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fe CAREER POWER CAREER POWER ANCIENT HISTORY BOOKLET FOR SSC/PCS ‘The Indus. Valley civilization was an ancient civilization thriving ‘along the Indus river and the Ghaggar-Hakra river in what IS now Pakistan and north-western India, Amang other names for this clvllzation is the Harappan chiliztion in reference to the first ‘excavated city of Marappa. # An alterative term for the culture is Saraswati- Sindhu cchilization * R.B. Dayaram Sahni first discovered Harappa (on Rand) in 1921. R.D. Banerjee discovered Mahanjodaro or ‘Mound of the Dead’ (om Indus) in 1922. Sir John Marshal played a crucial rate in bath these, ‘The sequence begins with the transition of |). Nomadic herdsmen to settled agricultursts in eastern Baluchistan (Fiest Phase), i) continues with the growth of large villages and the rise of towns in the Indus Valley {Second Phase), ii) Leads to the emergence of the great cities (Third Phase), and iv) Finally, ends with their decline (Fourth Phase), = Mediterranean, Proto-Australoid, Mongaloids and Alpines formed the bulk of the population ‘= More than 100: sites ‘belonging to this civlization have. basn excavated, = According to radio-carbon dating, it spread from the year 2500- 4750 BC. * Copper, bronze, sifver"and goid were known bt ot rch Geographical Extent + Coveted parts of Punjab, Singh, Baluchistan, Gujarat, Rojasthan and some parts of Western UP & JBK, It extended from Manda in Jammu in the north to Daimabad in the south and from Alamgirpur in western U.P. to Sutkagendor in Baluchistan in the west * Major sites in Pakistan are Hereppa (on river Ravi in west Punjab), Mohenjodara (on Indus), Chanhu-Daro (Sind, ete. In India the major sites are Lothal, Rangpur and Surkotds (Gujarat), Kalbongan (Rajasthan), Ganavall (Hissar, Haryana) and Alomgirpur (western TOWN PLANNING * The towns were dhided into two parts: Upper part or Citadel and the Lower part, The Citadel was an oblong artificial platform some 30-50 feet high and about some 200-400 yards in area. Tt was enclosed by thick (13 m in Harappa) crenellated mud brick wall. The Citadel ‘comprised of public buildings whereas the lower part comprised of public dwellings. * In Mohenjodaco, a big pubtic bath (Great Bath) measuring 12 im by 7 m and 24 m deep has been found. The Great Bath was probably used for ritual bathing. Agriculture ‘The Indus peopte sowed seeds in the flood piains in Novernber, when the flood water receded, and reaped their harvests of wheat and barley in April, before the advent of the next flood. * The peopte grew wheat, barley, rai, peas, sesamum, mustard, rice (in Lothal), cotton, dates, melon, etc, The Indus: people ‘were the first to produce cotton in the world Horses werent in regular use but elephant was for transportation, ‘Trade and Commerce + Wellknit external and internal trade. There was. no. metalic money in circulation and wade was carted through Barter System, ‘+ Weights and measures of accuracy existed in Harappan culture (found at Lothal). The weights were mode af limestone, steatite, etc. and were generally cubical in shape. 16 wes the unt of measurement (16, 64, 160, 320). + Fint toatwork, shell-work, bengle-making (famous in ibangan), etc. were practiced. ‘Bead making factories existed in Chanu dao and Lothal, dockyard has been discovered at Lethal. +The inland transport was carried out by bullock carts. Artand Craft ‘The Harappan culture belongs to the Bronze: Age and bronze was made by mixing tin and copper. Tools were mostly made of ‘copper and bronze. ‘The Indus valley people were very fond of omaments (of gold, ‘iver, Ivory, copper, bronze and precious stones) and dressing up. Omaments were wom by both men and women, rich oF ‘oor, The Horeppans were expert bead makers, Harappan Seals « Potter's wheel was in use. The Indus Valley Pottery was red or black pottery and the people indulged in dice games, their favorite pass time being gambling,
