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Course Code AITC06
Program B.Tech
Semester V DS
Course Type Core
Regulation UG-20
Theory Practical
Course Structure Lecture Tutorials Credits Laboratory Credits
3 1 4 - -
Course Coordinator Ms V.Alekhya, Assistant Professor

The students will try to learn:

I How computer network hardware and software operate

II Investigate the fundamental issues driving network design
III The data transmission through protocols across the network in wired and wireless
using routing algorithms.

After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
CO 1 Outline the basic concepts of data communications including the Understand
key aspects of networking and their interrelationship, packet, circuit
and cell switching as internal and external operations, physical
structures, types, models, and internetworking
CO 2 Classify different types of of bit errors and the concept of bit Understand
redundancy for error detection and error correction.
CO 3 Identify the suitable design parameters and algorithms for assuring Apply
quality of service and internetworking in various internet protocols
CO 4 Make use of transport protocols (TCP,UDP) for measuring the Apply
network performance
CO 5 Utilize various protocols (FTP, SMTP,TELNET, EMAIL,WWW) Apply
and standards (DNS) used in data communications among network.
CO 6 Interpret various networking models (OSI, TCP/IP) in terms of Understand
design parameters and communication modes.

Q.No QUESTION Taxonomy How does this subsume CO’s
the level
1. Assume the difference Apply This would require the CO 1
between circuit switching learner to understand
and packet switching. switching concept Then
Assume the link’s rate is 2 recall the formula and its
Mbps and users are parameters. Then assigning
generating data at a rate of correct values for the
100 Kbps when busy. Users parameters and solving.
are busy only a. What is
the maximum number of
users that a circuit
switching architecture can
support simultaneously?
2. With a network with APply This would require the CO 1
bandwidth of 10 Mbps can learner to recall network
pass only an average of concepts and illustrate
12,000 frames per minute network bandwidth and
with each frame carrying an then identify throughput of
average of 10,000 bits. this network.
What is the throughput of
this network?
3. Imagine a signal travels Understand This would require the CO 1
through a transmission learner to recall the signals
medium and its power is concept and demonstrate
reduced to half. This means transmission medium and
p2 = (1/2) p1. Calculate apply the procedure to find
Attenuation out Attenuation

Page 2
4. Consider a telephone line Understand This would require the CO 1
normally has a bandwidth learner to recall the
of 3000 Hz (300 to 3300 Hz) bandwidth concept and
assigned for data demonstrate transmission
communications. The medium and apply the
signal-to-noise ratio is procedure to Find out
usually 3162. Calculate the channel capacity
channel capacity for this
5. Illustrate for a wavelength Apply This would require the CO 1
in vacuum of 1550 nm, the learner to: recall wavelength
corresponding frequency is in vacuum and
193.4 THz. for a typical corresponding frequency
single mode fiber, the relevant concepts Then find
velocity of propagation is out Wavelength of the Fiber
approximately v = 2.04 * optic cable.
108. Find out Wavelength
of the Fiber optic cable.
6. Interpret the principle Understand This would require the CO 1
differences between learner to: recall the
connection-oriented concept transmission media
communication and
7. How long does it take a Understand This would require the CO 1
packet of length 1,000 bytes learner to: recall the
to propagate over a link of concept of transmission
distance 2,500 km, media
propagation speed 2.5x10
m/s, and transmission rate
2 Mbps? More generally,
how long does it take a
packet of length L to
propagate over a link of
distance d. propagation
speeds, and transmission
rate R bps? Does this delay
depend on packet length?
Does this delay depend on
transmission rate?

Page 3
8. Suppose Host A wants to APply This would require the CO 1
send a large file to Host B. learner to: recall the
The path from Host A to concept of data
Host B has three links, of communication model.
rates R1-500 kbps, R2-2
Mbps, and R3 = 1 Mbps. a.
Assuming no other traffic in
the network, what is the
throughput for the file
transfer? b. Suppose the file
is 4 million bytes. Dividing
the file size by the
throughput, roughly how
long will it take to transfer
the file to Host B? c.
Repeat (a) and (b), but now
with R2 reduced to 100

Page 4
9. .Suppose two hosts, A and Understand This would require the CO 1
B. are separated by 20,000 learner to: recall the
kilometers and are concept of transmission
connected by a direct link of media
R-5 Mbps. The propagation
speed over the link is
2.5x10” meter/sec a.
Calculate the
bandwidth-delay product,
R. dop The
bandwidth-delay product is
the maximum number of
bits that can be in the link
at any a given time b.
Consider sending a file of
800,000 bits from Host A to
Host B. Suppose the file is
sent continuously as one
large message. What is the
maximum number of bits
that will be in the link at
any given time? c. What is
the width (in meters) of a
bit in the link? d. Derive a
general expression for the
width of a bit in terms of
the propagation speed s the
transmission rate R, and the
length of the link m?
10. Calculate propagation time Apply This would require the CO 1
and transmission time for learner to recall the concept
2.5 Kbyte message and of transmission media and
network bandwidth of 1 apply the procedure to find
GBPS. Distance between propagation time and
two end points are 12000 transmission time
km and light travels at
speed of 2.4 Ö 108 m/s.
1. Define switching and Understand —- CO 2
Explain packet switching.

