Molecular Basis of Inheritance Combined DPP @going 23
Molecular Basis of Inheritance Combined DPP @going 23
Molecular Basis of Inheritance Combined DPP @going 23
Q16 Nucleosome is
(A) Intron interrupted DNA
(B) Double helix DNA
(C) Negatively charged DNA wrapped around
positively charged histone octamer
(D) Satellite DNAs
Answer Key
Q1 (A) Q10 (D)
Q4 RNA is less stable genetic material as Q9 Select correct order from given statements
compared to DNA. The reason for this is
(A) In RNA, 2' position has - OH group while
DNA does not
(B) RNA is also known to be catalytic
(C) RNA has uracil while DNA has thymine
(D) All of the above
on Streptococcus pneumoniae has proved (C) Live R-strain + Denatured DNA of S-strain +
conclusively that DNA is the genetic material Protease
(A) Live R-strain + DNA from S-strain + RNAse (D) Heat Killed R-strain + DNA from S-strain +
(B) Live R-strain + DNA from S-strain + DNAse DNAse
Answer Key
Q1 (A) Q6 (A)
Q2 (A) Q7 (C)
Q3 (B) Q8 (B)
Q4 (D) Q9 (C)
Answer Key
Q1 (A) Q6 (A)
Q2 (D) Q7 (B)
Q3 (B) Q8 (B)
Q4 (C) Q9 (B)
Q5 (C)
A− Promoter site
B− Structural gene
C− Terminator gene
D− Template strand
E− Coding strand
(A) A-5, B-1,C- 4,D-2, E-3
(B) A-5,B-1,C- 4, D-3, E-2
(C) A-5,B-4,C- 1,D-2, E-3
(D) A-1,B-4,C- 5, D-2, E-3
Answer Key
Q1 (D) Q9 (A)
Q8 (C)
Q1 Which out of the following statements is Q8 Dr. Har Gobind Khorana was instrumental
incorrect? in synthesizing RNA molecules with
(A) Genetic code is ambiguous. defined combinations of
(B) Genetic code is degenerate. (A) homopolymers
(C) Genetic code is universal. (B) heteropolymers
(D) Genetic code is non-overlapping. (C) Homopolymer and copolymer
(D) hetero-Oligomers
Q2 Out of 64 codons, 61 code for 20 types of amino
acids. This property of genetic code is called as Q9 Untranslated regions are present at ............
(A) Unambiguous nature of code (A) After 5′ end
(B) Degeneracy of genetic code (B) Before 5′ end
(C) Wobbling of codons (C) 5′ end (after start codon) and at 3′ end
(D) Universality of codons (before stop codon)
(D) 5′ end (before start codon) and at 3′ end
Q3 Which one is not a termination codon?
(after stop codon)
(C) AUG (D) UGA Q10 Identify the process associated with the
synthesis of enzymes and proteins.
Q4 From bacteria to men, a near universal code for
(A) Translation (B) Replication
(C) Transduction (D) Transcription
(C) UUG (D) CUU Q11 Charging (Aminoacylation) of tRNA involves the
attachment of
Q5 Which of the following has dual functions?
(A) Amino acid to mRNA
(B) amino acid to tRNA
(C) amino acid to rRNA
Q6 Three dimensional shape of tRNA is (D) acidic acid to ribosome
(A) Inverted L-shaped
Q12 Amino acids are activated by
(B) Clover leaf-like
(C) X-shaped
(D) Y-shaped
Q7 For 50 amino acids in a polypeptide chain, (D) Special proteins
what will be the minimum number of
Q13 Proteins are formed by
nucleotides in its cistron?
(A) peptide link
(A) 50 (B) 153
(B) glycosidic link
(C) 306 (D) 300
(C) phosphate link
(D) phosphodiamine linkage
Answer Key
Q1 (A) Q8 (C)
Q2 (B) Q9 (D)
Q7 (B)
Q1 In lac peron, the genes a, i, y and z code Q5 Match the following columns select correct
respectively for? option
(A) Repressor protein, permease, β-
galactosidase, transacetylase.
(B) Transacetylase, permease, β -galactosidase,
repressor protein.
(C) β -galactosidase, transacetylase, repressor
protein, permease.
(D) Transacetylase, repressor protein,
permease, β -galactosidase.
Answer Key
Q1 (D) Q5 (C)
Q2 (A) Q6 (D)
Q3 (D) Q7 (C)
Q4 (A)
Answer Key
Q1 (D) Q6 (A)
Q2 (B) Q7 (A)
Q3 (A) Q8 (C)
Q4 (D) Q9 (C)