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1. Scope and Application

2. Definitions
3. General Requirements
4. Confined Space Program
5. Permit System
6. Permit To Work
7. Isolation Requirements
8. Requirements To Ensure Safely Of Atmosphere
9. Training
10. Health Requirements Of Persons Working In Confined Space
11. Duties Of Employer
12. Duties Of Contractor
13. Duties Of Entry Supervisors
14. Duties Of Authorised Gas Tester
15. Duties Of Stand By Persons
16. Duties Of Authorised Entrants
17. Rescue And Emergency Services
18. Additional Precautions During Occupancy Of Confined Space
19. Keeping Record


Additional Recommendations For The Conduct Of Hot Work
in Confined Spaces


Sample Permit Form For Confined Space Entry

Additional Recommendations For The Conduct Of Cleaning Tasks
in Confined Spaces


Procedures For Atmospheric Testing


The "Code of Practice For Safe Working In Confined Space" have been prepared
through the joint effort of the Department of Occupational Safety dan Health and
representatives from various government agencies and non -governmental
organisations (NGOs)
The Department of Occupational Safety dan Health would particularly like to thank the
following organisations and distinguished individuals for their most valuable contribu-
tions during the drafting of the Code.

Representative Organisation
1. En. Abdul Kahar Bin Husain Department of Occupational Safety and
Health (DOSH)
2. Pn. Muaziah Bt. Abd. Rahman. DOSH
3. En. Ramesh Zakir Bin Shamsul DOSH
4. En.AhmadMunauwarHj.Abdullah DOSH
5. Pn. Roslenda Hasan DOSH
6. En. IshakAhmad Petroleum Nasional Berhad (Petronas)
7. En. Othman Bin Abdullah Jabatan Perkhidmatan Pembentungan
8. En. Mohd Riza Khatib - Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd.
9. En. Mohd Faizal Hashim Telekom Malaysia Berhad
10. En. Fazil Mat Zin Jabatan Pengurusan Risiko (TNB)
11. En. Abu Bakar Md. Din Putrajaya Holding Sdn. Bhd.

12. Dr. Mohd Ariff Fadzli Pejabat Kesihatan (DBKL)

13. En. Ahmad Shahabuddin Jabatan Perkhidmatan Bomba
dan Penyelamat Malaysia

Director General
Department of Occupational Safety and Health
October 2001

1.1 This Code of Practice is intended to cover safe work practice and procedures to
protect employees in a place of work from the hazards of entry and working in confined
spaces. These Code of Practice apply to all persons who manage and enter a confined
space, but it does not apply to underground mining or to work in a space at other than
atmospheric pressure.

1.2 The following are some of the typical reasons for entering a confined space:
(a) Cleaning such as to remove sludge and other waste materials:
(b) Inspection e.g.inspection of the physical integrity of process equipment:
(c) Maintenance, such as abrasive blasting and application of surface coatings;
(d) Repair, including welding and adjustments to mechanical equipment:
(e) Rescue of workers who are injured or overcome inside the space: and
(f) Construction purposes.
1.3 For the purpose of these Code of Practice, a person whose upper body and/or head
is/are within a confined space is considered to have entered the confined space.
Examples of confined spaces are as follows:
(a) Storage tanks, tankers, boilers, silos and other tank-like compartment usually
having a manhole for entry:
(b) Open-topped spaces of more than 1.5 metres in depth such as pits or
degreasers which are not subject to adequate natural ventilation:
(c) Pipes, sewers, tunnels, shafts, and ducts, and similar structures: and t
(d) Any shipboard spaces entered through a small manhole, cargo tanks,
cellular double bottom tanks, duct keels, ballasts, and oil tanks.

Acceptable Entry Conditions means the conditions that must exist in a confined space
to allow entry and to ensure that employees involved with a confined space entry can
safely enter into and work within the space:
Authorised Entrant means an employee who is authorised by the employer to enter a
confined space:

Authorised Gas Tester (AGT) means a competent person authorised in writing by an

employer or occupier to carry out atmosphere test;
Confined Space means a space which -
• is not intended as a regular workplace (i.e. continuous employee occupancy);
• has restricted means of entry or exit:
• is large enough and so configured that an employee can bodily enter and perform
assigned work; and

• is at atmospheric pressure during occupancy.

In addition, this space has at least one of these characteristics:
(i) It contains.or has a potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere;
(ii) It contains material (solid or fluid) that has potential for engulfing an entrant;
(iii) It has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated
by inwardly converging walls or by a floor which slopes downward and tapers to a
smaller cross-section; or
(iv) It contains any other recognised serious safety or health hazards, for example

Confined Space Programme means the employer's overall programme for controlling
and, where appropriate, for protecting his employees from confined space hazards and
for regulating employee entry into confined spaces;
Contaminant means any dust, fume, vapour, gas or other substance, the presence of
which can be harmful to health;
Engulfment means the surrounding and effective capture of a person by a liquid or
finely divided solid substance that can be aspirated to cause death by filling or plugging
the respiratory system or that can exert enough force on the body to cause death by
strangulation, constriction, or crushing;
Entry Supervisor means the person appointed by the employer who is responsible for
determining if acceptable entry conditions are present at a confined space where entry
is planned, for authorised entry and overseeing entry operations, and for terminating
Explosive (Flammable) Range means the range of flammable vapour-air or gas-air
mixture between the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) and Upper Explosive Limit (UEL);
Forced Ventilation means the use of mechanical devices, such as fans or air movers
(Venturis), to produce a safe atmosphere within a confined space;
Hazardous Atmosphere means an atmosphere that may expose employees to the risk
of death, incapacitation, impairment of ability to self-rescue (that is, escape unaided
from a confined space), injury or acute illness from one or more of the following causes:
(i) Oxygen content is below 19.5 % or above 23.5 % by volume (at sea level);
(ii) Accumulation of flammable or explosive gas greater than 10-% of its LEL;
(iii) Accumulation of toxic gas equal to or exceeding its permissible exposure limit
(PEL); or
(iv) Any other atmospheric condition that is immediately dangerous to life or health;
Hot Work means welding, thermal, or oxygen cutting, heating and other fire-producing
or spark-producing operation;
LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) means the minimum concentration of gas in air which must
be present before it is capable of being explosively ignited by an ignition source;
Permit System means the employer's written procedures for preparing and issuing
permits for entry and for returning the confined space to service following termination of
Permit to Work (hereinafter referred to as "Permit") means the written or printed
document that is provided by the employer to allow and control entry into a confined
Prohibited Condition means any condition in a confined space that is not allowed by the
permit during the period when entry is authorised;
Purging means the method by which the contaminants are displaced from a confined
Rescue Service means the personnel who have been trained to rescue persons from
confined spaces:
Stand-by Person means an individual stationed outside one or more confined spaces
who monitors the authorised entrants and who performs all stand-by person's duties
assigned in the employer's confined space programme: and
UEL (Upper Explosive Limit) means the maximum concentration of gas that can be
present in air if an explosion is to occur.


