Bloodborne Armory v1.0 - The Homebrewery
Bloodborne Armory v1.0 - The Homebrewery
Bloodborne Armory v1.0 - The Homebrewery
Table Of Contents
1 New Weapons
1.1.1 Weapon Properties
1.1 Quicksilver Bullets
1.2 Legendary Weapons
2 Shields
3 Consumables
4 Hunter Tools
4.1 Addendums
5 Caryll Runes
5.1 Oath Runes
5.2 Standard Runes
7 Feats
8 New Conditions
9 Credits
10 Legal Junk
New Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Trick Weapons
Beast Claw 20 gp 1d4 slasing 2 lbs. Finesse, light, special, trick
Beast Hunter Saif 20 gp 1d6 slashing 5 lbs. Finesse, trick
Beast Cutter 25 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 8 lbs. Heavy, serrated, trick
Blade of Mercy 33 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lbs. Finesse, trick
Bloodletter 30 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 9 lbs. Special, trick
Boom Hammer 50 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 10 lbs. Trick, versatile (1d10)
Burial Blade 90 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lbs. Finesse, trick, versatile (1d10)
Chikage 80 gp 1d8 slashing 6 lbs. Finesse, special, trick, versatile (1d10)
Church Pick 25 gp 1d6 piercing 10 lbs. Heavy, trick
Hunter Axe 30 gp 1d8 slashing 6 lbs. Trick, versatile (1d10)
Kirkhammer 30 gp 1d8 slashing 7 lbs. Special, trick, versatile (2d6)
Logarius' Wheel 60 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 8 lbs. Heavy, special, trick
Ludwig's Holy Blade 45 gp 1d8 slashing 8 lbs. Special, trick, versatile (1d10)
Rakuyo 80 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lbs. Finesse, trick, versatile (1d10)
Sawcleaver 30 gp 1d6 slashing 4 lbs. Serrated, trick
Sawspear 30 gp 1d6 slashing 4 lbs. Serrated, trick
Stake Driver 50 gp 1d6 piercing 5 lbs. Trick
Threaded Cane 15 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lbs. Finesse, trick
Tonitrus 55 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 5 lbs. Trick
Whirligig Saw 65 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 8 lbs. Heavy, trick, versatile (1d8)
Trick Firearm Weapons
Reiterpallasch 400 gp 1d8 piercing 4 lbs. Finesse, trick
Riflespear 430 gp 1d6 piercing 7 lbs. Finesse, reach, trick, versatile (1d8)
Simon's Bow Blade 420 gp 1d8 slashing 5 lbs. Finesse, trick, versatile (1d10)
Choir Weapons
Amygdalan Arm - 1d10 bludgeoning 2 lbs. Light, trick
Kos Parasite - 1d6 slashing 1/2 lb. Finesse, light, long-reach, trick
Cannon 500 gp 2d12 piercing 25 lbs. Ammunition (range 50/100), heavy, loading
Church Cannon 500 gp 2d10 piercing 25 lbs. Ammunition (range 30/80), heavy, loading
Evelynn 550 gp 1d12 piercing 3 lbs. Ammunition (range 200/600), light, reload (4 shots)
Flamesprayer 350 gp 1d8 fire 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 15/30), arcane, reload (10 shots), scatter
Gatling Gun 600 gp 4d4 piercing 20 lbs. Ammunition (range 40/100), heavy, reload (4 shots)
Hunter's Blunderbuss 200 gp 1d8 piercing 9 lbs. Ammunition (range 15/30), reload (2 shots), scatter
Hunter's Pistol 150 gp 1d10 piercing 3 lbs. Ammunition (range 100/400), light, reload (4 shots)
Ludwig's Rifle 500 gp 1d8 piercing 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 30/60), reload (3 shots), scatter
Piercing Rifle 400 gp 1d12 piercing 8 lbs. Ammunition (range 300/900), piercing, reload (6 shots)
Repeating Pistol 450 gp 2d10 piercing 3 lbs. Ammunition (range 100/400), reload (2 shots)
Rosmarinus 350 gp 1d8 force 10 lbs. Ammunition (range 15/30), arcne, reload (10 shots), scatter
n Bloodborne, Shields hold a special place in every
player's heart, as either the most useful or useless
thing to ever happen n the game. This section
catalogs the two shields of the game, both special in
their own ways.
