BK Open 000092
BK Open 000092
BK Open 000092
for ESL Students
by Johnny Bread
The stories are short (400 – 500 words). Each story and its
exercises can be completed in 60 minutes.
The Gentleman 4
The Change 10
Wolf 22
The Pie 34
The Egg 46
Eddy 52
his aunt’s basement, but the police didn’t know about Aunt
“Tell us where the money is, Gentleman,” the police said
to him. “If you don’t, you are going to spend the next 30
years in prison.”
George didn’t tell them where the money was. He went
to prison, but he didn’t spend 30 years there. In 1914, the
First World War broke out, and he became a soldier and
went overseas.
In 1918, he returned to Canada as a war hero. He didn’t
go back to prison.
George went to see his aunt. He wanted to take his
money. When he got there, he couldn’t believe his eyes.
His aunt’s old house wasn’t there. Instead, there was a new
shelter for the poor.
George knocked on the door. A smiling priest opened
the door. “Your aunt lives with her sister now,” the priest
said. “I bought her house three years ago. Then a miracle
occurred. One day I prayed for the poor, and the next day, I
found $500,000 in the basement. We built a shelter for the
“Nice,” said George.
“We accept donations, Mr. Gordon. Do you want to give
us a donation?”
“I already gave you one,” George said and left.
I. Choose the right answer.
6. George ____________.
a. kept the stolen money for himself
b. gave the stolen money to his aunt
c. lost the stolen money
II. Complete the sentences with the words from the
box below.
III. Choose two words from the box on the previous
page and write a short paragraph using them.
VI. Answer the question in full sentences.
Alice and Dan both lived in New York, but they were two
very different people. Alice was young. Dan was old. Alice
was a journalist. Dan had no job. Alice lived in a wealthy
neighborhood. Dan was homeless. Alice was full of hope.
Dan had no hope.
People so different normally don’t stop to talk to each
other. But one day they did.
That day, Alice was sitting in a romantic restaurant and
dining with her boyfriend, Brad. “Maybe today,” she
thought. She was hoping for a marriage proposal.
Dan was sitting on the sidewalk with a cup in his hand.
He was hoping for some change from people walking by.
“Will you marry me?” Brad asked. He was holding a
diamond ring in his hand.
“Yes, yes, I will,” Alice said. She was very happy. Brad
put the ring on Alice’s finger. It was too tight, but Alice
didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to spoil the moment.
She could fix the problem later.
After dinner, Brad went to work. Alice decided to walk
home. On her way home, the ring was hurting her. She
took it off her finger and put it in her purse.
Alice was watching other people. “Do they know how
happy I am?” she wondered. She wanted to share her
happiness with others. She saw an old man sitting on the
sidewalk. It was Dan. She walked up to him and said, “I am
very happy today. I want you to be happy too.” She took a
twenty-dollar bill and all of her change out of her purse and
put it in Dan’s cup.
“Thank you ma’am,” Dan said and smiled.
“You’re very welcome,” Alice said.
Later, Dan was counting his change when he saw a ring
in his cup. It looked expensive. He took it to a jeweler.
“I can give you five thousand dollars,” the jeweler said.
Take it or leave it.”
When Alice got home, she wanted to look at the ring
again. It wasn’t in her purse! She looked everywhere for it.
She couldn’t find it. Then she remembered. The homeless
man! She gave him her change and probably her ring too.
She ran back to find him. He was sitting in the same place.
“I knew you were coming back,” he said smiling. “I have
your ring.”
Alice wrote an article about Dan. People liked the story.
A lot of people sent Alice money for Dan. A company
offered Dan a job. Today, Dan has a job, and he is not
homeless because he was honest.
I. Choose the right answer.
1. Dan ____________.
a. was a jeweler
b. was a journalist
c. had no job
2. Alice ____________.
a. was a model
b. was a journalist
c. had no job
3. Brad ____________.
a. was Alice’s boss
b. was a homeless man
c. was Alice’s boyfriend
5. Dan ____________.
a. didn’t sell the ring
b. sold the ring for $20
c. sold the ring for $5,000
II. Complete the sentences with the words from the
box below.
5. The ring was too small for Alice’s finger. It was too
8. Dan didn’t keep the ring because it wasn’t his ring. Dan
was ____________.
III. Choose two words from the box on the previous
page and write a short paragraph using them.
VI. Answer the questions in full sentences.
On Saturday night, Andy and Simon both watched the
drawing. Their ticket was the winning ticket. They won the
jackpot. They both got excited, but then they remembered,
“The ticket! It is glued to the door!”
Monday morning they met at the locker room. They tried
to take the ticket off the door. They couldn’t. The glue was
too strong.
“What will we do?” Simon asked.
“I’ll call the lottery office, and I’ll ask the official what to
do,” Andy said.
