Ad 3391 Database Design and Management

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Saranathan College of Engineering,Tiruchirapalli

Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

Internal Assessment Test - II Date/ Session 05.12.2023 Marks 50
Course code AD3391 Course Title Database Design and Management
Batch No. Duration 90 mins 2023 - 2024
Year/ II 03 Department AI & DS

Part – A (Answer all the questions 10 x 2 = 20marks)

Q. No. Questions CO Skills
1 Compare DDL and DML. C203.2 U
2 Why do we need Views in SQL? C203.2 U
3 What is Transaction? C203.4 R
4 Define Deadlock? C203.4 R
5 What are ACID Properties? C203.4 R
6 What are the states of transaction? C203.4 R
7 Define Serializability? C203.4 R
8 State the difference between shared lock and exclusive lock. C203.4 U
9 Why must lock and unlock must be atomic operations? C203.4 U
10 Outline the need for Concurrency control. C203.4 U
Part – B (Answer all the questions 2 x 10 = 20marks)
Q. No. Questions CO Skills
Represent the Transaction states and explain the various desirable
11 C203.4 U
properties (ACID) of transaction Processing.
12 Discuss in brief about Serializability with examples. C203.4 R

What is Lock based protocol? Explain in detail about how it is used in

13 C203.4 R

How Serializability is guaranteed by Two Phase Locking technique?
14 C203.4 U

Part – C (Answer all the questions 1 x 10 = 10marks)

Q. No. Questions CO Skills
15 Explain in detail about the set operations in SQL and analyse with an
C203.2 AZ
example how nested queries are implemented in SQL.
16 Construct a Complete E-R diagram for online shopping. C203.2 AZ
Bloom’s Skills: Remember (R), Understand (U), Apply (A), Analyze (AZ), Evaluate (E) and Create (C). Skill need to be
mentioned against each question.

Faculty Members: Dr. S. Ravimaran, HOD/AI & DS

Ms. G.Nithyalakshmi, AP/AI & DS

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