CL Day 2
CL Day 2
CL Day 2
Public speaking is the process or act of performing a speech to a live audience. This type
of speech is deliberately structured with three general purposes: to inform, to persuade
and to entertain.
The four basic types of speeches are: to inform, to instruct, to entertain, and to persuade.
These are not mutually exclusive of one another. You may have several purposes in mind
when giving your presentation. For example, you may try to inform in an entertaining
style. Another speaker might inform the audience and try to persuade them to act on the
1. Informative – This speech serves to provide interesting and useful information to your
• A teacher telling students about earthquakes
• A student talking about her research
• A travelogue about the beaches in Boracay
• A computer programmer speaking about new software
Directions: Identify the type of speech used in the following statements. Write your
answer on the separate sheet of paper.
_________1. The tour guide is telling some foreign students about the habitat of Philippine
_________2. A chef is explaining to his audience how to make chocolate cake.
_________3. The environmentalist is convincing the youths to start thinking about the
renewable energy.
_________4. A teacher is telling students about the human life cycle.
_________5. A local resident is teaching the tourist on how to eat balut.
_________6. The teacher is discussing about earthquakes.
_________7. A vlogger is reminding the kids about healthy lifestyle.
_________8. My friend is sharing funny moments with her pet.
_________9. Parents talking about good behavior to gain more friends.
_________10. Juan is retelling the story of Mr. Bean to your niece.
1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________
6. __________________________________
7. __________________________________
8. __________________________________
9. __________________________________
10. __________________________________
11. __________________________________
12. __________________________________
13. __________________________________
14. __________________________________
15. __________________________________
Directions: Write a persuasive essay on one topic listed below. Make sure you have an
introduction, body and conclusion. Use 1 whole sheet of paper.
The ideas are The ideas Though the ideas There is no
arranged logically. arranged are aligned with clear
Organiza- The shift of one logically. the topic, some introduction,
tion sentence to words/phrases are structure or
another provides a inappropriately conclusion.
clear view of the used which give Information
topic. vague ideas. does not
support the
main idea.
Word The writer uses The writer uses The writer uses The writer uses
Choice vivid words and vivid words. words that limited
phrases However, the communicate vocabulary
choice and clearly, but writing thus, it has
placement seem lacks a bit of incomplete
inaccurate. emotions thought.
The writer
commits a lot of
Mechanics The writer follows The writer has The writer missed misspelled
(spelling, the mechanics all minimal words some punctuation words and
punctua- throughout the misspelled and some words wrong
tion, discourse were misspelled placement of
capitaliza- punctuation.
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