Anton JF 2014
Anton JF 2014
Anton JF 2014
3 • JUNE 2014
Connected Stocks
We connect stocks through their common active mutual fund owners. We show that the
degree of shared ownership forecasts cross-sectional variation in return correlation,
controlling for exposure to systematic return factors, style and sector similarity, and
many other pair characteristics. We argue that shared ownership causes this excess
comovement based on evidence from a natural experiment—the 2003 mutual fund
trading scandal. These results motivate a novel cross-stock-reversal trading strategy
exploiting information contained in ownership connections. We show that long-short
hedge fund index returns covary negatively with this strategy, suggesting these funds
may exacerbate this excess comovement.
Barberis and Shleifer (2003) and Barberis, Shleifer, and Wurgler (2005) ar-
gue that institutional features may play an important role in the movement of
stocks’ discount rates, causing returns to comove above and beyond the comove-
ment implied by their fundamentals. In this paper, we propose a new approach
to document that type of institutional-based comovement. Based on mounting
evidence since Coval and Stafford (2007) that mutual fund flows result in price
pressure, we focus on connecting stocks through active mutual fund owner-
ship. Specifically, we forecast cross-sectional variation in return correlation for
stock pairs using the degree of common ownership by active mutual funds.
Our bottom-up approach allows us to measure institutional-driven comove-
∗ Miguel Antón is with Department of Finance, IESE Business School. Christopher Polk is with
Department of Finance, London School of Economics. We are grateful to Ken French, David Hsieh,
and Bob Shiller for providing us with some of the data used in this study. We are deeply in-
debted to two anonymous referees, an Associate Editor, and the Editor, Cam Harvey, for numerous
comments that significantly improved the paper. We are also grateful for comments from Andriy
Bodnaruk, John Campbell, Randy Cohen, Jonathan Cohn, Owen Lamont, Augustin Landier, Dong
Lou, Narayan Naik, Belén Nieto, Jeremy Stein, Dimitri Vayanos, Tuomo Vuolteenaho, and Paul
Woolley, as well as from conference participants at the Summer 2008 LSE lunchtime workshop,
Spring 2009 Harvard PhD brownbag lunch, 2010 HEC 2nd Annual Hedge Fund Conference, 2010
Paul Woolley Research Initiative Workshop, 2010 Spanish Finance Forum, 2010 WFA, 2010 EFA,
2010 Yale University Whitebox Graduate Student Conference, and 2010 Paul Woolley Conference,
and seminar participants at Bristol University, IESE-ESADE, Imperial College, London School of
Economics, and the University of Amsterdam. Financial support from the Paul Woolley Centre at
the LSE is gratefully acknowledged. Antón also gratefully acknowledges support from the Fun-
dación Ramón Areces, the European Commission (Project EMAIFAP–FP7-PEOPLE-2011-Marie
Curie CIG (GA no. 303990)), and the Public-Private Sector Research Center at IESE Business
DOI: 10.1111/jofi.12149
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1100 The Journal of FinanceR
ment more precisely. For example, we can isolate abnormally connected firms
by controlling for a host of pair characteristics.
We find that cross-sectional variation in common ownership predicts higher
four-factor abnormal return correlation, controlling for similarity in industry,
size, book-to-market, and momentum characteristics as well as the degree of
common analyst coverage. Our analysis also explores cross-sectional varia-
tion in the strength of the effect. In particular, we document that common
ownership has a stronger effect on subsequent correlation when the common
owners are experiencing strong net flows either into or out of their funds. The
flow effect is particularly strong when the stocks in the pair have relatively
low float.
The effect we document is economically as well as statistically significant
even though we restrict our analysis to big stocks, that is, stocks with market
capitalization above the NYSE median value. In fact, when we take into account
cross-sectional variation in the strength of the effect, we find that the predicted
variation in the four-factor residual correlation on average ranges from –0.046
to 0.029.
The fact that fund ownership is endogenous is a key concern. Perhaps fund
owners merely invest in stocks that have common fundamentals and thus nat-
urally comove. Indeed, many, if not all, papers arguing that fund ownership
causes comovement are vulnerable to this criticism.1 We are the first to ad-
dress this critique based on evidence from a natural experiment, the 2003
mutual trading scandal.2 This unexpected event resulted in significant out-
flows to implicated funds, which we show results in exogenous variation in
common ownership. We document that this exogenous variation strongly fore-
casts variation in abnormal return correlation. Thus, we provide novel evidence
of a causal relation between stock connectedness and comovement.
Previous and current research looks at related questions: Is there informa-
tion in institutional holdings about future returns? Or, more specifically, does
variation in assets under management result in price pressure? Most of these
studies are concerned with cross-sectional and time-series predictability of ab-
normal returns. Any implications for comovement are secondary, if examined
at all. We begin by measuring comovement. We then turn to the implications
for predictability of returns at the end of the analysis. In particular, we use the
1 For example, Vijh (1994) and Barberis, Shleifer, and Wurgler (2005) find that S&P 500 index
additions are followed by an increase in return covariation. However, members of the S&P 500
selection committee might implicitly look to include firms in the index that, going forward, are cen-
tral to the economy. Intuitively, that implicit criterion might be plausibly related to the sensitivity
of a firm’s fundamentals to the fundamentals of other central firms. Indeed, Antón (2011) provides
evidence that this is the case. Similarly, Greenwood and Thesmar (2011) show that their measure
of co-fragility (based on funds’ correlated flows) forecasts subsequent comovement. However, funds
with correlated flows might choose to invest in similar stocks whose fundamentals comove. Indeed,
Greenwood and Thesmar (2011) grant that their work has serious endogeneity concerns, and thus
their results are only suggestive.