According to Megasthenes the administration of Army was carried by 2 board of 30 officers divided into six committees, ‘each committee consisting of 5 members. They are: (Amy (8) Cavalry (fi) Bkephants (jv) Chariots (v) Navy (1) Transport + The state controled almost all economic activities. + Tax collected from peasants varied from Vi to 1/6 of the Produce. + The state alko provided iigation faclities and charged water- tax Tolls were algo levied an commodities brought to town for sale and they were collected at gate. + ‘The slate enjoyed monopoly in mining, sale of liquor, manufacture of arms ete Facts about Mauryas + During Mauryan period, the punch marked coins (mastly of silver) were the common units of transactions. + Tamvabpti m the Gangetic delta was the most presperous port ‘an the East Coast of India + Megasthenes in his Indies had mentioned 7 castes in Mauryan society. They were philosophers, farmers, soldiers, herdsmen, artisans, magistrates and councilars, The Mauryan Administration ‘The King The Msuryan goverment was 3 centralised bureaucracy oF which the nucleus was the king, The Mantri Parishad The king was assisted by Mant Parishad, whose members Included ~ () The Yuvara, the erown prince (li) The Purotita, the chiet priest (ii) The Senapat the commanderin-chief of the army a few other ministers, ‘Art & Architecture +The Mauryas introduced stone masonry on large scat, «Fragments of stone pills and slumps indicating the existence of an 80-pitared hall have been discovered at Kumarhar on cutshirts of Patna. + The, pillars represent the Masterpiece ‘of Mauryan sculpture. Each pier Is made of single piece of sandstone, only thor capitals which are beautiful pieces of sculpture in form of fon oF bulls are joined wth pilar-on the top. + Single Lon capital at Rampurva-and Lauriya Nendangarh. + Single bull eapital &t Rampurva. * Four lon capital at Sarnath and Sachi. + A.carved elephant at Ohauli and engraved elephant at Kall + The Mauryan artisans also started the practice of hewing out caves from rocks for monks to lve in. the earliest example are Barabar cares in Gaya, + Stupss were built throughout the empire to enshrine (he relies of Buddha, OF these, the most famous are at Sanchi and Bui hut ‘The Decline ‘The Mauryan Empive lasted a fitle over a century and broke up fity years after the death of Asoka. Siowy, the warious princes of the empire began to break away and set up independent kingdoms, In 185 BC. the Mauryan king was overthrown by Pushyamitra Shunga, an ambitious Commander-in-Chief_of arined forces, He started the Shunga dynasty in Magadha, The Mauryan Empire ushered in 4 dream that vas to survive and fecho again and again in centuries to come, Some probable causes of dectine of the Mauryan Empire: 1. Brahmanical reaction 2, Financial crisis 3, Oppressive rule 4. Neglect af north-west frontier. 5, Weak successors 6, Pacific paliy of Asoka 7, New kstiledge in outlying areas-Dissemination af knowledge of manufacturing Iron 1, Where vias the copital af Srigunta? ‘Ans, Patiputra. 2, In Indian history who Is known 3s"Napolean oF India? ‘Ans, Samudregupta. 3. Which Gupta ruler was a great musician and an exper player con Veena? Ans. Samudraqupt, | | www.sscadda com Page?CAREER POWER a a cone 4, Who was Harisena, ‘hos A court poet of Samudragunte 5. In which language the inscriptions are engraved on Allahabad pillar? Ans. Sanskrit, ‘6 Which city Was the most important city for trade during the reign of Samudragupta? ‘Ans. Ujain. 7, Who established Nalanda University? ‘Ans, Kumargupta. Post Mauiryan period After the decline of Mauryas, the regional. kingdoms were formed. Unlike Mauryas none ef these regional kinadoms could ‘extend their potical authority over the large area equivalent to that of Mauryan Empire, Thus with the downfall of Mauryas their great empire witnessed rise of multiple regional kingdoms. The important regional kingdoms and heir ares of influence were a5: (i) Sunga dynasty ruled from Videsha in Madhya Pradesh, (il) The Kanvas ruled from Pattiputra. (iil) The Inda-Greek rulers ruled over the north western partof the country, (iv) The Satvahanas became the dominant power in Deccan and Central India with Pratishtana or Paithan as ‘the eapitat (¥) The Chedi dynasty ruled over Kalinga = Sunge Dynasty ties established by Pushymitre Sunga, 2 Brahmin Commander-in-Chiet of last Mauryan ruler named Brinactatha