10 Core Rule of Netiquette

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the Human
Practice the Golden Rule: Do
unto others as you would have
others do unto you. Never try
to harm someone's image in
the internet, unless if you
want the same happen to you.

Rule 2: Adhere To
The Same
Standards of
Behaviour online
that you follow in
real life
In online you should be ethical
as in real life ; One Example
would be respect people
online despite who they are,
one way you can do it is to
avoid tarnishing someones
image or avoid bullying and
other cyber crimes.

Rule 3: Know
where you are in
Cyber space
What you text to a friend may
not be appropriate in an email
to a classmate or a colleague.
The joke or a comment could
be funny for your other
friends but could be
disrespectful for others.

Rule 4:Respect other

people’s time and
Make your written
meaningful and to the
point, without
extraneous text or
superfluous graphics or
attachments that may
take forever to
download. Make your
message meaningful and
simple to understand or
avoid sending outputs
thay may be too big to
Rule 5: Make
yourself look
good online
Always check for spelling and
grammar errors Know what
you're talking about and state
it clearly Be pleasant and
1. Always check for spelling
and grammar errors know
what you're talking about
and state it clearly be
pleasant and polite. One
example would beShow
Off Your Interests or
Hobbies. ...
2. Take Advantage of Social
Media Highlights. ...
3. Make Sure Your Posts are
Free of Errors. ...
4. Don't Air Your Dirty
Laundry Online. ...
5. Use a Good-Looking Photo
of Yourself.

Rule 6: Share
An online community,
especially in the academic
field, is all about the type of
information one provides to
the others. Also don’t forget
to cite the authors of that

Rule 7: Help keep

flame wars under
Don’t feed the flames;
extinguish them by guiding the
discussion back to a more
productive direction. Help
keep flame wars under
control. Don't flame others,
and if you are flamed, don't
respond. It's like arguing with a
drunk at a football game: You
will never win. If you feel
you've been flamed in a forum,
make your complaint public to
the entire forum.

Rule 8: Respect
other people's
Just as you expect others to
respect your privacy, so
should you respect the
privacy of others.

Rule 9: Don't
abuse your
Remember knowing more
than others do or having more
power than others may have
does not give you the right to
take advantage of anyone.
Think of Rule 1. Remember the
human. Never think your are
better than others just
because you are a privilege
individual, either way you will
abide with the rules and
respect every one.
Rule 10: Be
forgiving of other
people's mistakes
Everyone was a network
newbie once. And not
everyone has had the benefit
of reading this book. So when
someone makes a mistake --
whether it's a spelling error or
a spelling flame, a stupid
question or an unnecessarily
long answer -- be kind about it.
If it's a minor error, you may
not need to say anything. Even
if you feel strongly about it,
think twice before reacting.
Having good manners yourself
doesn't give you license to
correct everyone else.


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