2 Kisin (2011) uses this scandal to explore determinants of firm investment.
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Connected Stocks 1101
I. Literature Review
Our work has an intellectual link to papers studying whether crisis periods
result in sudden increases in correlations across countries, a feature often
referred to as contagion.5 In particular, we follow Bekaert, Harvey, and Ng
3 Researchers must make several assumptions to back out flows from data on funds’ total net
assets (see, e.g., Chevalier and Ellison (1997), Sirri and Tufano (1998), and Lou (2012)). These
assumptions include that inflows and outflows occur at the end of each period (often as infrequently
as quarterly), and that investors reinvest their dividends and capital appreciation distributions in
the same fund. Lack of data on flow activity during fund initiation, merger, and liquidation is also
an issue. Furthermore, the relation between flows and stock-level price impact is complicated by
the fact that funds can absorb capital flows using cash buffers and can initiate, expand, or liquidate
individual positions to different degrees based on liquidity costs.
4 As our focus is on the economics of how connectedness causes excess comovement that, by
definition, must eventually revert, we do not analyse whether our trading strategy is costly to
implement. Though the strategy is restricted to big stocks and the predictability persists for six
months, we grant that the relatively high turnover of the strategy will make the performance after
transaction costs less attractive.
5 See, for example, King and Wadhwani (1990), King, Sentana, and Wadhwani (1994), Forbes
and Rigobon (2001), Rigobon (2002), and Bekaert, Harvey, and Ng (2005).
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1102 The Journal of FinanceR
(2005, p. 40) and define contagion as “excess correlation, that is, correlation
over and above what one would expect from economic fundamentals.” Like
Bekaert, Harvey, and Ng, we take an asset pricing perspective to measure
economic fundamentals and identify contagion by the correlation of an asset
pricing model’s residuals. While Bekaert, Harvey, and Ng examine national
equity market returns, we look instead at firm-level stock returns.
Our work is directly related to a growing literature on fund flows. That
mutual fund flows and past performance are related (Ippolito (1992), Chevalier
and Ellison (1997), Sirri and Tufano (1998)) is now well known. A recent paper
by Coval and Stafford (2007) documents that extreme flows result in forced
trading that temporarily moves prices away from fundamental value as in
the general asset fire-sales model of Shleifer and Vishny (1992) through the
price pressure mechanism of Scholes (1972). Ellul, Jotikasthira, and Lundblad
(2010) and Mitchell, Pedersen, and Pulvino (2007) document broadly similar
findings in the bond and convertible bond markets, respectively.6 Unlike these
papers, which study particular events, our analysis explores the extent to which
institutional connections affect second moments more generally.
Recent theoretical work emphasizes the importance of delegated portfolio
management and agency frictions for price movements such as these.7 In par-
ticular, Vayanos and Woolley (2013) show that fund flows can generate comove-
ment and lead-lag effects of the type we document. Their model provides strong
theoretical motivation for our empirical analysis. More generally, beginning
with Shleifer and Vishny (1997), researchers have studied the role of funding
in arbitrage activity and the extent to which arbitrageurs should be expected to
demand or provide liquidity.8 In a related study, Sadka (2010) shows that the
typical hedge fund loads on a liquidity risk factor and that sensitivity to that
liquidity risk is priced in the cross section of hedge fund returns. Measuring
the extent to which hedge funds’ performance can be attributed to a trading
strategy that exploits temporary price dislocations resulting from institutional-
driven comovement follows naturally from this theory and empirical evidence.
Two contemporaneous papers analyze issues related to comovement and
institutional ownership.9 First, Lou (2012) argues that flow-driven demand
6 Similarly, Singleton (2011) examines the influence of investor flows on returns in the crude oil
futures market.
7 See, for example, the 2010 American Finance Association presidential address, Duffie (2010).
8 Many researchers have built on the ideas in Shleifer and Vishny (1997), including Gromb and
Vayanos (2002), Vayanos (2004), and Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009). For a recent survey of
this literature, see Gromb and Vayanos (2010).
9 Sun (2007) uses standard clustering techniques to identify subsets of funds that hold similar
stocks. Sun shows that the typical stock’s return covaries with the equal-weighted average return
on all of the stocks in the top five fund clusters holding the stock in question. Moreover, Sun shows
that this covariance is stronger if the average flow for the top five clusters in question is lower
than the tenth percentile of the historical distribution of fund flows for that group of five fund
clusters. In contrast, our approach predicts the pair-specific return correlation with the degree
of the pair’s common ownership, controlling for exposure to systematic return factors, style and
sector similarity, and many other pair characteristics. Additionally, Sun does not examine any
implications of the covariance she documents for profitable trading strategies.
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Connected Stocks 1103
shocks more generally affect prices than just in the extreme fire-sale situa-
tions of Coval and Stafford (2007). Lou shows that stocks with high expected
flows from mutual funds comove. Of course, one might expect that mutual fund
flows are to similar stocks that might naturally covary, so endogeneity is an
Lou (2012) also examines the predictability of returns linked to mutual fund
flows. Unlike Lou (or Coval and Stafford (2007) for that matter), we avoid
having to measure the impact of flows on stock returns and instead use the
actual connected return as a signal of the strength of the contagion effect
resulting from ownership-based connections in the stock market.10 Moreover,
whereas Lou’s focus is on momentum effects, we instead examine the way the
presence of institutional connectedness generates cross-stock-reversal patterns
in returns.