in 185 BC. = The capital of Sungas was Videsa in modern Madhya Pradesh, * Pushyamitra didn’t adopt any royel title and ruled with the name of Senant = He-performed two horse sacrifices (Ashmedha) and, one of these was performed by Patanjl, the great grammarian.. * During the reign of Sunges, there was @ revival of Brahiminical influence. The Bhageveta religion became importent. * The great Buddhist Stupa at Bharhut (in M.P,) was bult during the reign of Sungas, = The fine gateway raling which surraunds the Sanchi stupa, built by Ashoka, was constructed during the Sunga period. ® Pushyamitra was succeeded by hic con Agrimitra, the hero of Kalidasa’s drama "Malvkagrimitra = The Greck king Antialcdas ‘I’ sent his ambassador named Herodotus ta the court of Sungas, Herodotus constructed a pillar “Garudadiwwaja” in the bonour of God Vasudeva = ARer Agnimtra, 2 series of weok rulers such as Vasumitra, Vajramitra, Bhagabhadra, Devabhutl, folloved, leading the decline of the dynasty. Kanva Dynasty: (73 to 28 8.C.) + In 73 BC, Devabhui, the last ruler of the Sunga dynasty, was murdered by his minister Vasudeva, wo usurped the tirone and founded the Kavana dynasty. * The dynasty was confined to Magda only += The period of Kara rule came to an end in 28 GC when thelr kingdom was annexed by Satvahanas. Satavahana Dynasty: (60 8.C. te 225 A.D.) + The most important of the native successors of the Maurya in the Deccan and Central Inia were the Satvahenas. + Their captal wes Pratishtana or Paithan while Bhrauch was the most important port ety. * The early Satvahana kings appeared not in Andhra but in Maharastra but most oftheir early inscriptions have been found in Anda, * Simuka (60 BC = 37 8C) was the founder of the Satvahana dynasty, He was immediate successor of Ashoka in this region, + The third miler of the dynasty Satakarni I, raise the power and prestige of the dynasty by conquests. He perfarmed Vedic svcrifices. + Hala, its 17th ruler, was. the author of “Gathasaptasati or, Sattasal in Prakrt. The text contains the love lures. ‘The 23:d ruler of the dynosty was Gautamiputra Satakarn (106 = 130.0.) who revived the Satavahana power and defeated the ‘Saka Ksatrap Nahapana. He was the greatest Satavahan ruler. + The achievements of Goutamiputra Satakaml are recorded in the Nasik inscription by his mother, Gautam Balas. * Vasishthiputra Sri Satakarn), its 24th rules, was married to the aughter of Saka Kstrapa. Rudradaman, but the former was defeated twice by the latter. + Yajna Si Satakorn, its 27th ruler, was the dynasty’s last great ruler. + Pulamavi II, its 30th rule, was the last Satavahan rulers, + Sotavahanat were finally succeeded by the Vakataka dynasty in Maharashtra and Ishuvaku dynasty in Andhare Pradesh. + Satavahenas started the practice of donating land with fiscal and administrative rights to Brahmanas and Buddhist monks, Which eventually Weakened their authority and resulted in the rise of feudalism inthe later period. + The famous Stupas built during the Satavafana period are located at Amravati and Nagarjunskond, + The official language of the Satawahanas was Prakrit, + The Satavahanas Issued their coins in lead (mainly), copper and bronze, + After Mauryes, the Chedi dynasty emerged in the Kalinga region, |. modern Odtsha ‘©The capital city ofthis dynasty was Sisupaigath ‘+The important ruler ofthis dynasty was Kharwela, ‘+ Kharvela patronized Jainism and the Hatigumpha inscription Gives a reference of fis victories. rian Greeks) were the first foreign rulers of North-Western India in the Fost-Maurya period. ‘©The most famous Indo-Greek ruler was Menander (165 BC ~ 145 BC), aleo known as Milind, + His capital was Sialkot ‘© He is mentioned in the famous Budahist text tlind-Panaho. ‘* He was converted to Buddhism by Nagasena or Nagarjuna, + The Indo-Greek kings introduced the regular coinage in India in large number +The last Indo-Greek king was Hesatrius, + The Sakas, alo known a8 Scythians, replaced the Indo-Greeks in India + Among the five branches of Sakas with their seats of power in Gfferent parts of Indio, the most important was the one which ruled in Wester India til the 4th Century AD. The fve seats of