The official thought that Andy was joking. “Bring the door
to my office,” he said. “I have to see it. Then I’ll tell you
what to do.”
Andy and Simon put the heavy door on a truck and
drove to the lottery office together.
The official couldn’t believe his eyes. It was not a joke.
The ticket glued to the door was the winning ticket. He
called the local newspaper. He couldn’t imagine better
Andy and Simon were very happy.
“I’ll buy a new door for the locker room,” Simon said to
his friend. “I’ll keep the old door as a souvenir.”
“No, I’ll keep the door,” Andy said.
“I can’t believe this,” Simon said. “We’re friends, and
we’re millionaires, and we’re arguing about an old door.”
They looked at each other and started to laugh.
I. Choose the right answer.
II. Complete the sentences with the words from the
box below.
5. Andy was angry and Simon was angry too. They were
____________ angry.
III. Choose two words from the box on the previous
page and write a short paragraph using them.
as usual so far
local newspaper scrap of paper
VI. Answer the questions in full sentences.
VII. Summary
The commander smiled. “It’s not a wolf. It’s a cross-
breed – a wolfdog. He’s going to be the best guardian you
can imagine.”
Lucas took great care of Wolf. That was what he called
him. They soon became best friends. Wolf was as smart as
a German Shepherd and as tough as a wolf. A year later
Lucas and Wolf received a medal for great service.
Lucas and his dog caught many fugitives.
The success story ended one cold evening in January
1958. Lucas and Wolf were chasing a fugitive when Lucas
suddenly stopped and shouted at Wolf. “It’s a woman, Wolf.
Let her go!”
A soldier saw it and reported Lucas. Lucas went to
prison for two years.
When Lucas got out of prison, he couldn’t go back to
serve in the army, and he couldn’t find a decent job. He
decided to leave the country. He used to chase fugitives,
and now he became one himself.
Lucas knew the borders very well. He made a good
plan. But his plan didn’t work out as he imagined. The
guard noticed him and set the dogs on him. Lucas couldn’t
believe his eyes. The five dogs that were chasing him all
looked like his Wolf. Lucas had a gun, and he aimed it at
the dogs. But he didn’t shoot. The dog that led the pack
was Wolf. Lucas was sure of it.
“I can’t explain it, sir,” the guard said to the commander
later. “The dogs refused to attack the man, and Wolf ran
away with him.”
“I know what happened,” the commander said. “Wolf is
not coming back. That man was Lucas.”
I. Choose the right answer.
II. Complete the sentences with the words from the
box below.
III. Choose two words from the box on the previous
page and write a short paragraph using them.
VI. Answer the questions in full sentences.
The king laughed. “Are you talking about a woman? The
queen has a few Turkish servants. If she agrees to let
Fatima go, it won’t be a problem.”
Unfortunately the queen didn’t agree. “Fatima is my
favorite servant,” the queen said. “I won’t let her go.”
“I’ll give you one hundred Turkish horses and one
hundred Turkish servants,” Omar said. “I’ll also give you
one hundred chests with precious stones and gold.”
The king got angry. “You are talking to a king, not a
merchant. If the queen said no, it’s no. Choose another
This time Omar got on his knees. “I’ll do anything for
you, sire,” he begged. “If you won’t let her leave with me,
please kill me right now.”
The king’s face got a little softer. He started to admire
Omar’s courage. “I don’t need horses and servants,” he
said. “I don’t need precious stones and gold. What I need is
water. Dig a well here in the courtyard, and you can leave
with your Fatima.”
The king gave Omar an impossible task. The castle was
built on a high rock.
Omar stood up. “I will dig you a well, sire,” he said. “You
will have water.”
It took Omar seven years. One day, everybody in the
castle heard Omar shouting, “Water! Water!” Where was
the water coming from? Nobody understood.
The king kept his word and let Fatima leave with Omar.
Today, people from all around the world come to see the
well. They call it the Well of Love.
I. Choose the right answer.
II. Complete the sentences with the words from the
box below.
1. The king was rich, and his enemies feared him. He was
powerful .
III. Choose two words from the box on the previous
page and write a short paragraph using them.
VI. Answer the questions in full sentences.
The other advisers started to yell at him. “Are you
crazy? We won’t ask a prisoner for advice!”
“Why is the young woman in prison?” the king asked.
“What did she do?”
“They say she is a witch, sire,” the adviser
answered. “But if you see her, it’s hard to believe.”
“Bring the woman here immediately,” the king said.
When they brought Sabrina to the king, he couldn’t
believe his eyes. She was wearing old clothes, but she
looked more like a princess than a witch. She was
“If you help us to get rid of the Turks, I will free you,” the
king said. “And nobody will ever hurt you again. You have
my word.”
“I’ll help you,” Sabrina said. “But you’ll have to do exactly
what I say.”
“I will,” the king promised.