Second, Greenwood and Thesmar (2011) argue that active mutual fund own-
ers of stocks can have correlated trading needs and thus the stocks that they
hold can comove, even if there are no overlapping holdings. Greenwood and
Thesmar show that these correlated trading needs predict future price volatil-
ity and cross-sectional variation in comovement. Greenwood and Thesmar
acknowledge that a concern with their interpretation is that funds with corre-
lated flows might simply choose to invest in similar stocks whose fundamentals
Researchers have adopted our techniques to study comovement in other mar-
kets. For example, Jotikasthira, Lundblad, and Ramadorai (2012) use our
method to argue that investor flows into global funds affect equity prices,
emerging market return correlations, and the correlation between emerging
markets and developed markets. Bartram, Griffin, and Ng (2012) study con-
nected stocks using international holdings data. They develop a similar mea-
sure of ownership linkages and show that return shocks linked to ownership
connections are as important in explaining firm-level stock returns as industry
and country returns.
Finally, like us, Chen et al. (2008) explore whether hedge funds take ad-
vantage of the mutual fund flow-forced trading that Coval and Stafford (2007)
document. They argue that hedge funds take advantage of that opportunity
as average returns of long-short hedge funds are higher in months when the
number of mutual funds in distress is large. In particular, Chen et al. suggest
that this evidence is consistent with hedge funds front-running the trades of
distressed mutual funds. Our findings are consistent with their results but
further show that the typical hedge fund apparently winds up on the wrong
side of the price dislocation that we study.
10 In a similar fashion, Lou and Polk (2013) propose using the past degree of abnormal return
correlation among those stocks that an arbitrageur would speculate on as a measure of arbitrage
activity. Their approach is successful in linking time-variation in both the profitability and subse-
quent reversal of momentum strategy returns to their measure of momentum arbitrage activity.
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1104 The Journal of FinanceR
we show that our finding of a relation between common ownership and comove-
ment is robust to not rank-transforming FCAP.
ρi j,t+1 = a + b f ∗ FC APi∗j,t + bk ∗ CONTROLi j,k + εi j,t+1 . (1)
Rather than pool the data, we estimate these regressions monthly and report
the time-series average as in Fama and MacBeth (1973) as a robust way to
avoid any issues with cross-correlation in the residuals of equation (1). We
then calculate Newey and West (1987) standard errors of the Fama–MacBeth
estimates that take into account autocorrelation in the time series of cross-
sectional estimates out to four lags.13
D. Controls
Our ultimate goal is to show that common ownership causes stocks to become
more correlated. However, being able to forecast differences in comovement
with common ownership may not be surprising if the predictability simply re-
flects the fact that fund managers choose to hold stocks that are similar. Those
stocks would be expected to comove regardless of who owns the stock. The
prototypical example is industry classification; we expect firms in similar in-
dustries to covary more, all else equal. Certainly fund managers may also tend
to invest in a particular sector. To capture that tendency, we measure industry
similarity as the number of consecutive SIC digits (NUMSIC), beginning with
the first digit, that are equal for a given pair.
Similarly, managers may follow investment styles and/or strategies such as
growth or value, small cap or large cap, momentum or reversal. Since previous
research by Fama and French (1993) and Carhart (1997) documents the link
between these characteristics and sensitivity to common return factors, we
expect higher correlation between two stocks if they have a greater similarity
in the aforementioned characteristics. By forecasting the correlation of Fama–
French–Carhart residuals, we hope that a good portion of the variation has
already been removed.14
13 This choice is consistent with the degree of autocorrelation generally observed in the time
series of coefficients. In particular, the partial serial correlation in the time series of regression
coefficients associated with FCAP becomes statistically insignificant after four months. Moreover,
we reestimated our standard errors using lag lengths as long as 36 months, and our results remain
statistically significant.
14 We obtain the Fama and French (1993) and Carhart (1997) daily return factors from Ken
French’s website.
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1106 The Journal of FinanceR
III. Results
A. Forecasting Comovement
Table I, Panel A confirms the well-known marked increase in active funds
over this period. Our choice of restricting the analysis to big stocks results in a
15 We base our measure of common coverage on annual forecasts, as quarterly earnings forecasts
Table I
Summary Statistics
This table reports summary statistics for all NYSE-Amex-NASDAQ stocks that are above the
median NYSE market capitalization as of each quarter-end and the active funds that invest in
those stocks from 1980 to 2008. Panel A lists the total number of stocks, pairs of stocks, and funds
at the end of the fourth quarter for the first and last
years of the sample, and for every five years.
The number of unique stock pairs is n ∗ (n − 1) /2, where n is the number of stocks. We have
41,374,135 pair-quarters in our sample. Panel B reports summary statistics on the number of
stocks held by each fund and the number of funds that hold each stock, for both the full sample
and each decade within the sample. Panel C reports the distribution of common fund ownership
(FC APi j,t ), which measures the total value of stocks held by all common funds of the two stocks,
scaled by the total market capitalization of the two stocks, as of the quarter-end. The distribution
is shown for the average of the entire sample (All), for the first and the last year of the sample,
and for every five years.
