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Petrus, A. Binek, P. Docampo and T. Bein, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, DOI: 10.1039/C7TA06816F.
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DOI: 10.1039/C7TA06816F
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 1
remove side phases which form during the film synthesis. Light
absorption measurements as well as steady-state and time- The precursor solution was prepared by dissolving 268 mg
resolved PL measurements show that our films feature BiBr3 (≥ 98%, Sigma Aldrich), 112.8 mg of AgBr (99.5%, Alfa
absorption properties and lifetimes of the photoexcited Aesar) and 254 mg CsBr (99 %, Alfa Aesar) in dimethylsulfoxide
species similar to the lead-based counterparts. First steps to (1 mL, DMSO, anhydrous, 99.9%, Sigma-Aldrich). After
optimize the film synthesis conditions were undertaken to complete dissolution of the precursors, both the solution and
improve the optoelectronic properties of our Cs2AgBiBr6 films, the substrate were preheated to 75 °C before spin-coating. 100
leading to photovoltaic devices with PCEs of up to 2.43% and a µL of the hot precursor solution was spin-coated onto the
high Voc exceeding one volt. Additionally, the Cs2AgBiBr6-based TiO2-covered substrate at 2000 rpm for 30 s. The substrates
devices revealed a high stability under operating conditions. were subsequently annealed at 285 °C for 5 min under
Hence, we demonstrate the potential of highly tunable double ambient conditions to allow for a complete formation of the
perovskites as a novel class of semiconducting materials for desired double perovskite phase. The temperatures for both
optoelectronic applications. the preheating and the annealing steps were also varied to
identify the optimal conditions for phase pure films.
Solar cell fabrication
2 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
Fig. 1 Schematic of the synthesis route for Cs2AgBiBr6 thin films. The film formation (3.) occurs already while the substrate is spinning.
PXRD measurements were performed in transmission mode on photo-emission. J-V curves were recorded with a Keithley 2400
a STOE Stadi MP diffractometer with a Cu Kα1 radiation source sourcemeter under simulated AM 1.5 sunlight, calibrated to
(λ = 1.54060 Å) operating at 40 kV and 40 mA. The 100 mW cm ² with a Fraunhofer ISE certified silicon cell. The
diffractometer was equipped with a DECTRIS MYTHEN 1K active area of the solar cells was defined with a square metal
solid-state strip detector. PXRD measurements on thin films aperture mask of 0.0831 cm . External quantum efficiency
were performed using a Bruker D8 Discover X-ray (EQE) measurements were performed at short circuit with a
diffractometer operating at 40 kV and 30 mA, employing Ni- bias illumination of 0.1 sun provided by an AM 1.5 solar
filtered Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.5406 Å) and a position-sensitive simulator (Solar Light Model 16S). The measurements were
detector (LynxEye). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) conducted under low-frequency chopped monochromatic light
images and EDX data were acquired on a FEI Helios NanoLab (12 Hz). A 150 W xenon lamp equipped with a monochromator
G3 UC microscope. The sample was fixed by silver paste. For and order-sorting filters was used as a light source. The light
the optical characterization, precursor solutions were intensity reaching the electrode was measured using a
prepared similar to those used for the devices. Similar certified Fraunhofer ISE silicon reference cell equipped with a
deposition conditions were also chosen. For UV-Vis KG5 filter at a frequency of 40 Hz. For signal detection a Signal
measurements the films were prepared on glass substrates or Recovery 7265 lock-in amplifier combined with a low-noise
on the mp-TiO2 substrates also used for solar cells. For PL current amplifier (Femto DLPCA-200) was employed.