Loch Shield
Shield, Very rare
This shield is made from artisan glass and enchanted,
Wooden Shield
Shield, common
granting little to physical defense however it is unparalleled
This shield is made of wood, created by commonfolk of
when it comes to magic defense. This shield grants a -2
Yharnam. Despite granting sub-par defense against beasts,
bonus to AC and has the following properties.
they continued to use it for the effects if seemed to grant,
Total Magic Defense. You count as having 3/4ths cover
despite its seemingly-worthless effects/ This shield grants a
against magical effects, and can spend an action to grant
-1 bonus to AC and has the following properties.
yourself total cover against any magical effects.
Immovable Object. While equipped with this shield, you
Antimagic Shield. When you are forced to make saving
can spend a reaction to a creature's attack and grant yourself
throws against magical effects, upon success you take no
Advantage against any forced movement effect.
damage and upon failure, you take only half.
Infallible. While equipped with this shield, you are
immune to the Prone condition.
PART 2 | Shields
unters in Yharnam are little to nothing
without consumables. Items that are crucial
to the nightly hunting of beasts and their
Cost: 3 gp each
These were once used as a short-term relief to the Ashen
Blood sickness that eventually helped spread the beastly Bolt Paper
Cost: 21 gp each
A fantastical alchemical creation that wreathes weapons in
These white tablets, when consumed, remove the Poisoned
Lightning when rubbed along their surface.
Rubbing this coarse paper along your weapon requires a
bonus action, adding 1d8 Lightning damage to your attacks
Beast Blood Pellet with that weapon for one minute.
Cost: 5 gp each
This item can't be used with weapons with pre-existing
These small, solidified droplets of blood are contaminated
elemental effects.
by the beastly plague. Consuming them brings one closer to
the beast within.
Consuming a pellet inflicts you with the Beasthood Bone Marrow Ash
Cost: 36 gp each
condition for the next 10 minutes.
An invaluable creation for Hunters with feeble blood. A
special ash collected by a special sect located beyond the
Blood Dreg planes.
Cost: N/A
Loading a firearm with Ash increases the damage die of
Often found in the blood of others by specially equipped
the next shot fired by one step.
Hunters, the Dregs can be consumed to gain a sight into
This enhancement wears off if the shot isn't fired within
other realms, if only for a moment.
one minute of loading. It also becomes ineffective if the
Once consumed, grants Truesight up to 15 feet and
firearm leaves your hand.
proficiency in Insight for 1 minute.
PART 3 | Consumables
Lead Elixer
Cost: 10 gp each
A fairly disgusting, syrupy mixture that combines alchemy
and medicine. Granting users a greater fortitude against
attacks at the cost of speed.
Consuming the elixir grants resistance to melee attacks for
5 rounds of combat and halves your speed for the duration.
Madman's Knowledge
Cost: N/A
The skull of a madman touched by the knowledge of the
Great Ones.
Crushing the skull to consume the knowledge grants
Truesight for 30 feet for 1 minute.
Cost: 56 gp each
A drug made to counter the effects of madness and calm
the shattered nerves of the too-inquisitive scholars that dare
touch forbidden knowledge.
Consuming this concoction requires a bonus action,
removing the Frenzy and Beasthood conditions.
Shining Coins
Cost: 2 gp each
Polished, shining coins that reflect light with such beauty,
they appear aglow with radiant energies to serve as guides
in the abysmal darkness.
Placing a coin on the ground allows it to catch the light,
glowing with 10 feet dim light.
Cost: N/A
Miniscule writing creatures resembling centipedes. Often
found hiding in filth, these disgusting creatures can only be
found by those of The League. Crushing them grants a rank
up in The League.
PART 3 | Consumables
Hunter Tools
hile Hunters of Yharnam are no spellcasters This Hunter's Tool can be used as a firearm for purposes of
in any way, shape, or form. Not by a long-shot. the Gun-Parry feat.
There are certain tools, however, often crafted
by the Healing Church or from the very beasts Beast Roar
Hunters slay. With a staggering range of Quicksilver Cost: 2
effects, these tools can be the lifeblood of
Casting Time: 1 action or 1 reaction to being targetted by a
Hunters or the bane of them.
All Hunter Tools require the use of Quicksilver Bullets to
Range: Self
activate. If a Tool is used without the Quicksilver Bullet Requirement: 10 Charisma
requirement, it won't work and the item is wasted. Duration: Instantaneous
Messenger's Gift
Quicksilver Cost: 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Requirement: 8 Int, Wis, or Cha
Duration: Indefinite
A gift from the Messengers, this tool allows transformation
into the small creatures.
While disguised, you appear no different than any other
Messenger and will be treated as such.