porter or Satraps were: 1, Kapisa (Afghanistan) 2. Tanta (Pakistan) 43. Mathura (Uttar Pradesh) 4. Upper Deccan 5, Uijain = The mast famous Saka ruler in India was Rudradaman (130 AD +150 AD). He 1s famous not only for his military conquests but also for his public works. + He repaired the famous Sudarsan lake of the Mauryan period and gave patronage to Sanskrit language + The Junagarh inscription in Gujarat is attributed to Rudradaman is first ever inscriotion written in Sanskrit * Other important’ Saka rulers in India were Nahapana, Ushavadieva, Ghamatika, Chashtana ete, +n about 58 BC a king of Ujain, Vikramaditya ~ is supposed ta have fought effectively against the Saka. An era called Vikrama Samat is reckoned from $8 B.C. www | | Page 8CAREER POWER ea oa cone ‘The Parthians: (1st Century BC —1st Century AD) + Originally the Parthians (Pahlavas) hve in ran They replaced the Sakas in North-Western Inca, but controlled ‘an grea much smaller than the Salas, * Famous Porthian king was Gondaphemes in whose reign St Thomas is seid to have come to India from Israel for the propagation of Christianity. + Pahlavas restricted themselves to Issuing copper coins and in rare instance siver money CAREER POWER Mi ‘The Kushans (ist to 3rd Century A.0.) * The Kushans were one ofthe five Yeuchi clans of Central Asia. * They replaced the Parthians in NartheWestern India and then ‘expanded to the lower Indus basin and the upper and middle Gangetic basin. 1 The Kushans controlled famous sik route starting from China, passing tough their empire on to ran & Western Asia. This ‘ute Was a source of great income to the Kushans, * The dynasty was founded by Kadphises 1 ar Kujul Kadhphises, The Kushans were the fist rulers in India taisswve gold coins on aide scale. = The second king was Kadphises II or Vera Kadphises was the fist king who fssved the gold coins, * The most famous Kushan ruler was Kanishka (7 AD ~ 101 ‘AD}, also known as ‘Second Achoka’. Me started an era in 78 AD which is now knoven a5 the Saka ero and Is used offically by the Government of India, * The empire of Kanstika was soread over a large area in the Portion of five-cauntries Le. Russi, Aighanistan, Iran, Pakistan 2d Tea, + His capital was Peshawar * Kanishka was 2. great patron of Mahayana Buddhism. In his reign’ th Buddhist: council was held in’ Kundafavana, Kashmir Where the doctrines of the Mahayana form of Buddhism were finalized, + Large size headiess statue of Kanishka is found at Mathura The last great Kushan ruler was Vasudeva I, NoTe: = The three schools associated with sculpture Were 4. Amaravati Schoo! (150 BC- 400 AD) ~ Satvahanas 2. Gandhar School (50 BC = 5th Century AD) ~ Saka- Kushans 3. Mathura School (150 AD 300 AD) ~ Saka-Kushans, SAGupta (240-280 AD) Was ruling @ small Hindu Kingdom called Magadha from Vaishya community naar Ganga river, a peayag based feudatory of Kushanes. He and his son ‘Ghatotkach’ (ruled probably from c. AD 280-319) was having hold over "Patiputra’ ‘and nearby areas. Ghatotkacha (280 = 319 AD) became the successor of S1i Gupta. Chandragupta T He was the first Gupta ruler to assume the ttle of Manarajadhiraja. + He started the Guptan era i.e. 320 A.D, ‘= He strengthened his kingdom by matrimonial alliance with the onerful family of Lichchhavis who were the rulers of Pitta, His marriage to Lichchhwi princess Kumaradevi, brought an ‘enormous power, resources and prestige, He took advantage af the situation and occupied the whale of fertile Gangetic Valley. ® After the maniage he Kssved the special type of coins called “Chendragupta Phumaradevi type", + Chandragupa I was able to establish his authority over Magadha, Proyaga & Soketa ‘Samudragupta (335 — 380 A.D.) ‘Samudrogupta was the greatest king of Gupta dynasty, He took the title Lichchhvidhutra as his mother was Lichchhvi princess. The most detailed and authentic record of his reign is preserved in the Prayaga Prasasti/Alahabd pillar inscription, ‘composed by his court paet Harisena. ‘He (5 also desenbed as a monarch with sharp intellect and polished poetry skis, for this he is deseribed as Kavira). + In the Gangetic Valley & Central India, Samudragupta annexed the territories