3.1 The employer shall determine if his facility has any confined space.
3.2 If the workplace contains confined spaces, the employer shall inform his em-
ployees and any other persons, by posting danger signs or by any other equally
effective means, of the existence and location of the confined space, and the ;
danger posed by them, especially when work is being executed.
using other similar language and in both Bahasa Malaysia and English would
satisfy the requirement for a sign.
3.3 If the employer decides that his employees will enter confined spaces, the
employer shall develop and implement a written confined space entry pro-
gramme. This programme shall be made available to the employees.
3.4 If the employer decides that its employees will not enter confined spaces, the
employer shall take effective measures to prevent his employees and any other
persons from entering the confined spaces.

4.1 The employer shall formulate a.confined space programme if there is any-
confined space and work needed to be carried out in it.
4.2 The confined space programme shall include at least the minimum of the
following elements:
(a) Hazard identification. The identity and severity of each hazard in each of the
confined space must be determined and characterised.
(b) Hazard control. Procedures and practices that provide for safe entry into the
confined space must be established and implemented. It will include, but not be
limited to the following:
• Specifying acceptable entry conditions:
• Isolating the confined space;
• Purging, meeting, flushing, or ventilating the confined space as necessary
to eliminate or control atmospheric hazards;
• Verifying that conditions in the confined space that are acceptable for
entry throughout the duration of an authorised entry. This can be done by
testing the confined space atmosphere before entry and as necessary
during the course of entry operations.
(c) Stand-by person. Provision of at least one stand-by person outside the confined
space into which entry is authorised for the duration of entry operations.

(d) Monitoring of multiple confined spaces. For monitoring of multiple confined

spaces by a single stand-by person, the programme should include the means and
procedures to enable the stand-by person to respond to an emergency affecting one or
more of the confined spaces being monitored without distraction from the stand-by
person's responsibilities under these Code of Practice.

(e) Permit system. A written system for preparation, issuance, implementation, and
cancellation of permits to work must be developed.

(f) Sign-posting. Confined spaces warning signs shall be posted at conspicuous place
when work being carried out after issuance of the permit to work.

(g) Employee training. Employees who are involved and enter the confined space,
serve as stand-by persons, or issue pen-nits must undergo training of confined-space
safety programme approved by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health.

(h) Equipment. Appropriate equipment such as the followings shall be provided:

• Testing and monitoring equipment;
• Personal protective equipment in so far as feasible engineering and work practice
controls do not adequately protect employees;
 Ventilation equipment needed to obtain acceptable entry conditions;
 Lighting equipment needed to enable employees to see well enough.
work safely and to exit the confined space quickly in an emergency:
• Barriers and shields:
• Equipment, such as ladders, needed for safe ingress and egress by authorised
• Rescue and emergency equipment: or
• Any other equipment necessary for safe entry into and rescue from confined spaces.

(i) Means of Communication (separate requirement). The means of communication

may vary depending upon the type of work being done and the nature of the work
place. In most instance communication devices such as telephone walkie talkie is
preferred. There may be instances that other methods of communication may be used
such as verbal communication. hand signal, light and cord signal.
(j) External hazard protection. Protection, such as physical barriers, must be
provided to control potential hazards posed by pedestrians and vehicles.
(k) Identification of the duties. Designation of the persons who are to have active duties
(for example authorised entrants, stand-by persons, entry supervisor, or the AGT) in
entry operations and identify the duties of each such employee.
(l) Informing the contractors. The employer must provide contractors with information
about the confined spaces hazards, safety rules and emergency.procedures (the parts
of the programme that the contractor must recognise to comply with these Code of
(m) Additional protective measures. Certain measures may need to be incorporated into
the programme for example :-
• Prohibition of hot work in adjacent areas;
 Prohibition of smoking and other naked flames within the confined
space and, where appropriate, the adjacent areas;
• Provision of suitable means of communication with and between persons inside
the confined space; and
Avoidance of contamination of breathing atmosphere from operations or sources
outside the confined space, e.g. from the exhaust of an internal combustion
(n) Co-ordination of entry operations involving employees of more than one contractor
working simultaneously. Procedures must be developed and implemented when
these employees are working at the same time as authorised entrants in a confined
space, so that employees of one contractor do not endanger the employees of any
other contractor.
(o) Conclusion of entry. Procedures necessary for concluding the entry after entry
operations have been completed, such as closing off a confined space and cancelling
the permit, must be developed and implemented. ,
4.3 Reviewing of Confined Space Programme
(a) The confined space programme shall be reviewed when the employer has reasons
to believe that the measures taken under the confined space programme may not
protect employees and that there is a need to revise the programme to correct
deficiencies found to exist before subsequent entries are authorised;
(b) The employer shall also review the programme/performance, using the cancelled
permit retained under this Code Of Practice within 1 year after each entry and revise
the programme as necessary, to ensure that employees participating in entry
operations are protected from confined space hazards. Employers may perform a
single annual review covering all entries performed during a 12-month period. If no
entry is performed during this period, no review is necessary.

4.4 Emergency Procedures

No two emergency procedures are the same, as each emergency procedure is
created specifically for each potential accident or emergency. However there are
some general principles that must be addressed in order to develop a complete
emergency procedures.
4.4.1 Alarm
It is the practice at many works that any employee can raise an emergency
alarm, so allowing the earliest possible action to control the situation. Alarm
system can vary and will depend on the workplace.
There should be adequate number of points from which the alarm can be
raised either directly, via a signal or message to a permanently manned
location. The alarm should alert the person in charge, who should assess the
situation and activate appropriate emergency procedures.
In the areas where there is high level of noise, it may be necessary to install
more than one audible alarm transmitter of flashing lights. Automatic alarms
may be appropriate on some sites.
4.4.2 Emergency Action
Emergency action is the necessary action to be taken during emergency which
includes the sequence of things to be done and decisions to be made to
remove or eliminate the cause of the accident. Preferably a flowchart or
checklist of these actions is prepared for reference.
4.4.3 Evacuation/ Rescue/ First Aid
The evacuation, rescue and first aid procedures should address the at least
the following:
• Evacuation should be to a predetermined safe assembly point;

• The procedure should designate someone to record all personnel arriving at

the assembly point:
• Account for all personnel;
• Initiate a search for missing persons. Ensure that the searchers will not be
• Activate rescue teams (ensure teams are fully equipped and are using
appropriate safety equipment);
• Apply first aid on injured persons only if qualified after removing from the
accident area;
• A doctor should be prepared for any foreseeable type of injury.
4.4.4 Rescue procedures
Emergency procedures, including provision for rescue equipment, must be
establish and implemented. Arrangements shall take into account the following:-
• The shape and size of the confined space:
 The nature of the task to be performed:
 Obstacles within the confined space and the size and position of the
means of entry to and exit from the confined space;

 The number of persons occupying the confined space, and the number
of persons required outside the confined space to main-lain equipment
essential for the confined space task, to ensure adequate communication with
and observation of the persons within the confined .space, and to properly
initiate rescue procedures if required.
4.4.5 Communication
The communication is a crucial factor in handling an emergency. The
communication procedure involves the co-ordination and flow of information within
the company or the work site and outside of the company. There should be only
one person in charge.
Communication shall be establish between the following persons:
• The site Manager;
• Entry supervisor;
 Individual authorising entry;
 Rescue team;
 Fire and Rescue Services (Bomba).

