ICMEAS 2017 Paper 86
ICMEAS 2017 Paper 86
ICMEAS 2017 Paper 86
Waste heat losses arise both from equipment inefficiencies and
from thermodynamic limitations on equipment and processes.
For instance, the need for many systems to reject heat as a
byproduct of their operation is fundamental to the laws of
thermodynamics. Figure 1 shows the energy balance of an IC
engine. However, instead of being "wasted" by release into the
ambient environment, sometimes waste heat (or cold) can be
utilized by another process (such as using hot engine coolant to
heat a vehicle), or a portion of heat that would otherwise be
wasted can be reused in the same process if make-up heat is
added to the system. Currently, up to 65% of the heat energy
produced in internal combustion engines (ICEs), whether
gasoline or diesel is wasted [1]. The exhaust heat is the largest
source of waste energy in ICEs [2].
Thermionic Generation
Thermoelectric generators have the capability to directly Figure 4. Rankine cycle.
convert waste heat from the hot engine exhaust into electricity
that can power vehicle auxiliary loads and accessories. Recovering engine waste heat can be achieved via numerous
Thermoelectric generators consist of an array of semiconductor methods. The heat can either be reused within the same process
elements that produce a voltage when placed across a or transferred to another thermal, electrical, or mechanical
temperature gradient without releasing the carbon dioxide and process [8]. Analysis shows that evaporator pressure gives
other emissions that typically result from fossil fuel better efficiencies. Pinch point temperatures, heat exchangers
consumption. cost, critical temperature of working fluid would be a
restriction for maximum working pressure of cycle. Organic
Recently, Zhang, an assistant professor with Boise State's rankine cycles as in Combined Heat and Power units are
department of mechanical and biomedical engineering, worked options to improve total efficiency and reduce the cost [10].
on a project "Nanostructured High-Temperature Bulk Waste heat recovery using Organic rankine cycle is an efficient
Thermoelectric Energy Conversion for Efficient Automotive method compared with the other techniques; so automobile
Waste Heat Recovery". The process developed by Zhang and manufacturers use this method to enhance the efficiency of
his research partner uses post catalytic converter heat their products [11]. The heat recovery is can be done and
exchangers to remove heat from the exhaust gases and deliver increases with increasing exhaust mass flow rate [12].
it to the thermoelectric devices, which convert the heat to
Stirling Cycle
electricity [5].
A Stirling engine is a heat engine operating by cyclic
Exhaust gas heat recovery system (EGHR) compression and expansion of air or other gas, the working
The system was first used used on 2016 Chevrolet Malibu fluid, at different temperature levels such that there is a net
Hybrid. Unlike other technologies, it doesn’t generate electrical conversion of heat energy to mechanical work [13]. Free Piston
energy from waste heat to recharge the battery. Instead, the Stirling Engine is shown in Figure 5. Developments of gamma
electrified Malibu uses waste heat to warm the cabin interior as type Stirling engine which operate at high temperature
well as the engine, raising the latter to peak operating difference to find out the optimum temperature difference at
temperature quickly, and keeping it there. While that may all which model would give maximum thermal efficiency [14].
sound underwhelming, the boost to fuel economy – especially Waste heat recovery from internal combustion engine analyzed
in the colder months – is measurable. It also allows for a with two different fluids by using organic rankine cycle. The
further reduction of NO2, almost as big an opponent to clean air best performance was obtained when R-123 was applied as the
as carbon. The EGHR system in the 2016 Chevrolet Malibu is working fluid. [15-16]. The free piston Stirling engine couples
kind of like that old Native American principal of using every with a pneumatic cylinder And results by simulation shows the
part of the buffalo; what once was waste is wasted no longer. Output power from numerical simulation was higher than that
of experiment according to theoretical assumptions [17].
Generating Power via Mechanical Work Gamma type Stirling engine was design and developed for
Rankine Cycle application of waste heat recovery system. The performance of
The system is based on the steam generation in a secondary low temperature difference Stirling engine was investigated. A
circuit using the exhaust gas thermal energy to produce twin power piston gamma configuration low temperature
1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Applied Science
Military Institute of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh 22-
23 February 2017
differential Stirling engine is tested with non-pressurized air by the combustion chamber difficult. This means that the engine
using solar simulator and conclude that Stirling engine working needs to work more to expel these burned gasses. In contrast to
with relative low temperature air of potentially attractive future Rankine cycles and thermoelectric generators, the
engine [18]. Figure 5 shows the construction principle of a free turbocompound interacts with the exhaust flow and causes
piston Stirling cycle. back-pressure on the engine. This results in negative pumping
work (pumping loss) on engines [31].
Figure 5. Free Piston Stirling Cycle. This leads consequently to lower brake specific fuel
consumption (BSFC) reduction compared to other WHR
Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Cycle systems. In addition to the pumping loss, higher exhaust back-
Many researches have been conducted regarding vapour pressure on the engine results in increased residual gases,
absorption refrigeration cycle on IC engine [19-30]. In vapour delayed combustion, increased heat transfer in the cylinder, and
absorption refrigeration cycle, heat is provided at generator disruption of global engine thermodynamic balance [32].
which generates the refrigerant vapours. These vapours are then
condensed in condenser by losing heat. The high pressure Other Technologies
liquid refrigerant is then throttled through expansion valve to Other technologies are being researched at present for the
lower pressure at evaporator. The refrigerant at such lower utilization of waste heat of IC engines. Other technologies
pressure and temperature evaporates and produces cooling include utilization of heat exchangers, recuperator, regenerator,
effect. The refrigerant vapours then pass to absorber. The weak passive air preheaters, and finned tube heat exchanger for ICEs
solution in absorber absorbs the refrigerant vapours and the exhaust waste heat recovery. Waste heat energy can be utilized
solution is pumped to higher pressure to generator by a pump. not only for increasing the efficiency of the engine, but also for
The weak solution from generator is fed back to absorber other applications, for example, the waste heat of stationary
where it absorbs the refrigerant vapours coming from ICEs can be utilized for food drying technology.
Now-a-days, different automobiles, including passenger cars
(BMW, Honda, Exoes, Barber Nichols, FVV) and trucks, are
being industrially manufactured with waste heat recovery
technology [34-37]. But the research should be carried on for
the betterment of waste heat recovery system and thereby
optimizing fuel utilization and maximizing environment
(Last access: 31 January, 2017).
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23 February 2017
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1st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Applied Science
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23 February 2017
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