SCTE Broadband Distribution Specialist (BDS)

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SCTE Broadband Distribution Specialist (BDS)

The SCTE Broadband Distribution Specialist (BDS) certifies knowledge in the
subject matter related to the RF distribution of signals. All aspects of the network from
the optical node to the distribution tap are included in this certification curriculum.
Specifics include:
• System Architectures—design principles and HFC architecture
• Distribution Components—actives, passives and coaxial cable
• Signal Types—analog, modulation schemes, frequency spectrum and
• Troubleshooting and Maintenance—sweeping, FCC Rules, return path, test
equipment, status monitoring and troubleshooting techniques
• Construction—coaxial cable handling, cable placement, bonding and grounding,
activation and testing
• Field Safety—personal protective equipment, ladders, pole climbing, equipment
and vehicle operation, battery handling

I. Systems Architectures

Competency Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

A. Explain the basic 1. Describe Unity Gain
principles used to 2. Describe the cable system mapping process
design and map a. Identify the common symbols found on cable
the coaxial portion system strand and design maps
of the HFC i. End of line readings
network. ii. Data boxes (tombstones)
b. Name three types of system maps; distinguish
between the following:
i. Strand
ii. Design
iii. As-built
3. Define the following powering elements and identify
considerations when designing system power:
a. Standby power
b. Powering topologies
i. Centralized
ii. Distributive
c. Emergency power sources for standby power
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d. Power grids
e. Power supplies
f. Cable powering
4. Define the following RF principles and identify
considerations when designing coaxial cable plant:
a. Levels
b. Tilt
c. RF power addition/voltage addition
d. Amplifier cascades and spacing
B. Describe the 1. Define each of the following architectures:
network a. Tree and branch
architectures i. Define Trunk
related to RF ii. Define Feeder
signal distribution. b. HFC
i. Hub
c. Fiber deep
i. Node plus x
ii. Node plus 0 (passive network)
iii. RF over glass (RFOG)
d. Gigabit Ethernet Passive Optical Network
2. Define the following two-way cable system
configurations and identify the general frequency
division for each:
a. Sub-split
b. Split-shift (DOCSIS 3)
c. Mid-split
d. High-split

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II. Distribution Components

Competency Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

A. Explain the use and 1. Name the types of amplifiers
function of active a. Trunk amplifier
devices used in the i. Bridger modules
coaxial portion of the b. Express amplifier
HFC network. c. Distribution amplifiers
i. Line extender
2. Explain the following amplifier characteristics:
a. Operating Parameters
b. Types of Amplifiers
c. Application of amplifiers
d. Specification sheets
e. Internal Design
3. Describe the following active device alignment methods:
a. Manual
c. Reverse
4. Explain the relevance of each of the following
calculations to active devices:
a. Unity gain
b. Ohm’s Law
c. Decibel Theory
d. Noise/Distortions
e. Return Loss
f. Reverse
5. Define the following active device plug Ins
a. Diplex Filters
b. Pads/Equalizers
c. Trim Devices
d. Feedermakers
e. Couplers
f. Fusing
B. Explain the use and 1. Explain the following node characteristics:
function of RF and a. Operating Parameters
optical nodes. i. Forward signals
ii. Reverse signals
b. Optical input power
c. Specifications
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2. Explain the difference between dBm and dBmV (optical
vs. electrical signals)
C. Explain the use 1. Explain the following passive device RF and AC
and function of properties
passive devices a. Fusing/Shunts
used in the coaxial b. Return Loss
portion of the HFC c. Isolation
network. d. Passband
2. Identify and describe the following passive devices, their
corresponding map symbols, and level calculations:
a. Line splitters
b. Directional couplers
c. Power Inserters
d. Taps
i. Directional taps
ii. Addressable taps
iii. Power-passing taps
e. In-line equalizers
f. Reverse conditioners
D. Explain the use 1. Hardline cable connectors
and function of a. Demonstrate cable preparation
coaxial cable used b. Identify the types of connectors
in the HFC i. Housing to housing
network. ii. Pin
iii. Feed through
iv. 90, 180
v. Terminators
c. Describe Connectorization
i. Prep
ii. Torque
2. Define the following coaxial cable properties:
a. Impedance
b. Velocity of propagation
c. Inductance
d. Capacitance
e. Attenuation
f. Shielding
g. DC Loop Resistance
3. Describe proper coaxial cable handling in the following
a. Bending radius
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b. Lashing
c. Environmental damage
4. Define Return Loss and its effects in the following
a. Structural Return Loss (SRL)
b. Impedance mismatches
5. Identify and define each of the following components of
coaxial cable:
a. Center conductor
b. Dielectric
i. Air
c. Jacket
d. Flooding compound

