LST Assignment

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Che Aobour Hewntag aA eases Sa wlieductan %— " A creed BU wert Ao Warn ed val to cori: Gre Citdier by Atobbiag. Chit Lab our? a Faber AYpreatly mntans Ae employed of hitdrrn io err wommual work writ oy oe Foxymtut. uel Lebar U ust outa ie me Me im phenemenon. ye ww urtolely fprev abet eh Rarrtrits Ioerourst a puotky oe lb a UR frobler, becoure el tebrer4 tz eS fotos of a2 wolfe, , frotutng at the dol) Census, St | Movs tat tte ee Lob arsrs fe Sad ts [01 wiltten out of ule Sb wth, —_.-* Defiant hers of corsa Lots tee =< ee wank thet defrtves clitolren of tats ctildhood | Wet, folewttal oud tir dost ty aud Yak | derwfut ee phenol and mekal deuctobmut Pk ttt ts matical — wutratty how ser ours aoe fh, 9 + 8 webyk Lge Acheolut, t, 4) Pe At abttchy 4D oth, a PA oth Het Mes kay ld i AD focus te d Me ONCE: pune 9 td“ Eavalved ( Beet Labo eR as a ee ip et star i fatty PA ottrart a brs of dows ! oR cd tm tom of cite, shy ee a es crt actuity Ar et Lark 44 lay Hovorele aetiucty aud olomerh'c werk bea ae J 1 (ben ett) ta | SS a wth : I elit: Such foam os oH? rH hee: x Aooth . te ey fet Tet utt or sla el t tdanprises oY iv Sut otian 4 ottfuihy Auch as culllvallen and witle pisses, Bee's Cotus Joolt— u i mv dlewclobtng tourist Y inboytblt to conctrel sul fabour as clilelre, doe bun Comntelersal Metbley Ahdmnd to. fad AA fawibin, AD per Aety ferrttipy oud 20 fud thenselves, #0 fourty , Widhaty anal Umneuploywreat Wee Ee by ey pporelen af troluiteies such as tel EE GUUS Loads | nee ° u teeter owol [rele on , 4 OE a AO won “br Neen of cls Labour te naa et ocd cease bechworlun, Ne oe p neon erroho or, wy Hy To's polena rng ae | yf ity fatwun A5R Comtution peytuity , Conse 1933 and worst dryas t Berit an He too Crk Covertiong toe dinctty addres cited faba, , {itl babar coneatin, ena Aeclarotion | a Ashore dectarotion bushel hoy Bet Ltt el vache, a4, pe fiat *thvowlolye end Aveas witce Agks Acatity of Chitolin ls Alita Ord tee. ee ak: ag ol eo ths Meher s Watlock Commenter gy ‘he the kis CUNCRE) 14¢q o— UN CRE eet Le AF they that ‘ ee Seger | © +. mewhts wast abPate boy site Aes SA aaNet Hak Chiles tds a es te Mot PrOumeds shad tebe do ae thos Hoye At atts Ve Avattoble so Cha td, (ef ate taboua- Gta ng a oY wdustued chitd Cobo 1- s Adar und, the Auge age + Ig are wort Prqecutty evfplond tv industrial sector fy du Be Ne Mon chihebion , Anclaroting oven Uw Ys Slo Yee ages ef Sard Bbar fa 7 Unoraanizecl keedor. Sous of the wepy emfloders Blt, ch, Dunes Auth apg Trek trclastig , UR bibs OTe otnng , Pe at... — WOKS In Smola ano eo lke $0 to age Gpoufvol TQ tole . They Anolidlt boat bays al qo é ee oe oa tlh br Af famidia ee ta daily Cheus- 4 a Cikdrenr ila Le tm Aural areas wok An Petre aro wot ah be eteekd to tek ft of = bboun. fran, wha are shtavity indebled 40 ee eH) Uhengs ab fahourg pr “ich errolers. _lasour Laws Tn Snore + ano bud fi her Sah Sea Ret ho, ale tS ack ef (At §)- act prolibe je Chiblien below fle age of 1Y Petry, the toro else fara Auster BOL dios Can frm aduts enplond Pr aay fedtory. of 1450 : = ae froltbels Hee ce Natl @ dowrgeroud Sterfiond, ult an Hy ~ te past my tol to Wot magioy ateerole tk Xai, q Ott Courplelely banned (e “Toe. AY The _clattd dado act of (eer Tt) | aoe E re “f Clalketion eto sof YY TA ps dy deranctas Ord te a byt ry te hos ae 0b ech, Im dog Cirle. Gove Sushi, { cttalden act Jooo! — Ttis de on thw, poms otek ual 7 age ne fer Die ecco a fhe wollon Comsditictton !