Noon-Doc-80038888 2
Noon-Doc-80038888 2
Noon-Doc-80038888 2
Line Nr Product Code Description Qty Price excl VAT VAT rate VAT amount Price incl VAT
Subtotal 9.52
VAT 0.48
Total 10.00
Tax Invoice Seller Buyer
TRN 100265405900003 Bandidos Retail LLC stess thomas
Invoice Nr P09404-IAFC162825 Boulevard Plaza, Tower 2, 7th floor, one and only the plam staff residence 47V3+V9 - Dubai
Invoice Date 2022-03-30 Downtown Dubai, Dubai, PO Box Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Shipment Nr NAEE30024305529-S1 126251, UAE
United Arab Emirates
1 N52062871A iPhone 13 Pro Max With FaceTime 128GB Graphite 5G - USA 1 4,047.17 5.00% 202.36 4,249.53
Subtotal 4,047.17
VAT 202.36
Total 4,249.53