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III. Signal Types

Competency Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

A. Describe the 1. NTSC
following a. Components and locations
characteristics of i. Video
analog signals. ii. Audio
iii. Color burst
b. Bandwidth
c. Transmission
2. Pilot carriers
3. PAL
B. Describe the 1. Explain digital fundamentals:
following a. Binary system
characteristics of i Fundamentals
digital signals. ii Numbering
iii Coding of information
2. Name the components of the digital signal
a. Basics of digital signals
i. Define digital
b. Explain analog to digital (A/D) conversion
i Fundamentals of conversion
ii Define decoding
iii Define pulse-code modulation (PCM)
iv Define codec
3. Digital Multiplexing
a. Multiple Streams in 6 MHz bandwidth
c. Compression ratios
d. Multiplexing (with respect to DOCSIS)
i Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
ii Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)
(a) Broadband spectrum digital signal
frequency allocation
e. Describe two-way signal flow
4. Out of band (OOB) signaling
a. Define OOB signaling
b. Explain how is OOB signally used
5. Explain channel mapping
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6. Explain structure of messages through the introduction
of the following:
a. Frames
b. Packets
c. Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference
Model (OSI Reference Model; OSI Model)
7. Identify RF carrier levels for digital QAM/channel
8. Define the following transmission metrics:
a. Data rate
b. Symbol rate
i Payload
ii Overhead
iii Throughput
(a) QoS - quality vs. quantity of signal
(b) Service Level Agreement (SLA)
C. Describe upstream 1. Modem
signal types. 2. Set-top box (STB)
3. Telco return
4. Status monitoring
a. Node monitoring
b. Power supply monitoring
D. Describe the 1. Analog
following a. Amplitude Modulation (AM)
modulation b. Frequency Modulation (FM)
schemes. c. Phase Modulation (PM)
2. Digital
a. Frequency-shift keying (FSK)
b. Quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK)
c. Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)
E. Describe the 1. Analog forward/ reverse
frequency a. Bandwidth
spectrum for the b. Channel allocation/frequencies
following. 2. Digital forward/ reverse
a. Contrast upstream and downstream
F. Describe the 1. Noise
following cable a. Thermal noise
network b. Impulse noise
Impairments. c. Carrier-to-Noise (C/N) ratio
2. Distortions
a. CSO
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b. CTB
3. Interfering Signals
a. Common Path Distortion (CPD)
b. Hum modulation
c. Ingress/Egress
4. Reflections

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IV. Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Competency Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