- | ae protetion ri ella als [itv tot oy t gtd haber A Comrdrttion of Indla eee Ae - ee Article (1 — Thy ptate Alot wot diserinnstk ogee OM etigey Moving tr UIA ante slat frrvect AXe sale frenn wablng — da Kpeclal froutet'ows for ere, ad chile. MHCLe P11 - — Aetolecl by ATR Consiiduttorad ameudmect he pote sath froutcte frie aud Coup ation, eataten 40° 20) CLL, of ie age vf — Dee CO aay Gh Are ALR way, by lao, debrnine. peer OY Mime or aa | Arrant oe ogo geal | ote Pea a ) oo preibis Arable oy taser, bide began aud oltur forma frud Lob Ee role tckd Od ee: ye ie Or () ¢ Hts focus Lagat @) Cane a in COs aes, ama Tb cwtitetion pep, - > Astrete as Vee HOH blagp toda yey, F proutote Perky Lill sad) Core ard eleads 4or alf clhibble., oti they Com plite . at 4 f teens. > I Cea eS Any 39 Ce) : Pela fey thas Yl pousteas ea ove the Atal arcol 4 ; Meee Cl oss oe at yan om s “Ar hee Si AaCe) ae + aud) oe hy a thas, ei cftnng. Be olutatin, 4 [2 the 4th of 6 onal [Y, —_— ce ae Prides } = ee Swhla tnd clinretives s : wasictton 4 old Labor ty ee ee lS ger Ee tect My Aeprerne Court olineckd thet Ake eunplogers r Oitelien below Mh ys wert Ce Hee Prowfons of the CLuild Labour C fpohilzh Pad Reqrtation) get frouiclinng fo Coupensation 1 Garplorimneat of tur pores | eas Aud Petr Coluratiey , lobourirs =|, Salah dutdio— dec ku'e Prefect Mate 4 Taw aud bavhwus (1963) @® OTHA Rat | Uwe of Tmobla (Hee 2 ) Re. Ata tek tk ug thew Oy dumdawttal Aspovstbitity AP give that, i foovalotion thueation erol Aitanike ww ar 4 + Co : ; ~oHuEtrecs Rewien Te Cony Agne p) eae, eee Tle qt 1 ( an af proaches wt wurary, fs 8) “ Hot Hee chotd labour aet wos parsed “DY eh wottore® Comwmitttion br frotteh'ow 4 cLtd yas Am REPCR Wwors establiste.l tm Horch dood. $F 5 @ Aeatutory agent Alot Aspe AO The Hrovemmn st rota + Apeeifitallg tHe wiwlstay ef Women aud chitd duutep met. WHR the alr of curing Ahad all Louise fotietes , programms, and ochwinisthative Meas art nm Ulmt wrky $e Clots Aiyss foretitnn OA Courteimedd tr moll teautihtia, UN Convertiou Gan By its of Oe cid: Corts be Gpocenment 0 Controk ehitol Lobour me Sot Ue tote \ (mest PL lilelien bptelow Ar age of TNS tn U6 eh ts pee | Aazarclons fe HL eit '6 Ulver Oud ealty . ' MO Mos Maks frotudling Haruna hag = Cora Hie ecluitoh ao Arbab teu - Cam vwereblare fumes ot glstuict doef at Acbrrok Labour tells AL beng formant ro addr Ae suf « OG Notrorsl itd ghowr frelec Lave bee Trot bleamentcal oy the Crutrf ueomes p | atates from | ate fo provicle um — forms CAiccoh'on, onal prrvecationnl Ak. 3 On doo \ » SMe AS bio Oa tes dee fomelesl 10 educate oor ard Chi tole, “ym all Ate. “ti pes Molton , Midolor meat sheng, 2 BaliRa Aamatille (ig i ae fore tateol toa fovrumest va Sucllg ¥ Segyattovis Ho CradlPoe chtd bobaus o foverty ce Poverty Ase an eet eahios i Chtd Rabour . Proghavis # Povey at PSeuHbth, atyuen HO ag _ -. BS) ue wtewns olfusole blu woealtoy aol peor The deelof meat rows blatol aaolucle Abt — frrticthatior of — poor aad nerdy. - poor Prebustve pourus wut bt desloprd fe mio effect uth — steng fotrticol Fru uvolirs lenoli, Red ae ee Coun BR) nplrtetabiors Pi) Antal speobes | — Drie tutte oS Pe ee pores, poyornmis 1. ancl Legistetion % ha ee ARLE ad Bets

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