GROUP5 Action Research

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James Ken G. Reyes

Levie O. Obrique
Kylene Faith F. Manocay
Helen May Mariano
Rica A. Mingo

Title: Reading Skills of Elementary Pupils as Basis for an Intervention Plan: The Case of Don E. Sero
Elementary School, Philippines – June 2021

Author: Noraima A. Bagolong

Gap: Every pupil who starts primary school learns to read during his/her ordinary developmental period and
makes sense of the text. However, even if some pupils learn to read, they have difficulty reading fluently and
experiencing problems in understanding what they read.

Intervention: A. Phonemic Awareness

B. Reading Comprehensive

Strategies: A. Treasure Chest

B. Story Map

Title: School Learning Action Cell as A Remedy to Out-Of-Field Teaching: A Case in One Rural School in
Southern Philippines - April 27, 2021

Author: Jayson Troy Ferro Bajar1, et al.

Gap: Out-of-field teaching continues to be a persisting problem in the Philippine educational system – similarly
evident in the rural school where this study was conducted.

Intervention: Utilizing school learning action cells (SLAC) as a remedy to

out-of-field teaching.

Title: Monthly Monitoring and Validation Of Reading Assessment: Its Effectiveness In Improving The Reading
Performance Of Grades 1 And 2 Pupils Of Bantigue E – October 2020


Gap: Learning to read is one of the most important skills children need to master in the first few years of school
but it doesn’t always come easily. Some children struggle to grasp the very building blocks of reading, while
others get the basics but find it hard to build fluency or comprehension.


• Monitoring and validation of monthly reading assessment (used of reading interventions)

Title: Classroom to Reduce Student Disruptive Behavior: An Action Research – 2022

Author: Thinley Wangdi2, et al.

Gap: Disruptive behavior, considered to hinder teacher’s instruction, student’s learning, and the classroom
environment, is a significant problem faced by teachers daily. With this significance in mind, this study adopted
an action research (AR)method to explore the common disruptive behavior that secondary English as a foreign
language (EFL) students exhibit in the language classroom, whether or not seating arrangements can help
solve this issue and students’ perceptions regarding this type of behavior.

Intervention: The seating arrangement on the classroom learning environment including students’ academic
performance, students’ cognitive ability, participation in class, and general behavior. For instance, Tobia et al.
(2020) asserted that children become more logical, creative, and exhibit better classroom behavior when they
were seated individually on a single desk.

Title: Action Research entitled: Improving Classroom Participation to Enhance Academic Performance –
December 2022

Author: Shedrup Zinjay, et al.

Gap: Classroom participation is must for the enhancement of academic learning. The aims and objectives of
this action research is to improve students’ active participation in classroom teaching and learning, explore the
reasons why students hardly take part in classroom teaching and learning, and to investigate the relationship
between class participation and academic performance.

Intervention: The researchers have used the interventions like being approachable to the learners and
motivating them through reinforcement. These interventions are helpful for the learner to enhance their

Title: The Impact of Social Emotional Learning in an Elementary Classroom – December 2021

Author: Daniela Syed

Gap: Social emotional learning is a growing topic in education due to the increase in mental health and
behavioral disorders in children and youth. Taking into consideration students’ emotional needs is an important
aspect that helps to support students' overall performance at school. This action research study conducted with
first grade students not only supported students in their social and emotional needs but in their reading and
mathematical skills as well.

Intervention: Utilizing effective SEL programs that include professional development around the program as
well as proper implementation.

Title: Improving Writing Skills of Grade III Elementary Students Through the Application of Visual Audio Media
– December 2021

Author: Halimatussakdiah1 et, Al.

Gap: Based on observations found that low student writing ability. The obstacle that causes low student writing
ability is the lack of attention of teachers to apply learning media in the classroom. Students feel bored, bored,
and the learning process becomes less good. Furthermore, another obstacle faced by students is the
existence of factors influenced by nature, there is an eruption of the Sinabung mountain disaster in the student
environment so that students experience psychological disorders that traumatize students.

Intervention: Intervention: Audiovisual Learning Media for Meaningful and Engaging Learning

Title: Challenges Faced by the Public Elementary School Teachers in Conducting Action Research - March 4,

Author: Myla Fe Villahermosa Tingabngab1, *, Bernadette Santos Binayao

Gap: This study explored the challenges faced by the public school teachers of Talisayan District, Division of
Misamis Oriental in conducting action research during the school year 2020-2021. The challenges
encountered by the teachers were also identified as the basis for crafting the offered recommendation.
Generally, findings revealed that the teacher participants experienced the following in conducting their action
research namely: struggling during the initial stage, the feeling of rejection, the complexity of demands,
constraints with set priorities, difficulties in recognizing relevant theories, inadequate background knowledge on
theories, lack of skills in the formulation of objectives, demonstrating low-spiritedness, lack of methods and
techniques, falling short of pre-notification process, and inadequate skills in data analysis.

Intervention: Targeted professional development workshops, mentorship programs, resource allocation, peer
learning communities, motivational initiatives, and addressing time constraints.

Title: An Action Research for Developing 21st-Century Learning Activities Design Skills of Elementary Teacher
Candidates – 2022 Sevil ORHAN OZEN

Gap: The development and advancement of technology necessitate both the individuals who learn and those
who teach to have some knowledge, skills, and competencies. However, they should also update their skills
and competencies within the framework of new technological developments. The problem was to develop the
skills of ETCs in designing 21st-century learning activities in the teacher education programs.


• Designing 21st-century learning activities can be taught at various courses in teacher education

• Reproductive learning for creativity

• Problem-solving for critical thinking

• Learning from each other in collaboration

Title: Enhancing grade 5 and 6 students’ outputs in MAPEH through the Google classroom - February 2022

Author: Jeremiah Paul G. Manuel.

Gap: The specific gap in the study is the need to understand how to improve the submission rates and quality
of work from Grade 5 and 6 pupils during remote learning, particularly in light of challenges posed by the
pandemic and quarantine restrictions. The study aims to address this gap by evaluating whether the
introduction of Google Classroom as an intervention leads to a significant improvement in student submissions
compared to before its implementation.

Intervention: The intervention is using Google Classroom to improve student engagement and the quality of
their MAPEH assignments by providing a structured and interactive platform for instruction and submissions.

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