All 0.0077 0.0142 0.0000 0.0000 0.0020 0.0086 0.0356 0.0691 0.8143
1980 0.0016 0.0045 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 0.0099 0.0224 0.0970
1985 0.0018 0.0045 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0015 0.0103 0.0218 0.1013
1990 0.0035 0.0072 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005 0.0038 0.0168 0.0335 0.1447
1995 0.0080 0.0141 0.0000 0.0004 0.0022 0.0091 0.0355 0.0679 0.2755
2000 0.0119 0.0176 0.0000 0.0012 0.0051 0.0148 0.0485 0.0828 0.2581
2005 0.0152 0.0185 0.0000 0.0031 0.0080 0.0199 0.0545 0.0859 0.2164
2008 0.0156 0.0182 0.0000 0.0037 0.0088 0.0205 0.0531 0.0856 0.2922
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1108 The Journal of FinanceR
relatively stable number of stocks over time (approximately 800 to 900 stocks)
and a large cross section of stock pairs to analyze (roughly 300,000 to 400,000
pairs). Table I, Panel B documents that the typical active manager holds 58.5
big stocks. As a consequence, a big stock has on average 68.6 active mutual
fund owners. Of course, because of the growth of funds over this period, these
full-sample numbers mask a strong trend in the number of funds holding a
stock. In the early part of the sample (1980 to 1989), the median number of
funds holding a typical big stock is 10. In the later part of the sample (2000 to
2008), the median increases to 114.
Our specific interest is how these numbers translate to the number of com-
mon owners for a pair of stocks. We report snapshots of the distribution of
common owners in Table I, Panel C. The sharing of active fund ownership with
another stock is relatively common as more than 75% of all stock pairs have a
common active fund owner. A typical pair in our sample has roughly nine funds
in common, which results in 0.77% of the combined market capitalization being
owned by common funds. One might expect from the increase in funds over this
period that the number of ownership-based connections among big stocks has
also increased dramatically. We find this to be the case. In 1990, the median
number of ownership connections is one, owning 0.05% of the combined mar-
ket equity. In 2008, the median number of ownership connections is 19, owning
0.88% of the combined market equity. Our use of rank-transformed variables
in the main analysis ensures that these sorts of trends do not drive our results.
Table II, Panel A reports results from forecasting cross-sectional variation
in four-factor residual correlation for the full sample.16 In the first column,
specification (1), we estimate a simplified version of equation (1) with only
common ownership, FCAP*, as a forecasting variable. We find that FCAP* is
highly statistically significant, with a coefficient of 0.00395 and a t-statistic of
13.43.17 The effect is economically significant as well, with fitted values ranging
from an average minimum of –0.0007 to an average maximum 0.0124 around
an average abnormal correlation of 0.0053.18
In the second column, specification (2), we report results of regressions incor-
porating our controls for style/sector similarity and common coverage. Recall
that these control variables are normalized to have a standard deviation of one
and are transformed so that higher values indicate greater style similarity. The
number of common analysts, A*, forecasts abnormal return correlation with a
statistically significant coefficient of 0.01437 (t-statistic of 11.92). This finding
16 One may worry that we miss some portion of excess comovement between returns due to
non-synchronicity. Our results become slightly stronger if we include lags when computing the
correlation of the daily four-factor residuals.
17 Of course, a portion of the covariation linked to a pair’s exposure to systematic risk factors
could be caused by common ownership. If we instead forecast the correlation of raw returns (i.e.,
not four-factor residuals), the coefficient is 0.02118, more than five times as large.
18 To calculate the average range in abnormal correlation linked to FCAP*, we first orthogonalize
FCAP* to the other variables. We then forecast four-factor residual correlations using orthogonal-
ized FCAP*, saving the minimum and maximum forecast in each cross section. Finally, we average
this range over time.
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Connected Stocks 1109
Table II
Connected Comovement
This table reports Fama and MacBeth (1973) estimates of monthly cross-sectional regressions
forecasting the correlation of daily Fama and French (1993)–Carhart (1997) residuals in month
t + 1 for the sample of stocks defined in Table I. The independent variables are updated quarterly
and include our measure of institutional connectedness, the total ownership value held by all
common funds of the two stocks scaled by the total market capitalization of the two stocks, FC APi j,t ,
and a series of controls at time t. We measure the negative of the absolute value of the difference
in size, book-to-market ratio (BE/ME), and momentum percentile ranking across the two stocks in
the pair (S AMESI ZEi j,t , S AMEBMi j,t , and S AMEMOMi j,t , respectively). We also measure the
number of similar SIC digits beginning with the first digit, NUMSICi j,t , for the two stocks in a
pair. We also include 39 other controls, which are reported in the Internet Appendix, for the sake
of brevity. All independent variables, excluding dummy variables are then rank-transformed and
normalized to have unit standard deviation, which we denote with *. We calculate Newey and West
(1987) standard errors (four lags) of the Fama and MacBeth (1973) estimates that take into account
autocorrelation in the cross-sectional slopes. We report the associated t-statistics in parentheses.
We report estimates of regressions using various subsets of these variables in Panel A. Panel B
shows the same set of regressions as in Panel A, but for three different subsamples (corresponding
to the three decades of the sample). In Panel C, we report the results of regressing the time series
of Fama and MacBeth (1973) FCAP* coefficients on a constant and a trend. In Panels B and C, only
the FCAP* coefficient and the intercept estimates are shown; the remaining controls are reported
in the Internet Appendix.
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1110 The Journal of FinanceR
Table II—Continued
Panel C: Measuring a Trend in the Time Series of Fama and MacBeth Coefficients
is consistent with analysts choosing to cover stocks that are similar. We also
find a strong sector effect as the coefficient on NUMSIC* is 0.00745 with a
t-statistic of 12.39.
