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Received 27 May 2020; revised 17 June 2020; accepted 30 June 2020; posted 30 June 2020 (Doc. ID 398601); published 30 July 2020
Metalenses are developing fast towards versatile and inte- super-resolution focusing [8–11]. The dielectric metalens is
grated terahertz (THz) apparatuses, while tunable ones more attractive compared with the metallic counterparts thanks
are highly pursued. Here, we propose a strategy that inte- to the enhanced efficiency and CMOS-compatible manufac-
grates dielectric metasurfaces with liquid crystals (LCs) to turing [12,13]. Once the lens is fabricated, the function remains
realize the dynamic focal spot manipulation. The silicon static, limiting its practical applications. Recently, enormous
pillar meta-units of the metasurface are properly selected efforts have been paid to achieve the active tuning of THz meta-
to generate different phase profiles for two orthogonal lin- surfaces. Semiconductors, graphene, phase-change materials,
ear polarizations, permitting a laterally or axially altered and superconductors have been reported to integrate with them
focal spot. After LCs integrated, polarization-multiplexed [14–17]. Nevertheless, most of these metadevices have uniform
focusing can be achieved via electrically varying the LC meta-unit arrays. As a result, their tunability is limited to spec-
orientations. We demonstrate two metalenses with dis- tra, while the more promising tunable functions are still urgent
tinct functions. For the first one, the uniformly aligned LC tasks.
works as a polarization converter, and further switches the Thanks to the large broadband birefringence from the vis-
focal length by altering the bias. For the second one, an LC ible to microwave and excellent electro-optical responsivity,
polarization grating is utilized for rear spin-selective beam liquid crystals (LCs) are widely applied in various optical fields
deflection. Consequently, a THz port selector is presented. including displays, specific optical beam generations, tunable
This work supplies a promising method towards active THz color filters and spatial light modulators [18–20]. Until recently,
elements, which may be widely applied in THz sensing, two main obstacles that restrict the application of LCs in the
imaging, and communication. © 2020 Optical Society of THz regime have been settled, i.e., high-transparency THz
America electrodes and photopatterning techniques for thick cells (up to
https://doi.org/10.1364/OL.398601 hundreds of microns) [21]. A homogeneously aligned LC cell
can act as a tunable THz phase shifter or waveplate. Through
encoding geometric phases into the LC orientations, more fasci-
At present, the fifth-generation (5G) wireless network is under nating functions, e.g., vortex beam generators and spin-selected
construction all over the world. To further accelerate the com- lenses, have been developed [22,23]. These devices can modu-
munications, fundamental research towards future techniques late the phase front with external field stimulated tunability
is investigated meanwhile [1,2]. The carrier frequency of the and circular polarization selectivity. If one can integrate the
terahertz (THz) band is several orders higher than the radio fre- above-mentioned THz LC components with metasurfaces,
quency (RF) band, thus it is promising to meet the requirement the freedom of function tunability will be thoroughly released.
of the fast-increasing channel capacity [3]. However, “THz Unfortunately, relevant researches are rarely documented in the
gap” is the last explored one in the electromagnetic spectrum, THz band.
and corresponding THz devices are far from maturation. The Here, we integrate LCs with metalenses and demonstrate
lens plays a vital role in communications for beam coupling, dynamic THz lenses with position controllable focal spots. The
focusing, and collimating. The conventional reflective parabola device is composed of a silicon pillar array and an LC layer sep-
mirrors and refractive lenses work on the cumulative phase, arated by graphene electrodes. The metasurface works as both
suffering from their bulky architectures [4]. A metalens is able a dual-focal lens and one substrate of LC layer. The LC layer
to introduce an abrupt phase change via elaborately designing is pre-aligned, and its orientations can be further electrically
the subwavelength metallic or dielectric meta-units, which tuned. Two LC integrated metalenses are presented: the first
supplies a planar way for versatile wavefront manipulations one is an LC waveplate integrated metalens with polarization-
[5–7], including spin-selected, broadband achromatic, and dependent focal length, while the second one is a combination
of a lens with laterally mirrored focal spots and a rear LC polari- achieve the desired phase distributions for E x and E y inci-
zation grating. These metalenses provide controllable focal dences. Through rational design of the metasurface, arbitrary
spots that can be dynamically tuned with bias. It may supply a polarization-dependent wavefront manipulation could be
promising strategy for multifunctional and active tuning THz realized. The criterion for a transmittance over 0.7 of each
metalenses. pillar is set to optimize the efficiency. In this way, devices with
The geometry of the silicon pillar meta-unit is schematically polarization-dependent phase modulations can be efficiently
illustrated in Fig. 1(a). When the THz wave propagates along realized.
