Adolescent Louise Hayes The
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1. Classify the chief causes of war and indicate which class of causes
was mainly responsible for: the French and Indian Wars; the
Revolutionary War; the Napoleonic Wars; the War of 1812; the Mexican
War; the Civil War; the Spanish War; the Russo-Japanese War; and the
World War.
2. What did President Roosevelt mean when he said that a defenceless
nation is a temptation to injustice. Give some examples to illustrate this
proposition and also to illustrate the reverse.
3. Why would it not be better to abolish the national guard and have
only a regular army?
4. Explain the various steps by which civilians were taken into the
national army under the provisions of the Selective Service Law.
5. Is it right to use the armed forces of the nation in quelling labor
troubles? What are the objections to so doing?
6. Explain the system of trial by court-martial under the following
heads: (a) who may be tried; (b) on what charges; (c) how the court is
organized; (d) who prosecutes; (e) who defends; (f) what sentence may
be imposed; (g) who reviews the sentence.
7. What is the difference between proclaiming martial law in a district
and establishing a military government over it?
8. Outline the history of the United States navy. What are the
characteristics of (a) battleships; (b) battle cruisers; (c) gunboats?
9. What would be (a) the political and (b) the economic advantages of
disarmament? What difficulties stand in the way of an international
agreement to disarm?
10. Make a list of the special governmental agencies which were
established in the United States during the World War, and name the
functions performed by each.
Topics for Debate
1. The United States should adopt the system of universal military
2. A declaration of war should require a two-thirds vote of Congress.
3. The national government should pay pensions to veterans of the
World War in the same way that it has provided pensions for veterans of
the Civil War.
The purpose of this chapter is to explain what international law is, what
obligations it imposes, and how the United States carries on its relations with
other countries.
The purpose of this chapter is to answer the question: What are the
relations of the United States to the rest of the world?
By Edwin A. Abbey
From a mural painting in the Pennsylvania
State Capitol at Harrisburg.
This is a very striking picture, one of the
artist’s best. In the background are the huge
derricks which lift the oil from the bowels of the
earth. In front of them golden-haired figures,
robed in gauze with torch in hand, are swirling
upward in joyous energy like a swarm of fireflies.
In making this picture the artist took infinite
pains. Each figure was first drawn from a living
model. Each was then photographed and by the
use of a lantern the figures were projected upon
the canvas where they were manœuvred into
place for the artist’s guidance. The whole picture
is successful in conveying the impression of
spontaneity combined with lightness and grace.