A Describe the test 1. Spectrum analyzer
equipment used 2. Signal Level Meter (SLM)
during cable network a. Display readouts of analog channel features
maintenance and b. Identify the following digital display features:
troubleshooting. i QAM analyzer
(a) Modulation Error Rate (MER)
(b) Bit Error Ratio (BER)
(i) Bit Error Rate Test (BERT)
(c) DOCSIS stats
(d) Constellation characteristics
(e) Constellation interpretation
c. Return test
i Signal generator (for example, DSAM, RSVP)
ii Modem service certificate
(a) Web-based application / modem emulator
d. Video and audio carrier measurements
e. Maintenance and care
i Charging
ii Calibration - accuracy verification
iii Channel plans
f. RF operating parameters
3. Test TV
a. Tracking picture and/or sound impairments
b. Diagnosing bad customer TV
4. Volt Ohm Meter (VOM)/Digital Multi-Meter(DMM)
a. Using resistance function
i Isolating shorts
ii Identifying opens
iii Cable identification
b. Using voltage function
i Checking for hot (electrified) chassis condition
5. Signal leakage detector
a. Ingress
i Definition
ii Symptoms
iii Appearance
iv Sources
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v Detection
vi Repair
vii Technician’s role; escalation procedures
b. Egress
i Definition
ii Symptoms
iii Sources
iv Equipment
v Detection
(a) Measuring 20µV/m
vi Repair
vii Technician’s role; escalation procedures
c. System monitoring
i Cumulative Leakage Index (CLI)
(a) Definition/requirement
6. Cable Locator
a. Locating underground cables
b. Identifying utility colors and flags
7. Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR)
a. Definition
b. Explain how to use a TDR to locate faults
8. Line toner
a. Definition
b. Application and Use
9. Polarity tester
a. Definition
b. Application and use
10. Return Path tester (example, RSVP)
a. Definition
b. Application and use
11. Butt set (voice applications)
a. Definition
b. Application and use
12. VOM (voice applications)
a. Definition
b. Application and use
13. Wire ID (voice applications)
a. Definition
b. Application and use
14. Wire mapper (voice applications)
a. Definition
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b. Application and use
15. Brown meter (loop tester) (voice applications)
a. Definition
b. Application and use
16. Banjo (voice applications)
a. Definition
b. Application and use
17. Cable modem emulator
a. Definition
b. Application and use
c. Definition
d. Provide examples for:
i Downstream
ii Upstream
18. MOS – Mean Opinion Score
a. Definition (what constitutes this score)
19. Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ)
a. Speech quality assessment
B Recognize and 1. Explain the steps in the troubleshooting process:
understand the divide a. Symptom analysis
and conquer (also i Verify problem symptoms with customer
called the isolation or b. Problem isolation
half-split) method of c. Divide and conquer
troubleshooting. d. Problem resolution/repair
e. Confirm problem resolution/repair
2. Diagnose equipment problems:
a. Identify signal issues
b. Interpret premises signal level readings (too high;
too low)
c. List the procedures for troubleshooting the set-
top box and interactive program guide (IPG)
3. Ability to troubleshoot forward and return path
C Recognize common 1. Identify the name and/or cause following analog signal
analog and digital impairments such as:
signal impairments. a. Snow (no picture)
b. Blue TV screen
c. Snowy picture
d. Snowy picture on channels 2 through 6 only;
lines in picture
e. Ghosting
f. Flash or blip in picture
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g. Herringbone pattern
h. Horizontal bars (hum bars)
i. Diagonal lines (Intermodulation beats)
j. CB radio interference
k. Randomly flashing lines or flashing picture
i Electrical interference from an in-house
ii FM noise
l. "Sparklies"
i Terrestrial interference - outage in spring/fall
(satellite/sun outages)
m. Scrambled picture
2. Identify the name and/or cause following digital signal
impairments such as:
a. Tiling (freezing)
b. Blocking
c. Jerkiness
d. Smearing
e. Artifacts
f. Object retention
g. Robotic voice
h. Echo
i. Dropped call
j. Voice break up
k. Slow web page
l. Server not found
m. Lip synch
n. No picture / black screen
3. Media Impairments
a. Name a typical cause of the following digital
ii Latency
iii Jitter
iv Packet Loss
D Describe basic cable 1. Describe the use of sweep systems in maintaining the
plant sweeping coaxial portion of the cable plant. Explain the following:
a. Sweeping Techniques
b. Sweeping Forward and Return
c. Injection Points for sweep system
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2. Describe the following types of sweep systems:
a. Low Level
b. High Level
c. Carrier
3. Unity Gain
E Define the Federal 1. Performance Requirements
Communications a. CLI
Commission (FCC) b. C/N and S/N
and how the rules c. CSO
apply to the following: d. CTB
2. Proof of Performance (POP) Tests
a. Describe POP tests
b. Explain what the POP tests accomplish
c. Time frames
F Describe 1. Unity gain
considerations when a. Amplifier output levels
maintaining and b. Tap output levels
troubleshooting the c. Cable loss
forward and return d. Insertion loss
plant. 2. Understand individual system design performance in
addition to FCC requirements
3. Identify common causes of group delay
4. MER
5. BER
6. Describe the effects of the following:
a. Bad splitters
b. Poor cabling
c. Bad amplifiers
d. Long amplifier cascades
7. Frequency response
a. Peak-to-valley (flatness)
8. Define outage
a. Total
b. Service
i Video
ii Voice
iii Data
c. Single channel
9. Environmental considerations
G Define status 1. Explain the purpose of system monitoring
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monitoring and 2. Power supplies
explain its purpose as a. Stand-by vs. main power
a tool for b. Voltage and amperage
maintenance. 3. Performance monitoring
4. Nodes
5. Modem return path
6. System powering
7. Video monitoring
H Describe cable 1. Fix broken lashing wire
network preventive 2. Housing gaskets
maintenance a. RFI gasket
considerations. b. Water seal

