD is a stright line. AB = AD and ZCAB = 90", [Name the following types of triangles inthe figure (@) sosceles triangle () Right-angled triangle (© Obtuseangle triangle Al zi os FF 559 —k # I GW irositontecenet, a oasis, Shape and Spc rs 1B M 18, Find the unknowns inthe following figures, 16. (@) Construct a triangle POR with 2POR = 30°, ZPRQ = SO" and OR = Gem. o o © (@) Clasiy the triangle in (a) acordng to the sizes ofits angles. 17, Write down the numbers of vertices, edges and faces fo each ofthe following polyhedra, @ o tncch ott owing ono ange 48 oe es, Pod hemi l a a ace gy ckaace=e CAR CC taco fp, a igual i Za’ 22 “ a es pat bangers A Sn ruacyee 2 c (Determine whether each of them sa polyhedron, ]_ Does each of them have a uniform eros ection? Is, sketch the uniform cross-section. Consider the fllowing polygons. @eox | AGES | | 19, Shade the uniform cross-sections ofthe following solids ‘Which ofthe polygons isle (2) conver polygon(s)? () regular polygons? © 7 ome In the figure, ABCG is @ square and CDEFG is a regular pentagon. r AAVANAD | Tis given at the perimeter of guare ABCG 20em, Find the 47 eineter of polygon ABCDEFG. 5 | | D 1 A. A } Using pir ofompases, musa point Ron PQ sic thatthe ngtnof PRisdoubliator 4B EERE o——<8 pe 0 20, Sketch the erost-section obtained when each ofthe following solids is cut atthe orange line along Construct an equilateral triangle of side 4B. oo the given plane Cc) o © ‘The figure shows line segment 4B and point P. —__—# (@) Construct tne passing through point P and parallel to 4B. () Constret tine Mf passing through point P and perpendiculas toAB. (4) Construct sight-angod triangle ABC with £ABC = 90%, AB = I2em and BC (&) Measure the length of AC. x= &#&#&37C«7T seasures, Shape and Space 2 GF. The igure shows a1 dotted ine. 22. Inthe figure, ABC and AFE ate straight ines. BE and CF intersect at D.ZCRE= 90° and AF = CF. (@) How maay triangle are there inthe figure? () Name the following types of triangles inthe Figure. (© soscles triangle (i) Rightangled triangle (i) Accte-angled triangle 23. From 5:30 pam. to 7:00 pam. how many depres does the hour hand ofa clock rotate? (@) Find x () When clasited by angles, which type of triangle docs 4 POR belong to? Loa a un 2 & Bria te cntsowntn ib felovng ome ® ge o - zYS ol f+ 3 prim placing on a horizontal ground. Sketch the erosezetion ofthe prism iit is eu vertically along the Gp-@ Referring to cach ofthe following triangles, answer the questions. (24 —25) ZL GS icaictonteceonety Oa 27, Inthe figure, ABCand CDF are straight lines Find x. 28. Inthe figure, RMT, XMY and SYTZ are straight lines. Find x,y and © wm. Reteriotte tinue Pi (Find xandy. J FQ) Are BAC and ZBDC supplementary angles? Expl your 30, In the figure, ABCDE is a regular pentagon. Fis a point on AE. 4 Find x and y 31. (@) Construct two lies 408 and COD such that AB 1 CD and 1B = 0C = OD= Sem. | (Conse ci ping trout Cand, 32. (@) Construct the figure on the right | (On the igure constructed in), using ater and ast square, snark point D soch that ABCD i parallelogram. 563 = &@€§€=~—CSTS—sti‘i‘i‘iOSCO~S seasures, Shape and Space 133. The figure shows rghtangled isosceles triangle ABC. (@) @ Constracta ine passing through A and parle to BC. (i) Construct fine CD such that AC 1 CD and D ison the Tine constructed in (0X. (©) Construct stele with centre C and radius C4. Does the circle ‘pass through D? When classified by sides, which type of triangle does ACD belong to? ‘34. Inthe fguee, the sold stands on a horizontal ground such that the top base is vertically above the bottom base, It has @ uniform rose-section inthe shape ofa semi-cirele, (@)_ Sketch the cross-section of the solidi i along doted line 4B. () Sketch the erose-sction ofthe slid fits eut vertically along dotted ine CD, js cut horizontally 135. The figure shows a right rectangular pyramid standing on a horizontal ground. P and Q are points on VB and VC respectively such that PQ 1! BC. Sketch the eross-section of the pyramid iit cut vertically along PQ. 7 oi 1. Inthe igure, APR, DPQ and BORC ae straight fines Find + 2 InGABC, 24+ ZB= ZC, When classified by angles, which type of triangles does 44 BC belong to? Tn the figure, ABC isa straight line. ‘ofthe followings an obtuse angle? A 2ABE 2 BR 24BD C coHE 8. D. ZDBE Which ofthe followings a pair of supplementary angles? AL 0" and 0° Bt? and 120° ©. 90° and 180" D. 120° and 240" 3. Which ofthe following must be tre? 1. Theres at most one obtuse ange in any triangle 1, Interior angles of triangle can be all cute, WL, A triangle can have more than one right angle. A. Toaly BR Monty ©. Land Monty D. and Henly 4. Thesigure shows A.ABC. Find a+b. i a c D. Gh irccaictontecooneny Which 5 Find 2DBCin the igure ar 4, BF pe ce © p. si ik 6 Inthe igure, ABCisa straight tne Find 2CBD. poRP poe Which ofthe following isa convex polygon? 565, Nessus, Shape and Sac Bwhich of the following must be a regular polygon? a A? Cre 10. Which ofthe following must be tue? 2 B ‘Which ofthe following must be true? 1. Acuboid isa right prism, LA tiangulr prism has 6 verte. TM, A rectangular pyramid has uniform cross-section. ‘Sample Question and Suggested Solution ‘In the figure, ADB and BEC are straight lines. 1. For any polygon, the numbers of veries and sides are equal IL. Each interior angle ofa pentagon isan obtuse angle TL Al interior angles of regular polygon rust be equal in sie. ‘A. Tand Tlonly B. Tand Ill only © Mand tifonly D, I, Mand Il 11, Which ofthe following are polyhedra? I mu, A. Land only B. Land only © Mand Moaly D. 1 Mand 5.66 (0) Findxandy, omar) A tand oly B. Land ionly (0) Are 24CB and 28D. complementary ange ‘Explain your answer, (2 marks) ©. Mand tly D. ttend it “The igueshows cub, Wion kts — ‘a cross-section which is cut along the orange Solution toe Which of he following sketches the yes plane diagram ofthe rosesecion? ZA+ B+ £C=180" (Csmst 8) eet e ° 100" + (x 10°) + x: v®@ ‘Consider a tangle in aesoor= 2 ve ina.eo, A 28+ ZBED+ ZBDE=180" (ésumot 8) v@ B v¥@ 0) 24ces 2a0E=x+y naps Five vo +0 oe ZACBand ZBDE are not complementary angles. % ». | Exam-type Questions | 1. intbefigue, BCD isa sight ine. Find andy, (Amar) ‘Exam Corner | 2. inthe gue, ADCisa stag ‘ Drawing regular polygons on a clock face nthe gure, ADC is straight ine. A (@) Find xand y (marks) ‘The Figure on the right shows @ 12-hour clock face. The dots are () Are ZABC and ZBDC supplementary anges? ‘evenly spaced around the clock face. By joining the dots at hours Explain your answer. (marks) De 4, Sand 12, we can draw an equilateral triangle. (@) State whether cach of the following regular polygons can be

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