5.1 Before entry is authorised, the employer shall document the completion of
measures as required by Code Of Practice 4.2 (b) above, by preparing a permit to

5.2 Before entry begins, the entry supervisor identified on the permit to work shall sign
the permit to authorise entry. The permit issuer shall not be the same person to
supervise the work.

5.3 The completed permit shall be made available at the time of entry to all authorised
entrants, by posting it at the entry portal, so that the entrants can confirm that pre-entry
preparations have been completed.

5.4 The duration of the permit shall be stated and shall not exceed the time required to
complete the assigned task or job identified in the permit in accordance with the
purpose of entry.

5.5 The entry supervisor shall terminate entry and cancel the entry permit when:
(a) The entry operations covered by the entry permit have been completed;
(b) A condition that is not allowed under the permit arises in or near the
confined spaces, for example if there is a significant change in risk. Any
problems encountered during an entry operation shall be noted on the
pertinent permit so that appropriate revisions to the confined space
programme can be made.


6.1 The confined space permit to work shall be the over-riding permit.
6.2 The permit to work that documents compliance with these Code of Practice
and authorises entry into a confined space shall contain the following infor-
(a) The confined space to be entered;
(b) The purpose of entry;
(c) The date and the authorised duration of the permit;
(d) The authorised entrants within the confined space, by name or by such other
means as will enable the stand-by person to determine quickly and
accurately, for the duration of the permit, which authorised entrants are
inside the confined space;
(e) The personnel, by name, currently serving as entry supervisor who originally
authorised entry;
(f) The individual by name currently serving as entry supervisor, with a space
for the signature or initials of the entry supervisor who originally authorised
(g) The hazards of the confined .space to be entered;
(h) The measures used to isolate the confined space and to eliminate or control
confined space hazards before entry. These measures can include the
lockout or tagging of equipment and procedures for purging. inerting,
ventilating, and Hushing confined spaces;
(i) The acceptable entry conditions. Refer to the Occupational Safety and
Health (Use and Standards of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to Health)
Regulations 2000 for the list of permissible exposure limits;
(j) The results of initial and periodic tests performed and accompanied by the
names or initials of all the AGT's and by an indication of what tests were
(k) The communication procedures used by authorised entrants and standby
persons to maintain contact during the entry;
(I) Equipment such as personal protective equipment, testing equipment,
communication equipment, emergency alarm system, and rescue equip-
ment to be provided;
(m) Any other information whose inclusion is necessary, given the circum-
stances of the particular confined space, in order to ensure employee
(n) Any additional permit, such as for hot work that has been issued to authorise
work in the confined space. For additional information on hot work, refer to
Appendix A.
Appendix B shows an example of a typical permit to work.

7. 1 Isolation of services supplying a confined space is required where owing to the
nature of the space or the nature of the service or the material conveyed by the
services accidental or inadvertent introduction of the material or movement or
actuation of machinery would create a hazard.

7.2 Positive steps shall be taken by the employer to ensure the following:
(a) Prevention of accidental introduction into the confined space of materials,
through equipment such as piping, ducts, drains, conveyors, service pipes, or fire
protection equipment.
(b) De-energisation and lock-out, or de-energisation and tag out, or both, of
machinery, mixers, agitators or other equipment containing moving pans in the
confined space. This may require additional isolation, blocking or de-energisation of
the machinery itself to guard against the release of stored energy (for example,
(c) Isolation of all other energy sources which may be external to but still capable of
affecting the confined space, for example heating or refrigerating media.

7.3 Methods of Isolation from Hazardous Materials

A confined space shall be isolated before entry is permitted. The method of isolation
shall be in accordance with one of the methods described below or
by an alternative method ensuring equivalent security:

(a) Removal of a valve, spool piece, or expansion joint in piping leading to,
and as close as possible to, the confined space, and blanking or capping the
open end of the piping leading to the confined space. The blank or cap shall be
identified to indicate its purpose. Blanks or caps shall be of a material that is
compatible with the liquid, vapour or gas with which they are in contact. The
material shall also have sufficient strength to withstand the maximum operating
pressure, including surges, which can be built up in the piping.
(b) Insertion of a suitable full-pressure spade (blank) in piping between the flanges
nearest to the confined space.
(c) Where neither of the methods described in (a) or (b) is practicable, isolation by
means of closing and locking, or closing and tagging, or both. of at least two
valves in the piping leading to the confined space. Where practicable, a drain
valve between the two valves shall also be locked open or tagged open to
atmosphere as part of this method.

7.4 Methods of Isolation from Moving Parts

Before entry is permitted into any confined space, which it can move, or in which
agitators, fans or other moving parts of potential hazard to personnel are present,
the possibility of movement shall be prevented by the relevant method described
below or by alternative methods offering equivalent security. Where practicable,
equipment or devices with stored energy, including hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical,
chemical, mechanical, thermal or other types of energy, should be reduced to a zero
energy condition.
(a) The person entering the confined space or the authorised person shall place a
lock or tag, or both, on the open circuit-breaker or isolating switch supplying
electric power to equipment with hazardous moving parts, to indicate that a
person is in a confined space and that such isolation shall not be removed until
all persons have left the confined space. When a lock is used. the key shall be
kept in the possession of the person making entry or the authorised person.
(b) Where a power source cannot be controlled readily or effectively, a belt or other
mechanical linkage shall be disconnected and tagged to indicate that a person is
in a confined space and that such belt or linkage shall not be reconnected until all
persons have left the confined space.
(c) Where (a) and (b) are not practicable, moveable components shall be blocked,
and switches, clutches or other controls shall be lagged to indicate that a person
is in a confined space and that such blocks and tags shall not be removed until
all persons have left the space. NOTE: Where more than one person is to work in
the confined space, there shall be a system-developed so that the isolating
device is locked, or tagged, or both by each person entering the confined space.

7.5 Removal of Means of Isolation

There shall be a system to ensure the locks, tags. blanks or other protective
factors only to be removed by (he person who originally installed them.


8.1 No person shall enter a confined space until it is free from any hazard:-
Precautions shall be taken to establish and maintain a safe atmosphere within
the confined space, for the duration of occupancy.
8.2 Precautions/actions shall be implemented to establish and maintain a safe
breathing atmosphere in a confined space. The following action shall be done:
(a) Initial cleaning:
(b) Purging:
(c) Testing and Evaluation of the atmosphere in the confined space;
(d) Retest and/or monitoring; and
(e) Ventilation.