of the defeated monarchs, but in South India he remained content with victories alone- fe did nat annex the territories of the conquered rulers. + Samudragupta's miltary compaigns justify description of him {as the Napoleon of India’ by V.A. Smith, «+ Tites: Kavirgja i.e. king of poets (Prayaga Prasesti), Param ‘+ Ghagavat (Nalanda copper plate), Ashyamedha-parskrama le. whose might was demonstrated by the horse-sacnfice (coin), Vikram i.e. prowess (coin), Serva-raj-ochcheta Le. uproater of all kings (coin) etc. = Original types of Gold Coins (Dinars): Garul type, Dhanurdhari + According to Chinese wnter Wang-Hiven-Tse, Meghavamna, king of Sel Lanka, sent an embassy to Samudragupta for his permission to build a monastery for Buddhist pilarims at Bodh Gaya. Chandragupta 11 Vikramaditya’: (380-414 A.D.) + According to ‘Devi Chandregupta’ (Vishakadatta), 4 Samudrogupta was succeeded! by Ramgupta. + Ranigupta ruled for a very short period, He was ‘the only Gupta ruler to issue copper coins. ‘ Ramagupte,.2 coward and impotent king, agreed to surrender his queen” Dhvuvadev- ta Saka invader. But the: prince ‘Grancregupta Tl, the younger Brother of the king, resolved to ‘90 to the enemy's camp in the guise of the quern with a view to kill the hated enemy. Chandragupta 11 succeeded in kiling the Saka ruler. ‘= Chandragupta 11 leo succeeded in Kling Ramagupta, 26d not ‘only seized his Kingdom but also married his widow Chruvadevi, «+ He issued the silver coins in the memory of vietny over Sakas. + He was the first Gupta ruler to issue silver coins and adopted the ties Sakari & Vikramaditya, Uijoin seems to have been made the second capital by Chandragunta TI. + Chinese pilgrim Fa-Hien visited India during his regime. + Navaatna (ie, nine gems) of Chandragupta Il were there: Kumargupta 1: 415-455 AD CChandragupta 11 was succeeded by his son Kumaragupta 1. Kurargupta took the titles ike Mahindraditya, Mahendra Sinh and Asivamedha Mahendrah Kumaragupta was the worshipper Of 90d Kartkeye. He founded the Nalanda Mahavihara. which evveloped into a great centre of learning. Towards the end ot his reign, the Gupta Empire was threatened from the North by the Huns, which was temporarily checked by his son Skandagupta, ‘Skarvéagupta : 455-467 AD ‘Skandagupta, the last great ruler of the Gupta dynasty. uring his reign the Gupta Empire was invaded by the Huns. He ‘succeeded in defeating the Huns. The continuous attacks of the Huns weakened the empire and adversely affected its economy. The gold coinage of Skandagupta bears testimory to this, www | | PageCAREER POWER ae cones ‘Administration In Gupta period the army was to be fed by the peaple whenever it passed through the countryside. This tax was called Senabhakta Contributions of Gupta Rulers + Kings were called Paramestwara /Maharajadhiraja Paramabhattaraka, +The most important officers were Kumaramatyas, * They issued the largest number of gold coins In Ancient Inca, which were called Dinars. Siver coins were called rupyakas. + Naiando (a unversty) was established 2 Buddhist monastery during the reg of Kumara Gupta, ‘Gupta Religion : = BhagavadGita was written during this tine only. + Bhagavatism centered around worshipping Vishnu of Bhagvat. + Vishnu temple at Deogarh (meas Jhansi), a small temple near Sanchi and a brick temple at Shitragaon (near Kanpur) besong tO the Gupta architecture. Gupta Art: * Samudragupta is represented on his coins playing the lute (ving). + Ajanta Paintiogs and paintings at Bagh, neat Gwallor in MP, are ‘of this ime. They belong to the Buddhist art. Gupta Literature in India : ® Kalidas, the great Sanskrit dramatist, belonged ta this period, His books: are: Abhigyanashakuntaiom, the Bhagavadgita, Ritusamhare, Meghadutam, Melavikagnimitram, Roghuvensha, \Vatramurvashi ete. Out of these, Ritusamhara, Meghadutam, Raghuvansha were epics-and the rest were plays: += Vishaknadatta wrote Mudrarakshsa and Devichandraguptam, = The: Gupta period also saw the development of Sanskrit ‘grammar based on Panini and Patanjal. * Ramayana & Mahabharata were almost completed by the: th century AD. Science and Technology of Gupta Period : ‘= Aryabhatta, the great mathematician