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V. Construction

Competency Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

A Describe the cable 1. Physical Handling
and equipment used a. Delivery and acceptance
in cable b. Proper unloading procedures
telecommunications c. Proper loading procedures
construction, and its d. Proper cable storage
proper handling and 2. Coaxial Cable Testing
testing. a. Structural return loss testing
b. Impedance/TDR and cable length testing
c. Attenuation testing
3. Cable construction equipment
a. Aerial construction equipment
i Mechanical bender
ii Bender board
iii Corner block (90)
iv Corner block (45)
v Single roller block
vi Economy block
vii Multiple cable block
viii Crossover bracket
ix Setup bracket
x Strand brake
xi Setup chute
xii Dynamometer
xiii Cable guide
xiv Cable lasher
xv Lay-up stick
xvi Cable lifter
xvii Wire-raising tool
xviii Cable positioned
xix Multiple cable puller
xx Cable overlash puller
xxi Cable block pusher
b. Underground construction equipment
i Cable winch
ii Cable sheave
iii Cable shoe
iv Reel brake
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v Pulling grip
vi Breakaway swivel
vii Reel stands
viii Cable trailer
B Explain aerial cable 1. Cable acceptance testing
placement a. Physical inspection
considerations, b. Electrical inspection
including inspection, 2. Hardware specifications
clearances, and 3. Clearances and separations
installation. 4. Pole framing
5. Strand installation
a. Strand dead-ends
b. False dead-ends
c. Self-supporting duct
6. Guying
a. Guy lead and height
b. Measure pull
c. Determining guy strand size
7. Coaxial cable installation
a. Set-up procedures
b. Installation procedures
8. Cable roller (single or multiple) usage
9. Cable overlashing
10. Expansion loops
11. Tree trimming
C Explain underground 1. General Information
cable placement a. Research local, state, and federal guidelines
considerations, b. Traffic
including open trench, c. Qualifications
boring, and plowing d. Safety
installations. e. Report
f. Quality
2. Open trench construction methods
a. Considerations
b. Preparation
c. Cable and conduit installation
d. Trench restoration
e. Open trench – street cut construction
3. Directional boring construction
a. Considerations
b. Data requirements
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c. Installation by the boring method
4. Plowing construction
a. Preparation
b. Methods
i Pull plowing
ii Chute plowing
5. Risers
6. Duct and conduit systems
7. Pull line
8. Pulling cable and innerducts
9. Placement equipment
10. Pulling lubricants
11. Duct seal
D Describe the 1. Pedestals
underground 2. Vaults and handholds
enclosures used in 3. Sealed enclosures
cable plant 4. Placing pedestal enclosures
construction. 5. Pad installation
6. Equipping enclosures
7. Grade-level manholes
8. Splicing
9. Termination
E Describe cable plant 1. Grounding subsystems
bonding and 2. Materials
grounding practices. 3. Conduit use with grounding conductors
4. Grounding electrodes
5. Soil
6. Corrosion protection
7. Installation procedures
F Demonstrate coaxial 1. Semiflex coaxial cables
cable preparation and a. Cable inspection
connectorization. b. Cable preparation
2. QR cable
a. Cable inspection
b. Cable preparation
3. MC2 cable
a. Cable inspection
b. Cable preparation
4. General connector installation
G Describe the process 1. Preliminary component testing
of coaxial cable a. Cable verification
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activation and testing b. Passive device verification
for new construction. c. Active device verification
2. System activation
a. Powering the amplifiers
b. Rough balancing
c. System alignment
3. System performance verification
4. Documentation

