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In a World Where Everything

Is Connected, Connection
Must Never Be Lost

In a world where everything is connected, the envi-ronment, and actual backup time
connection must never be lost. At the and life expectancy of batteries is uncer-
same time, the world needs to shift from tain due to lack of intelligence. But not
fossil fuels to clean green energy. This is any-more. Our products are small, light
where Polarium comes in. and maintenance-free. Polarium’s telecom
battery backup solutions are sustainable,
The telecom network of the future needs
due to their extraordinarily long lifetime,
to be smarter, greener, and more cost-
fully recyclable materials, and the fact
effective. The roll-out of 5G will add
that they can be remotely controlled
millions of new nodes to already rapidly
and monitored.
expanding networks. With 5G, more and
more critical systems and applications Today, telecom battery backups are
will depend on always-on connectivity. mostly seen as an insurance policy, but
Simply put, the connected world needs we are striving to transform them into
great power backup. revenue generators by optimizing lithium
batteries for smarter energy use. Our
Telecom battery backup has long been
solutions let you focus on your core busi-
a costly and challenging issue. Conven-
ness and save money – helping to
tional batteries need to be changed
save our planet at the same time.
frequently, diesel is costly and pollutes

Enabling endless energy

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Our Solutions
Let You Pour
Your Energy
Into What Is
to You

Enabling endless energy

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Our Solutions

Keeping Your Network Up-and-

Running No Matter What

The connected world needs great

power backup – and lots of it. We
created our series of smart lithium
battery solutions to solve your telecom
backup challenges. We enable hassle-
free communication and sustainable
technology for the energy-intensive
telecom business. Our backup solutions
are of superior quality and implemented
all across the globe, even in the toughest
environments. The implementation of
5G will increase the need for energy
further, and we want it to be safe and

Compared to lead-acid batteries,

Polarium’s lithium batteries have many
benefits, such as half the volume, a
quarter of the weight and five times
higher energy density. Our game-
changing patented technology gives
you full control and helps you save
money whilst cutting carbon emissions.

Enabling endless energy

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Maximize the Use

of On-Site Energy

No matter what site or energy sources

you are using, Polarium’s advanced
modular technology is flexible and
made easy to use. Connect our hybrid
solution directly to your on-site energy
source and in a few simple steps you are
good to go. Our lithium batteries have
high energy density and are of superior
quality, meaning longer service life of up
to 6,000 charge and discharge cycles.

By integrating Polarium’s hybrid solution

to on-site solar panels, you can use
energy from the sun to keep your
network running on green energy at
night. Or you can use it to reduce your
dependency on fossil fuels if the power
grid fails. We created our series of smart
lithium battery solutions to let you focus
on your core business - while saving
money and helping our planet at the
same time.

Enabling endless energy

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in Sweden

Enabling endless energy

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Our Products


Our smart lithium Battery range is in use

on all continents and in all climate zones Key Features
– from the equator to the Arctic. Our Bat- of Our Range
tery modules are built with cells from the
• Smart batteries specifically designed
world’s leading lithium cell manufactur-
for the telecom environment.
ers. Compared with lead-acid, Polarium’s
• Variety of form factors to fit most
lithium batteries offer multiple benefits, standard enclosures.
such as half the volume, a quarter of
• Intelligent features to allow easy replace-
the weight, and five times higher energy ment of lead-acid batteries without compli-
density than conventional batteries. Our cated settings or adaptions.

game-changing patented technology • Ease of use - plug-and-play installation.

gives you full control and helps you save • Each battery has a battery manager
money whilst cutting carbon emissions. that can interface with remote site
management systems.

Battery Indoor & Outdoor • Our charge-control makes the

batteries independent of current control
from the power system.
Polarium’s indoor solutions are designed
for IP20 applications. Polarium’s outdoor • Anti-theft feature to disable use of battery if
removed from system (optional).
solutions are designed for IP55/65 appli-
cations. Products range from 50 to 250
Ah, Outdoor 8-50 Ah in a variety of sizes,
mechanical formats, and cell chemis-
tries (nickel-based or iron-based). Other
capacities can be discussed
upon request.

Enabling endless energy

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Battery Indoor Range

Nickel-Based Battery
19”/2U Module
Available in:
50 Ah

Nickel-Based Battery
19”/4U Module
Available in:
100 Ah
150 Ah
200 Ah
250 Ah

Nickel-Based Battery
23”/2U Module
Available in:
100 Ah
200 Ah

Iron-Based Battery
19”/4U Module
Available in:
500 Ah
100 Ah
150 Ah
Polarium Battery – 9

Battery Outdoor Range

Available in:
43 Ah

Available in:
08 Ah

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Digital Services

Studio Connect – Alert

Studio is a PC based SW tool for direct Connect Alert is an extended alarm inter-
access to Polarium batteries via an face which communicates with our batter-
RJ45 port. Studio is useful where a more ies and translates information or alarms to
in-depth analysis of battery data and operate two configurable dry connector
performance is required. It is not used in relays. Additionally, it can provide Blue-
standard installations but is perfect for tooth access to the battery system for
battery evaluation or analyzing batteries installation and maintenance staff.
as part of a general site diagnostic
exercise. With Studio, we also offer our Using the Polarium Mobile App or Studio,
customers a Remote Access Third Line you can access the Connect Alert to mon-
Expertise Support. itor alarms and battery performance data.
You may also configure alarm settings in
Connect – Bridge the Polarium Mobile App as well as record
Connect Bridge is an advanced commu- charge/discharge sequences during bat-
nications interface that translates the tery performance tests with Studio.
standard ModBus used in our batteries
to various communication protocols.
The Bridge comes with CAN, TCP/IP and
can be fitted with customized protocols.
Additionally, it provides Bluetooth access
to the battery system for installation and
maintenance staff.