The transformation ends if you use any action, take
damage, or use a bonus action to dispel the transformation.
No QS Bullets? No problem!
Seeing as this is a highly experimental system, the Hunters
Tools can simply be reallocated as Spells with Spell Slots.
Spell Level School Class
A Call Beyond 6th Evocation Sorcerer, Warlock,
Level Wizard
Accursed Brew 2nd Evocation Bard, Sorcerer,
Level Warlock, Wizard
Augur of Cantrip Evocation Sorcerer, Warlock
Beast Roar 1st Abjuration Bard, Wizard
Blacksky Eye Cantrip Evocation Warlock, Wizard
Choir Bell 6th Evocation Cleric, Paladin
Empty Phantasm 1st Enchantment Ranger, Warlock,
Shell Level Wizard
Executioner's 1st Evocation Warlock, Wizard
Gloves Level
Madara's Whistle 3rd Conjuration Bard, Warlock,
Level Wizard
Messenger's Gift 1st Illusion Warlock, Wizard
Old Hunter Bone 3rd Conjuration Sorcerer, Warlock,
Level Wizard
Tiny Tonitrus 4th Evocation Sorcerer, Warlock,
Level Wizard
unes scribed by Caryll, hence the name. They You can automatically sense any blood-addled Hunters Yo
are written in the language of the Great Ones, nearby. th
and memorizing them can grant wondrous
abilities. Memorizing a Caryll Rune takes time
and study, which can be done during a Long
Rest or Downtime. Up to 4 Caryll Runes can
be equipped at any time, however, only 1 of
them can be an Oath Rune.
Oath Runes
These runes have become the representation of different
groups of Hunters, or some are unaffiliated with one another,
simply a disjointed number of users.
Beast's Embrace
A Caryll Rune forbidden by the Healing Curch after
numerous failures attempting to control Beasts and the Impurity
beastly nature of its users. It grants the following effects.
This rune, scribed from the belly of a Great One, represents
You gain a beastly appearance (wolfish in nature; excess impurity and thusly, The League. Those of The League are
hair, glowing eyes, elongated canines, etc) which grants obsessed with the slaughter of all Vermin and cooperation
you Advantage on all Intimidation (Charisma) checks and with others. This rune grants the following effects.
Disadvantage on all Persuasion (Charisma) checks.
While in the company of others, your Hit Point Maximum
While wielding a Beastly Weapon (like the Beast Claw),
increases equal to your level.
you gain additional properties.
Successful acts of cooperation reveal a Vermin. Only
You gain the ability to roar as an action. It deals
those equipped with an Impurity Rune will receive a
damage equal to 1d4 + your Charisma Modifier in
Thunder Damage.
You gain 5 additional feet in Movement Speed.
You are constantly under the effects of Beasthood,
even in the weapon's untransformed state.
A heretical Caryll Rune used by those who've joined the
Cainhurst Vilebloods, a group of hunters and knights who Milkweed
search for Blood Dregs for their queen. This Rune grants the
A Rune scribed by Saint Adeline; one of the few, if not the
following properties.
last, relatively sane survivor of the Healing Church's
While you are at or below 12 percent of your maximum hit experiments, in the midst of her revelation followed by her
points, you will gain 1d6 Hit Points each round until you demise. It transforms those equipped with the traits of the
reach or surpass this threshold. celestial Lumenwood. It grants the following properties.
Whenever you kill a hostile. sentient humanoid creature,
You are transformed into a Lumenwood Kin, gaining
you can use your reaction to immediately collect 1 Blood
Truesight up to 30 feet.
You gain the ability to use the Kos Parasite as a weapon.
Those equipped with this rune can automatically sense any You can add half your proficiency bonus to Investigation
creature with the Radiance rune equipped. (Intelligence) and Perception (Wisdom) checks.
This rune was adopted as the symbol for the Crows, the
unique sect of the Healing Church that was naught but Radiance
rumors. They hunted blood-addled Hunters who slipped too
A rune representing the Executioners; a sect of the Healing
far into their Beastly urges and abandoned humanity. Feared Church that slaughter heretics, especially the Vilebloods who
by other Hunters, it grants the following properties.
wear the Corruption rune. Equipping this rune grants the
You have advantage to Constitution saving throws to avoid following effects.
the effects of Exhaustion. All healing done to you gains an extra die, including Class
Features, spells, and potions.
Whenever you are affected by Beasthood, the effect lasts You are considered immune to the Frenzy condition.
for an additional minute before wearing off.
