Indemnity Bond

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(To be executed by the applicant on Non-Judicial Stamp paper of Rs.10 and to

be attested by Notary Public / First Class Magistrate)

This indemnity bond is executed on this…………………………………Day

of…………………………20…… by Shri/Smt./Kumari
………………………………… S/o,/ W/o, / D/o. Shri…………………………………
…………………………...............of (address) (hereinafter called the ‘Executant’
which term shall include his/her heirs, successors executors, administrators and
legal assigns) in favour of Governor of Orissa (hereinafter called the ‘lessor’)
which terms shall include its heirs, successors, executors, administrators and
legal assigns.

WHEREAS the Executant is the lessee of the Drawing Plot

No…………………………. of Drawing No …………………………. corresponding
to Revenue Plot No…………………………. Khata No…………………………. of
Village or Unit…………………………..

AND WHEREAS the lessor on the faith and representation made to it, has
agreed to convert lease hold rights in respect of the above referred property into
free hold rights subject to the Executant giving such indemnity, as is hereinafter
contained and keeping the lessor harmless from any claim which anyone may, at
any time, institute against the lessor in respect of the above referred property.

Now, this deed witnesses that in consideration of the lessor agreeing to

convert the lease hold rights in respect of the above referred property into free
hold rights, the executant hereby covenants with the lessor that he will at all
times indemnity and keep harmless the said lessor from all claims and demands
made and all actions and proceedings taken against the said lessor by anyone in
respect of the aforesaid property or any part thereof, on any ground whatsoever.

In witness whereof the Executant

Shri/Smt./Kumar……………......................... S/o., W/o., D/o. Shri
……......................................….......................... has signed and delivered this
bond on this day of ……………………20

Witness Executant


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