Consultation : Students can meet the faculty any time during office hours with a
Hours prior appointment only
PO (2). Student's gain an edge over other peers to lead and shape social and public
enterprises such as the State, Community organization and Social Enterprises.
PO (5). The students would improve their cognitive, problem solving skills, independent
critical thinking with research capabilities.
PO (6). Students will be able to cultivate the ability to appreciate role of lawyers in justice
education in globalising world, sustainability, poverty and vulnerability
CO (2). Aptitude to critically explore the relationship between law, society, and state.
P a g e 1 | 14
CO (3). Skills to apply a conceptual framework to understand the complexities of social
CO (4). Potential to conceptually bridge the gap between law and its social implications.
CO (5). Enhance legal skills by learning the social background and impact of law.
Students are expected to read latest journals, periodicals, reports and articles from
sociological journals such as Economic and Political Weekly, SAGE, Springer, Sociological
Bulletin, Yojna, etc.
The following table shows how the Learning Outcomes relate to the overall Program
Learning Goals and Outcomes, and indicate where these are assessed:
P a g e 2 | 14
CO (5) Identify and experiment Classroom
with the issues and challenges in Participation
the implementation of law and Assignments
strengthening law and order in Research Project
Indian Society
A. Definition
B. Nature
•Is it a Science or not?
•Sociology as a Science
C. Scope
• Specialist School/ Formalistic
• Synthetic School
D. Relation of Sociology with other Social Sciences
o History
o Politics
o Psychology
o Law
E. Importance of Sociology
2. Sociological Thought 09
P a g e 3 | 14
A. Auguste Comte
B. Karl Marx
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Charles Horton Cooley
E. Max Weber
3. Social Control 03
A. Meaning of Social Control
B. Social Control and Socialization
C. Need for Social Control
D. Means of Social Control
E. Social Order
4. Social Change 06
A. Meaning
B. Sources of Social change
Cultural Interaction
Conflict & Protest
Industrial- Urbanization
C. Consequences of Social Change
5. Sociology of India 07
A. Components of Indian Society
B. Scheduled castes & Scheduled Tribes
I. Major Problems
II. Constitutional provisions
III. Evaluation of Government Measures for their
C. Rural
P a g e 4 | 14
I. Definition
II. Rural Change in India
III. Major trend in rural changes
IV. Important Rural Development Programs
D. Urban
I. Definition
II. Extent of Urbanization
III. Urban Characteristics
IV. Urbanization in India- Trends
6. Social Structure 04
A. Meaning & Element of Social Structure
B. Types of Social Structure
C. Social Movement: Meaning
D. Causes of Social movement & Types
E. Revolution
F. Role of Leadership
7. Role of Religion 05
A. Family and Education in Indian Society
I. Definition: Religion, Family, Education
II. Judicial background of family and Inheritance
III. Education & Social Structure
IV. State and Religious Pluralism
8. Social Deviance 02
A. Definition
B. Deviance in simple and complex society: comparison
C. Juvenile Delinquency- Legislation
D. Law of Crime
P a g e 5 | 14
B. Definitions of Society
C. Community, Association, Institution, Organization
D. Nature of Society
E. Some Sociological Approaches to Law: Durkheim, Karl
Marx, Max Weber
F. Law in relation to Social Order in India
G. Kinds of Law
H. Legal System in Modern India
I. Law & Social change in India
J.Peoples participation in Legal change
Total 45
P a g e 6 | 14
o Politics
o Psychology
o Law
E. Importance of
Further Reading:
Bhushan, V., &
Sachdeva, D. R.
(2005). Introduction to
sociology. Delhi: Kitab
Further Reading:
Bhushan, V., &
Sachdeva, D. R.
(2005). Introduction to
sociology. Delhi: Kitab
Further Reading:
Bhushan, V., &
Sachdeva, D. R.
(2005). Introduction to
sociology. Delhi: Kitab
D. Means of Social
E. Social Order
C. Consequences of
Social Change
B. Scheduled castes
& Scheduled
Tribes Essential Reading:
I. Definition
D. Urban
P a g e 9 | 14
I. Definition
II. Extent of
III. Urban
IV. Urbanization in
India- Trends
B. Types of Social
Essential Reading:
C. Social Movement:
Meaning Sachdeva D.R., Bhushan,
Vidya, Introduction to
D. Causes of Social Sociology, 125-130, 173-
movement & 177, 254-259
E. Revolution
F. Role of Leadership
I. Definition: Religion,
Family, Essential Reading:
and Inheritance
C. Juvenile
Legislation Oomen T.K., &
Venugopal, C.N. (1998).
D. Law of Crime
Sociology for Law
students. Bangalore:
Eastern Book Company.
43-45 Law & Society Oomen T.K., & Lecture &
Venugopal, C.N. (1998). Class
Sociology for Law
A. Definitions of Law
students. Bangalore:
B. Definitions of Eastern Book Company.
C. Community,
Association, Essential Reading:
Institution,Organization C. N. Shankar Rao-
E. Some Sociological
Approaches to
F. Law in relation to
Social Order in India
G. Kinds of Law
H. Legal System in
P a g e 11 | 14
Modern India
J. Peoples participation
in Legal change
Total 45 hours
Evaluation Timeline:-
Keeping in line with continuous evaluation at SLSH, the following schedules have been
drawn. Students are expected to go through the dates / sessions mentioned and prepare
Componen Component Expected slot / Marks Weightage
t No. due date declaration by
P a g e 12 | 14
External Exam 45
Total 75
Haralambos, M., & Heald, R. M. (2013). Sociology: Themes and Perspectives. New
Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Ogburn, W. F., & Nimkoff, M. F. (1972). A Handbook of Sociology. New Delhi: Eurasian
Publishing House.
Joshi, P C. (1995). Social Science and Development. New Delhi: Har Anand Publication.
Mandelbaum, David. (1970). Society in India. Berkreley: University of California Press.
Shah A. M. (2001). Family in Contemporary India. New Delhi: Orient Longman.
Sharma K L (ed). (1945). Social Inequalities in India: Profiles of Caste Class, Power and
Social Mobility, Jaipur: Rawat.
Singer, Milton & Cohen, B S. (1968). Structure and Change in Indian Society. Chicago:
Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.
Singh, Yogendra. (2002). Cultural Change in India. Jaipur: Rawat.
Singh, Yogendra. (1973). Modernization of Indian Tradition. New Delhi: Thompson
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