measurements the double perovskite films were either
prepared on approximately 800 nm thick mp-TiO2 or mp-Al2O3
films deposited on a glass slide. For the mp-TiO2 on glass, Results and Discussion
similar solutions and conditions were chosen as for the solar
cell preparation. For the formation of the mp-Al2O3 film, Al2O3 So far, bismuth halide-based double perovskite crystals have
nanoparticles dispersed in isopropanol (Sigma Aldrich, <50 nm, only been synthesized by solid state reactions or solution
20%wt) were diluted with isopropanol (Sigma Aldrich, 99.8%) growth from the corresponding halide acids.19,26–29 The
in 1 : 1 ratio. 100 µL of the Al2O3 dispersion was spun on a glass solubility of the double perovskites in these acids is relatively
substrate at 2500 rpm for 30 s with subsequent annealing at low leading to double perovskite concentrations (< 0.1 M)
120 °C for 10 min. Steady-state absorption spectra were much lower than that generally used for the preparation of
acquired with a Lambda 1050 UV-Vis spectrophotometer lead or tin perovskite based films by solution based methods,4–
(Perkin Elmer) using an integrating sphere. Steady state and 6,13,14
so it is essential to find alternative solvents that can
time resolved PL measurements were conducted with a reach a higher precursor concentration in order to prepare
Fluotime 300 Spectrofluorometer (Picoquant GmbH). The Cs2AgBiBr6 films from solution. Since Cs2AgBiBr6 is hardly
excitation wavelength was fixed at 405 nm. The emission for soluble in the most commonly used solvents, we screened
time resolved measurements was monitored at 630 nm being several alternatives where dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) showed
the wavelength of the maximum intensity of the steady state
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 3
the highest ability to dissolve the precursors, AgBr, CsBr and desired double perovskite phase. Fig. 2a & b depict PXRD
BiBr3, and the double perovskite (Table S1) patterns of Cs2AgBiBr6 powders obtained from Cs2AgBiBr6 films
As a result, the Cs2AgBiBr6 films prepared in this study were at different annealing temperatures showing the typical
deposited by spin-coating a DMSO-based precursor solution on reflections of the cubic elpasolite structure. The patterns
The second heating step named “annealing step”, is performed PXRD patterns in Fig. 2, clearly show that the vanishing of the
after the spin-coating procedure at a temperature of at least side-phases is not caused by the removal of metal-solvent
250 °C and is needed to obtain phase pure films. A scheme of intermediates, as it was shown for lead and tin based hybrid
the complete synthesis procedure is given in Fig. 1. Previous perovskites.32,33 This is also supported by the evolution of the
studies by Xiao et al. propose the facile formation of side intensity of the reflections of the side-phases with
phases due to the narrow chemical potential region for the temperature. Even at 150 °C annealing temperature, which is
formation of phase-pure Cs2AgBiBr6, which could have usually sufficient to remove the metal-solvent intermediates,
negative effects on the optoelectronic properties of the double no decrease of the reflection intensities could be observed
perovskite.31 Therefore, we performed temperature- pointing to highly stable side phases. However, McClure et al.
dependent PXRD investigations to assure the formation of demonstrated the synthesis of Cs2AgBiBr6 via solid state
phase-pure films. We found that two of the predicted side reaction at 210 °C for 10 h,19 which is close to the temperature
phases, namely Cs3Bi2Br9 and AgBr,31 actually formed during we use to obtain phase pure double perovskite films.
the film synthesis. In order to remove these side phases we Therefore, we hypothesize that micro scale solid state
performed an extensive annealing temperature study, reactions in our prepared films are responsible for the
revealing that an annealing temperature of at least 250 °C is complete conversion of the precursors and side-phases into
needed to assure complete conversion of the precursors to the the desired Cs2AgBiBr6 phase.
Fig. 2. (a, b) XRD patterns of Cs2AgBiBr6 powders obtained from our prepared films annealed at different temperatures, the asterisk (*) indicates the
position of reflections from the side phases AgBr (ICDD No. 00-006-0438) and Cs3Bi2Br9 (ICDD No. 01-070-0493), respectively. The sample labelled with RT
was kept at room temperature (ca. 25 °C) after film formation without any annealing step.
4 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
Fig. 3 (a) Optical absorption spectra of Cs2AgBiBr6 films prepared from DMSO on flat glass substrates. The films were manufactured without a preheating
step at room temperature (ca. 25 °C) or with a preheating step at 65 °C, 75 °C, 100 °C or 125 °C before spin-coating. (b) Energy level diagram of the double
perovskite and the charge extraction materials.26 (c) TCSPC decays of a Cs2AgBiBr6 film on glass and polycrystalline powder. (d) PL emission spectra of
Cs2AgBiBr6 films on mp-Al2O3, mp-TiO2 and mp-Al2O3 covered with spiro-OMeTAD. The films presented in 3d were prepared on an 800 nm thick mp scaffold.
All films were prepared according the procedure depicted in Fig. 1 with a 285 °C annealing step.
