First World War, Brooke

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Historical background/ The war I

After the death of queen Victoria, the era of stability nished.

Edward VII became the new king and was very popular among British people and European leaders.
During his reign there were a lot of changes and it was the period of socialism.

The George V, became king, he did a lot of reforms. During his reign, the First World War (also known as
Great War) started.
It started in 1914, after the death of archduke of Austria in Sarajevo.

Germany, Austria and Ottoman Empire, were against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Japan and U.S.A.
The war was inside Trench and a lot of people died. In 1918 The armistice and the peace treaty were
This situation contributed to the rise of Hitler and Mussolini.

After the war, Britain had an economic depression, above all for the mining industry that produce coal.
To solve the problem, the owners of the mines reduced the workers pay increasing the working hours. This
caused a general strike and the miners were defeated by the government.

Literary Background
Modernism is a literary and artistic movement. It was in uenced by:

-Futurism: Which rebelled against past and created dynamism;

-Cubism: Which fragmented the subject into geometrical shape;
-Expressionism: Characterised by distorted forms;
-Surrealism: Which gave importance to the unconscious world.

Modernism Characteristic:
-Fragmentation of the narrative point of view
-Time and place are subjective
-Create the ux of thoughts
-Rejection of traditional grammar
-Use of free verse and complex vocabulary

He wrote poems about the English countryside.
He travelled to Italy, Germany and North America.
He wrote “1914 & other poems” where he express enthusiasm for the war but he was soon ill and was sent
to the hospital, so he lived the most terrible aspects of the war.
Brooke’s poetry is too sentimental and super cial but it represented Britain mood after the First World War.

“The Soldier”
It’s a poem written by Brooke.
The author is speaking to the English people, he wasn’t afraid of death and he said that if his body is buried
in a di erent country, he will enrich the earth because he died for the country so in this poem there is an
emphasis on poet’s feelings and not on the war.

The Rhyme scheme is: (AbAb, CdCd, EfgEfg)

As Petrarca’s sonnet.

For the poet England is as a mother who gave him life.

The poet highlights the landscape and the politeness of the English people.
The tone is Patriotic.
Death is not considered a tragic experience but a noble act.

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