wrote Aryabhatiya and Suryasiddhants. In Aryabhatiya, he deseribed the place value of the first nine nos. & the use of zero, He alsa calculated the value of pie and invented Algebra. *1n Suryasiddhanta, he proved that the earth revolves round the sun and ratates on its ax. ‘= Varahamihira wrote Panchas- dhantika andl Behatsambita, He said that the moon maves round the earth and the earth, together with the moon, move round the sun. = Brahmagupta was a great mathematician, Me wrote Brahma- shutic Sidahanta in which he hinted at the Lav of Gravitation, * Court language was Sanskrit. * Dhanvantr ~ famous for Ayurveda knowledge. a ee = various regional kingdom came up in place of large Guptan Empire. It was atso the time when the epicenter of culture and civilization shifted to Deccan and the ‘Souter part of the country, where the powerful Kingdoms lke ‘Chalukyas and Pallavas came into prominence. ‘The Huns: (500-530 A.D:) * Huns were primitive pastoralists awing herds of cattle & horses but knowing nathing of agriculture, They roamed in the Steppe in search of pasture & water, From the Onus, the white Huns came inte Afghanistan, destroyed the local power and after establishing themselves, began to pour into India in 458 AD, Skandagupta who was at the time ruling in Northen India, defeated them effectively. © When the Gupta Empire's resistance collapsed then Huns cctupied the areas up to Central India. + There viere two powerful Hun rulers Toramhana B fis son (Mihirkula, They ruled during 500-530 AD. ‘+ Mihiula, a Shaivte, was a persecutor of Buddhism, ‘In 530 AD, the Huns were uprooted by Yashedarmana of Mandsaur, Pushyabhuti or Vardhana dynasty ‘ Pushyabhuti were the feudatories of the Guptas, but they assumed independence after the Hun invasions. The Pushyabhuti tr Vardhena dynasty was founded at Thaneswar © The first important ruler of the dynasty was Prabhakaravardhana (580-605 AD), Praphakaravardhans was succeeded by his eldest son Rajyavrerdhana (605-606 AD). ‘© Rajyavarchana had to face problems from the day of his ‘succession to the throne. Grahavarman, the Maukhari ruler of Kannau) and husband of Rajyashri (sister of Rajyavarahana) was murdered by Deva Gupta (the ruler of Malva) who in aliance with Shashanka (ruler of Gaud or North-vestem Bengal) now ceecupied Kannauj and imprisoned Rajyashrl, + Rajyavardhana, therefore, undertook a campaign against Deva Gupta and killed him but he was killed by Shashanka in 605 AD. In the meanwhile Rajyashri escaped inta the forests of Central India, CAREER POWER Harshavardhana (606-647 A.D.) + After the kiling of Rajevardnana, his younger brother, Harshavardhana ascended throne in 606 A.D. and from this year started the Harsha Era. + after ascending to the throne Harsha first rescued his widowed sister Rajyashn, form the Vindnyan forest, where she was going to throw herself into the fre, ‘Harsha drove out Shashanka from Kannauj wha had occupied it aftr fling of Rayavardhana. He not only unified Kannau) with ‘Thenesnar but also made this new capital, which made him the most powerful king of North India + Thereafter he proceeded tard the east against Shashanka With 3 iwew to avenge the death of his brother, Rajyavardhana and brother in-law, Grahavarman. «Harsha was not successful in his fist expedition against Gaud, but im his second expedition towards the close of his relan, after the death of Shashanka (died in 637 AD), he conquered Magadha and Shashanka's empire. + Harshavardhana defeated Dhruvasena Il, the ruler of Vallabhi. Ohnavasena II accented the positon of a feudatory vassal. Harsha married his daughter to him, It wes an important iplamatic achievement of Harsha, += The course of Harsha's conquests suffered a serious setback on his expedition towards the Deccan. Pulkeshin IT of Chalukya dynasty of Vatapi / Vadami inflicted decisive defeat on him at www | | wwwsscaddacom Page 10CAREER POWER Ce se cone the bank of Narmada, The Challubya records describe Harsha as the lord of whole of Norther country (Sakalottara- Patheshvara) = The area under his control covered many parts of Northern Indio, Easter Rajasthan and the Ganges Valley as for as Assam, But his empire included