Sap SD Tickets
Sap SD Tickets
Sap SD Tickets
Ans: This is not SAP standard hence cannot specify the Industry Best practice
5. User wants to change the "general terms & condition" text in order acknowledge
Ans. GTC was coming from text Z_COS_3102 & Z_COS_3102_PAGE2
. Hence updated the text in SP10 as per user. SO10.
6. Incorrect weight in delivery and invoice, though it is correct in order.
Ans. Weight has been changed manually in delivery and the same copied to invoice. No error
in system.
Advised user to cancel the invoice and reverse PGI and correct weight otherwise create return
revision order.
11. Order 150156877 for customer Polyrafia was delivered (complete) with Outbound
Delivery 804073643 / Shipment 0024266712, but created another delivery and shipment
(804133337/24316837), why was that?
Ans. as the user has kept a complete delivery check option in sales order to avoid future
delivery and shipmnet creation. VA02
Multiple deliveries are getting created, requested user to keep complete delivery check.
12. cannot GI
Ans. Actual goods movement date was mentioned incorrectly, now that has been changed to
the current month and year VL02N
Actual goods movement date was mentioned incorrectly, now that has been changed to the
current month and year
14. Could you kindly let us know which block can prevent the shipment?
Ans. Shipment Block in Delivery VL02n
Select Z2 delivery split block in shipment block reason field in delivery header in shipment
16. User wanted to add 3 days of pick/pack time for the shipping point.
Ans. Shipping point Setup SPRO →Update the Pick Pack time as per the business
requirement of the Shipping point. This will ensure correct dates in the scheduling.
Pick/pack time is maintained shipping point level. Pick/pack time changed in shipping point
as per Business requirement.
17. Address for Remito document ZREM was showing wrong, user thought, the address
was picking from Branch Code in actual it was picking from Shipping Point.
Ans. Shipping point C100 address has been changed according to user comment.
SPRO→Shipping point adress should be updated, as it affects the adress appearing on the
subsequent docuemnts
Shipping point C100 address has been changed according to user comment.
We checked all the possibilities and contacted PO output experts also..we did not find
anything...Spool report was showing that fax went at 28th. But the same was not reflecting in
the chnge log. We have forwarded the ticket to DOW-HP-OMS-INTERFACE
19. "Issue Type: Delivery Output: Incorrect Data
Description of the request: The total name could not be printed all the time
Delivery Number: 802186813
Output Type: All the documents(DN&COA)
Ans. Incorrect Master data setup MM02 Master data should be correctly setup
"Material Description value in the Delivery output (ZDN1) gets fetched from Basic data text
in material master.
For the material 10292272 the text in Chinese is maintained as ""Õ³ºÏ¼ÁTHIXON P-11-
EF/4494SPL/18KG"".Hence the same value is getting printed on the output.whereas for the
material 10401990 the text is maintained as"" Õ³ºÏ¼Á "" hence the Description in English is
not getting printed.I have requested Material master data team to update the material
description of material 00010401990 to "" Õ³ºÏ¼ÁTHIXON 422/4484SPL/3.8KG ""
21. User not able to print out delivery notes out of ECC. I tried it with the local printer
as well as with Scan Soft. This problem only occurs with stock transfer delivery notes.
Ans. PDF scanner device was missing VT22N Install Nauce PDF Creator
Installed Nause PDF and issue fixed.
24. I am trying to place a stock transfer order to move material from Chauny, France
(Plant A075) to G&A Warehouse (Plant A083), and I am getting an error that states: No
sales and distribution data maintained for material 00010046770.
Ans. Check the Plant sales Org extension.
SPRO→Plant should be extended to the required Sales Org,Plant should be extended to the
required Sales Org → Sales org and plant extension in table TVKWZ.
25. STO#4000524717 is transport by road, DN is 802280940, but can not create
Ans. There was block in delivery , which does not allow for shipment creation. After
removing block shipment created→ VL02N→ Check for any blocks in the Delivery for
Shipment→ There was block in delivery , which does not allow for shipment creation. After
removing block shipment created.