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Tower of Power

Enabling endless energy

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Tower of Power – Rethinking Power

Backup to Fight Climate Change

It is time for mobile operators to Energy consumption already amounts

rethink power backup for telecom to 20-40 percent of network operating
towers. From an insurance policy expenditures and networks make up 80
percent of mobile operators’ greenhouse
that is critical to have but only
gas emissions. 5G networks will devour
used for a fraction of time, to the
at least twice the amount of energy as
best friend in reducing energy
today’s networks.
bills and fighting climate change.
Mobile operators must therefore rethink
If 4G gave us smartphones and all the how they use power backup. It is currently
information in the world at our fingertips, an underutilized asset, especially in those
5G will give us a truly connected world. parts of the world where the grid is stable.
One where not only humans are connect- Rather, power backup should be seen as
ed via their phones, but where everything the operator’s best friend in reducing their
is connected: from cars and refrigerators energy bill and fighting climate change.
to industrial robots and 3D printers. And in
a world where everything is connected all Lithium-powered backup solutions can
the time, connectivity must never be lost. be used to store renewable energy. The
main challenge with renewable energy
The implications of the 5G paradigm for is that it might not be produced when it
mobile operators are profound. They need is needed most. By storing energy when
to guarantee close to 100 percent uptime, it is abundant and cost-efficient, to then
as operating without interruptions is cru- be used when it is scarce and expensive,
cial as more and more critical applications the telecom industry can cut costs and
are connected. Meanwhile, 5G requires a reduce fossil fuels from their networks.
denser network infrastructure, with more
base stations in a given area. In addition, In this way, tower sites become power
carbon emissions need to be reduced to sites that help solve some of mobile
reach sustainability goals and offset ex- operators’ most pressing issues: enabling
pected increases in carbon pricing. connectedness, reducing energy costs
at a time when energy consumption is
expected to double, and making the
world more sustainable.
Enabling endless energy
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Our Technology

Our top priority is – and always will be – safety. All our products
are designed with your safety in mind - thoroughly verified and
certified for safe operation. We have a completely redundant
safety system in our BMS, including electronically controlled circuit
breakers, and thorough control in the design and manufacturing
of every system component. We also have advanced solutions
for propagation prevention. The batteries are protected during
transportation, installation, and use, even in the toughest
conditions. Polarium is safe every step of the way.

In a few simple steps, you’re good to go. Advanced technology made
easy to use, giving you complete control. Easy installation and zero
maintenance – just connect the cables and turn it on. Our products
are plug-and-play compatible with existing power systems due to
our patented charge control function. Configuration and testing are
automatic. Polarium’s solutions are designed to support a wide range
of deployment configurations and integration partners, with low and
high voltage battery systems.

Enabling endless energy

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We have installations in more than 50 countries, from the equator to
the Arctic. Our products are strong, robust, and of superior quality
with a guarantee to provide a long-lasting life. They just keep working,
even in the most extreme conditions and environments. The robust
design includes optional ingress protection of the electronics. A wide
range of lithium cell chemistries targeting different site conditions
make our offering stronger than any other alternative on the market.

Due to the embedded intelligence of our lithium batteries, you
always know the state of charge (available capacity in real time) and
the state of health (available life for optimal planning and usage).
With its remote management system, our lithium-powered backup
solution is maintenance-free and gives you full control. You can also
manage your on-site climate control system based on the internal
temperature of your lithium batteries or you can shut down non-
prioritized loads. With the smart information already embedded in
your lithium batteries, you can control, plan, reduce costs, and reduce
environmental impact.

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Secure Systems

You can feel secure, knowing that your Polarium Theft protection solutions
solution is protected. In many parts of the world, • Anti-theft features
lead-acid batteries are stolen for scrap metal, Theft recovery solutions
private use, or re-sale. Polarium’s lithium battery • Tracker
modules eliminate the first two reasons for theft. • Branding
• Engraving
To make resale unattractive, we have developed
multiple anti-theft features for our batteries, which
prevent discharge of battery modules if removed
from installations. In addition, our batteries are
prepared for our optional GPS tracker and marking
options for recovery in case of theft.

Polarium’s lithium batteries are fully recyclable and meet all RoHS,
WEEE and REACH requirements. Energy turn-around losses typically
amount to only a few percent points, which is better than other lithium
batteries (which normally record turn-around losses of up to 5%)
and lead-acid batteries (normally up to 30%). All our solutions and
products are designed to have exceptionally long lifetime. Our low-
carbon manufacturing and installation, efficient operations, and the
fact that our products are recyclable – all contributes to a circular
business model.

Enabling endless energy

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