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VI. Field Safety

Competency Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

A Recognize the industry 1. Describe the eye protection used during
standard safe work practices, installation and service work; explain the
for Personal Protective minimum industry-adopted rating
Equipment (PPE) and other a. ANSI rating
job-related tools and 2. Describe hearing protection used during
equipment. installation and service work; explain the
minimum industry-adopted rating:
a. ANSI rating
3. Describe footwear worn during installation and
service work; explain the minimum industry-
adopted rating:
a. ANSI rating
4. Describe clothing worn (and not worn) during
installation and service work.
5. Describe work gloves worn during installation
and service work.
6. Describe hardhats used during installation and
service work; explain the minimum industry-
adopted rating:
a. ANSI rating
7. Describe voltage testers used during installation
and service work; explain use and maintenance.
a. Foreign voltage detector
8. Describe safety vest used during installation and
service work; explain the following types of
safety vests and when each is used:
a. Class 1
i School crossing
b. Class 2
i Up to 50 MPH
c. Class 3
i Over 50 MPH
9. Identify the climbing equipment used during
installation and service work; explain each of the
following components:
a. Fall arrest systems
b. Pole climbers (hooks)
i Stirrup
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ii Gaff
iii Leg iron
iv Ankle strap
v Climber strap and pad
c. Body belt
i D-rings
ii Tool hooks
d. Gloves
i Gauntlet
ii High voltage gloves (rubber gloves,
liners, outer protectors)
e. Safety Strap
i Snap hooks
ii Nylon strap
10. Be aware of proper pole climbing techniques
11. Ladders
a. Define the following types of ladders and
when each is used:
i Step ladder
ii Extension ladder
iii Combination step/extension ladder
b. Identify the parts of a ladder
c. Describe ladder inspection before and
during use
i Explain what to do with defective
d. Describe ladder placement on the strand
(including midspan) and at the pole
e. Describe ladder usage
f. Be aware of proper ladder handling
techniques; describe the following:
i Removing and replacing ladders on
the vehicle racks
ii Carrying methods
iii Ascend and descend
iv Risks
12. Poles
a. Demonstrate pole inspections
accomplished to ensure the pole and
environment are safe
b. Demonstrate voltage testing

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c. Define climbing space
d. Describe electrical hazards that could be
encountered when working at the pole
B Recognize the industry 1. Describe safe operation and maintenance of the
standard safe work practices company vehicle
with respect to vehicle use. a. Describe how to conduct daily inspections
b. Describe how the vehicle’s appearance,
how it is driven, and how it is parked,
reflects good customer relations
2. Describe the following traffic control devices:
a. Signs
b. Flagger requirements
c. Cones
i Placement
ii Tapering
3. Aerial lift trucks
a. Describe when an aerial lift vehicle
(bucket truck) is used
b. Describe safe practices associated with
aerial lift operation, including:
i Use of wheel chocks
ii Proximity awareness
iii Fall arrest system
C Recognize the industry 1. Describe the process of analyzing risks when
standard safe work practices driving the company vehicle
with respect to work zone a. Differentiate driving a company
safety. Trucks/Vans with driving a passenger car
b. Describe how to conduct Daily
2. Identify and describe the following work zone
traffic control devices and how the Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), along
with state and local policies, establishes:
a. Cone placement (channelization devices)
b. Sign placement (warning devices)
3. Describe traffic flow techniques
a. Flagging
D Recognize the industry 1. Describe the following hazardous materials –
standard safe work practices HAZCOM that may be encountered on the job:
with respect to the work a. Identify the potential for asbestos at the
environment. job site and what to do if encountered

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b. Identify the potential for solvents at the
job site and what to do if encountered
c. Identify the potential for fiberglass
Insulation at the job site and what to do if
d. Identify the potential for lead paint at the
job site and what to do if encountered
2. Describe the following extreme weather
conditions and the safety precautions associated
with each:
a. Heat
b. Cold
c. Storms
3. Demonstrate proper ergonomics while on the job
as related to repetitive motion activities
4. Identify potential animal encounters while on the
job and describe the safety precautions to
a. Wild animal
b. Domestic animal
5. Demonstrate proper battery handling
a. Stand-by power supplies
i Demonstrate safe battery handling
b. AC and power considerations

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