26. Price (ZA00) is missing in sales order-101360971
Ans. Check in the Order for the Manual condition , if exists it will have priority over the
other pricing condition→ VA02 → Check for the pricing conditon in the Order→ There was
no error in sales order. Manual condition ZA20 was maintained in order which disabled the
ZA00 condition type.
27. Delivery split: Please analyze why creating 2 delivery for one order.
Ans. difference in time for both Line items→ VL02N→ Check the delivery split criteria→ As
there is different arrival time for both the line items , delivery is getting splitted.
28. Would it be possible to send two different carrier notification ZDN2 and ZDN4 by
separate email address? What is the difference between ZDN2 and ZDN4?
Ans. Output to be sent to 2 different emails→ VV22→ If the communications method is same
and the email needs to be sent to 2 persons, we can maintianed 2 output types for same
document→ Condition records have been maintained for 3 plants as the user needs both
ZDN2 & ZDN4 is single delivery.
29. Description of the request: Order 101401600 was created but two differernt DN
have been created, 802223217 and 802221938. even if the delivery date, route, shipping
plant, ship-to and partners on each item are same. Besides,there is seems to be no ATP
check due to enoght inventory. Could you tell me why this is happened? We want to
consolidate to One DN.
Ans. Difference in Transportation planning date for both the materials, hence 2 deliveries
have been created→ VL02N→ Transportation Planning date should be equal for all Line
items→ Difference in Transportation planning date for both the materials, hence 2 deliveries
have been created.
30. I am trying to place a stock transfer order to move material from Chauny, France
(Plant A075) to G&A Warehouse (Plant A083), and I am getting an error that states: No
sales and distribution data maintained for material 00010046770.
Ans. Check the Plant sales Org extension→ SPRO→ Plant should be extended to the required
Sales Org→ Sales org and plant extension in table TVKWZ.
31. User needs assistance to complete GI as it is showing incomplete log.
Ans. GI date in past→ VL02N→ The GI dates should be checked→ Planned GI date was in
last month date and user was trying to PGI in next month, hence not allowing to PGI. So
manually changed the date in VL02N.
32. Shipment costs not getting transferred due to missing purchasing data
Ans. In configuration, there was an entry missing for plant, Purchase Group and
Transportation Planning point entry→ SPRO→ If the correct purchasing data exists for the
plant, then shipment costs will get transferred automatically→ New entry needs to be added
with the required purchasing data
33. For ZCU1 condition type for few scenarios based on the values of Source and
Destination country in the External Tabs of PO, it was skipping the actual condition
Ans. The actual condition record was being skipped→ ME21N→ Condition records are to be
picked automatically→ RICEFW code change has been made for the fix.
34. Shipping point
Ans. Not possible to determine shipping data for material xxxxxxxxx→ ME21N→ the
material master will need to be updated with the correct loading group under the Sales:
General/Plant view→ the material master will need to be updated with the correct loading
group under the Sales: General/Plant view. We are getting the error during creation of the PO
for STO – ZUB “Not possible to determine shipping point for item 00001”
The system was not able to determine a shipping point for the combination shipping
condition 01, loading group 0002, plant A009 in the case of item 00001.
35. Freight batch jobs are failuling due to ABAP dump and missing vendor partners.
Ans. OA and GS partners were missing for the vendors→ SM37→ Batch jobs for shipment
cost calculation and transfer needs to be run automatically for successful creation of shipment
cost document→ The shipments causing the batch job failure were temporarily removed from
the variant and fixed by updating the partners for that vendor
36. Shipment cost Document
Ans. User Used to give wrong shipment type while shipment creation which failed to transfer
the shipment cost document→ Shipment Cost→ Ensure correct shipment type used while
creating shipment based on TPP→ Manually updated shipment type based on TPP
37. PO sent to wrong vendor
Ans. 2 PO's were sent to the wrong vendor (Royal Instruments.Can't figure out why they are
both populating the 302-322-3998 Fax number→ ME23N/MN04→ Preferably Need to
maintain the correct Fax no in vendor master→ checked the condition record, which is
responsible for creating outputs(FAX) for the purchase orders for plant A441.,
And found that Fax number is maintained at the condition record level itself, which is causing
faxes to be sent to this number. Change condition record in MN04.