“Order your people to bring all the flour, eggs, and fruit
that are left to the kitchen,” Sabrina said. “I’m going to bake
a pie.”
“For who?” the King asked.
“For the Turks,” Sabrina said.
Sabrina made a giant pie as big as the gate of the
castle. Then with the help of ten soldiers she rolled it down
the hill to the surprised Turks.
“You can stay here another seven years,” Sabrina
shouted to the Turks. “We will continue to bake pies like
The Turks left immediately, and they never returned.
I. Choose the right answer.
5. Sabrina __________.
a. baked a chicken
b. baked a pie
c. cooked a soup
II. Complete the sentences with the words from the
box below.
the castle.
2. One of the Turks told all the others what to do. He was
their ____________.
3. The king had a few men who helped him with his
decisions. They were his ____________.
III. Choose two words from the box on the previous
page and write a short paragraph using them.
4. Sabrina said, “Bring all the flour, eggs and fruit that
____________________ to the kitchen.”
VI. Answer the questions in full sentences.
It was the mailman. He brought Oliver a letter from Uncle
Jules. Oliver opened the envelope. It was a map. The
Ultimate Treasure Hunt was written on it.
“Great,” Oliver said smiling. “I lost my job, and Uncle
Jules wants to play with me.”
Oliver recognized a map of France. “Uncle Jules wants
me to go to France,” he thought. “What for? Did he hide
something there for me?”
Uncle Jules indicated a single town with an address in
the south of France. “A strange treasure hunt,” Oliver
thought. He tried to call Uncle Jules. He wanted to tell him
he couldn’t travel to France now, but Uncle Jules was on a
long fishing trip.
Finally Oliver decided to accept the challenge. He
traveled to France. He got to the town. The address led him
to a beautiful house with a small vineyard behind it. Oliver
knocked on the door. A young woman opened the door and
smiled at him. “Can I help you, sir?” she said.
“Yes,” Oliver said. “Please, could you tell me who owns
this house?”
“Oliver Grant from New Jersey,” she said. “I am taking
care of the house and the vineyard until he shows up.”
“What is your name?” Oliver asked.
“Chantal Lavigne,” the woman answered.
“I am Oliver Grant!” he said. “I came here to look for a
treasure. I think I found it.”
“Do you mean the house, the vineyard or me?” Chantal
asked and laughed.
“All of the above,” Oliver said.
I. Choose the right answer.
II. Complete the sentences with the words from the
box below.
1. Uncle Jules hid some money, and Oliver looked for it.
They played the treasure hunt. .
III. Choose two words from the box on the previous
page and write a short paragraph using them.
VI. Answer the questions in full sentences.
“It’ll be my last one,” Andy said.
A month later, Andy, Jack and two other friends were
climbing Chimborazo. Andy was the leader. He was the
first to reach the peak. There, on the edge of the crater, he
noticed something green with black spots. “An interesting
stone,” he thought. He picked it up. It was not a stone. It
was an egg. It was three times as big as a chicken egg.
Andy knew he shouldn’t do it, but he wrapped the egg in
his scarf and put it into his backpack. He didn’t tell his
friends about it. It was going to be his souvenir from his last
Taking the egg was illegal, but he passed through
airport security without a problem. The egg was still in his
When Andy finally got home, he took the egg out of his
backpack and put it on the kitchen table. “I wonder what’s
inside – a bird, a snake or a reptile?” It was both exciting
and dangerous at the same time. That was the feeling
Andy liked the most. He put the egg in a little basket and
put the basket near the heater in his garage. He checked
the egg every day for three weeks – no change.
Then in the middle of one night, Andy woke up hearing
noise coming from his garage. He went to the garage door
and opened it. Suddenly a big snake wrapped itself around
him and started to strangle him. Andy was dying.
Andy heard a phone ringing in the distance. He woke up
from his nightmare. It was eight in the morning. He
answered the phone.
“Andy, I hope I didn’t wake you.” It was Jack. “We are
flying to Ecuador next month.”
“I am not going to climb Chimborazo,” Andy said. “I’ve
had enough of danger.”
I. Choose the right answer.
II. Complete the sentences with the words from the
box below.
3. When Jack said that Mount Everest was not the highest
peak, he got Andy’s ____________.
III. Choose two words from the box on the previous
page and write a short paragraph using them.
VI. Answer the questions in full sentences.
When Jane Sanders was four years old, her father took
her to the zoo for the first time. When she saw the
chimpanzees, she immediately fell in love with them. From
that time on, they were part of her life. She spent hours and
hours at the zoo watching them and laughing. She was
fascinated by them. Other children had teddy bears. She
had Eddy, a stuffed chimp, as her favorite toy.
When Jane went to high school, she learned that
chimpanzees were in danger, and their population was
diminishing. She made a decision. “I will go to Africa one
day,” she said to her parents. “I will help save
chimpanzees.” Her parents smiled. Jane was only fifteen
years old.