Turning to the style-based controls, we find that stocks with similar mo-
mentum characteristics covary; the coefficient on SAMEMOM* is 0.00228
(t-statistic of 8.60). Similarity in book-to-market has a much smaller effect
as the coefficient on SAMEBM* is 0.00031 (t-statistic of 2.68). Of course, one
should take into account the fact that we are already controlling for exposure
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Connected Stocks 1111
19 The Internet Appendix may be found in the online version of this article.
20 Although the variation linked to FCAP* may seem modest, note that predicting realized
abnormal return correlation is a difficult task. Realized abnormal return correlation is very noisy,
with an average standard deviation in each cross section of approximately 0.25. R2 s are less than
2% on average, even in the fourth specification, which contains very flexible style controls.
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1112 The Journal of FinanceR
DeMiguel, Garlappi, and Uppal (2007) argue that 1/N rules perform better out-of-sample than
traditional forecasts of the covariance matrix, it would be interesting to explore how our method
and our characteristics perform out-of-sample. We leave this question for future research.
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Connected Stocks 1113
Table III
Natural Experiment
This table reports results from a 2SLS instrumental variables regression based on a natural exper-
iment. In September 2003, 25 fund families experienced large outflows of capital as a consequence
of a settlement regarding alleged illegal trading. We argue that the outflow of capital because
of this scandal is an exogenous shock unrelated to the endogenous investment decisions of fund
managers. In the first stage we predict the variable FCAP* with the ratio (RATIO) of the total
ownership value held by all common “scandal” funds of the two stocks over the total ownership
value held by all common funds, both measured as of the time of the scandal (end of September
2003). The second stage of the regression uses the fitted FCAP* to forecast the correlation of daily
Fama and French (1993)–Carhart (1997) residuals in month t + 1. Four different specifications are
shown, corresponding to the specifications shown in Table II. We add to each of those four groups
of controls as an additional control for the level of connectedness as of the scandal, FCAP˙200309*.
The first row of estimates directly uses the IV variable, RATIO, in the first stage. The second row
of estimates replaces RATIO in the first stage with a dummy variable that equals one if RATIO
is above its median value. The final row of estimates report the coefficients on FCAP* in an OLS
regression corresponding to Table II, but for this specific subsample (January 2004 to December
2006) and with FCAP˙200309*, for comparison with the IV analysis. We report t-statistics in paren-
theses. The coefficients for the first stage are not shown in this table and are instead reported in
the Internet Appendix. Similarly, estimates on all control variables in the second stage in each of
the 12 specifications are reported in the Internet Appendix.
The first row of estimates in Table III corresponds to the 2SLS coefficients on
instrumented FCAP* when the continuous variable RATIO is the instrumen-
tal variable. The coefficient in specification (1), where there are no controls,
is 0.04204, which is highly significant with a t-statistic of 5.39. This causal
effect is economically significant as well, with fitted values ranging from an
average minimum of –0.0019 to an average maximum 0.0184 around an av-
erage abnormal correlation of 0.0089. As one moves across the column to the
right of the table, including more and more controls, the coefficient decreases
somewhat as well as the t-statistic, but remains statistically significant, even
for specification (4), which includes all of our controls.
Similar patterns can be found in the second row of estimates, where a dummy
for above-median RATIO is used as the instrumental variable. The last row of
estimates in Table III shows the coefficients of the OLS regression estimated
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1114 The Journal of FinanceR
in Table II but for the subsample in which the natural experiment takes place
(from December 2003 to December 2006) and with FCAP200309* added as an
additional control, for purposes of comparison. These OLS results are weaker
than the 2SLS results, consistent with the endogeneity of common ownership
being important.
To summarize, Table III shows that the mutual fund scandal generates exoge-
nous variation in common ownership that causes abnormal return correlation
in the following month.
where T N Ai,t is the total net assets of fund i in quarter t and Ri,t is the fund
return over the period t − 1 to t reported by CRSP Mutual Fund Database.
Note that TNA is reported quarterly before 1991 and monthly thereafter. To
compute quarterly flows after 1990, we simply sum monthly flows.
Next, for each pair, we compute the total amount of net capital flowing into
the common owners as the absolute value of the sum of FLOW over the K
common funds,
PFLOW i, j,t = ABS FLOW k,t . (3)
Table IV
Connected Comovement: Cross-Sectional Variation
This table reports Fama and MacBeth (1973) estimates of monthly cross-sectional regressions
forecasting the correlation of daily Fama and French (1993)–Carhart (1997) residuals in month
t + 1 for the sample of stocks defined in Table I. We add interactions between FCAP* and the total
float of the pair (PFLOAT) and the absolute value of the total flows into the common funds holding
the pair (PFLOW). We also include a triple interaction among these three variables. PFLOAT*
is first rank-transformed and then normalized to have unit standard deviation, which we denote
with *. We calculate Newey and West (1987) standard errors (four lags) of the Fama and MacBeth
(1973) estimates that take into account autocorrelation in the cross-sectional slopes. The analysis
is limited to the 1991 to 2008 subperiod when PFLOAT is available. Controls not shown here are
reported in the Internet Appendix.
22 We add the direct effect of PFLOAT* and PFLOW as well as the interaction between PFLOAT*
and PFLOW to the control variables to ensure that any triple interaction effect we find is not simply
because of an omitted variable. For the sake of brevity, the table only reports the coefficients on
FCAP* and its interactions. All other coefficient estimates are reported in the Internet Appendix.