Page 5
2. Illustrate the differences Understand This would require the CO 1
between the OSI and learner to recall the concept
TCP/IP Reference Models. of OSI and TCP/IP model
then explain the Differences
of OSI and TCP/IP
Reference Models.
3. Define computer networks? Understand —- CO 1
Describe various types of
networks topologies in
computer network. Also
discuss various advantages
and disadvantages of each
4. Summarize the Understand This would require the CO 1
characteristics of Computer learner to recall the basics
Networks of Computer Networks
5. Illustrate the differences Understand This would require the CO 1
between baseband learner to recall the concept
transmission and broadband of baseband transmission
transmission. and broadband transmission
and then compare between
baseband transmission and
broadband transmission.
6. Summarize TCP/IP Model. Understand This would require the CO 1
Explain the functions and learner to recall concept of
protocols and services of TCP/IP model, explain
each layer. Compare it with functions and protocols and
OSI Model. services of each layer then
compare to OSI Model
7. With a neat sketch and Understand This would require the CO 1
Explain ISO/OSI reference learner to recall concept of
model. ISO/OSI reference model
then explain the Layers of
the ISO/OSI reference
8. Define topology and Explain Understand —- CO 1
the various topologies of the
9. Discuss and Compare Understand This would require the CO 1
various types of networks. learner to recall concept of
computer networks, Then
explain the various types of

Page 6
10. List out and Explain the Understand —- CO 1
applications of Computer
11. Define OSI Model. Explain Understand —- CO 1
the functions and protocols
and services of each layer.
12. Explain the following:- a) Understand This would require the CO 1
LAN b) MAN c) WAN d) learner to recall concept of
ARPANET computer networks then
explain the various types of
networks (LAN ,
13. Discuss how OSI and ISO Understand This would require the CO 1
related to each other. learner to recall concept of
ISO and OSI reference
model then explain the
Relation of ISO and OSI
reference model.
14. Illustrate some of the Understand This would require the CO 1
factors that determine learner to recall the concept
whether a unification of factors unification system
system is a LAN or WAN. in a LAN or WAN .then
explain the factors that
determine whether a
unification system is a LAN
or WAN.
15. Discuss Shannon Capacity Understand This would require the CO 1
with example learner to recall concepts of
data rate of a channel then
explain Shannon Capacity
with example
16. Discuss Nyquist Bit Rate Understand This would require the CO 1
with example learner to recall the Bit rate
and How to calculate the
Bit Rate then explain
Nyquist Bit Rate with
17. Define bit rate and explain Understand —- CO 1
the factors that effects the
bit rate

Page 7
18. Which characteristics affect Understand This would require the CO 1
the quality of service offered learner to recall concepts of
by a network? Justify your data rate of a channel then
answer with proper example explain Shannon Capacity
with example
19. Discuss briefly about the Understand This would require the CO 1
original ARPANET design learner to recall concepts of
internet of history
20. Explain the significance of Understand This would require the CO 1
Switching? What are learner to recall concepts of
different switching switching
techniques used in computer
networks? Discuss.
1. List two disadvantages of Understand —- CO 1
twisted pair cables.
2. Define packet switching. Understand —- CO 1
3. List out the two advantages Understand —- CO 1
and the two disadvantages
of bus topology in network.
4. Explain Nyquist Bit Rate. Understand This would require the CO 1
learner to recall the bit rate
and illustrate How to
calculate the Bit Rate
5. List out the two advantages Remember —- CO 1
of layering principles in
computer networks.
6. Define the role of Understand —- CO 1
ARPANET in computer
7. Define between baseband Understand —- CO 2
transmission and broadband
8. Define network. Remember —- CO 1
9. List different types of Remember —- CO 1
10. Illustrate why protocols are Understand This would require the CO 1
needed. learner to recall protocol
concepts and explain the
need of protocols.
11. List the factors to measure Remember —- CO 1
the performance of network.

Page 8
12. What is meant by topology? Remember —- CO 1
Name some popular
13. Define switching. Remember —- CO 1
14. Define Why standards are Remember —- CO 1
15. Explain the importance Understand This would require the CO 1
about MAN. learner to recall concepts of
Networks then explain the
importance of MAN.
16. Describe the Noise. Understand This would require the CO 2
learner to recall and outline
the concept of Noise
17. Explain a short note on Understand This would require the CO 1
WAN. learner to recall the
concepts of Networks then
outline about WAN.
18. Define Distortion. Remember —- CO 2
19. Explain briefly internet Understand This would require the CO 1
history. learner to recall the concept
of internet history then
explain history of internet.
20. List the types of the Understand —- CO 2
Transmission mediums.
21. Illustrate the importance of Understand This would require the CO 2
LAN. learner to recall concepts of
Networks then explain he
importance of LAN.
22. Define Attenuation. Remember —- CO 1
23. Define Shannon Capacity. Remember —- CO 1
24. List out the four basic Understand —- CO 1
25. List two advantages and Understand —- CO 1
disadvantages of computer
26. List out the Layers of the Understand —- CO 1
OSI model.
27. List out the layers of the Understand —- CO 1
TCP/IP reference model.