Ten years later, Jane’s parents drove her to the airport.
They weren’t smiling. They were worried. Their daughter
was leaving for Tanzania. Jane had become a veterinarian
and was determined more than ever to help chimpanzees.
Jane spent ten years in the Serengeti National Park in
Tanzania studying chimpanzees and helping them.
One day something very odd happened to Jane. She
was working outside with her chimpanzees when one of
them stole her pen and her notebook and disappeared.
The chimpanzee came back two hours later and showed
Jane his work. He had drawn a picture of a palm tree. Jane
was amazed. She named the chimpanzee Eddy, and they
became friends.
One day Jane got an idea. “I will organize an exhibition
in New York,” she thought. “Eddy will be the first
chimpanzee to have an exhibition, and he will help me
raise money. People will pay to see his drawings.”
Jane was right. A year later, Eddy had his first exhibition
in New York. It was a great success. Jane and Eddy raised
$500,000 to help other chimpanzees.
Jane was not only courageous and smart, but she also
had a great sense of humor. One day when she was
driving to the exhibition with Eddy, a policeman stopped
“You can’t drive around the city with this wild animal,
ma’am,” the policeman said. “It’s dangerous. Take him to
the zoo!”
“I will, officer,” Jane said.
The next day the same policeman stopped her. “I told
you to take him to the zoo!” he said angrily.
“But I did,” Jane said. “We went to the zoo yesterday.
Today, we are going to see an art exhibition.”
I. Choose the right answer.
II. Complete the sentences with the words from the
box below.
by them.
III. Choose two words from the box on the previous
page and write a short paragraph using them.
VI. Answer the questions in full sentences.
Sandy sold the spinning wheel for $3,100. She never
dreamed she would get that kind of money for an old
spinning wheel. An idea struck her. “People might have
very valuable things in their attics or basements,” she
thought. “And they might not know it.”
Sandy drove around the country and paid people to let
her explore their attics and basements. She usually gave
people $100, and they let her take whatever she found.
The people were happy to get rid of old things, and Sandy
had a new business.
One day she saw a very old house. She wanted to
explore it, but nobody lived in it. She asked around about
the owner.
“A long time ago, a man lived there alone,” the people
said. “He was crazy. He thought he was a writer, but he
never sold any books. His granddaughter lives somewhere
in New York. Her name is Nelly Orr.”
Sandy found Nelly Orr. “You don’t have to pay me
anything,” Nelly said. “Take whatever you want. I’ll be
happy to get rid of it.”
Sandy went to the old house. At first she didn’t see
anything valuable. Then she opened a drawer of an old
chest and found a manuscript. The Treasure Hunter was
the name of the book. She started to read it and left the
house the next morning. She left with the manuscript that
she later sold for two million dollars. Sandy and Nelly
shared the money.
“People say my grandfather was crazy,” Nelly said. “It
looks like he was not.”
I. Choose the right answer.
II. Complete the sentences with the words from the
box below.
III. Choose two words from the box on the previous
page and write a short paragraph using them.
VI. Answer the questions in full sentences.
I. Choose the right answer.
II. Complete the sentences with the words from the
box below.
III. Choose two words from the box on the previous
page and write a short paragraph using them.
VI. Answer the questions in full sentences.
There was silence for a minute. Then Viktor said, “Mr.
Jenkins, sorry, Ms. Jenkins, we don’t discriminate at my
school. Skin color, religion, gender or sexual orientation is
not important to me. What I need is a good English
“I feel so much better,” Michelle said.
Viktor hung up. “Oh my God,” he said.
Viktor was waiting at the airport. He held a piece of
paper in his hand with the name Michelle Jenkins on it.
Suddenly some strange, 6 ft 6 inch tall figure walked to
him. It was difficult to tell if it was a man or a woman. It had
women’s clothes on, but it also had a beard.
“Hello Mr. Velochkin.” the figure said. “I am Michelle.
Sorry, I know, I don’t look very attractive now. I have been
traveling for three days. Tomorrow, I will look much better. I
Viktor was speechless. He took Michelle’s suitcases and
was slowly walking towards his car. Michelle was following
Suddenly two men approached Michelle. One of them
asked her something, and the other grabbed her handbag.
Michelle punched him in the face and kicked the other one
in the stomach. Both men fell on the ground. Viktor
watched the scene in shock.
“I used to be a kickboxer,” Michelle said. “Don’t worry. I
can also teach English.”
Michelle Jenkins worked in Ukraine for three years. She
was the best English teacher Viktor had ever had.
I. Choose the right answer.
II. Complete the sentences with the words from the
box below.
3. There was only one candidate for the job. Viktor didn’t
have a ________________.
III. Choose two words from the box on the previous
page and write a short paragraph using them.
VI. Answer the questions in full sentences.