Iso 15158 2014
Iso 15158 2014
Iso 15158 2014
First edition
Reference number
ISO 15158:2014(E)
© ISO 2014
ISO 15158:2014(E)
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Principle......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Apparatus...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3.1 Potentiostat................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
3.2 Electrode potential-measuring instrument.................................................................................................................... 1
3.3 Current-measuring instruments............................................................................................................................................... 1
3.4 Specimen holder..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.5 Test cell........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.6 Auxiliary electrode............................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.7 Reference electrode............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
4 Specimens..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5 Procedure..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.1 Preparation of reference electrodes...................................................................................................................................... 3
5.2 Preparation of specimen................................................................................................................................................................. 3
5.3 Preparation of solution..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.4 Setting up test........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.5 Recording...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Ending test................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
6 (
Statistical analysis of pitting potential data.............................................................................................................................. 5
7 Test report.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
ISO 15158:2014
Annex A (informative) Specimen holder........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Annex B (informative) An example6dc7c7440536/iso-15158-2014 of statistical analysis of pitting potential data..........................................11
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
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ISO 15158:2014
Although stainless steel is generally used as a corrosion-resistant material, it is susceptible to pitting
corrosion, crevice corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, etc. Among those, pitting corrosion is one of
the most common phenomena that occur on stainless steels. A commonly used parameter to evaluate
the pitting corrosion resistance of stainless steel, is so-called pitting potential that defines the lowest
potential below which stables pits are not considered to grow. Since pitting corrosion generally shows
a stochastic nature dependent upon inhomogeneity in terms of size, orientation, alloying components,
impurity, inclusions, segregation, surface treatment, history, elapsed time, fluctuation of environment,
etc., its measurement requires at least a couple of values.
1 Scope
This International Standard describes the procedure for determining the pitting potential for stainless
steels (austenitic, ferritic/austenitic, ferritic, martensitic stainless steel) under potentiodynamic control.
The principal advantage compared with other potentiostatic test methods[1][2] is the rapidity of this test
method, with which the pitting potential can be measured in a single potential scan.
The pitting potential as determined by this International Standard can be used as a relative index of
performance. For example, one can compare the relative performances for different lots of stainless-
steel grades and products. The test described in this International Standard is not intended to determine
the pitting potential at which actual pitting can occur under real service conditions, or not.
2 Principle
The test involves increasing the anodic potential of the specimen at a specified scan rate while exposing
the specimen to a normalized sodium chloride solution at a constant temperature.
The pitting potential (V’c10 or V’c100) (see JIS G 0577 ) is defined as the potential at which the current
density exceeds 10 μA/cm2 or 100 μA/cm 2 for
ISO more than 60 s. A 60 s delay is used in order to ensure
that the observed current increase originates from stably propagating pitting, since short-lived current
peaks originate from metastable pitting. 6dc7c7440536/iso-15158-2014
The specimen holder and the specimen itself are designed to ensure that crevice corrosion does not
3 Apparatus
3.1 Potentiostat
The potentiostat shall be capable of controlling the electrode potential to within ±1 mV of a preset value.
3.4.1 Any part of the specimen holder coming into contact with the test solution shall be made of an
inert material.
3.4.2 The specimen holder shall be designed to ensure that crevice corrosion does not occur at the
contact area between the specimen holder and the specimen. Some methods to prevent such crevice
attack, using a flushed port cell, or using a flushed specimen holder, are outlined in A.1 and A.2.
3.4.3 If the specimen holder avoiding crevice corrosion cannot be used, the specimen electrode could
be treated by the special method as outlined in A.3.
3.5.1 The test cell shall contain the test specimen, a Luggin capillary probe connected to an external
reference electrode for measuring the electrode potential, an auxiliary electrode, a port for insertion of a
temperature measuring device, a bubbler for de-aeration by inert gas such as N2 or Ar, and/or a facility
for stirring the solution in a repeatable manner.
NOTE This can be achieved by using a mechanical stirring device, or simply by bubbling inert gas through the
solution at a controlled rate.
3.5.5 The ratio of the volume of solution in the test cell to the specimen area shall be at least 100 ml/cm2.
3.7.1 The reference electrode shall be maintained at ambient temperature external to the test cell, and
shall be connected to the test cell via a Luggin capillary probe.
3.7.2 Commonly used electrode is the saturated silver/silver chloride electrode (sat.SSCE). The
potentials of these electrodes relative to the standard hydrogen electrode at 25 °C are given in ISO 17474.
If the saturated calomel electrode (SCE) is used, strict control to handle mercury and mercury containing
substances in terms of health and environmental issues shall be taken. The use of saturated calomel
electrode shall follow nation’s rules and regulations.