Note: When the above precautions are not done. no entry shall be permitted.

8.3 Initial Cleaning

Where practicable, all solids and liquids, which are liable to present a hazard to persons
inside the confined space, shall be removed from the confined space prior to entry of
such persons. For additional information on cleaning, refer to Appendix C.
 The cleaning processes and methods used may need to be adapted to
meet each separate set of circumstances.
• Potentially dangerous material may be trapped in sludge, scale or other
deposits, brickwork or behind loose linings, in liquid traps, or in
instrument fittings, and may be released only when, for example, it is
disturbed or heat is applied. Similarly, such material may lodge in joints in
vessels or in bends of connecting pipes or other places where removal is
8.4 Purging
(a) Where necessary. the confined space shall be cleared of contaminants by use
of a suitable purging agent. Care should be taken in the pursing of a confined
space to preclude collapse of the enclosure due to pressure differentials.
(b) When flammable contaminants are to be purged, purging and ventilation lion
equipment designed for use in hazardous locations shall be employed and
precautions taken to eliminate all sources of ignition, including static electricity
(c) The methods employed shall ensure that any contaminants removed from the
confined space are exhausted to a location where they present no hazard to
persons or equipment.

8.5 Testing and Evaluation in the confined space

8.5.1 Evaluation of the confined space conditions shall be conducted as follows

when entry operations are conducted:
(a) Pre-entry check
(i) Test conditions in the confined space to determine if acceptable entry
conditions exists before entry is authorised to begin, except that. if
isolation of the space is not feasible because the space is too large or is
part of a continuous system (such as a sewer), pre-entry testing shall be
performed to the extent feasible before entry is authorised.
(ii) The atmosphere shall be tested by an AGT.
(iii) When testing for atmospheric hazards, test first for oxygen flammable
gases and vapours, and toxic gases and vapours.
(iv) Testing and evaluation of the atmosphere and a survey of other hazards
shall be performed from outside the confined space, before any
entry occurs. The results shall be recorded on the permit to work.
(v) Testing and evaluation of more remote regions within the confined space
may be performed once the area next to the point of entry to the
confined space has been made safe. Evaluation of these remote
regions may need to be under taken by persons wearing
supplied-air respiratory protective equipment.
(b) During entry
(vi) If entry is authorised, entry conditions shall be continuously monitored in
the areas where authorised entrants are working. Test or monitor
the confined space as necessary to determine if acceptable entry
conditions are being maintained during the course of entry conditions.
(vii) Evaluate whether there is any hazard from hazardous atmospheres and
extremes of temperature.
(viii) If a hazardous atmosphere is detected during entry or during work in the
confined space:-
(a) Every employee shall leave the space immediately:
(b) The space shall be evaluated to determine how the hazardous
atmosphere has developed: and
(c) Measures shall be implemented to protect employees from the
hazardous atmosphere before any subsequent entry takes place.
8.5.2 The atmosphere shall be tested by an AGT initially and continuous
monitoring may be done by the authorised entrant.
• Retesting is considered necessary because of the probable gradual release of
the hazardous gas due to deliberate or accidental disturbance of the sludge or
other objects, which have trapped/absorbed/adsorbed the contaminants.
 Appendix D shows an example of procedures for atmospheric testing.
8.5.3 It is essential to ensure that the instrument used is-

(i) A calibrated direct reading instrument: and

(ii) Suitable for measuring the presence of gases required to be tested.

(iii) Some instruments, for example the oxygen meter, are only used for

measuring oxygen content. They should not be used to indicate the presence

of any toxic or flammable gases. However there are now a number of

instruments that are capable of taking measurement for oxygen content,

flammable content, and toxic content spontaneously.

8.6 Ventilation

8.6.1 Ventilation shall be provided continuously throughout the period of occupancy

in the confined space. Continuous forced air ventilation shall be used as
(a) An employee may not enter the space until the forced air ventilation has
eliminated any hazardous, atmosphere.
(b) The forced ventilation shall be so directed as to ventilate the immediate areas
where an employee is or will be present within the space and shall continue
until he has left the space.
(c) The air supply for the forced air ventilation shall be from a clean source, free
from any contaminants and may not increase the hazards in the space.
(d) The atmosphere within the space shall be periodically tested as
necessary' to ensure that the continuous forced air ventilation is
preventing the accumulation of a hazardous atmosphere.
(e) Exhaust from equipment shall be directed away from the confined
space access or the inlet of the ventilation fan.
8.6.2 Where the maintenance of a safe working environment in a
confined space is dependent on mechanical ventilation equipment, for
example a fan the equipment shall:-
(a) Be continuously monitored while the confined space is occupied ;
(b) Have the controls (including any remote power supply) clearly identified and
tagged to guard against unauthorised interference.
8.6.3 Exhaust facilities shall be arranged to ensure that any contaminated air
exhausted from the confined space does not present any hazard to other
persons or equipment.
8.6.4 Oxygen shall not be used to ventilate a confined space.
8.6.5 Oxygen enrichment (excess) of an atmosphere can result in increased
flammability levels and the likelihood of explosion or fire is

9.1 The employer shall provide training so that all employees directly affected with
working in confined spaces acquire the understanding, knowledge, and skills
necessary for the safe performance of the duties assigned under these code of

9.2 Training shall be provided to every affected employee -

(a) Before the employee is first assigned duties under these code of practice:
(b) Before there is a change in assigned duties:
(c) Whenever there is a change in confined space operations that presents a
hazard about which an employee has not previously been trained:
(d) Whenever there employer has reasons 10 believe either that there are
deviations from the confined space entry procedures or that there are
inadequacies in the employee's knowledge or use of these procedures.
9.3 Initial training and retraining at appropriate intervals but not more than two years
shall be provided. Such training should cover –
(a) All regulations and standards that govern the specific activity in which the person
will be working;
(b) The hazards of the particular confined space (physical and chemical):
(c) Any problems associated with entry to and/or exit from that space:
(d) Sale work system of confined space entry.

9.4 The employer shall ensure that the training be conducted by experienced
persons, knowledgeable in all aspects of confined space entry, hazard
recognition use of safety equipment, and methods of rescue. Both
practical and theoretical sessions should be included in the training in
order to be effective.
9.5 Training requirements for each of the three categories of workers involved
in confined-space work: authorised entrants, stand-by persons and
individuals in charge of entry or responsible for authorising permits,
include but are not limited to the following:
(a) Authorised Gas Tester
The training module shall contain the following topics:
• Hazard identification:
 Chemistry of confined space;
• Procedures for confined space entry:
• Functions and types of gas detectors;
 Function and types of breathing apparatus;
• Types of ventilators.
(b) Authorised Entrant
The training module shall contain the following topics:
 Hazard recognition:

• Communication procedures:
 Types and usage of protective equipment;
 Self rescue and evacuation procedures;
 Signs and symptoms of potential exposures;
 Personal protective equipment;
• Emergency Procedures.