Page 9
1. A user wants to transmit Apply This would require the CO 2
the message 11001001 and learner to recall the concept
protect it from errors using ofCRC .Then understand
the CRC8 polynomial x 3 + how to transfer the error
1.Use polynomial long free data by applying the
division to determine the XOR and AND operation
message that should be
2. Illustrate a network with Understand This would require the CO 2
one primary and four learner to recall the
secondary stations uses concepts of polling and
polling. The size of a data frames and then explain the
frame is 1000 bytes. The How many total bytes are
size of the poll, ACK and exchanged if there is no
NAK frames are 32 bytes limitation on the number of
each. Each station has 5 frames
frames to send. How many
total bytes are exchanged if
there is no limitation on the
number of frames a station
can send in response to a
3. Find CRC for P = 110011 Understand This would require the CO 2
and M = 1100011 learner to recall the concept
of CRC .Then understand
how to transfer the error
free data by applying the
XOR and AND operation
4. One hundred stations on a Apply Learner to recall the pure CO 2
pure ALOHA network share ALOHA and then apply
a 1- Mbps channel. If &find the throughput of
frames are 1000 bits long, each station
find the throughput if each
station is sending 10
5. Calculate the hamming Understand Learner to recall the CO 2
distance for each of the hamming code and then
following code words i. apply &find hamming
d(10000,01000) ii. d(10101, distance of given code word.
10010) iii. d(1111,1111) iv.

Page 10
6. . Exclusive-OR (XOR) is Understand This would require the CO 2
one of the most used learner to recall the concept
operations in the calculation of CRC .Then understand
of codewords. Apply the how to transfer the error
exclusive-OR operation on free data by applying the
the following pairs of XOR
patterns. Interpret the
results a.(10001),(10001) b.
(11100),(00000) c.
7. Assuming even parity, find Apply This would require the CO 2
the parity bit for each of the learner to recall the concept
following data units.a. of CRC .Then understand
1001011 b. 0001100 c. how to transfer the error
1000000 d. 1110111 free data by applying the
8. Given the dataword Understand This would require the CO 2
101001111 and the divisor learner to recall the concept
10111, show the generation of CRC .Then understand
of the CRC codeword at the how to transfer the error
sender site (using binary free data by applying the
division). XOR
9. A category of error Apply Learner to recall the CO 2
detecting (and correcting) hamming code and then
code, called the Hamming apply &find hamming
code, is a code in which distance of given code word.
dmin = 3. This code can
detect up to two errors (or
correct one single error). In
this code, the values of n, k,
and r are related as Find
the number of bits in the
dataword and the
codewords if r is 3
10 A slotted ALOHA network Apply Learner to recall the pure CO 2
transmits 200-bit frames ALOHA and then apply
using a shared channel with &find the throughput of
a 200-kbps bandwidth. Find each station
the throughput if the
system (all stations
together) produces a. 1000
frames per second. b. 500
frames per second. c. 250
frames per second

Page 11
1. Compare and contrast Go Understand This would require the CO 2
back N and selective Repeat learner to recall, analyze the
Data-Link Layer Protocols
and flow and error control
Then compare Go back N
and selective Repeat
2. List and briefly discuss the Understand —- CO 2
two different basic
transmission technologies.
3. What is pure ALOHA and Understand —- CO 2
slotted ALOHA. Consider
the delay of both at low
load. Which one is less?
Justify your answer.
4. Summarize the working of Understand This would require the CO 2
carrier sense multiple access learner to recall he concepts
protocol of Multiple-access Protocols
and Then explain the
working of carrier sense
multiple access protocol.
5. Explain the back-off time of Understand This would require the CO 2
PURE ALOHA protocol learner to recall the
concepts of Random-access
protocols and then explain
the back- off time of PURE
ALOHA protocol
6. Describe in detail the types Understand —- CO 2
of bridges.
7. Explain the functions of Understand This would require the CO 2
MAC. learner to recall the
concepts of Media Access
Control (MAC) and then
explain the functions of
8. How performance is Understand —- CO 2
improved in CSMA/CD
protocol compared to
CSMA protocol Explain.
9. How CSMA/CA differs from Understand —- CO 2
CSMA/CD. Explain in brief
10. What is the purpose of the Understand —- CO 2
timer at the sender site?