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1116 The Journal of FinanceR
the interaction of FCAP* with PFLOAT* are negative, though not statistically
significant in all four specifications. Similarly, FCAP* more strongly forecasts
comovement when PFLOW is high, that is, when total flows to common funds
are very high or very low. This interaction is always very statistically sig-
nificant. Finally, the triple interaction reveals that the link between common
ownership and future comovement is strongest when common owners of a pair
of low-float stocks experience extreme flows. This interaction is statistically
significant in three of the four specifications.
The predicted variation in abnormal return correlation conditional on these
two pair-based characteristics is now of course larger than in Table II. In
specification (1), for example, fitted values linked to FCAP* now range from an
average minimum of –0.0462 to an average maximum 0.0291.
These results are consistent with the causal interpretation provided by the
natural experiment: prices are more subject to nonfundamental comovement
when pressure from net mutual fund trading is high and especially so when
the stocks in question have low float and thus are less liquid.
The Internet Appendix further analyzes the nature of this comovement using
the Campbell (1991) return decomposition, as applied in Campbell, Polk, and
Vuolteenaho (2010).23 The results presented in the Internet Appendix show
that the majority of the variation in comovement linked to connectedness arises
from the covariance of cash flow news and discount rate news. This finding is
consistent with our finding of a causal relation between connectedness and
comovement. News about fundamentals in one stock (cash-flow news) results
in temporary movements (discount-rate news) in another stock as connected
owners sell off positions in both stocks.24
23 Of course, these conclusions depend on having correctly specified the VAR producing the
return decomposition. The Internet Appendix describes the methodology and presents the VAR
24 Alternatively, we could have found that the majority of the variation in comovement linked
to connectedness is entirely because of cash-flow news covariance. If so, this finding would be
inconsistent with institutional ownership causing comovement as stock owners cannot directly
affect cash flows.
25 Chen, Chen, and Li (2012) also measure the cross-sectional variation in pair-wise correlations
and show that a large portion of that cross-sectional variation is persistent, yet unexplained by a
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Connected Stocks 1117
expect forced sells to be more likely than forced buys, we conjecture that most
of the predictable variation will come from the long side of the strategy.
Since our ownership data are updated quarterly, we look for these patterns
using past three-month returns. By using the actual connected return as a mea-
sure of the price impact from mutual fund trading, we avoid having to measure
the impact of flows on stock returns. In particular, each month we sort our
subset of big stocks into quintiles based on their past three-month return.
We independently sort these stocks into quintiles based on the past three-
month return on the portfolio of stocks that they are connected to through
common ownership (riC,t ). We exploit the results of Table II to construct the
connected portfolio and isolate the incremental effect of common ownership as
well as possible. Specifically, we first measure the degree of abnormal connec-
tions (FCAPO*) by orthogonalizing FCAP* each period to the full set of controls
of regression (4) in Table II.26 We then use FC AP Oi∗j,t to generate the weights
determining riC,t . Specifically, we define
long list of variables. They do not incorporate holdings data in their forecasts of correlation. Chen,
Chen, and Li also develop a trading strategy. However, their focus is on enhancing the profitability
of pairs-based trading strategies that look for divergence in the prices of a pair of similar stocks.
The strategy then profits from the correction of the divergence. In contrast, our strategy identifies
stocks that temporarily move together and profits from their eventual divergence.
26 We thank an anonymous referee for this suggestion.
27 The short-term reversal factor is also from Ken French’s website.
28 We find that including STR in our benchmarking has very little effect on our results.
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1118 The Journal of FinanceR
3% High
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Months aŌer porƞolio formaƟon
Figure 1. Cumulative alphas for a connected-stock strategy. This figure graphs the abnor-
mal buy-and-hold performance of a cross-stock-reversal trading strategy that exploits information
in ownership connections among big stocks (stocks above the median NYSE market capitaliza-
tion). These stocks are sorted into 25 portfolios based on independent quintile sorts on their own
three-month return and the three-month return on their connected stock portfolio. We define a
stock’s connected portfolio as those stocks each quarter that have active mutual fund owners in
common with the stock in question. The connected portfolio weights are proportional to the degree
of abnormal common fund ownership, as defined in the text. The figure plots the buy-and-hold ab-
normal returns on stocks that are in the low own-return and low connected-return portfolio (which
we dub the low portfolio), stocks that are in the high own-return and high connected-return port-
folio (the high portfolio), and the difference between low and high abnormal returns. Returns are
benchmarked against the Fama and French (1993)–Carhart (1997) four-factor model augmented
with the short-term reversal factor.
shown in the graph are consistent with stocks being pushed away from funda-
mental value by mutual fund trading, with the connected return being a useful
measure of the extent of that temporary misvaluation. These patterns last for
the next six months. Thus, compared to the standard short-term reversal effect,
the misvaluation is larger and takes more time to revert. Consistent with the
forced selling/price pressure of Coval and Stafford (2007), we find that more of
the effect comes from the low portfolio than the high portfolio.
As a consequence, we evaluate the average returns on “composite” portfolios
that take these predictable patterns in the cross section of average returns into
account. To ensure our findings are not due to the one-month reversal effect,
we first skip a month after the sort and then hold the stocks in question for five
months, following the methodology of Jegadeesh and Titman (1993). Table V
reports the five-factor alphas on these 25 composite portfolios, each of which
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Connected Stocks 1119
Table V
Alphas on Connected-Stock Trading Strategies
This table presents the profitability of a simple trading strategy exploiting stock connectedness.