38. Shipment cost Document
Ans. User Used to give wrong shipment type while shipment creation which failed to transfer
the shipment cost document→ Shipment Cost→ Ensure correct shipment type used while
creating shipment based on TPP→ Manually updated shipment type based on TPP.
39. Error while creating delivery via ME2ON
Ans. XD01/XK01→ vendor is need to be defined as a customer(to supply goods)→ In the
Purchase order the partner for “Goods supplier” and “Ordering address” is maintained as
“1738041”.But this vendor is not defined as a customer(to supply goods). Hence the problem.
65. Batch job run on Monday was not sending the data of invoice created on Friday
and Saturday to third party system. Accenture identified this issues in production
system and informed business.
Ans. to change the planning date→SM37/SE38/VF01→changed the date→through se38
changed the date.
66. We have a job that runs monthly on the first workday to pull the currency
exchange rates from NEA SAP ECC. When it ran on 1/2/14, Treasury had not
manually updated the 12 Latin America FX rates into ECC, therefore, we discovered
today that those 12 rates are now incorrect in PeopleSoft.
We need to have this extract run again as soon as possible. Can any of you provide
this support for the file rerun, and placement out in the output site noted below? We
need to get our currency exchange file corrected as soon as possible, so your
guidance as to who, if not any of you, would be greatly appreciated.
Ans. This is just to make sure that the batch job to be run again as per user
request→Custom Application→Batch job runs which will result in proper data output, if not
specific user must aware of how to re-schedule batch job in respective system, so user can
execute the same again→This is just to make sure that the batch job to be run again as per
user request.
67. Not possible to determine shipping data for material
Ans. In this case the customer was not setup correctly for the receiving
plant→ME21N→Sales area information must be added for this customer in XD01→Usually
you can copy the data from the other sales org setup for that customer to make the entry for
the new sales org. Work with the AMS-Codes team to complete this.
Once you have maintained the entries for the the receiving plant (customer) , you can copy
the line item and delete the previous entry. Hit check on the PO and the error messages will
go away. If you see more errors, save the PO exit the transaction and then come back a
minute later and the errors should be cleared.
68. STO, Shipping Condition, Route
Ans. The shipping condition has changed in the STO PO. (Shipping Tab) Since the
condition has change the route determination is showing up blank→ME21N- STO
SCENARIO→Need to get the shipping condition maintained correctly→Check the customer
master to see how the shipping condition is defined→Tcode XD03→Enter customer, sales
org, Distribution channel, and division→Check Sales Area Data and then the Shipping Tab.
Shipping conditions is defined here→If this field has changed work with the codes team to
get the shipping condition maintained correctly. If it is maintained correctly, then a new route
will need to be defined with this new setup.
69. Delivery has been PGIed but still showing in MD04. Please remove delivery from
Ans. MD04 issue→This is not SAP standard hence cannot specify the Industry Best practice
→Sometimes MDO4 is not updated though Delivery is completed. In this case we need to
manually update the MD04.Resolution procedure:
Below is the node from where it is getting displayed. The variable used is W_ORDER_QTY
The decimal Formatting used is wrongly on the Character data type.
In ZDN1 output type-This value is appearing correctly .The value there used is w_order_qty
instead of w_order_qty(10.3)
The correct material gets printed on Output Docs
71. NEA issue: pls check on idcp reference number as these do not come out in the
DN. Output ZVN1 Does n't come at Delivery ececution.
Ans. Output will not trigger automatically→IDCP→This Output is not set to automatically
trigger→ZVN1 does not trigger automatically, it triggers manually through transaction IDCP.