Page 12
11. Summarize Error Control & Understand This would require the CO 2
Flow Control. learner to recall the
concepts of Network- Layer,
Services, protocols: then
explain Error Control &
Flow Control services
12. What we need a multiple Understand —- CO 2
access protocol when we use
the local loop of the
telephone company to access
the internet? Explain.
13. Explain about ALOHA and Understand This would require the CO 2
CDMA learner to recall the
concepts of Media Access
14 What is the need for Understand —- CO 2
bridges? Explain the
working of 802.x to 802.y
bridges in detail.
15. What is the need of Flow Understand This would require the CO2
control? Explain the learner to recall the
common approaches for flow concepts of pure and slotted
control in data link layer ALOHA
16. Explain how slotted Understand This would require the CO 2
ALOHA solves the problem learner to recall the
of Channel allocation concepts of Media Access
17. Compare pure ALOHA and Understand This would require the CO 2
slotted ALOHA. Consider learner to recall the concept
the delay of both at low of IP addresses
load. Which one is less?
Justify your answer?
18. Classify the error detection Understand This would require the CO 2
and correction methods in learner to recall the concept
detail of error control
19. Demonstrate the services Understand This would require the CO 2
provided by datalink layer learner to recall the concept
in detail? of DLC
20. Classify random access Understand This would require the CO 2
protocols in detail? learner to recall the concept
of MAC

Page 13
1. Describe redundancy. Understand Learner to define CO 2
Redundancy Check and
then describe the concepts
of Cyclic Redundancy
2. Define vulnerable period. Remember —- CO 2
3. List out the three categories Understand —- CO 2
of multiple access protocols.
4. Define CSMA and CDMA. Remember —- CO 2
5. List out the available error Remember —- CO 2
detection methods.
6. What is an exponential Understand —- CO 2
back off.
7. What are the Remember —- CO 2
responsibilities of data link
8. Explain the different types Understand This would require the CO 2
of errors. learner to recall the
concepts of errors then
explaining the different
types of errors.
9. Define bridge. Remember —- CO 2
10. Explain Hub. Understand This would require the CO 2
learner to recall the
concepts of Hub and Switch
then explaining Hub.
11. List out the functionalities Understand —- CO 2
of router.
12. Define ALOHA. Remember —- CO 2
13. Define checksum. Remember —- CO 2
14. Define VLAN. Remember —- CO 2
15. Explain CRC generator. Understand This would require the CO 2
learner to recall the
concepts of detection of a
single bit error Then
explaining CRC generator.
16. How performance is Understand —- CO 2
improved in CSMA/CD
protocol compared to
CSMA protocol.
17. What is vulnerable time? Understand —- CO 2

Page 14
18. Distinguish between FDMA Understand —- CO 2
and TDMA.
19. Explain CRC. Understand —- CO 2
20. Summarize what are the Understand This would require the CO 2
steps followed in checksum learner to recall the
generator. concepts of detection of a
single bit error and Then
explaining checksum
generator steps.
21. Define parameter ‘a’. How Remember —- CO 2
does it affect the
performance of the CSMA?

Page 15
1. Identify the following Understand Learner to recall the CO 3
MASKS in slash notation concept of Subnet Mask and
(/n). a) b) describe address class. Use c) the address class and find d) the slash notation. img.png
2. Discuss how the traffic is Understand —- CO 3
routed efficiently to improve
speed and network
performance using
subnetting. The address of
a class B host is to be split
into subnets with a 6-bit
subnet number. Calculate
the maximum number of
subnets and the maximum
number of hosts in each
3. Identify the class of the Apply Learner to recall the CO 3
following IP addresses. a) concept of IPv4 and 208..35.54.12c) describe address class. Use d) the address class and find
the class.
4. Design the autonomous Apply Learner to recall the CO 3
system with the following concept of Network and
specifications : a) There are design the autonomous
8 networks (N1 toN8) b) system.
There are8routers (R1
toR8) c) N1,N2,N3,N4,N5
and N6 are Ethernet LANs
d) N7 and N8 are point to
point WANs e) R1 connects
N1 andN2 f) R2 connects
N1 andN7 R3 connects N2

Page 16
5. A router with IPV4 address Apply —- CO 3 and Ethernet
physical address 23:45: BA:
00:67: CD has received a
packet for a host destination
with IP address the
entries in the ARP request
packet sent by the router.
Assume no sub-netting?
6. Define Subnet. Consider a Apply Learner to recall the CO 3
company is granted the site concept of Subnet and
address 201.70.64./16. The describe address class. Use
company needs six subnets the address class and design
of equal size, accordingly the subnets.
design the subnets.
7. Consider a host using leaky Apply This would require the CO 3
bucket strategy for traffic learner to recall the concept
shaping. The host sends a of traffic shaping. Then
burst data at a rate of explain what is leaky bucket
15Mbps for first 3 seconds and find the output data
and remains silent for 2 rate
seconds. Then again a burst
data at a rate of 6 Mbps is
send for next 2 seconds and
then the host remains silent
for next 2 seconds. Now
again the host sends data at
rate of 5 Mbps for next 3
seconds. What will be the
output data rate of the
leaky bucket?
8. Design the following IP Apply This would require the CO 3
addresses using binary learner to recall the concept
notation: a. b. of IP Addresses c.
9. Build the following IP Apply This would require the CO 3
addresses using learner to recall the concept
dotted-decimal notation: a. of IP Addresses
01011110 10110000
01110101 00010101 b.
10001001 10001110
11010000 00110001 c.
01010111 10000100
00110111 00001111