As the Cs2AgBiBr6 films were prepared for photovoltaic increased surface coverage on the substrate due to a larger
applications, sufficient light absorption is mandatory for amount of deposited double perovskite caused by the faster
efficiently working devices. In order to optimize the optical solvent evaporation at elevated temperatures. Increasing the
absorption properties of the double perovskite films, we amount of deposited Cs2AgBiBr6 by simply increasing the
added an additional preheating step to our synthesis protocol concentration of the precursors in the spin-coating solution is
where the spin-coating solution and the substrate were put on not possible since the precursor concentration of the utilized
a hotplate and heated to 75 °C before spin-coating. Fig. 3a solution is already close to the maximum of about 0.6 M.
shows absorption spectra of Cs2AgBiBr6 films on glass prepared The band gap of the Cs2AgBiBr6 films was determined from the
with and without a preheating step at different temperatures. absorption spectra given in Fig. 3a. The spectra show a steep
Without the preheating step, insufficient light absorption onset at about 550 nm corresponding to an Eg of 2.21 eV for a
would limit the photocurrent of the resulting devices to direct band gap obtained with a Tauc plot (see inset), which is
-2 19
approximately 2 mA cm , which is inadequate to prepare comparable to the value reported by McClure et al. and
efficient solar cells. We found that preheating the substrate consistent with other reports ranging from 1.83 eV to 2.19
and the solution increases the quality of the double perovskite eV . The relatively large spread of the reported Eg values most
films, by improving the surface coverage, as can be seen with likely originates from different synthesis conditions and
the naked eye, enhancing the optical absorption of the films measurement methods used in the different studies.
(Fig. S1). In particular, the absorption close to the onset is According to the Shockley-Queisser limit, a theoretical
significantly increased, which is also observable for films made maximum PCE of 16.4% can be obtained with an Eg of 2.2 eV,
on an mp-TiO2 scaffold as used for solar cell fabrication (Fig. thus holding promise for working double perovskite based
S3). We attribute the increase of the optical absorption to an photvoltaics. Although, the theoretical maximum PCE of this
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 5
material does not reach the highest reported PCEs of single spiro-OMeTAD were chosen as ETM and HTM, respectively,
junction methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) based while mp-Al2O3 was used as reference as no charge transfer is
photovoltaics, Cs2AgBiBr6 is a promising candidate for expected (for experimental details see the characterization
applications in tandem solar cells as it was already shown for section). Fig. 3d shows the quenching of the PL emission of
al. In contrast, the highest occupied molecular orbital recombination pathways in Cs2AgBiBr6 are nonradiative and
(HOMO) of the hole transporting material (HTM) 2,2',7,7'- therefore not detectable in PL quenching experiments. It has
tetrakis-(N,N-di-4-methoxyphenylamino)-9,9'-spirobifluorene to be mentioned that, the PL signal of our films is relatively
(spiro-OMeTAD) shows a strong offset compared to the broad but similar to that reported for single crystals.26 The
valence band (VB) of the double perovskite, which is likely to broad PL signal is most likely caused by defects and excitonic
limit the potential Voc of a photovoltaic device. In this work, as effects.29 Furthermore, previous studies by Slavney et al.
a first demonstration of the potential of Cs2AgBiBr6, we revealed that in addition to the direct band gap at about 2.2
focused on the preparation of devices comprising this state-of- eV, Cs2AgBiBr6 features an indirect band gap at about 1.9 eV,
the-art material which has been shown to be able to reach which was not detectable in the light absorption spectra of our
Voc’s exceeding 1.5V.37 Nevertheless, the energy level prepared films.26 Considering that the value of the indirect
alignment allows for charge extraction, and functioning
devices are expected.
Not only the band gap and energy alignment with the charge
extraction layers, but also charge collection efficiency is
important to fabricate high-efficiency solar cells. PL lifetime
measurements can provide an indication as to whether a
material can perform in this area. Here, we investigated the PL
decay times of the double perovskite films by time-correlated
single photon counting (TCSPC). For comparison, additional
TCSPC measurements were performed on polycrystalline
powder samples that were obtained by the conventional
approach from HBr solution.26 The PL decays are displayed in
Fig. 3c. Although the PL of Cs2AgBiBr6 features three differently
fast decay processes, only the value for the long-lived process
is given in Fig. 3c. We attribute the two short lifetime
processes to trap and/or surface state emission, while the long
lifetime process is suggested to be the fundamental PL decay
time of the material.26 Both the powder and the film show long
PL decay times in the range of hundreds of nanoseconds,
similar to the values observed for lead-based hybrid
perovskites,38 hinting at the potential for well-performing
devices. We note that the decay times do not differ
significantly between single crystals and polycrystalline
powders, which suggest a high defect tolerance of this
material.26 The slightly faster decay for films is likely the result
of a larger concentration of trap states in the perovskite film,
as has been previously shown for lead halide-based films.39
Here, the fast formation of the perovskite during the spin-
coating process causes a broad grain size distribution within
the film and, consequently, a large number of grain
PL quenching experiments are widely used to study the charge
transfer from a photoabsorber to the charge-selective
contacts From the energy diagram (Fig. 3b) we expect
Fig. 4 (a) SEM top-view image of a Cs2AgBiBr6 film prepared with a 75 °C
favorable charge transfer behavior from Cs2AgBiBr6 to the preheating step on mp-TiO2. (b) SEM cross-section image of the film
electrodes, which was experimentally tested with PL presented in (a). (c-g) EDX elemental maps of Ti (red), Cs (turquoise), Ag
quenching experiments. For the measurements, mp-TiO2 and (purple), Bi (blue) and Br (yellow).