(c) Stand-by person training must include the procedures used to keep a
count of entrants, hazard recognition, communications
techniques, and rescue methods.
(d) Individuals Authorising or in Charge of Entry must be trained in respect
to administrative, technical, and managerial aspects of confined space
entry. The training should equip them with knowledge that
allows them to determine if the permit contains all requisite
information and be
able to assure that relevant procedures, practices and equipment are
in place before, allowing the entry.
9.6 In short, areas to be considered in an effective training programme should
include at least the following:
(a) Emergency entry and exit procedures:
(b) Use of appropriate respiratory protective equipment:
(c) First aid including Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR):
(d) Lockout/isolation procedures;
(e) The use of safety equipment:
(f) Rescue technique:
(g) Fire protection:
(h) Communications:
(i) Aptitude and fitness of individuals for entry and work in a confined space:
(j) Aspects essential for maintaining the safety of the breathing environment:
(k) Recognition of any hazards specific to the operation/activity:
(l) Permit to work system: and
(m) Safe work procedures & practices.

9.7 (i) The employer shall certify that the training required by Code of practice 9.2
has been accomplished. The certification shall contain each employee's
name. the signatures or initials of the employee's trainers, and the dates of
the training. The certification shall be available for inspection by the
employees or members of the safety and health committee.
(ii) The employer shall assess the level of understanding of the employees to
ensure that only properly trained and employees with acceptable level of
understanding are permitted to work in confined space.


10.1 There are physical and psychological stresses associated with work in a confined
space. Apart from the quality of lighting and the fact of confinement. which may alter
and restrict the way most people work, the lighting and confinement can exaggerate
existing problems of poor vision, poor balance, poor mobility and poor blood circulation.

10.2 The occupier should ensure that his employees intending to work in confined
space are certified physically and medically fit preferably by an occupational health
doctor and to exclude those with :-
(a) A history of fits blackouts or fainting attacks;
(b) A history of heart disease or heart disorder;

(c) Asthma, bronchitis, or a shortness of breath on exertion;

(d) Deafness:
(e) Meniere's disease or disease involving giddiness or loss of balance:
(f) Claustrophobia or other nervous or mental disorder:
(g) Back pain or joint trouble that would limit mobility in confined spaces;
(h) Condition that limit movement in confined space;
(i) Serious defect in eyesight; and
(j) Any other disease or condition that may affect or endanger the person's
safety and health.


When an employer arranges to have his employees/a contractor to perform work that
involves confined space entry the employer shall fulfil his duties as stipulated under
Section 15 and Section 18 of OSHA. The employer shall :-
(a) Inform his employees/contractor that confined space entry is allowed only
through compliance with a confined space programme meeting the
require ments of these Code of Practice;
(b) Inform his employees/contractor of the elements, including the hazards iden
tified and the employer's experience with the space, that make the
space in question a confined space;
(c) Inform his employees/contractor of any precautions or procedures that the
employer has implemented for the protection of employees in or near
confined spaces where contractor personnel will be working:
(d) co-ordinate entry operations with the contractor, when both the employer's
personnel and the contractor's personnel will be working in or near
confined spaces;
(e) conduct a debriefing session with the contractor or his employees at the con
clusion of the entry operations regarding the confined space
programme foll owed and regarding any hazards confronted or created
in confined spaces during entry operations: and
(f) ensure that the contractor, entry supervisor. AGT, authorised entrants and
stand-by person fulfil their duties specified under Section 12. 13. 14 and
15 respectively.
Each contractor who is engaged to perform confined space entry operations shall:-
(a) Obtain any available information regarding confined space hazards and
entry information from the employer.
(b) Co-ordinate entry operations with the employer, when both the employer's
personnel and the contractor's personnel will be working in or near confined
spaces; and
(c) Inform the employer of the confined space programme that the contractor
will follow and of any hazards confronted or created in confined spaces, either
through a debriefing or during the entry operation.
(d) Comply with this Code of Practice.
If the contractor posses the site. then they -shall comply with the duties of
the employer.


Each entry supervisor shall:-
(a) have the knowledge of the hazards that may be faced during entry, including
information on the mode. signs and symptoms, and consequences of the
(b) verifies by checking that the appropriate entries have been made on the
permit to work. that all tests specified by the permit have been conducted and
that all procedures and equipment specified by the permit are in place before
endorsing the permit and allowing entry to begin;
(c) terminates the entry and cancels the permit;
(d) verifies that rescue services are available and that the means for
summoning them are operable;
(e) removes unauthorised individuals who enter or who attempt to enter the con-
fined space during entry operations: and
(f) determines, wherever responsibility for a confined space entry operation is
transferred and at intervals dictated by the hazards and operations
performed within the space, that entry operations remain
consistent with terms or the permit and that acceptable entry conditions
are maintained.


The Authorised Gas Tester shall: -
(a) have the knowledge of the hazards that may be faced during entry, including
information on the mode, signs and symptoms, and consequences of the
(b) identify all hazards and recommends control measures to ensure safe entry:
(c) be familiar with all confined space entry equipment used, for example gas
detector; ELSA man riding winch, tripod, etc;
(d) test and interpret the reading level of gaseous in the confined space;
(e) extend and cancel the Permit To Work Certificate;
(f) brief the entry team on the emergency procedures in the confined space.


Each stand-by persons shall:-
(g) have the knowledge of the hazards that may be faced during entry, including
information on the mode, signs and symptoms, and consequences of the
(h) is aware of possible behavioural effects of hazard exposure to authorised
(i) continuously maintains an accurate count of authorised entrants in confined
spaces, and also ensures that the means used to identify authorized
entrants accurately identifies who is in the confined space;
(j) remains outside his assigned confined space/spaces during entry
operations until relieved by another stand-by person;
(k) communicate with authorised entrants as necessary to monitor entrant
status and to alert entrants of the need to evacuate their space;
(l) monitors activities outside and inside every space to determine if it is safe
for entrants to remain in the space and orders the authorised entrants
to e evaluate a confined space immediately under-any of the following
• If the stand-by person detects a prohibited condition;
• If the stand-by person detects the behavioural effects of hazard exposure
to any authorised entrant;
• If the stand-by person detects a situation outsideithe space that could
endanger the authorised entrants; or
• If the stand-by person cannot effectively and safely perform all the
• If the alarm is activated

(m) summons rescue and other emergency services as soon as the stand-by
person determines that authorised entrants may need assistance to
escape from confined space hazards;
(n) takes the following actions when unauthorised persons approach or enter a
confined space while entry is under way;
• Warn the unauthorised persons that they must stay away from the con-
fined space;
• Advise the unauthorised persons that they must exit immediately if they
have entered the confined space; and

• Inform the authorised entrants and entry supervisor if unauthorised per-

sons have entered the confined space.

(o) performs non-entry rescues as specified by the employer's rescue procedures;


(p) performs no duties that might interfere with the stand-by person's primary
duty to monitor and protect the authorised entrants.