4 Specimens
4.1 The specimen shall be taken from a test material such that the test area is minimum 1,0 cm2.
Different surfaces are permitted, if they are used in actual application: e.g. different heat treatments, and
different surface finish.
4.2 The specimen may be taken by sawing, cutting, grinding, etc. The depth affected by machining shall
be removed by progressive grinding so that the traces of machining may not affect the test results.
NOTE If relevant parties agree, any surface finishes different from the above recommendation may apply as
far as they are reproducible.
5 Procedure
5.2.1 The final grinding of the specimen may be dry or wet. Before measurement, the specimen is
recommended to be ground with 600 grit paper, and shall then be thoroughly cleaned.
NOTE 1 After grinding, it takes time for the air formed film to achieve a quasi-steady condition. The most rapid
change in filming occurs in the first period with progressive stabilization at longer periods.
NOTE 2 A minimum time period of 24 h is recommended. However, a shorter period may be adopted depending
on the purpose of the test. Nevertheless, the time period in a set of tests should be consistent.
NOTE 3 If relevant parties agree, surface finishes different from the above recommendation may apply as far
as they are reproducible.
5.2.2 The specimen shall be cleaned prior to immersion into the test solution, by degreasing, rinsing in
high purity water (with a conductivity less than 1 μS/cm), followed by ethanol or a similar solvent, and
then air drying. After degreasing, care shall be taken not to contaminate the test surface of the specimen.
5.3.1 The solution shall be prepared using reagent-grade chemicals and high purity water.
5.3.2 The test solution should reflect the intended application; otherwise 1 M (k mol m−3) sodium
chloride aqueous solution may be used.
NOTE The recommended test solution of 1 M sodium chloride aqueous solution can be prepared by dissolving
58,44 g of reagent-grade sodium chloride into 1 000 mL of distilled or ion-exchange water.
5.4.1 The exposed surface area of the test specimen shall be measured.
5.4.2 The standard temperature of the test solution shall be (30 ± 1) °C.
The tests may be performed at a different temperature depending on the purpose, but the same
temperature for a particular set of tests shall be applied.
5.4.3 For anodic polarization, completely immerse the test surface area in the de-aerated test solution;
leave it to stand there to stabilize temperature and corrosion potential for at least 1 min. Then, start
potential sweeping at the rate of 10 mV/min from corrosion potential until the anodic current density
reaches more than 500 µA/cm2 and less than 1 000 µA/cm2. In case statistical analysis of the potential
data was intended, the sweep rate of 20 mV/min may be used. If these sweep rates are not available by
reason of the apparatus or other, a sweep rate close to it may be used.
Regardless of the type of test assembly (see Annex A), deaeration of the solution shall be undertaken
prior to immersion. A deaeration period of 1 h per litre of test solution is usually sufficient at typical gas
flow rates of 0,1 L/min of e.g. N2 or Ar.
The pitting potential shall be expressed by the value of the potential for which pitting becomes
stable; i.e. current density increases continuously with potential as shown in Figure 1. The pitting potential
ISO 15158:2014
is defined as the potential corresponding to the anodic current density of 10 µA/cm2 or 100 µA/cm2 of
the stable pitting region. The pitting potentials shall be denoted as V’C10 or V’C100, respectively. Figure 1
shows an example of the measurement.
5.4.5 For each test, use a fresh specimen and a fresh test solution.
5.5 Recording
The value of pitting potential measurement shall be recorded in volts (V), down to three decimal places.
Also, the sweep rate and grinding condition prior to the test, the reference electrode, time elapsed
between grinding and immersion, and the test temperature shall be noted (see Clause 7).
5.6.3 Using a magnifier with a capacity of 20 times or more, observation of the measured specimen
shall be conducted, to confirm the pitting occurred, and to ensure any crevice corrosion had not occurred.
If corroded crevice is found, exclude this test from the results.
6.1 Pitting corrosion of stainless steels shows statistical nature, thus the number of experiments for a
given condition should be considered among relevant parties to obtain the reliable average and standard
deviation values. At least two experiments for a condition are required for statistical analysis. Since the
total area of the specimen is one of factors in determining the probability of finding the weakest site,
the number of repeats should reflect the specimen area. For the 1 cm2 area as recommended in this
International Standard, five repeats or more are recommended.
6.2 The average value of pitting potential data shall be calculated. To show results for a condition, an
example of statistical analysis of pitting potentials is shown in Annex B. For more details on statistical
analyses, the literature[5] in the Bibliography can be consulted.
7 Test report
The test report shall include the following information:
a) reference to this International Standard, i.e. ISO 15158:2014;