6 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
band gap matches quite closely the position of the observed PL cross-section of the film presented in Fig. 4a and the elemental
maximum, we believe that the relatively large red shift of the maps of Ti, Cs, Ag, Bi and Br, respectively. The cross-section
maximum of the PL signal with respect to the absorption onset image and EDX maps clearly establish complete infiltration of
can be assigned to contributions of this indirect band gap at Cs2AgBiBr6 into the mp-TiO2 scaffold, which is important to
view image of a Cs2AgBiBr6 film, on an 800 nm thick mp-TiO2 OMeTAD/Au to investigate their photovoltaic characteristics.
scaffold as used for the preparation of photovoltaic devices. As mentioned before, the thickness of the utilized mp-TiO2
Here, no dense and homogeneous capping layer on top of the layer was approx. 800 nm as depicted in Fig. 4b.
mp-TiO2 is observable, instead many agglomerates at the scale Fig. 5a displays the statistical parameter distribution of 48
of about one micron have formed. This is most likely caused by solar cells (per treatment temperature) that were assembled
the fast crystallization process during the spin-coating with Cs2AgBiBr6 films prepared without a preheating step and
procedure induced by fast solvent evaporation due to the with a preheating step at different temperatures. The studies
performed preheating step, as shown in Fig. 1. We believe that revealed a PCE maximum at 75 °C, we attribute to the
this fast crystallization process impedes homogeneous crystal improved optical properties of those films shown in Fig. 3a and
growth, leading to the observed agglomerates. Energy S3. Furthermore, the J-V curves given in Fig. S4 show that the
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) measurements were increased device performance at 75 °C preheating is not only
performed to evaluate the penetration depth of the double caused by an increased short-circuit current (Jsc) due to the
perovskite into the mp-TiO2 scaffold. Fig. 4b-g show a SEM enhanced optical absorption properties because of the
Fig. 5 (a) Device performance as a function of preheating temperature, values obtained from 48 individual devices per temperature. All films were annealed
at 250 °C after spin-coating to achieve phase pure Cs2AgBiBr6 films. (b) Device performance of solar cells assembled with Cs2AgBiBr6 films preheated at 75 °C
as a function of annealing temperature, values obtained from 48 individual devices per temperature. (c) J-V curve of the best performing device (d) EQE
spectrum (black) and integrated predicted current (red) of a device showing a Jsc of 3.7 mA cm-².
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 7
preheating, but also by the enhanced fill factor (FF) and by the J-V curve of the best performing device exhibiting a PCE of
Voc increase observed with increasing preheating temperature. 2.43%. In particular, the Voc of 0.98 V is significantly higher
We hypothesize that the preheating also improves the mp- than that of other bismuth-based compounds featuring
TiO2/double perovskite interface, for e.g. by reducing trap comparable Eg´s. Moreover, Voc´s exceeding 1 V were
decrease and the broadening of the PCE distribution at higher perovskite absorbers in solar cells if one considers that the
preheating temperatures (>100 °C) is tentatively attributed to spectroscopically predicted maximum efficiency of Cs2AgBiBr6
the formation of a top layer consisting of large crystallites on is reaching 7.92% determined from density functional theory
the mp-TiO2 scaffold, caused by a strongly accelerated calculations by Savory et al.. As the band gap of Cs2AgBiBr6 is
precipitation of the double perovskite due to the relatively 2.2 eV, the current of solar cells comprising this absorber is
high deposition temperature, as shown in Fig. S5, which is limited to ∼6.8 mA cm under 1 sun illumination. External
apparently too thick for efficient charge transport. We note quantum efficiency (EQE) measurements show an integrated
that Cs2AgBiBr6 films prepared without a preheating step current of 3.6 mA cm (Fig. 5d), which is in good agreement
feature the most homogeneous morphology, with the lowest with the Jsc of 3.7 mA cm obtained from the J-V curve (Fig.
number of agglomerates on top the mp-TiO2 scaffold (see Fig S8). The EQE spectrum (Fig. 5d) shows an onset around 550
S6), without resulting in the best performing devices. nm, which is in agreement with the absorbance data, and is
Accordingly, it is likely that preheating to 75 °C results in above 50% from 375 to 470 nm with a maximum of 60% at 415
double perovskite films featuring strongly improved nm. According to Fig. 5c the J-V curves show hysteresis,
optoelectronic properties, which overcome the possible comparable to behavior observed in devices employing lead-
detrimental effects of a less homogeneous morphology due to based perovskites. Computational studies by Eames et al.