territories of distant feudal kings tao, * Harsha maintained ciploriatic relation with China. In 641 AD, he sent a envoy to TairTsung, the Tang Emperor of China. Three ‘Chinese missons subsequently visited his court. Hiven-Tsang, the celebrated Chinese pilgrim, Visited Incla during Harsha’s reign, He spent about eight years (635-643 AD) in the dominions of Harsha. + Hiuen-Tsang mentions two most celebrated events of Harsha’s feign the assemblies at Kannau) & at Prayaga. The Kannau) Assembly (643 AD) was held in honour of Hluen-Tsang and to Popularize Mahayana sect of Buddhism, The Prayaga assembiy was hold in 643-644 AD. In Prayaga, Harshavardhana used to celebrate religous festivals at the end of every Wve years, at the ccanfluence of the Ganges, the Yamuna & the Saraswat Iti said that this was the beginning of Kuba fair. * Harshavarchana was a Shava by faith, but he showed equal respect to other sects. Hiven-Tsang portrays Nim as a liberal Buddhist (Mahayana) who also honoured gods of others sects. ® According to Hiven-Tsang, Nalanda University, meant for Buddhist _monks, was maintained by the revenue from 200 villages which granted by Harshavardhana, = He died in 647 AD; Harsha does nat appear to have any heir to Fis throne, which was usurped after iis death by his minister named Arunasha, + He wrote three Sanskrit plays — Naganands, Ratnavall & Priyandarsika, He gathered around him a circle of learned men, ‘of whom Banabhatta, the author of Harshacharita (an important historical work narrating” the: Incidents of the earlier part of Harsha‘s reign) and Kedombar (a posticel novel of great IRerary merit) and. Bhartrhari, the author of Nii Shataka, Shringar Shataka 61 Yairegya Shatak Golntly. called Shatakatray) are. the ‘well known QUESTIONS ON SIKHISH Who is the founder Sikhism ? Ans.: Guru Nanak 2, Who invented the Gurumukhi script for punjabi language 7 ‘Ans.: Guru Angad: 3. Which Sikh guru built the city of Amvitasar 7 Ans.: Gury Ramdas ‘Which Mughal emperor donated the land for Amritsar ? Ans: Akbar 5, What ig the Holy Book of Sikhs ? Ans: Adi granth er Guru Granth Sahib 6. Which Sikh guru compited the holy book af Sikhs, Adi granth ‘Ans.: Arjan Dew 7. Which Sikh guru built the Golden Temple at Amritasar ? Ansiz ‘Arjan Dev 8, Which Sikh guru is killed by Jahangir ? Ans,: Arjan Dev 9. Which Sikh guru built Akal Takht, the throne of Almighty ? Ans.: Guru Har Gobind 10, Which Sikh guru is killed by Aurangazeb ? Ans.z Guru Teg Bahadur 111. Which Sih guru founded khatsa in sikhism ? Ans.: Guru Gobind Singh 12, Who is the last human sikh guru of Sikhism 7ans.: Guru Gobind Singh QUESTIONS ON BUDDHISM 1. What was the name of the fother of Gautam Buddha? Ans, Shuddodhana, who was the chief of the state Kopilvastu. 2. What was the name of Buddha's mather? Ans. Maya. 3, What was the childhood name of Gautam Buddha? Ans, Siddharth, 4. Who brought up Siddharth when his mother died in his childhood? Ans. His step mother, Gautami. '5, What vas the name of Siddharth's wife? Ans. Yashodhra, 6, What vas the name of his son? Ans. Rall. 7. What is ‘geeat renunciation’ in Buddhism? Ans. Siddharth tft his home at the age of twenty nine im search of truth; this event & know a5 “great renunciation”, '8, Where did he attain enfightment? Ans. He attained enlightment (Nirvana) at Bodh Gaya near Gaya under a banyan tree on the ‘bank of the river Niranjan, 9, What: does the term ‘Buddha’ mean? Ans, Tathgat (one who possesses the truth). 10. Who are “monks or Bhikshus"? Ans. The followers of Buddha who are engaged in spreading his messages are called “monks oF Bhikshus”, AL What is “Sengh’ in Buddhism? Ans. Gautam Buddha esablished the orders of monks called ‘Sangh’ to preach ‘Buddhism. 12, When and where did @uddha die? ‘Ans. 483 GC at the age of eighty at Kushinagar in Gorakhpur, 13. In which language did Buddha preach? Ans. Pall, 14, Where did Mahatma Buddha establish Sangha’ 7 Ans. At Samath, 15, What are the Triratnas’ of Buddhism? Ans, Buddha, Sangha and Dhamma. 16, Whe was the most favourite desciple of Gautam Buddha? Ans. Anand, 17, What is Chaityamandap? Ans. This is the prayer hall for Buddhists, 118. Who is known as Light of Aca ? Ans.; Gautama Budcha 19. Whien did Gautama Buddha bom ? Ans,: BC 563 20, Where did Gautama Buddha barn ? Ans: Lumbini in aptavasthu. 