All authorised entrants shall:-

(a) have the knowledge of the hazards that may be faced during entry, including
information on the mode, signs or symptoms, and the consequences of the exposure;
(b) Use the equipment correctly;
(c) Communicate with the stand-by person as necessary to enable the stand-by
person o monitor entrant status and to enable the stand-by person to
alert the entrants of the need to evacuate the space;
(d) alert the stand-by person whenever;
• The entrant recognises any warning sign or symptom of exposure to a
dangerous situation; or
• The entrant detects a prohibited condition; and
(e) Exit from the confined spaces as quickly as possible whenever:
An order to evacuate is given by the stand-by person or the entry super-
The entrant recognises any warning sign or symptom of exposure to a
dangerous situation;
• The entrant detects a prohibited condition; or
• an evacuation alarm is activated.


17.1 General
The need for the rescue of personnel from a confined space and the provision of
first aid, either in the confined space or after rescue from the space, may arise.
Therefore, rescue and first aid procedures and provisions need to be planned,
established, and regularly rehearsed.
(a) Rescue procedures. Emergency procedures, including provision for rescue
equipment, must be established and implemented. Arrangements shall take into
account :-
• The shape and size of the confined space:
• The nature of the task to be performed;
• Obstacles within the confined space and the size and position of the means
of entry to and exit from the confined space;
• The number of persons occupying the confined space; and
• The number of persons required outside the confined space to maintain
equipment essential for the confined space task, to ensure adequate
communication with and observation of the persons within the confined
space, and to properly initiate rescue procedures if required.
(b) Rescue and emergency services. Procedures for summoning rescue and
emergency services must be developed and implemented. This programme should
incorporate procedures for rescuing entrants from confined spaces for providing
necessary emergency services to rescued employees, and for preventing unauthorised
personnel from attempting a rescue;
(c) The rescue and emergency services that can be summoned and the means for
summoning those services.
17.2 Regular training in the proper use of personal protective equipment shall be
17.3 All persons who may be involved in any way with rescues from a confined space
should be aware that:-
(a) well-planned and well-executed rescue procedures are essential and must be
followed at all times; and
(b) in an emergency, the spontaneous reaction to immediately enter and attempt a
rescue from a confined space may lead to multiple fatalities -not only of those
persons needing to be rescued but also of those attempting the rescue.

17.4 The following requirements apply to employers who have employees enter
confined spaces to perform rescue services:

(a) The employer shall ensure that each member of the rescue service is provided
with, and is trained to use properly, the personal protective equipment
and rescue equipment necessary for making rescues from confined spaces.
(b) Each member of the rescue service shall be trained to perform the assigned
rescue duties. Each member of the rescue service shall also receive the
training required of authorised entrants.
(c) Each member of the rescue service shall practise making confined space
rescues at least once every 12 months, by means of simulated rescue
operations in which they remove dummies', manikins, or actual
persons from the actual confined spaces or from representative
confined spaces. Representative confined spaces shall, with
respect to opening size. configuration and accessibility, simulate the
types of confined spaces from which rescue is to be performed.
(d) Each member of the rescue service shall be trained in basic first aid and in
cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). At least one member of the
rescue service holding current certification in first aid and in CPR shall
be available.
17.5 When an employer arranges to have persons other than his employees perform
confined space rescue the employer shall -
(a) inform the rescue service of the hazards they may confront when called on to
perform rescue at the employer's facility: and
(b) provide the rescue service with access to all confined spaces from which
rescue may be necessary so that the rescue service can develop
appropriate rescue plans and practise rescue operations.
17.6 To facilitate non-entry rescue, retrieval systems or methods shall be used
whenever an authorised entrant enters a confined space, unless the retrieval
equipment would increase the overall risk of entry or would not contribute to the
rescue of the entrant. Retrieval system shall meet the following requirements:
(a) Each authorised entrant shall use a chest or full-body harness, with a
retrieval line attached at the centre of the entrant's back near shoulder
level, or above the entrant's head.
(b) The other end of the retrieval line shall be attached to a mechanical device or
fixed point outside the confined space in such a manner that rescue
can begin as soon as the rescuer becomes aware that rescue is
necessary. A mechanical device shall be available to retrieve
personnel from vertical type confined spaces more than 1.5 metres


18.1 Portable Electrical Equipment

(a) Any hand-lamp, electric tool and other portable electrical equipment to
be used in a confined space shall :-
• be connected to an earth-free extra low voltage supply from an
isolating transformer, with the transformer being located outside the
confined space; or
• be each connected to an individual earth-free low voltage supply from
isolating transformers, with the transformers being located outside the
confined space; or
• be protected through an earth leakage core balance device with the
device being located outside the confined space; or
• be air-driven, for example air driven lamp.

(b) In addition, the equipment shall be fitted with a flexible supply cable not
inferior to a heavy-duty type. The cables shall be located, suspended
or guarded to minimise accidental damage.

18.2 Suitability and Safety of Non-Electrical Equipment

(a) Where a flammable atmosphere is likely to exist, precautions shall be taken
to eliminate all sources of ignition.
(b) As far as is practicable, no cylinder of compressed gas. other than those
used for SCBA shall be taken into a confined space. The compressed
gas supply to equipment in the confined space shall be turned off at the
cylinder valve when not in use. A hose supplying gas operated equip-
ment used in a confined space shall be located, suspended or otherwise
guarded to avoid accidental damage.
(c) Where a portable ladder is used, particular care shall be taken to ensure it is
adequately constructed and firmly secured to prevent movement.

18.3 Maintenance of Equipment Used for Entry

(a) The apparatus, belts, ropes, lamps and torches used for entry into the
confined space, and in the case of belts and ropes for the purpose of
rescue, shall be maintained and shall be thoroughly examined by a
qualified person at least once a month.
(b) A report on every such examination shall be kept available for inspection.


The employer shall retain each cancelled entry permit for at least 1 year to facilitate
the review of the c.onfmed space programme. The employer shall also maintain all
other relevant documents such as reports of inspection and checklist for the purpose
of inspection by the author.

CAIRNS. J. Working in Confined Spaces The Safety & Health Practitioner. June 1993.
pp. 35-37.
GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA. Factories and Machinery (Safety, Health and Welfare)
Regulations 1970 [Revised 1983]. Kuala Lumpur, JPN, 1983. P.U. (A)
-Factories and Machinery' (Steam Boiler and Unfired Pressure Vessel) Regulations
1970. Kuala Lumpur, JCK, 1970. P.U. (A) 5/1970.
-Occupational Safely and Health Act, 1994. Kuala Lumpur, PNMB, 1994. Act 514.
HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE. Entry into Confined Spaces. London, HMSO,
1977. Guidance Note GS 5.
INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. Safety and Health in Construction : An ILO Code
of Practice. Geneva, International Labour Office. 1992.
KLEINFELD.M. Confined Spaces, in: Parmeggiani. L. (Tech. Ed.). Encyclopaedia of
Occupational Health and Safety. 3rd. (Rev.) Ed.. Vol. 1, Geneva, International Labour
Office, 1983. pp. 528-530.
REKUS, J.F. Invisible Confined-Space Hazards Require Comprehensive Entry
Program. Occupational Health & Safety. Vol. 59, No. 8. 1990. pp. 38-42.
AS 2865 - 1986.
U.K. CROWN GOVERNMENT. The Construction (General Provisions) Regulations
1961. London, HMSO, 1961.
_. The Shipbuilding and Shiprepairing Regulations I960. London, HMSO, 1960.
Required Confined Spaces for General Industry. 29 CFR Parts 1910.146. 1993.