Page 17
10. Identify the class of the Apply This would require the CO 3
following classful IP learner to recall the concept
addresses: a. of IP Addresses
b. c.
1. Classify the static and Understand This would require the CO 3
dynamic routing learner to recall the concept
algorithms? Explain the of routing algorithms
basic concept of flooding.
2. Summarize is the format of Understand This would require the CO 3
IPv4 header? Describe the learner to recall the concept
significance of each field. of IP addresses
3. Demonstrate is the format Understand This would require the CO 3
of IPv6 header? Describe learner to recall the concept
the significance of each field. of IP addresses
4. Interpret the packet cost is Understand —- CO 3
referred in distance vector
and link state routing.
5. Describe the Routing Understand This would require the CO 3
Information protocol and learner to recall the concept
Distance vector routing of Unicast Routing
protocol. Protocols and Routing
Algorithms and then
describe the Routing
Information protocol and
Distance vector routing
6. Explain Leaky bucket Evaluate This would require the CO 3
algorithm learner to recall the concept
of Traffic Shaping or
Policing and then explain
the Leaky bucket algorithm
7. Classify the Flooding Understand This would require the CO 3
algorithms learner to recall the concept
of Flooding and then
explain the Flooding
8. Illustrate the fields of an Understand —- CO 3
IPv4 datagram header that
participate in fragmentation
and reassembly.

Page 18
9. Demonstrate the link state Understand This would require the CO 3
routing algorithm with an learner to recall the concept
example of Unicast Routing and then
explain the link state
routing algorithm with an
10. Classify the major difference Understand —- CO 3
between Distance Vector
Routing and Link state
routing. Discuss
11. Classify the various Understand This would require the CO 3
congestion control learner to recall the concept
mechanism in detail of congestion control and
then explain The various
congestion control
mechanism in detail
12. Explain Internet Protocol Understand This would require the CO 3
with the neat block diagram learner to recall the concept
of IP header format. of Network-Layer Protocols
and then draw and explain
the neat block diagram of
IP header format.
13. Summarize the features of Understand —- CO 3
the IPv6 Protocol.
14. Illustrate the IP packet Understand This would require the CO 3
format with neat diagram. learner to recall the concept
ofIPv6 Protocol and explain
the IP packet format with
neat diagram.
15. Explain the Traffic Shaping Understand This would require the CO 3
learner to recall the concept
of Flow Control To Improve
QoS and then explain the
Traffic Shaping or Policing
16. Illustrate in detail about Understand This would require the CO 3
non- adaptive algorithms learner to recall the concept
of non-adaptive algorithms
and then explain the about
non-adaptive algorithms

Page 19
17. Summarize the datagram Understand This would require the CO 3
delivery and forwarding in learner to recall the concept
internet protocol. of datagram delivery and
forwarding in internet
protocol and then explain
datagram delivery and
18. Build the class of each IP Apply —- CO 4
address. Give suitable
explanation. i)
ii) iii) iv)
v) vi)
19. Explain about Internet Understand This would require the CO 3
Control Message Protocol. learner to recall the concept
of Internet Protocol and
explain the Internet Control
Message Protocol.
20. Classify two groups of Understand This would require the CO 3
multicast routing protocols. learner to recall the concept
of multicast routing
protocols and Classify two
groups of multicast routing
1. Explain quality of service. Understand This would require the CO 3
learner to recall the concept
of internetworking issue and
then explain the quality of
2. List the classifications of the Remember —- CO 3
adaptive algorithms.
3. List the classifications of the Remember —- CO 3
non- adaptive algorithms.
4. Define the keys for Remember —- CO 3
understanding the distance
vector routing.
5. Define Flooding. Remember —- CO 3
6. What is meant by routing Remember —- CO 3
7. Illustrate optimality Understand —- CO 3

Page 20
8. Define Adaptive routing Remember —- CO 3
9. Define Non-Adaptive Remember —- CO 3
routing algorithms.
10. What is congestion control? Remember —- CO 3
11. State Traffic shaping. Remember —- CO 3
12. Explain Leaky bucket Understand This would require the CO 3
algorithm. learner to recall the concept
of Leaky bucket
algorithm and then explain
the Leaky bucket algorithm
13. Define Load shedding. Understand —- CO 3
14. What are thedesign issues of Understand —- CO 3
network layer.
15. List network support layers Understand —- CO 3
and the user support layers.
16. Explain store and forward. Understand This would require the CO 4
learner to recall the concept
of store and forward and
then explain store and
17. List out the keys for Remember —- CO 3
understanding the link state
18. List the requirements of the Remember —- CO 3
routing algorithms.
19. List the three variant s of Remember —- CO 3
the internetworking.
20. Define virtual circuit. Remember —- CO 3

