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the author of the Systema Agriculturae (1669), observes,

theology. The Eskimo engraved poorly, the Dene (Tinneh)

American Revolution (2 vols., Boston, 1891); Carrington's

of Sweden for the Vatican library. Alexander condemned in 1690

from circulation on a question of copyright); Report

in water, whilst the carbonates, phosphates and sulphates

to which the inspection of this enormous mass was entrusted

where the agent is Michael, and notice that such legendary

reefs, and the sudden squalls which sweep down from the

Perpendicular, and has a beautiful south porch, brasses of

colour of the desert, the free, adventurous character of the

waters containing silica in solution--derived, perhaps,

to makers and dealers who do not employ objectionable

ground. In about an hour and a half he descended at South

(Cree, rapid-flowing river), which finds its way to Lake

ABERFOYLE, a village and parish of Perthshire, Scotland, 34 1/4

firths of Clyde and Forth. The title of duke of Albany was

half the total salmon product of the United States, is more

attached to the various corps and transport commissions. No

of drilled turnips on his farm in one year. An Act passed in

h.p.'' required is obtained by multiplying the resistance by the

A small museum of local antiquities was established in 1897.

N. Constantinea sp., with flattened leaf-like appendages.

ABRUZZI E MOLISE, a group of provinces (compartimento)

development of commerce is retarded by lack of communications;

Austria. The Societe Electrometallurgique Francaise,

of his plebeian origin, commander of the order of the Holy

with the dance. The name, however, is given to pieces

(all in 1864), Matterhorn, Ober Gabelhorn, Aiguille Verte and

South.West Africa . . . . . . . . . . . 322,450

ideal of success in a democracy. It is by his character and

CC. Carissimus (atso plur. Carissimi), Clarissimus, Circum.

spiritual death which is to be laid to his account. Of these

alarmed, recognized Alphonso as king, and concluded an alliance

of his personal character and as the founder of their kingdom.

production of potatoes varies much from year to year. The

formed a much lower estimate of his merits. There can be

Eastwards down the Dee and the Don and northwards across the

Cavolinii. Elastin occurs either as thick strands or as

and disproved with equal ease the existence of justice.

gives aa-phenyl-methyl-furfurane. Oxazoles (q.v.) are

Clermont (d. 1234), and Mary, who married Philip, count of

railway system, and by Ohio river freight and passenger

the Loyalist population, and generally captured or broke them

holdings. Mr W. J. Harris created small holdings in Devon,

invested with the imperium. From that time the old province

ambassador extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at

intruder as their Pathan successors are against the British

immediately intimated that he would look out for some one

sphere. It is by virtue of this musical quality and immediacy

6. Manufacture of caustic soda.

also reviews the progress of liabilities and expenditure, and

stage are worthy of notice: the gaize and phosphatic beds of

Leckihorn. . . . . . . . . . . 10,069 Monte Generoso . . . . . . . . . .5,591

scholar and antiquary, who in his petition to King James I.,

Ogoki and Kenogami rivers are the principal tributaries.

from less than an acre to ten acres, and are technically

were not, however, published; and the question of how to

one more than the number in 1850; in 19-0 there were 31,

is now generally contended that the difficulties of storing

are dry; and no part of the shoal has a greater depth than 3

forward through the object-glass, and through a train of

is also substituted for sugar in a number of food products,

Bloody Irish Almanac for 1643, 1647, &c.--the last attributed

the drawer's order, the holder is not obliged to take it; and

Arabum loci de Abbadidio), Leiden, 1846. (D. II.)

confidence. His fame is tarnished, however, by numerous deeds

greedily absorbs it, forming ordinary hydrochloric acid,

\ /

quite flavourless material---for one which owes its value more to

localities; and conversely, the majority of alpine flowers

subsequent politicaldisturbances intervened to prevent the

especially, the original design and meaning of these usages

(Record Commission and Pipe Roll Society). (J. H. R.)

carbonate and heated. By this means, sodium aluminate is

Adam succeeded to his father's practice as an architect in

advancement; thus payment of a son's debts of honour has been

London he became a prominent pamphleteer on the opposition


Winthrop (1809-1894), the last survivor of a long line of

and which, it may be remarked, are not in harmony among

The reaction is a general one for all aldehydes with zinc methyl

etc., are laid open to the public (1830), roused the public

instruction. The total of men, women and children for

guardians. Age qualification for the chamber of deputies

his severance from the Whig leaders, and having joined the

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