Personality Adjectives - Crosswords
Personality Adjectives - Crosswords
Personality Adjectives - Crosswords
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1. someone who gives money or time to 2. if you can trust or depend on someoneReliable
people in order to help them Generous 3. someone who enjoys being with other
4. providing useful help to make something people and goes out a lot Sociable
better or easier Helpful 5. cruel; not kind Mean
7. if you always help and support your friends, 6. behaving towards others or speaking in a
your boss, your country etc...loyal correct wayPolite
9. easily offended or hurt by what others say 7. someone who is very active and has a lot of
to you sensitive energy lively
10. happy, or behaving in a way that shows you 8. not telling the truth or always cheating on
are happycheerful people dishonest
11. if you can be trusted to make goodrisponsible 9. caring only about yourself and not about
others selfish
judgements and do the right things
13. someone who keeps their room, house etc.. 12. nervous about meeting and speaking to
clean and orderly tidy other people, especially ones you don't
know shy