z-axis, each pillar can be regarded as an effective waveguide. To demonstrate the polarization-dependent focusing, a dual-
The phase of the transmitted wave is given by n eff · h · 2π/λ, focal lens with different focal lengths with respect to E x and
where n eff , h, and λ are the effective refractive index of the wave- E y incidences is designed and fabricated. The phase profile is
guide mode, the pillar height, and the incident wavelength, written as
respectively. Obviously, the phase increases linearly with the q
frequency. If the structure of the pillar is asymmetric along l 2π
ϕLens1 = − f i, j + x + y − f i, j ,
2 2 2 (1)
and w, the n eff is different for E x and E y incidences, which λ
enables the polarization-dependent phase shifts. Simulations
on the meta-unit waveguide are carried out with a commercial where the subscripts i and j indicate the E x and E y incidences.
software Lumerical FDTD Solutions. The refractive index of Here, f i and f j are designed as 12.0 mm and 16.0 mm, respec-
high-resistance silicon is set as n Si = 3.45 at 1.0 THz. Periodic tively. Figure 2(a) shows the photograph of the metasurface,
boundary conditions are set on both x - and y -axes and a per- which reveals a radially symmetric geometry. The scanning elec-
fectly matched layer is set on z-axis. As an example, Fig. 1(b) tron microscope (SEM) image in Fig. 2(b) exhibits a zoom-in
depicts the dependency of the simulated resonant phase on image of the region marked in Fig. 2(a), in which the varying
the frequency under E x and E y incidences, separately. Their geometries of different well-defined micro pillars are clearly
dependencies of phase on frequency are approximately linear. observed. To verify the design, a numerical simulation of the
Due to the different value between w and l , the resonant phase lens is carried out. Due to the geometric symmetry of the lens,
varies a little for orthogonal polarizations. The side views of only a case along one radius is simulated. Figure 2(c) shows
the normalized magnetic power at 1.0 THz under E x and E y the simulated intensity distributions under E x and E y inci-
incidences are presented, where two distinct resonance modes dences. The simulated f i and f j are 12.2 mm and 15.9 mm,
confined in the pillar are observed. respectively, which are consistent with the design.
We fix h = 200 µm, p = 150 µm, and the target frequency To endow the metalens with a tunability, a homogeneous
of 1.0 THz, and then vary l and w (both from 20 to 120 µm) LC waveplate is integrated and electrically switched, as sche-
to achieve structural databases on the phase [Fig. 1(c)] and matically shown in Figs. 2(d) and 2(e). It is a uniformly aligned
the transmittance [Fig. 1(d)], respectively, for E x incidence. LC layer sandwiched by a fused silica and the metasurface,
The case for E y is diagonally symmetric to that of E x . We both of which are covered by a few-layer graphene transparent
can properly select the pillar geometries to simultaneously electrode and followed by a thin photoalignment layer. The
LC orientation is set as 45◦ with respect to the E x . The THz
phase retardation induced by the waveplate is expressed by
Fig. 1. Principle of the polarization-dependent dielectric metasur- Fig. 2. LC waveplate integrated metalens for dynamic focal length
face. (a) Schematic of the silicon pillar meta-unit. (b) Frequency manipulation. (a) Photograph of the metalens. (b) A zoom-in SEM
dependent resonant phase of the pillar with l = 80 µm and image of silicon pillars labeled by the red square in (a). Scale bars in
w = 60 µm under x - (black) and y - (red) incident polarizations. (a) and (b) are 1 mm and 150 µm, respectively. (c) Simulated THz
The insets show the normalized magnetic power in the x z-plane intensity distributions in the x z-plane at 1.0 THz for E x (left) and E y
under the E x incidence (black dashed box) and y z-plane under E y (right) incidences, separately. (d), (e) Schematic focal length variation
incidence (red dashed box). (c), (d) Dependencies of (c) the phase and of the LC integrated metalens at (d) bias OFF and (e) bias saturated
(d) the transmission of silicon pillars on l and w under E x incidence at state, respectively. (f ) Measured intensity distributions in the x z-plane
1.0 THz. at 1.0 THz at 0 Vrms (left) and 150 Vrms (right), separately.
4326 Vol. 45, No. 15 / 1 August 2020 / Optics Letters Letter