Special care is necessary' when hot work is undertaken in a confined space.

Note: The term 'hoi work' is used in industry 10 describe welding, thermal or oxygen
cutting, heating and other fire-producing or spark-producing operations.

2.1 Hot work in, or on the exterior surfaces of an occupied confined space shall not
be commenced until a hot-work permit has been issued.
2.2 The hot-work permit should certify that appropriate precautions have been
carried out and should state the frequency of any tests necessary to ensure that
safe conditions are maintained.
2.3 Aspects to be taken into account when considering the issue of a permit should
include the following:
(a) When a confined space or a space adjacent thereto has contained a flam
mable or combustible liquid, vapour or gas. the permit shall be issued only after
inspection and testing have ensured that the following requirements have been a
(i) The concentration of flammable vapours or gases in the atmosphere is below
10 percent of the LEL.
(ii) The liquid and solid residues have been removed as necessary to prevent the
release of flammable vapours or gases that will raise the concentration above
10 percent of the LEL.
(iii) All piping within the confined space has been found by test not to contain
concentrations of flammable vapour or gas above 10 percent of the
(b) In a confined space having last contained dry material that creates an e
explosive atmosphere when dispersed in air. the permit shall be
issued only after inspection has ensured that loose dust has been removed
from the confined space and all appropriate surfaces have been
(c) Where fixed fire-extinguishing equipment, having either manual or automatic
activation controls, protects the confined space, such equipment should be
positively isolated when the space is occupied. It should be noted that
the discharge of certain fixed extinguishing systems could rapidly cause
the atmosphere in a confined space to become dangerously contaminated.
In such cases alternative fire protection should be provided in the
confined s space by adequate numbers of the appropriate size and type of
portable fire extinguishers.

The following fire preventive measures should be taken:

(a) All combustibles, including any dry residues, in the vicinity of the hot work should be
removed to a safe place. If they cannot be moved, such items should be covered by a
non-combustible blanket, flame-resistant tarpaulin, or other means to prevent ignition
from heat, sparks and slag.
(b) When hot work is involved, consideration should be given to the assignment of a fire
watch while hot work is being performed and for a period of at least 30 minutes after
completion of such hot work.
(c) When welding or cutting is to be performed on a tank shell or a conductive boundary
of a confined space, the same precautions should be exercised inside and outside the
space where the hot work is being performed.
Note: Sparks from direct penetration or heat transfer may also create an
explosion or fire hazard in the adjacent spaces outside the confined space.
(d) Before hot work is started on a surface covered with a preservative or other
protective clothing, the flammability and thermal decomposition products of the coating
shall be considered.
Where such a coating is flammable, it shall be stripped from the area of hot work to
prevent ignition. A pressurised fire hose and a suitable nozzle or other extinguishing
equipment, or both, should be available.
(e) When arc welding is suspended for a substantial period of time, such as during
lunch periods or overnight, the power source to the equipment shall be de-energised,
all electrodes removed from holders, and the holders placed so that accidental contact
or arcing cannot occur.
(f) When gas welding or cutting is suspended for a substantial period of time, such as
during lunch periods or overnight, the torch and cylinder valves shall be closed. Where
practicable, the torch and hose shall be removed from and depressurised outside the
confined space.
(g) Where practicable, no compressed gas cylinders or associated manifold, other than
those used for self-contained breathing apparatus, shall be located inside _the confined


Fumes should be controlled as follows:

(a) Before hot work is started on a metal surface which is coated, the atmosphere in
the confined space shall be tested to ensure that flammable vapours or gas from
coatings with flash points below the ambient temperature do not exceed 10
percent of the LEL.
During such hot work. periodic tests should be conducted to ensure that these
limits are not exceeded.

(b) In a confined space all surfaces covered with coatings that would decompose
under hot work into toxic, corrosive, or irritant components should be
stripped from the area of heat application and for a distance of at least 150
mm. Coat ings should also be removed for a sufficient distance from
the area to be heated. in order to minimise the temperature
increase of the unstripped metal. Additionally, artificial cooling of the
metal surrounding the hot-work area may be necessary to limit the size of the
area that needs to be cleaned.
Where such stripping is not practicable, all persons in the confined space shall
wear suitable respiratory protective devices and other personal protective
equipment, as appropriate.
(c) Means shall be provided to exhaust contaminated air from the confined space.
Such exhaust should be directed to a location where it presents no
hazard to any persons or equipment and will not accidentally be
recirculated into the confined space.


(a) Location of Work_____________________________________

(b) Employees Assigned __________________________________
(c) Outside Contractors

2. (a) Description of Work to be Undertaken

(b) Initiator of Request ______________________ Date

(c) Entry Date ———————————————————————— Time


The items ticked below have been isolated or made safe:
(a) Pipelines (Water. Steam. Gas, etc.)
(b) Mechanical/Electrical drives
(c) Sludges/Deposits/Waste
(d) Harmful materials
(e) Electrical services
(f) Warning notices locks or lags have been fixed to means of isolation

Authorised person


The atmosphere has been tested to ensure no oxygen deficiency or excess and for
the following contaminants:
(Fill in details and results of tests)
(a) ( Oxygen ) ..................................................
(b) ( ) ..................................................
(c) ( ________ )....................................................
(d) ( )....................................................
Continuous monitoring of the atmosphere required/not required*. ("' Delete
as appropriate) The conditions are safe for entry under the conditions
ticked below:
(i) With a supplied-air respiratory protective device.
(ii) With an air purifying (non-air-supplied) respiratory protective device.
(iii) Without a respiratory protective device.
Testing time Date Authorised person ————————
The following PPE ticked below shall be worn;
(a) Supplied-air respirators.
(b) Air purifying respiratory protective devices.
(c) Safety belt. harness and/or safely line or lifeline/rescue line.
(d) Eye protectors.
(e) Hand protection.
(f) Feet protection.
(g) Protective clothing.
(h) Hearing protectors.
(i) Safety helmets.
Authorised person
USE OF CHEMICAL AGENTS (Details 10 he completed)
No chemical agents other than those listed below 10 he taken into the
confined space:

Authorised person

The precautions ticked below must be observed:
(a) Area clean and tree of all readily combustible materials within 15 metres.
(b) All drains within 15 metres covered with wet fireproof blanket.
(c) Appropriate fire extinguishers on site near source of ignition.
(d) A water hose run to job site and tested/left running.
(e) All sparks for work more than 2 metres above ground contained completely by use
of a suitable enclosure that shall be inspected before commencing work.
(f) Welding machine/gas cylinders located _______________ (not within 8 metres of
any drain).
(g) Welding machine earthed directly to equipment being welded as close to welding
point as possible. (h) Power leads not draped across pipelines or access ways. (i)
Electrical trace on pipes isolated.