Page 21
1. Assume An end system Apply This would require the CO 5
sends 50 packets for second learner to recall the concept
using UDP over a full of IP. understand the
duplex mode 100 Mbps concept of UDP protocol
Ethernet LAN Connection. and then find the Packets of
Each packet consists of 1500 UDP over a full duplex
Bytes of the Ethernet frame mode and then applying the
payload data. What is the throughput.
throughput when measured
at UDP protocol?
2. Assume each packet has Apply This would require the CO 5
typical TCP and IP headers learner to recall the concept
each 20bytes long. If we of IP. understand the
have three computers, A, B concept of TCP and IP
and C. The link between A headers and find out the
and B has an MTU of 3000 How many fragments and
bytes, while the link then apply how much data
between B and C has an will be in each fragment.
MTU of 1000 bytes.
Consider the case where a
packet needs to be sent
from A to C that has a size
of 3000 bytes (including
headers). How many
fragments will we have from
B to C, and how much data
will be in each fragment (i.e.
excluding headers). (all
connections are assumed to
be Ethernet)
3. Design a TCP connection is Apply This would require the CO 5
using a window size of learner to recall the concept
12000 bytes and the of TCP and Then design a
previous acknowledgement diagram to show the
remembrance number was situation of the window
22001.It receives a segment before and after.
with acknowledgment
number 24001 and window
size advertisement of 12000.
Design a diagram to show
the situation of the window
before and after.

Page 22
4. Organize a client uses UDP Apply This would require the CO 5
to send data to a server. learner to recall& relate the
The data are 15 bytes. concept of UDP and Then
Calculate the efficiency of apply to Calculate the
this transmission at the efficiency of this
UDP level (ratio of useful transmission at the UDP
bytes to total bytes). level.
5. The following is a dump of Understand This would require the CO 4
a UDP header in learner to recall the concept
hexadecimal form: 06 32 00 of UDP
0D 00 1C E2 17 What is the
(a) Source port number (b)
Destination port number (c)
Total length of the UDP (d)
Length of tha data (e)
Considering that an IP
frame can have a maximum
total length of 65 535 bytes,
what is the maximum
length of the data in a UDP
frame? .
6. A TCP connection is using Understand This would require the CO 4
a window size of 10 000 learner to recall the concept
bytes, and the previous of TCP and Then design a
acknowledgment number diagram to show the
was 22 001. It receives a situation of the window
segment with before and after.
acknowledgment number 24
001. Draw a diagram to
show the situation of the
window before and after. .

Page 23
7. a) The following is a dump Understand This would require the CO 4
(contents) of a UDP header learner to recall the concept
in hexadecimal format. of UDP and calculate length
0045DF0000580000 a. What of user datagram,length of
is the source port number? data and checksum
b. What is the destination
port number? c. What is
the total length of the user
datagram? d. What is the
length of the data? e. Is the
packet directed from a client
to a server or vice versa? f.
What is the
application-layer protocol?
g. Has the sender calculated
a checksum for this packet?.
b) Explain leaky bucket and
token bucket algorithms
8. The following is part of a Apply This would require the CO 4
TCP header dump learner to recall the concept
(contents) in hexadecimal of TCP header format .
format. E293 0017 00000001
00000000 5002 07FF... a.
What is the source port
number? b. What is the
destination port number? c.
What is the sequence
number? d. What is the
acknowledgment number? e.
What is the length of the
header? f. What is the type
of the segment? g. What is
the window size?
9. In a TCP connection, the Apply This would require the CO 4
window size fluctuates learner to recall the concept
between 60,000 bytes and of TCP and then calculate
30,000 bytes. If the average the throughput
RTT is 30 ms, what is the
throughput of the

Page 24
10. Draw and explain each field Apply This would require the CO 4
in the TCP Segment header. learner to recall the concept
of TCP and Then design a
diagram to show the
situation of the window
before and after.
1. Explain the real transport Understand This would require the CO 5
protocol of UDP and how learner to recall the concept
will you calculate checksum of transport protocol of
in UDP. UDP and Then explain real
transport protocol of UDP
and how will you calculate
checksum in UDP
2. Show neatly the TCP Understand —- CO 4
segment format and
describe each of it.
3. Classify the network Understand —- CO 5
performance characteristics.
4. Illustrate the adaptive Understand This would require the CO 4
retransmission policy in learner to recall the concept
detail. of adaptive retransmission
policy and Then explain
adaptive retransmission
policy in detail.
5. Show the TCP connection Understand —- CO 5
establishment and
termination using timeline
6. Explain the three way Understand —- CO 5
handshake protocol to
establish the transport level
7. Design TCP state transition Understand This would require the CO 5
diagram and describe each learner to recall the concept
of it. of TCP state transition
diagram and Then explain
Design TCP state transition
diagram and describe each
of it.

Page 25
8. Explain a detailed note on Understand This would require the CO 5
connection establishment. learner to recall the concept
of connection establishment
and then explain detailed
note on connection
9. Discuss about the TCP Understand This would require the CO 5
sliding window algorithm learner to recall the concept
for flow control. of TCP sliding window and
Then explain TCP sliding
window algorithm for flow
10. Summarize all congestion Understand This would require the CO 5
control algorithms and learner to recall the concept
describe how it works. of congestion control
algorithm and Then explain
congestion control
algorithms and describe how
it works
11. Illustrate leaky bucket and Understand This would require the CO 5
token bucket algorithm. learner to recall the concept
of leaky bucket and token
bucket and Then explain
leaky bucket and token
bucket algorithm.
12. Compare & Contrast UDP Understand This would require the CO 5
& TCP with suitable learner to recall the concept
example. of UDP & TCP and Then
explain the differences of
13. Explain congestion Understand This would require the CO 5
avoidance techniques in learner to recall the concept
detail. of congestion avoidance
techniques and Then explain
the congestion avoidance
techniques in detail.
14. Classify major types of Understand —- CO 5
networks and give brief note
on each of it.