Go to IDCP select Delivery enter plant sales org and company code execute. Enter delivery
number and execute. Select the delivery and release the delivery to get IDCP number.
72. I am trying to place a stock transfer order to move material from Chauny, France
(Plant A075) to G&A Warehouse (Plant A083), and I am getting an error that states: No
sales and distribution data maintained for material 00010046770.
Ans. If the Plant is extended to Sales org, the issue will resolve
73. Shipment Cost Not Created
Ans. shipment docs did not calculate costs→VT03N→Refer Fix Description →For the
Shipment cost not calculated for NA region, we have found 3 different issues affecting them:
Issue 1: The Shipment Output Type ZTPF is not processed and the IDOC is not sent from
ECC system to CASS. Today OTC team analyzed saying that the shipment is not PGI’d
even though completed hence the ZTPF output wasn’t processed successfully.
Issue 2: David Briggs reported for few shipments that the shipment cost IDOC from CASS
system was errored in DOW PI system, due to which the costs weren’t calculated
automatically in ECC.Issue 3: For some of the shipments, though there were no errors, it
took more than 2-3 hours for the costs IDOC to update in ECC, due to which the User has to
calculate them manually→Shipment doc calculate the Cost
74. Shipment is deleted incorrectly; user wants to retrieve the shipment.
Ans. Once shipment is deleted, it cannot be retrieved. Advised user to create a new
shipment if required→VT01N→Once shipment is deleted, it cannot be retrieved. Advised
user to create a new shipment if required→Functionality works as expected
75. ZPL1 was not triggered automatically
Ans. Output condition was not maintained; hence it was not triggering in delivery→VV21
→Maintained output condition record→Functionality works as expected
76. Unable to do MIGO due to delivery tolerance for item.
Ans. In delivery the quantity is exceeded for the item in purchase order, hence not allowing
to do MIGO→ME22N→Increased the tolerance limit for item in purchase order and did
MIGO→Functionality works as expected
77. User wants to stop auto print of output.
Ans. Update the storage mode to archieve in communication tab of output condition record
to stop auto print of output→vv22→Update the storage mode to arcieve in communication
tab of output condition record to stop auto print of output.
78. User is having error in doing PGI.
Ans. There was DG block in delivery, hence not allowing to do PGI→DG team has removed
the block and PGI done.
79. Unable to complete shipment due to confirm on board date missing.
Ans. As per the configuration, confirm on board date is mandatory in shipment, without that
system will throw error→VL02N→Advised user to maintain COB date in further data tab of
shipment and complete shipment.
80. Delivery has been deleted but still appearing in MD04
Ans. MD04 issue→This is not SAP standard hence cannot specify the Industry Best practice
→Sometimes MDO4 is not updated though Delivery is completed. In this case we need to
manually update the MD04.
Resolution procedure:
81. User wants to maintain the shipping points for new combinations
Ans. Shipping points has been setup→SPRO→Mainatin the shipping point for new shipping
condition,loading group→Shipping Point Determination done.Migrated to PRD.
Shipping Point is essential for deliveries.
Ans. For sub contracting PO when a delivery is created, it is mandatory to have a sold to
party partner maintained. Then only shipment planning can be done→VT02N→Sold to party
partner is mandatory in a sales document→Requested user to maintain the same→Training
has to be provided to the user.
98. Vendor batch functionality required in Remito form
Ans. code changes are made to the remito program, as this is a region specific→VL02N
→code changes are made to the remito program, as this is a region specific→code changes
are made to the remito program, as this is a region specific→Informed the same to the
argentina region.
99. Consolidated packing list doesn’t contain a proper title on the form
Ans. Sequence number being picked for the form has been changed→VT02N→Sequence
number being picked for the form has been changed→Sequence number being picked for
the form has been changed→
100. Maintenance of output condition record in VV22.
Ans. New condition record→VV22→Correct Condition record should be maintianed a per
requirement→Output condition record has been updated through VV22→The condition
record was created.