21, Gautama Buddha attained full enlightenment at ? ‘Ans. Bodh Gaya (named by Edvin Amakd) 22, Where did the Ist Buddhist Council held ? Ans.: Rajairh 23, What.|s. the name. of worship. place. of Buddhists 2..Ans.: 2a: What tre Hely book of Buddhists ? Ane Tha 25, Which river flows through Bodh Gaya ? Ans.; Niranjana River (Phalgu River) i = was the copital of Srigupta? Ans. Patliputra. 2. To. whom Chancrogupta T was marted? Ans. He married brincess Kumaridev of Lichhavi republic of Vaishali, 3, Which city Chandragupta I got in dowry by marryin, Lichhav princess? Ans, Patiputea, 4, Who started the Gupta era? Ans. Chandragupta 1 in 320 AD: S.MMeghavarman, the king of Cylone sent en ambassador which Gupta ruler and sought permission to build Budshist Monastry at Bodh Gaya? Ars, Samudragust, 6. In Indian history who is known as: 'Napolean of Inca? Ans. ‘Samudragupta, 7. Which Gupta rulee was 3 great musician and an exper player an Veen? Ars, Samvcragupta, 8.Who authored. the inscriptions engraved on the pilar ot ‘Alahabad? Ans. Harsena, 9, Who was Harisena, Ans A court poet af Samudragupta. 10, In which language the inscriptions are engraved on Allahabad pill? Ans. Sanskrit. 11. Who was the most famous ruler of Gupta dynasty? Ans. CChandragupta Vikramaditya. 42, Which Gupta ruler 6 known as Sakari and why? Ans, CChandragupta Vikramaditye, because he conquered the Saka. 13, Which ety was the most important city for trede during the ‘eign of Samudragupta? Ans. Ujain. 14, Which was the second capital of Chandragupta Vikramaditya? Ans, Ujjain 15. A Chinese pilgrim, 'Fahyan’ visted india during the reion of — | | which Gupta la? Ane. Chandagupta Vizemadiya. Page 11CAREER POWER aoa cone 15: in wee De ey ste ie Goat |e ChendraguptaVikrameditya? Ans. Aryebhatta, Kalidasa, \Varahminira, Ohanvantri, Amar Singh and Brahmagupta. 17, Who was Kalidasa? Ans, Kalidasa wes a great post of Sansieit, 18, Which are the Important books. written by Kalidasa? Ans. Meghdoot, Raghuvansham, Kumarasambhavam, 19, Who was Varahamiira? Ans He-was as a great astrologer. 20. Who wrote the famous book Vrihat Sanhita’? Ans. ‘Varahaminiea, it deals with astrology and physal geography. 2L.Who ras Dhanavantr? Ans. He was a great Physician in the court of Chandragupta Vikramaditya, 22.Whe was Aryabhatta? Ans. He was a great Mathematician and ‘Astrologer in the court of Chandragupta Vikramaditya. He invented the Becimal system. 23, Who wrote the famous book “Aryabhatta"? Ans.. 24.Who wrote the famous book ‘Surya Siddhanta’? Ans ‘Aryabhatts 25. What was the main contribution of Aryabhatta in this field of science? Ans. He was the first astrologer wha explained that the earth rotates on its own axis. but revolves round the sun 26, Who established Nalanda University? Ans, Kumargunta, 27.Ta which period eave paintings of Ajanta belonged? Ans, Gupta 28Where was the centre of higher education duting Gupta period? Ans. Nalanda University. 22.When did the art of making temples started? Ans, During Gupta period. 30.During which period the won pitar at Mehrau buit? Ans. Gupta period. 31.Which ruler of the Gupta period is associated with pillar at Mehrauli? Ans. Chandragupta Vikramaditya. 32. During which period) the great epics the Ramayan and the Mahabharat were given the final form? Ans, During Gupta period, 33. During which period the famous Sanskrit book "Panchtantra" a collection of tales had been writen? Ans. Gupta period. 34. Which period is known as ‘golden age of indian history Ans, Gupta period. 35, Which were the famous Lrde centers during Gupta period? Ans. Ujjain, Patliputra, Banaras and Mathura. 36, Which was the famous sea-port on the east coast of India ‘uring Gupea period? Ans. Tamalipt. 37, Which was the famous sea-part on the west coast of India during Gupta Period? Ans. Broach. 38. What was the official language during Gupta period? Ans. Sanskrit www | Page 12na CAREER POWER nn CAREER POWER isin your CUT Y — [resis | smeascnen >a a [Am » owshat __ureamies www | | Page 13
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