Page 26
15. Illustrate data units at Understand This would require the CO 4
different layers of the TCP learner to recall the concept
/ IP protocol suite. of data units and Then
explain data units at
different layers of the TCP
/ IP protocol suite.
16. Discuss in detail about the Understand This would require the CO 5
connection establishment learner to recall the concept
and release in TCP. of data units and Then
explain data units at
different layers of the TCP
/ IP protocol suite.
17. Summarize about TCP Apply This would require the CO 5
sliding window algorithm learner to recall the concept
for flow control. A TCP of data units and Then
machine is sending windows explain data units at
of 65535 B over a 1 Gbps different layers of the TCP
channel that has a 10 msec / IP protocol suite.
one way delay. i) What is
the maximum throughput
achievable? ii) What is the
line efficiency?
18. Explain leaky bucket and Apply This would require the CO 4
token bucket algorithms. learner to recall the concept
of Congestion control
19. Summarize in detail about Understand This would require the CO 5
transport layer protocols learner to recall the concept
of Transport layer
20. Given a DUMP of a UDP Apply This would require the CO 5
header in hexadecimal learner to recall the concept
format 04 21 00 0B 00 2A of UDP
E2 17.Find the following: i)
Source port number
ii) Destination port number
iii) Length of user datagram
iv) Length of the data
1. List out the functions of Remember —- CO 5
transport layer.
2. Define Multi-protocol Remember —- CO 5
3. List out duties of the Remember —- CO 5
transport layer.

Page 27
4. Define role of TCP in Remember —- CO 5
5. Distinguish between Understand This would require the CO 5
network layer delivery and learner to recall the concept
the transport layer delivery. of network layer delivery
and transport layer delivery
Then explain& contrast the
Differences of network layer
delivery and the transport
layer delivery.
6. Classify is the difference Understand —- CO 5
between TCP and UDP?
7. Show UDP header format. Understand —- CO 5
8. Explain a short note on Understand This would require the CO 4
transport layer services. learner to recall the concept
of transport layer and Then
explain the transport layer
9. Demonstrate congestion? Understand —- CO 4
How to control congestion.
10. Summarize multiplexing. Understand —- CO 4
11. How connection Remember —- CO 5
establishment is acquiring in
12. Explain how to release a Understand —- CO 5
connection from the
13. Demonstrate Internet Understand —- CO 5
Transport Protocols.
14. Show datagram format of Understand This would require the CO 5
UDP. learner to recall the concept
of UDP and explain the
datagram format of UDP.
15. Distinguish between Understand —- CO 5
contention and congestion.
16. Define tunneling. Remember —- CO 5
17. State the four major aspects Understand —- CO 5
of reliable delivery at the
transport layer.
18. How check sum is calculated Remember —- CO 4
in TCP.
19. What is CODE BITS in Remember —- CO 4
TCP header?

Page 28
20. Define the use of SYN and Remember —- CO 5
FIN bits in TCP.
1. Determine which of the Apply This would require the CO 6
following an FQDN is and learner to recall the concept
which is a PQDN. a. Mil b. of DNS. understand the
Edu c. xxx.yyy.net d. iare concept of FQDN and
e.www.iare.ac.in PQDN. Then apply the
above concepts find the
2. Illustrate the TCP Understand This would require the CO 6
connection needed in the learner to recall the concept
FTP. of TCP connection and
Then explain the TCP
connection needed in the
3. Interpret the following Understand This would require the CO 6
sequences of characters (In learner to recall the concept
Hexadecimals) received by a of Telnet. Then explain the
TELNET client or server. a. sequences of characters (In
FFFB01 c. FFF4 FFFE01 Hexadecimals) received by a
d. FFF9 TELNET client or server.
4. Build the sequence of bits Apply This would require the CO 6
sent from a client TELNET learner to recall& relate the
for the binary transmission concept of Telnet. Then
of 11110011 00111100 apply the sequence of bits
11111111 sent from a client TELNET
for the binary transmission
5. Determine which of the Understand This would require the CO 6
following is an FQDN and learner to recall the concept
which is a PQDN? a. mil b. of DNS. Summarize the
edu c. xxx.yyy.net concepts of FQDN and
zzz.yyy.xxx.edu PQDN. Then Analyze and
Apply above concepts to
find the DNS.
6. a)How Network Security Understand This would require the CO 6
can be achieved explain in learner to recall the concept
detail ? b) Write about of E-mail
electronic mail in detail.