101. While for my first order #101300700 using this GMID, there is DG block, I asked
DG team to release the block, they replied they can�t release the same, they replied
as 'I double-checked and I cannot unblock for IMDG unless this is going by iso
Ans. DG block in delivery 802074263→VL03N, DGP3→User should use ISO container in
order to ship material through Sea - Marine Packed Cargo→DG block has been removed by
DG team→User was able to ship the material through Sea - Marine Packed Cargo.
102. Purchase order does not contain item for stock
Ans. Wrong delivery type has been used→VL01N→Master data should be correctly setup
→Delivery type changed→Picking, PGI done.
103. MF batch job failing continuously
Ans. Only monitoring of bath job is required. Sometimes batch jobs fail due to some
technical reasons→Service Billing→Monitoring of the batch jobs→Updated the GS partner
on the PO manually and then reprocessed the IDOC→Batch job running fine.
104. Different delivery date in sales order and delivery. Please let us know the reason.
Ans. Change in route in delivery→VL02N→Check if any changes in the Route in the
delivery., this will redetermine the dates→As there is different route in delivery , delivery date
changed in delivery. Delivery date corrected manually in delivery→The change in route
redetermines the Dates.
105. User called in stating unable to issue a sales orderIt is not allowing user to make
the invoiceError: The item is not related for billingThis is miscellaneous order :
1002660917PRD 500Need to clear the issue by today, else vehicle with be with
heldHence escalating on P2Doc: 20351
Ans. Condition record for Tax was failed due to Sabrix→VA02→Please wait for some time,
till tax got calculated specially for Factory sales→Sabrix call fixed the issue for tax condition
ZTXE→Order created without tax error.
106. User created shipment cost and shipment without entering Storage Location.
Hence provided workaround.
Ans. User created shipment cost and shipment without entering Storage Location. Hence
provided workaround→VL02N→Verify always Delivery before proceeding for shipment cost
vcreation→Reverse Shipment Cost and and Delete Shipment cost to proceed further with
Delivery GI→GI has been done for delivery.
107. "she has creatyed order on ecc order number : 102644094 delivery nu mber :
804158635 this order was printed invoice 38825 the order has been creatyed for 30 but
when you invoice it it is only for 28825 30 tonnes of stock has already left the
werhouse there should be anew delivery note for balance 1175 tonnes so a new
deliver note should be created for 1175 escalating to team doc: 20384.
Ans. Picking was not done for Delivery→VL02N→Incorrect user procedure and they used
incorrect batch to proceed with Delivery and hence issue occurred→Reveresed the
document and processed with correct batch→quantity captured correctly on Invoice.
108. Error: delivery number 804185100 currently being process by the user herself
transaction code-nvt02n shipment number-24359917 system ID- PRD-500
Ans. BASIS program updation issue hence it was showing locked under user ID→VL02N
→BASIS program updation issue hence it was showing locked under user ID→BASIS
program updation issue hence it was showing locked under user ID→Issue fixed and
Delivery created without error.
109. GI not done after shipment completion
Ans. GI date in future and GI being posted before→vl02n→GI dates should be checked
→GI date was on 24 Jan and GI documents were posted on 21 Jan→GI dates should be
110. generic carrier code being used in the shipment document leading to shipment
Ans. load end to be followed before shipment completion in case of generic carrier
code→vt02n/vt03n→loading end should be checked→Shipment completion was taking
place in case of generic carrier code as loading end was not checked before→loading end
should be checked.
111. automatic shipment not getting created after delivery
Ans. shipping point has not been set up in the shipment variant→vt02n/se38→shipping
point used in the shipment variant→shipping point maintained in the shipment variant for tpp
PG62 was not used in delivery→shipping point used in the shipment variant.
112. transaction VT70 not working for output type ZWTI, ZDN2, ZPIK
Ans. transaction VT70 not working for output type ZWTI, ZDN2, ZPIK→vt70→ongoing
changes in smartforms for ZDN2, ZPIK were moved to production→not relevant as some
ongoing RICEFW changes were moved to production after which VT70 was working
properly→ongoing changes in smartforms for ZDN2, ZPIK were moved to production.
