Oracle Service Bus Migration (ESB To OSB)
Oracle Service Bus Migration (ESB To OSB)
Oracle Service Bus Migration (ESB To OSB)
See complete article here - . It is reproduced here for easy reference only. Tools that are used for the migration are:
Oracle JDeveloper Oracle JDeveloper is use to view the ESB services. It is used to determine the dependencies of the artefacts that it is using. Oracle Workshop Oracle Workshop is used to build and deploy the new OSB services. Approach While there is no automatic migration, we need to rebuild the services in OSB. The approach is as follows. Reuse the artifacts from ESB as much as possible. This means in practices that we will reuse the WSDL definitions, schema definitions and style sheets. Open in JDeveloper the ESB services and determine the artifacts it is using;
Describe for each ESB service the artifacts in structured way; for example in a table format:
Based on these artefacts, the OSB services can be build. Development environment Depending on the complexity of the OESB services, a different sequence of steps should be followed. First of all a project structure should be in place. In this project structure various components will be stored. Projects The Workspace (OSB Project Structure) should contain one OSB Configuration Project, give this configuration a name "MyOSBConfig" and an OSB Project called "MyOSBMigration". The former contains the server definition for an OSB Server running on :, the latter all project resources. Folder Structure Create for every ESB service, an OSB service with the following directory structure. ESBName <ESBName> Input WSDL Schema Element Adapter? DB DatasourceJNDI <JNDIdatasource> <WSDLFile> <SchemaFile> <elementused>
Query JMS
JMSConnectionfactory <jmsconfactory> Queue/Topic <queue/topicname> File Directory Filename Output#1 FilterUsed <Y/N> WSDL Schema Element Adapter? WS DB <XPATHfilter> <WSDLFile> <SchemaFile> <elementused> <endpoint> DatasourceJNDI Query JMS JMSConnectionfactory <jmsconfactory> Queue/Topic <queue/topicname> File Directory Filename Output#2 <nextoutput> <directory> <filename> (MarkifthisaBPELWS) <JNDIdatasource> <query> <directory> <filename>
Folder Description BusinessService All the business services are located here. ProxyService All the proxy services are located here. Schema Local schema's in the project are located here. Transformation Local transformation files (XSLT & XQuery). Wsdl The interface definitions. For each ESB project copy the used XSLT files into the transformation
directory. Naming Convention A recommended approach for naming conventions of OSB resources is to add the prefix `PS_' for Proxy Services, `BS_' for Business Services, `XQ_' for XQuery transformations, and append a version indication `_v1r0'. Examples: Project: CollectOrderInformation Proxy service: PS_GetOrder_RS_v1r0 PS_GetOrderLines_RS_v1r0 Bus. Service: BS_GetOrder_v1r0 BS_GetOrderLines_v1r0 Proxy Endpoints: The enpoints of the proxy services will be renamed to /<logical_name><proxyname_v1r0> Common Schemas All schemas of the Common data Model are imported in the OSB project in folder Common/Schema/. All generated or imported WSDLs should preferably refer to these schemas, potentially importing service specific schemas in the "Schema" folder of the respective service. Implementation Based on the pervious table the OSB service can be build. Execute the following steps to perform this.
Create the business services Create the proxy service Implement the message flow
Create the business services Create a new business service for each output definition. If an external web service is called, import or consume the WSDL definition of that web service. The same applies if this service is a BPEL process. In this case some additional changes should be made, this is described in the next paragraphs.. If you are calling a BPEL process, you could use the BPEL transport instead of normal http protocol. The BPEL protocol is more efficient implementation on calling BPEL from OSB. When the business service is created, the WSDL and schemas are copied into a folder of your project. After creating the business service move the WSDL files to the WSDL directory and the schemas to the Schema directory or to the Common/Schema directory. Note: With BEA ALSB 3.0, you should remove the partner link bindings, otherwise the WSDL is invalid. This is fixed in OSB 10gR3. Create the proxy service Create a new proxy service for each input definition. If the service is based on a interface definition from an external web service is called, import or consume the WSDL definition of that web services. When the proxy service is created, the WSDL and schemas are copied into a folder of your project. After creating the proxy service move the WSDL files to the WSDL directory and the schemas to the Schema directory or the Common/Schema directory. Implement the message flow Implementing the flow is the most important step of the migration. Based on the various output from the ESB, you should route the message to the various business services. The most simple one is just create a routing node to call the services.
In the replace action we define the transformation., this is based on the style sheet of the ESB.
When there are filters defined in ESB service, this can be replaces in OSB via If-Then actions or conditional branches actions. Stylesheets Note that there can be issues with style sheets. The style sheet is based on the JDeveloper diagrammer, it is using namespaces and namespace aliases based on the interface definition of the ESB. Execute the test action on the replace action of the Oracle Workshop (Eclipse). It could be that the style sheet is using Oracle SOA specific extensions or custom functions, these are not available in OSB. If this is the case, you should change the style sheet or, which is easier, create a XQuery transformation. Deployment and Test Deploy and test the OSB service, you could use various test scenarios and tools to perform this.
Test style sheets and XQueries from Eclipse. Test business services from the OSB Console. Test proxy services from the OSB Console. Use tools such as SoapUI to perform end-to-end tests.
Adapters Database Adapter Note that the current version of OSB does not have a DB adapters as in the ESB. Therefore you should create the DB adapter in BPEL as a simple wrapper for this query. The BPEL process should use the same input and output schema's and namespaces as generated in the partner link of the DB adapter. The future version of OSB 10gR3 will have support of the DB adapter. JMS Adapter The OSB has full support of the using JMS messaging. Import WSDL from BPEL The ESB service has both the Proxy Service as the Business Service based on the same WSDL that is `consumed' from the BPEL process. The steps to create a similar service in OSB are:
1. Import the WSDL from the BPEL process URI (?WSDL) by consuming froma URI. All included schemas are imported as well and stored in the samefolder. 2. Leave the WSDL itself in the `WSDL' folder. 3. Drag and drop the service specific schema to the `Schema' folder thereby automatically changing the reference in the
WSDL. 4. Change the references from either the WSDL or the service specific schema to the CDM schemas by changing the "schemaLocation" property of the "import"tag. 5. Remove the imported CDM schemas from the `wsdl' directory. 6. Add a Business Service in the `BusinessService' directory based on the imported WSDL. 7. Add a Proxy Service in the `ProxyService' directory based on that same WSDL. 8. Add a `Routing Node' to the Proxy Service and route to the Business Service.
Imported WSDL from ESB The ESB service has a Proxy Service based on a ESB "generated" WSDL and the Business Service based on the WSDL of a BPEL process. The steps to create a similar service in OSB are:
1. Import the OESB "generated" WSDL in the Workspace `wsdl' folder. 2. Add a "service" and a "binding" to that WSDL, because the WSDL is not well-defined, refer to the PortType of the WSDL. 3. Create a Proxy Service in the `ProxyService' directory based on that WSDL. 4. Import the WSDL from the BPEL process as described for the previous service migration; don't forget to move the schemas. 5. Add a Business Service in the `BusinessService' directory based on the imported WSDL. 6. Add a `PipelinePair' to the Message Flow of the Proxy Service. 7. In the request Pipeline, add a `stage' with a `replace' action, change the XPath to `.', enter variable `body', in the expression select the XSL file and add the rootelement of the body (request) to the `Binding' box, check `replace node contents'.
8. Same for the response `Pipeline', but obviously for the response XSL and the response rootelement. 9. Add a `Routing Node' to the Proxy Service and route to the Business Service.