Page 29
7. a) Demonstrate DNS and Understand This would require the CO 6
Summarize the resource learner to recall the concept
records are associated with of E-mail
it? Explain. b) Classify the
five basic functions
supported in e-mail
systems? Explain
8. Demonstrate authentication Understand This would require the CO 6
?Summarize how the learner to recall the concept
authentication is provided of E-mail
based on shared secret key?
9. How would you summarize UnderstandThis would require the CO 6
the concepts of E-mail, its learner to recall the concept
architecture and services? of E-mail
10. Interpret the role of the Understand This would require the CO 6
local name server and the learner to recall the concept
authoritative name server in of Domain Name System
DNS. and Then explain the role of
the local name server and
the authoritative name
server in DNS
1. Explain are the duties of Understand —- CO 6
FTP protocol?
2. Summarize the two methods Understand —- CO 6
of HTTP.
3. Define Big-endian format Understand —- CO 6
and little-endian format.
4. Explain the role of the local Understand This would require the CO 6
name server and the learner to recall the concept
authoritative name server in of Domain Name System
DNS. and Then explain the role of
the local name server and
the authoritative name
server in DNS
5. Define Domain Name Understand —- CO 6
Service (DNS) and explain
in detail about the domain
hierarchy and name servers?

Page 30
6. Explain in detail about the Understand This would require the CO 6
working principles of Simple learner to recall the concept
Network Management of Simple Network
Protocol (SNMP). Management Protocol and
Then explain the working
principles of Simple
Network Management
7. What is HTTP protocol Understand — CO 6
used for? What is the
default port number of
HTTP protocol?
8. Explain in detail about the Understand This would require the CO 6
World Wide Web. learner to recall the concept
of Web and Then explain
the World Wide Web.
9. Illustrate the working Understand This would require the CO 6
principle of FTP in detail learner to recall the concept
with neat diagram. of FTP and Then explain
the working principle of
FTP in detail with neat
10. Compare and Understand This would require the CO 6
contrastbetween ARP and learner to recall the concept
RARP. of ARP and RARP and
Then explain the Differences
between ARP and RARP.
11. Discuss the specific Understand This would require the CO 6
purposes of the DNS, HTTP learner to recall the concept
application layer protocols. of DNS, HTTP application
layer protocols and Then
explain the purposes of the
DNS, HTTP application
layer protocols.
12. Compare and contrast Understand This would require the CO 6
client/server with learner to recall the concept
peer-to-peer data transfer of client/server with
over networks. peer-to-peer data transfer
over networks and Then
compare client/server with
peer-to-peer datatransfer
over networks

Page 31
13. What is authentication? Understand This would require the CO 6
Explain how the learner to recall the concept
authentication is provided of PGP,S/MIME
based on shared secret key?
14. Demonstrate are the five Understand
This would require the CO 6
basic functions supported in learner to recall the concept
e-mail systems? Explain. of PGP,S/MIME
15. Write about Electronic mail Understand This would require the CO 6
in detail? learner to recall the concept
of E-mail
16. Write short notes on the Understand This would require the CO 6
following i) Multi Media ii) learner to recall the concept
SNMP of Application layer
17. Write short notes on the Understand This would require the CO 6
following i) PGP learner to recall the concept
of Application layer
18. Write short notes on Understand This would require the CO 6
Application layer services learner to recall the concept
of Application layer
19. Write short notes on client Understand This would require the CO 6
-server programming learner to recall the concept
of Application layer
20. Write short notes on the Understand This would require the CO 6
following i) Telnet ii) HTTP learner to recall the concept
of Application layer
1. Demonstrate the purpose of Remember — CO 6
Domain Name System?
2. List Out advantages of Understand —- CO 6
stateless server of HTTP.
3. Summarize message Understand —- CO 6
4. Explain the three main Understand This would require the CO 6
division of the domain name learner to recall the concept
space. of main division of the
domain name space and
then explain three main
division of the domain name

Page 32
5. Distinguish between FTP & Understand — CO 6
6. Discuss the basic model of Understand This would require the CO 6
FTP. learner to recall the concept
of FTP and Then explain
the basic model of FTP.
7. Illustrate the need of Understand This would require the CO 6
Uniform Resource Locator learner to recall the concept
in WWW. of Uniform Resource
Locator and Then explain
the need of Uniform
Resource Locator in WWW.
8. List two applications of Remember —- CO 6
Application Layer
9. Summarize DNS Name Understand —- CO 6
10. List the advantages of Remember —- CO 6
11. Define SNMP. Remember —- CO 6
12. Explain the concept of Understand This would require the CO 6
Telnet. learner to recall the concept
of Telnet and Then explain
the Telnet
13. Define FTP. Remember —- CO 6
14. Summarize about MIME. Understand This would require the CO 6
learner to recall the concept
of Application- Layer
Security and Then explain
the MIME.
15. Illustrate the use of MIME Understand —- CO 6
16. Outline a brief history of Understand This would require the CO 6
WWW learner to recall the concept
of Internet and Then
explain the history of
17. Define Lossy Compression Remember —- CO 6
and Lossless Compression.
18. Write a note on HTTP. Also Understand This would require the CO 6
write its advantage and learner to recall the concept
disadvantage. of HTTP protocol.
19. Classify the e-mail program. Understand —- CO 6

Page 33
20. Summarize mail access Understand This would require the CO 6
protocol. learner to recall the concept
of mail access protocol

Course Coordinator: HOD CSE(DS)

Ms V.Alekhya , Assistant Professor

Page 34

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