Dissipating Lake
Blood Rapture This rune grants additional defense towards specified
This rune represents the euphoria and cruel nature of beasts damage. This rune grants the following effect.
as they bask in blood and brutality. This rune grants the
You are now considered resistant to Lightning damage. If
following effect.
you are already resistant, this has no effect.
Visceral attacks restore Hit Points equal to half the
damage dealt by the attack. Eye
Inscribing one's mind with Eyes heightens their mind and
Clawmark elevates the thoughts. This rune grants the following effect.
Showing the raw impulse to search and bathe in blood, it
You gain proficiency in Perception and Investigation. IF
strengthens the techniques of a darker Hunter. Although the
you already have proficiency in those skills, you can
difference is subtle, Runesmith Caryll describes the "Beast"
instead double it.
as a horrific and unwelcome instinct deep within the hearts
of men, while 'Clawmark' is an alluring invitation to accept
this very nature. This rune grants the following effect.
Fading Lake
Like a lake, this rune bolsters one's defenses against flame.
Whenever you use a Visceral Attack against a creature, This rune grants the following effect.
you can add an extra damage die to the attack.
You are considered resistant to Fire damage and can't be
Clear Deep Sea ignited by magical effects. If you are already resistant, this
has no effect.
Representing the Great One's inhuman voices as
downreaching currents. This rune grants the following effect.
Formless Oedon
You are considered resistant to Poison damage. If you are The Great One with only voice and no form is represented in
already resistant, this has no effect. this Rune. This rune grants the following effect.
Great Lake
This rune is strange to say the least, of all the Lake runes.
This rune grants the following effect.
Seeing small, glowing sprites in the midst of darkness, this
Rune helps ease fears in the midst of the Hunt. This rune
grants the following effect.
Whenever you Rally, you gain the full amount of hit points
equal to the damage dealt instead of half.
Those who bear the rune see sentiment in the blood they
spill, acknowledging this rune as one of a darker Hunter.
This rune represents a physical bastion. This rune grants the
following effect.
A transcription of the word 'Moon' spoken by the Great Ones.
They sometimes answer when called upon. This rune grants
the following effect.
Oedon Writhe
Oedon, the formless Great One granting his knowledge in the
form of runes. Showing Blood as a medium of the highest
grade and promoting Visceral attacks as part of the bloody
art. This rune grants the following effect.
game is no more than its fanbase. And
Bloodborne fans are by far one of my favorites
to be a part of. Because of that, this section is
dedicated to the Fans' suggestions and ideas for
weaponry and firearms.
New Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
Trick Weapons
Beast Blade 25 gp 1d6 slashing 3 lbs. Finesse, light, special, trick
Belfry Club 80 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lbs. Trick
Bone of Morius 30 gp 5 bludgeoning 5 lbs. Light, trick
Bone-Shield Blade 35 gp 1d8 slashing 6 lbs. Serrated, special, trick
Cavalier Sword 35 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 7 lbs. Finesse, trick
Chaplet Saber 30 gp 1d8 slashing 5 lbs. Finesse, trick
Deathmarch 60 gp 1d8 blugeoning 7 lbs. Heavy, special, trick
Fleshreaver 50 gp 1d10 slashing 6 lbs. Light, serrated, trick
Flintigo 30 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 4 lbs. Light, trick,
Fulgur 60 gp 2d4 piercing 5 lbs. Finesse, special, trick
Gillian's Fists 50 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 8 lbs. Special, trick, two-handed
Ignis 60 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 5 lbs. Trick
Ravenclaw 40 gp 1d8 slashing 8 lbs. Serrated, trick, two-handed
Reverence 25 gp 2d6 slashing 8 lbs. Special, trick, two-handed, unwieldy
Silverlight 85 gp 1d10 slashing 6 lbs. Finesse, special, trick, two-handed
Surgeon's Drill 35 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lbs. Serrated, special, trick
Syringe Estoc 30 gp 1d10 slashing 8 lbs. Special, trick, two-handed
Triggercutter 20 gp 1d4 slashing 3 lbs. Finesse, serrated, trick
Triumvirat 50 gp 1d8 piercing 4 lbs. Finesse, trick
Vetekrovi 35 gp 1d6 slashing 3 lbs. Finesse, light, trick
Windmill Shears 40 gp 1d6 slashing 4 lbs. Finesse, light, serrated, special, trick
Trick Firearm Weapons
Deadeye Bastard Rifle 400 gp 1d8 slashing 9 lbs. Trick, versatile (1d10)
Chester's Claymore Rifle 500 gp 1d10 slashing 14 lbs. Heavy, special, trick, versatile (2d6), unwieldy
Chester's Crossbow 350 gp 1d6 piercing 8 lbs. Serrated, thrown (20/60), trick, versatile (1d8)
Cresent Rose 550 gp 1d12 piercing 8 lbs. Heavy, reach, special, trick, two-handed
Prongpiercer 400 gp 1d8 piercing 6 lbs. Finesse, trick
Salamander 500 gp 1d8 slashing 13 lbs. Heavy, trick, versatile (1d10)
Starslayer 400 gp 1d10 piercing 5 lbs. Ammunition (range 150/600) arcane, reload (4 shots) special
Choir Weapons
Nurse's Blade - 1d8 slashing 4 lbs Finesse, serrated, special, trick
Part 6.1.1 | Weapon Properties Picture Translation: We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood.