the agglomerate formation on top of the mp-TiO2 induced by reveal that the migration of the halide anions contributes to
the preheating. the hysteresis in hybrid lead halide perovskite based
Although a full conversion of the precursors into the double photovoltaics due to their very low activation barrier.
perovskite phase is achieved by 250 °C annealing after film Therefore, we believe that similar effects, including
47, 52
formation, the obtained PCEs showed a large spread. trapping/de-trapping of charge carriers, are likely to be
Therefore, an extensive study of the influence of the annealing responsible for the hysteresis in our Cs2AgBiBr6 based devices
temperature on device performance was conducted. Fig. 5b since the crystal structure of the double perovskite is very
shows the relation between annealing temperature and the similar.
statistical distribution of PCEs of 48 individual devices. The Besides performance, stability is also an important issue for
highest and most reproducible PCEs were obtained for an widespread applications as devices need to work for many
annealing temperature of 285 °C. The increase in PCE with years at high intensity illumination. Accordingly, we conducted
increasing annealing temperature is dominated by an increase the first stability studies on Cs2AgBiBr6-based solar cells. Fig. 6a
of Jsc and FF at annealing temperatures below 250 °C, whereas displays the stabilized power output under ambient
only the Jsc rises significantly at higher annealing temperatures conditions. The device shows a rapid response after
(Fig. S7). Up to 250 °C, this trend is most likely caused by a illumination, resulting in a PCE of around 2.0%. During the next
decrease of the side phases observed in the PXRD pattern (Fig. 30 s, only a very small decay of around 5% in the PCE was
2a & b), until the phase-pure Cs2AgBiBr6 has formed at 250 °C. observed, after which the PCE stabilizes just above 1.9% and
This temperature is the lower end of the range of the no further decay was observed over a period of five minutes,
annealing temperature required to fully convert the precursors indicating a similar performance stability like lead halide based
into the double perovskite phase. Annealing at slightly higher solar cells. Another device was illuminated using an AM1.5
temperatures (285 °C) make this process more robust, leading solar simulator under ambient conditions for a period of 100
to slightly higher PCEs and more importantly, better min while at regular intervals J-V scans were taken (Fig 6b &
reproducibility. The decrease in PCE at even higher S9). During the first couple of minutes an increase in the PCE
temperature (300 °C) is associated with a reduction in Jsc, was observed as a result of an increase in the Voc, which we
which we attribute to the degradation of the Cs2AgBiBr6 films assign to light soaking effects. This indicates the presence of
as the double perovskite slowly starts to come off the (interfacial) defects that can be neutralized with
substrate at annealing temperatures at about 300 °C (Fig. S7). photogenerated charge carriers. After this period the Voc
The application of our optimized synthesis conditions resulted and Jsc turn out to be very stable. Some fluctuation in the FF
in devices showing PCEs of more than two percent. (Fig. S9) are observed, which are also reflected in the PCE,
Remarkable is the relatively narrow distribution in the nevertheless after 100 min the PCE did not significantly decay
performance, taking into consideration the surface of the film and at 2.06%, it was even higher than the initial value
that contains the perovskite agglomerates. Fig. 5c displays the measured before the light soaking. The results presented in
8 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
Figure 6b & S9 indicate a high device stability under powders, and solar cells comprising these new films exhibit
permanent illumination, higher than that of reported MAPbI3 very promising PCEs close to 2.5% with Voc´s exceeding one
based devices showing a significant drop of Jsc within the first volt, demonstrating the suitability of double perovskites for
two hours. Furthermore, initial longer-term stability studies optoelectronic devices. Furthermore, our Cs2AgBiBr6-based
Conflict of interests
There are no conflicts to declare.
We thank Julian Rotter from the Chemistry Department of the
University of Munich (LMU) for the scanning electron
microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray scattering
measurements. We acknowledge funding by the Bavarian
State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection,
the Bavarian network “Solar Technologies Go Hybrid”, the DFG
Excellence Cluster Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM), the
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
under the Project ID 03SF0516B and the EPSRC
(EP/P03148X/1). We gratefully acknowledge support from the
European Union through the award of a Marie Curie Intra-
European Fellowship.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 9
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Cs2AgBiBr6 double perovskite thin films were prepared and incorporated into photovoltaic devices
featuring power conversion efficiencies close to 2.5%.