We independently sort stocks into quintiles based on their own return over the last three months
and the return on their connected portfolio over the last three months. We first measure the
degree of abnormal connections by orthogonalizing FCAP* (which we denote by FCAPO*) each
period to the full set of controls in regression (4) of Table II. We then define the connected return
as riC,t = Jj=1 FCAPi∗∗j,t−1 r j,t / Jj=1 FCAPi∗∗j,t−1 , where FCAPi∗∗j,t = rank(FCAPOi∗j,t ) if FCAPi j,t > 0
and FCAPi j,t = 0 if FC APi j,t = 0. Following Jegadeesh and Titman (1993), each composite port-
folio below is an equal-weighted average of the corresponding simple strategies initiated one to
five months prior. The table reports the five-factor alphas on these 25 composite portfolios. The
five factors include the four Fama and French (1993)–Carhart (1997) factors plus a short-term
reversal factor, all downloaded from Ken French’s website. We also report the average returns
on a connected-stock trading strategy (CS) that buys the low own-return low connected-return
composite portfolio and sells the high own-return high connected-return) composite portfolio.
of 4.96).29 Consistent with our forced-trading story, more than 71% of the alpha
comes from the composite low portfolio.
For comparison, Table V also reports the average five-factor alpha on a
strategy that instead buys the average (across the own-return quintiles) low
connected-return composite portfolio and sells the average (across the own-
return quintiles) high connected-return portfolio. This strategy earns 36 basis
points per month (t-statistic of 4.13).30 Since such a strategy ignores the in-
formation in the interaction between a stock’s own return and its connected
return, the strong performance further confirms that our finding of a success-
ful connected-stock trading strategy is distinct from the short-term reversal
Table VI reports the regression loadings from the performance attribution for
the connected-stock trading strategy as well as the effect of including additional
variables in the attribution regression. We first include the liquidity factor of
Pástor and Stambaugh (2003) to measure how CS covaries with this factor.31
We find that CS covaries positively with their factor although the coefficient is
only marginally significant. We then include a trend in the regression. We find
no evidence that the alpha of our connected-stock trading strategy has been
trending over time. Finally, we include dummy variables for each quarter. We
find that our effect is strongest in the fourth quarter of the year but that alphas
in each of the four quarters remain economically and statistically significant.
sponding t-statistic is 5.10. When we use FCAP* instead of FCAPO* to determine the weights
on a stock’s connected portfolio, the results (reported in the Internet Appendix) are weaker but
are still economically large, generating 48 basis points per month with a corresponding t-statistic
of 2.76. This finding shows the robustness of our result, as well as the usefulness of measuring
abnormal common ownership. We also examined different lengths of the formation period in which
we measure the connected and own returns; our results are robust to formation periods ranging
from one month (45 basis points, t-statistic 3.77) to 12 months (32 basis points, t-statistic 1.56).
30 The FCAP*-weighted version of this strategy earns 30 basis points per month (t-statistic of
31 Since this factor is not a traded portfolio, the loading of CS on the liquidity factor is the only
Table VI
The Connected-Stock Trading Strategy and Liquidity Risk
This table measures the loadings of the connected-stock trading strategy on a liquidity factor as
well as on trend and quarter dummies. We study the connected strategy, CS, formed in Table V,
which buys the low own-return low connected-return) composite portfolio and sells the high own-
return high connected-return composite portfolio. We regress the return on this trading strategy
on a constant, the liquidity factor (PS INNOV) from the work of Pástor and Stambaugh (2003), the
Fama and French (1993)–Carhart (1997) factors, a short-term reversal factor (STR), a trend, and
seasonal (quarterly) dummies over the period June 1980 to December 2008. Column (1) reports
loadings of the return on our connected strategy on the five factors used in Table V. Column (2) adds
PS INNOV as an explanatory variable. Columns (3) and (4) include a trend or quarterly seasonal
dummies, respectively, as additional explanatory variables. We report t-statistics in parentheses.
to measure the extent to which funds that specifically invest in equities are
exposed to the connected stocks factor.
Table VII reports the results of this analysis. We find that hedge funds in gen-
eral and long-short managers in particular load negatively on the connected-
stock trading strategy. The coefficient in the first column of Table VII estimates
a regression of the overall hedge fund index excess return on the return on our
connected strategy and the four factors of Fama and French (1993) and Carhart
(1997), augmented with the short-term reversal factor, STR. We include the in-
teraction of CS with the lagged value of the change in the VIX index (VIX) to
capture any time-variation in the sensitivity to CS. Both theory and evidence
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1122 The Journal of FinanceR
Table VII
Hedge Fund and Mutual Fund Exposure to Connected Strategy
This table measures the exposure of two CSFB hedge fund return indexes (all and long-short)
as well as the value-weighted average active mutual fund return (net of fees) to the connected
strategy described in Table V. We regress fund index returns in excess of the Treasury bill rate
on a constant, the connected strategy, and either the eight Fung and Hsieh (2001, 2004) hedge
fund factors or the Fama and French (1993)–Carhart (1997) model plus a short-term reversal
factor (STR). The time period is January 1994 to December 2008. The analysis adds as additional
explanatory variables the return on the connected-stock trading strategy (CS) of Table V as well
as an interaction between CS and the lagged, demeaned, normalized change in the VIX (VIX).
We report t-statistics in parentheses.
suggest that an increase in the VIX is a good measure of turbulent times for the
hedge fund industry.33 We demean and standardize VIX so that the coefficient
on CS reflects the return loading for typical values of VIX, and the interaction
coefficient indicates how a one-standard-deviation move affects that loading.