Head of the Moon
Wonderous Item (gauntlet), legendary (requires attunement)
The decapitated head of the infamous Great One, the
Moon Presence that still retains the Great One's absurd
powers, though greatly diminished.
Rumors and theories crafted suggest that it was the
proprietor of the Hunt, while others say the Hunt was a
conspiratory plot to slay it by the other Great Ones. While
wearing the Head of the Moon,
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic item and it deals an additional 1d6 Psychic
damage on a hit. It has the following properties.
Blood Moon Orb. The 'mouth' of the Moon Presence
howls, spitting out a pale white orb that floats above your
head that rains tainted blood at your command as a bonus
action. All creatures adjacent to you must succeed a DC 15
Dexterity Save or become covered. Once covered, all magical
effects are dispelled for 1 minute and are unable to be
healed by magical effects.
Blood Clouds. As an action, you can exploit the
Moon Presence's power to cause pale clouds to
form in any spot you can see within 50 feet.
These clouds span 20 feet in all directions.
Using a bonus action, you can cause the
clouds to burst and rain blood upon
those within the area. Everyone in the
area must succeed a DC 17 Dexterity
Saving throw or lose the ability to
heal by any means for an hour.
Gaze Of The Moon. As an action,
you can hold the head forth and
release a burst of light. All creatures
within a 30 feet cone must make a
DC 12 Wisdom Save or take 55
(10d10) Psychic damage. On a
successful save, the creature takes
no damage.
This damage is nonlethal and does
not render the target unconscious.
Creatures who are Blinded
automatically succeed this
This attack is very stressful
to the user, granting you one
point of exhaustion upon usage.
eeing as Trick Weapons or any of the sort are a
far cry from D&D, let alone D&D 5th Edition, I
took it upon myself to make some. Granted, you
could always just take the Weapon Master feat
available in the PBH, but I plan to put special
twists on these. Or, try anyway.
Prerequisite: Proficiency in Firearms
A trick of the Hunters of old, you stumbled across this old
technique. If a creature's attack misses you while you have a
one-handed firearm in your hand, you can expend a piece of
ammunition to fire point-blank. Make the attack with
Disadvantage. If the attack hits, it counts as a critical from
the firearm and is Stunned until the end of your next turn.
You shiver with excitement at the thought of bathing in your
enemies' blood.
Whenever you take damage or lose health in any way and
are still conscious, you can attack a creature and gain half of
the damage dealt in Temporary Hit Points.
Visceral Attack
Prerequisite: Gun-Parry
Your path leads you to bloodier depths of Hunting. If you
successfully Gun-Parry a creature, you can use an action on
your turn to perform a Visceral attack. Your next melee attack
counts as a critical and the target is no longer stunned.
PART 7 | Feats
New Conditions
When a creature temporarily submits to their inner beast and
abandons their humanity momentarily in the midst of
slaughter, they take on the appearance and mannerisms of a
wild beast. The creature affected by Beasthood gains the
partial physical appearance of beasts, usually wolfish in
nature; excess hair, glowing eyes, elongated canines, etc. The
effects are as follows.
Damage resistance granted by racial features
(like Tiefling's Hellish Resistance, Dragonborn's
Draconic Resistance, and Dwarven Resilience
traits) are still in effect, making the damage as
normal, neither vulnerable or resistant.
Do not include the extra 1d4 damage gained by
Enlarge if the extra damage die is being added
to the attack.
When a creature's brain is unable, and yet forced, to process
information pertaining to the Eldritch Truth or the Great
Ones, resulting in brief insanity and variably short
circuiting the brain or possibly experiencing sheer agony.
The effects of this are as follows.
Brew by u/Lv99Pangolin