113. Error of the account typed is not defined for document type WL for shipment
Ans. The PO was created with document type ZUB. Hence we are receiving the error: “the
account type d is not defined for document type WL”→ me21n→the PO would have been
created with document type ZIC→delivery and shipment was deleted and a new PO with
document type ZIC was created→the PO would have been created with document type ZIC
114. PGI can't be done evenif there's no issue in the DN
Ans. No error in DN, but GI cannot be posted→tried to delete the DN, refresh the PO and
generate a new DN but didn't work→vl02n→The Incompletion error was coming because the
mandatory header text 902 Brazil Tax Approval is not maintained in the delivery→mandatory
header text 902 Brazil Tax Approval was maintained in the delivery→The Incompletion error
was coming because the mandatory header text 902 Brazil Tax Approval is not maintained
in the delivery.
115. shipment was deleted by the user after which shipment order was locked by
user's id
Ans. locked shipment was released using R3 tech help→ vt02n→R3 tech team was
contacted to release the locked order→shipment was released→R3 tech team was
contacted to release the locked order.
116. user was not able to update the shipment
Ans. while trying to update the shipment, the shipment got blocked→vt02n→locked entries
were refreshed→shipment was released→locked entries were refreshed.
117. User was getting GTS legal control block
Ans, user was getting GTS legal control block while processing the inbound
delivery→SAPSLL/MENU_LEGALR3→The delivery is blocked because the partner in the
PO is listed in the Boycott list→delivery was processed after releasing the block→The
delivery is blocked because the partner in the PO is listed in the Boycott list-->.
118. for FOC invoice should have been of $0, which was not coming
Ans. for "rush FOC and sample" order the invoice should have been no charge
order→spro/vf01→this was happening because in FOC Z100 condition record was
missing→invoice for $0 was created→this was happening because in FOC Z100 condition
record was missing.
119. material was not coming as hazardous goods in the shipment
Ans. material was not printing as hazardous in the shipment→vt02n/dgp1→dangerous
goods profile for the material was maintained as "not regulated for transport", hence it was
not coming→this was not relevant as the dangerous goods profile was maintained properly
→dangerous goods profile for the material was maintained as "not regulated for transport",
hence it was not coming.
120. Dates are assigning the delivery
Ans. Date were not copied from STO→VL03N→Check availability date in STO→Correct the
dates in STO→Dates will come in Delivery.
121. User conn't do GI
Ans. Posting Period incorrect→Vl03n→Check actual goods Issue date→Godd
issued→Shipment completion done.
122. No Fax number in output type ZDNI
Ans. Table entry maintenance→/DOW/ISC_FAX_EML→This is not SAP standard hence
cannot specify the Industry Best practice→Table updated→This is customized functionality
used for Fax
123. Update the table TNAD5
Ans. Table entry maintanence→VP01SHP→Maintain communication device→Table
updated→This is customized functionality used for Fax or Email.
124. Incorrect Communication device
Ans. advice user for correct communication device→VT70→Maintain communication device
→DN printed→DN printed.
125. Batch isnot coming in the Delivery
Ans. issue with master data→MM03→Correct material shelf life→Batches are
coming→User can assign batches to the delivery.
126. User want to change the Printer name
Ans. Correct printer need to update→VV22→use Tcode vv22 to update the table→Correct
printer has been updated→Correct printer has been updated.
127. Sales org toplant extension
Ans. TVKWZ table need to be update→SPRO→TVKWZ table need to be update→entry has
been done in TVKWZ table→Order has been created successfully.
128. Update the table TNAD5
Ans. Table entry maintenance→VP01SHP→Maintain communication device→Table
updated→This is customized functionality used for Fax or Email.
129. Update the table VOE4
Ans. Table entry maintenance→VOE4→Maintain communication device→Table updated
→Table has been updated.