The coefficients on CS and CS interacted with VIX for the all-hedge-fund
index are negative but statistically insignificant in a six-factor regression that
adds CS to the five factors of Table VI. The second column of the table instead
attributes the performance of the hedge fund index to the connected strategy,
its interaction with VIX, and the eight hedge fund factors of Fung and Hsieh
(2001, 2004).34 Though hedge funds in aggregate load on these eight factors
to various degrees, our connected-stock factor is important in describing the
returns on hedge funds. The coefficient is now more economically and statis-
tically significant: the point estimate for CS is –0.1306 and has an associated
t-statistic of –5.38. The interaction term remains statistically insignificant.
This result suggests that our trading strategy is a useful tool to measure the
state of the hedge fund industry as the typical hedge fund is negatively exposed
to our factor, regardless of whether the VIX is increasing or decreasing.
Perhaps more interesting results are in the third and fourth columns of
Table VII. In column (3), we measure the degree to which the long-short subset
of hedge funds covaries with our connected-return trading strategy in the pres-
ence of the Fama–French–Carhart factors and the short-term reversal factor.
In column (4), we instead use the Fung and Hsieh factors as controls. In both
cases, we find that the returns on this subset of hedge funds strongly and nega-
tively covary with our connected-return factor and particularly so in turbulent
times (when VIX is increasing).
Specifically, we find that the average sensitivity to CS for long-short hedge
funds is more than 70% larger in absolute value than the corresponding esti-
mate for all hedge funds. The t-statistics are correspondingly larger and indi-
cate strong statistical significance (a t-statistic of –2.88 when controlling for the
five equity factors and –9.25 when controlling for the eight Fung and Hsieh fac-
tors). The magnitude of the interaction coefficients is more than twice as large
for the long-short fund subset compared to all hedge funds and t-statistics in
the attribution regressions are –3.29 and –2.49, respectively. These findings are
comforting as one would expect this subset of hedge funds to be more exposed
to our factor on average and particularly so when the VIX is increasing.
For the sake of comparison, we also estimate the loading of a value-weighted
portfolio consisting of all of the active mutual funds in our sample over the
same time period. This portfolio has a smaller (in absolute value) sensitivity to
the connected strategy as the estimate is –0.0225 with an associated t-statistic
of –1.78. Though we do not observe complete holdings data for all hedge funds
33 Gromb and Vayanos (2002) and Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009) predict that increasing
volatility tightens the funding constraints of liquidity providers like hedge funds. Indeed, hedge
funds face redemptions and lower leverage when the VIX is increasing (Ang, Gorovyy, and van
Inwegen (2011) and Ben-David, Franzoni, and Moussawi (2012)).
34 We downloaded three of the Fung and Hsieh (2001) factors from http://faculty.˜dah7/DataLibrary/TF-FAC.xls.
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1124 The Journal of FinanceR
0.06 0.00
0.00 -0.15
-11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
-0.02 -0.20
-0.04 -0.25
-0.06 -0.30
-0.08 -0.35
-0.10 -0.40
-0.12 -0.45
-0.14 -0.50
Figure 2. Hedge fund sensitivity to the connected-stocks trading strategy return. This
figure plots the loadings of hedge fund index returns on the connected stocks trading strategy,
CS, in event time as well as the corresponding cumulative five-factor abnormal return on the CS
and therefore cannot see the exact positions of these long-short hedge funds,
these results suggest that these hedge funds do not take full advantage of the
opportunities that price pressure from mutual fund flows provide. Indeed, these
results are consistent with hedge funds exacerbating rather than mitigating
the price pressure patterns documented in this paper.35
Figure 2 suggests why it is not surprising that the typical hedge fund loads
negatively on our connected strategy. This figure plots both the loadings of the
two hedge fund indexes on the connected strategy as well as the cumulative
abnormal return on the connected strategy in event time, where the event is the
forming of the connected-stock trading strategy. One reasonable interpretation
of this figure is that hedge funds follow a momentum strategy that effectively
front-runs mutual fund flows, but the typical hedge fund is unable to exit
its positions in time and therefore exacerbates the price dislocation it helps
Of course, this finding begs the question as to whether it is value-adding
for long-short hedge funds to follow a front-running strategy. In Table VII, the
35 In the Internet Appendix, we repeat the analysis when the strategy is computed using FCAP*
IV. Conclusion
We show that stocks are connected through the mutual fund owners they
have in common. In particular, pairs of stocks that are connected in this fashion
covary more together, controlling for exposure to systematic return factors,
style and sector similarity, and many other pair characteristics. Evidence from
a natural experiment—the 2003 mutual fund trading scandal—confirms that
this relation is causal. Consistent with these findings, we further show that
the general link between shared ownership and comovement is stronger for
owners who are experiencing extreme flows in low-float stocks.
These results motivate a novel cross-stock-reversal trading strategy that ex-
ploits the information in ownership connections to generate annual abnormal
returns of more than 9%. As a consequence, we provide a simple way to docu-
ment the extent to which ownership-based connections result in equity market
contagion. In an application, we document that the typical long-short hedge
fund covaries negatively with our trading strategy (and more so than the typ-
ical mutual fund we initially study), suggesting that hedge funds on average
may be part of the cause of the excess covariation and price dislocation that
contagion from ownership-based connections generates.
Initial submission: April 1, 2010; Final version received: November 12, 2013
Editor: Campbell Harvey
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Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this
article at the publisher’s web site:
Appendix S1: Internet Appendix.