Hot work permissible/not permissible* inside the space. (* Delete as


Authorised person ________________


(a) Stand-by persons are_____________________ (identify)
(b) Rescue and emergency procedures are understood and have been posted.

Authorised person __________________

Precautions ticked below have
been implernented:
(a) Warning notices/barricades
are in position.
(b) Smoking has been
precluded in confined space.
(c) Special precautions
(indicate) ..........................
Authorised person

AUTHORISATION (To be completed)

(a) The confined space described above is in opinion in a safe condition for the work
10 be done provided that the precautions above are fully observed
Responsible person ____________ Time ——————— Date ———————
Valid until _________________ Time __________ Date _______
(b) I/We understand the procedures required for entry and work in the confined space
and the protective measures and equipment to be used.
(c) Signed __________________ Date _________ Time _______
___________________Date _________ Time _______
Date Time


All persons have left confined space and further entry should not be permitted unless J
new entry permit is signed.

Responsible person ____________________


All persons/equipment* have been withdrawn. The work has been
completed/suspended* and any plant/ machinery* is deemed fit/not fit* for use.
(* Delete as appropriate)
The following observation(s) of unsatisfactory aspects of the operation in the confined
space are noted for attention prior to undertaking similar operations.
( Attach separate sheet if necessary)

Responsible person


I accept the work as defined in Section 2 of this Permit has been completed.

Responsible person _________________




1.1 This Appendix lists recommendations for undertaking cleaning tasks in a confined
space. The recommendations are additional to the requirements specified in the
body of these Code of Practice for all work in a confined space.
1.2. Procedures and processes to be used to clean the inside of a confined space
should be reviewed and authorised prior to entry. The method to be prescribed will
depend upon the material in the confined space and the potential hazards that
may be created by the cleaning process itself.
1.3 Wherever practicable, initial cleaning should be performed from outside the
confined space. Such initial cleaning, including drainage and scale removal.
should continue until the hazard of atmospheric contaminants has been reduced
as far as possible.
1.4 Contaminants should be disposed of in a manner that will not constitute a hazard
to any person or equipment.


2.1 General
The following general precautions should be observed when hydrojetting is undertaken in
a confined space:
(a) Hydrojetting should always be carried out by trained personnel.
(b) Each person should be provided with protective suits, waterproof safety
footwear, a safety helmet with face shield, protective gloves and. where necessary,
an appropriate respiratory protective device.
(c) Warning signs indicating that hydrojetting is in progress should be displayed in
conspicuous locations outside the confined space.
(d) The area affected by the hydrojetting should be barricaded while work is in progress.
(e) Where there is a possibility of a flammable environment, the nozzle of the
hydrojetting equipment may need to be earthen to decrease the generation of static
(f) Nozzle operators must have direct visual or audible communication with the pump
(g) Evacuation of fluids from the confined space should be continuous during the
operation, especially in the case of work in ships' tank, fuel tanks, etc.
(h) A high pressure/low volume gun should be used intermittently for cleaning. rather than
continuously, thus allowing adequate replacement of air. -
2.2 Equipment
All high pressure cleaning equipment shall be fitted with actuating devices that require
positive effort by the operator with hand or foot to keep the supply valve open. In
addition, the following requirements for hoses shall, where practicable, be observed:

(a) Hoses used for high pressure cleaning should have a bursting pressure of at least
twice that of operating pressure.
(b) Hose should be tagged to indicate working pressure and age.
(c) Hoses with exposed reinforcing wire should be disposed of immediately.
(d) Care should be taken when laying out hydrojet hoses on the ground to avoid constant
pulsation damage, especially from corners.
(e) Coupling should be of such a design that they are unable to loosen or be accidentally
dislodged during operation.

Where a confined space is to be cleaned by steam, the following precautions should
be observed:
(a) Where there is a possibility of a flammable environment, the pipe or nozzle of the
steam hose should be bonded to the confined space enclosure to decrease the
generation of static electricity.
(b) Where oxygen is present in the confined space, steam temperatures should nut
exceed the auto-ignition temperature of previously stored products.
(c) The confined space should be allowed to return to an acceptable thermal environment
prior to entry.

Cleaning by abrasive blasting shall only be undertaken where suitable air-supplied
respirators are used. Consideration should also be given to the need to provide the
(a) Illumination and visibility adequate to allow safe working to continue.
(b) Protection of the breathing airline to the respirator.
(c) Appropriate protective clothing and equipment.
(d) Escape equipment.
(e) Actuating devices that require effort by the operator to keep the supply valve open.

In addition to creating toxicity hazards chemicals used in cleaning operations may also be
capable of producing a flammable atmosphere. Accordingly, the safety of the atmosphere
should be re-evaluated utter cleaning and prior to the commencement of further work.


Atmospheric testing is required for two distinct purposes: evaluation of the hazards of
the confined space and verification that acceptable entry conditions exist for entry into
that space.

1. Evaluation
The atmosphere of a confined space should be analysed using equipment of sufficient
sensitivity and specifically to identify and evaluate any hazardous atmospheres that may
exist or arise, so that appropriate permit entry procedures can be developed and
acceptable entry conditions stipulated for that space. Evaluation for these data and
development of the entry procedure should be done or reviewed by a technically qualified

2. Verification Testing
The atmosphere of a confined space, which may contain a hazardous atmosphere.
should be tested for residues of all contaminants identified by evaluation testing using
permit-specified equipment to determine that residual concentrations at the time of
testing and entry are within the range of acceptable entry conditions. Results of testing
should be recorded on the permit in the space provided adjacent to the stipulated
acceptable entry condition.

3. Duration of Testing
Measurements of values for each atmospheric parameter should be made for at least
the minimum response time of the test instrument specified by the manufacturer.

4. Testing Stratified Atmosphere

When monitoring for entries involving descent into an atmosphere that may be
stratified, the atmospheric envelope should be tested a distance of approximately 1.22
metre in the direction of travel and to each side. if a sampling probe is used. the
entrant's rate of progress should be slowed to accommodate the Sampling speed and
detector response.

• Overview
• Types of Confined Spaces
• Reasons for Entering Confined Spaces

Hazardous Atmospheres
• Flammable Atmospheres
• Toxic Atmospheres
• Irritant (Corrosive) Atmospheres
• Asphyxiating Atmospheres

General Safety Hazards

• Mechanical
• Communication Problem
• Entry and Exit
• Physical
• Thermal Effects
• Noise
• Vibration
• General/Physical



The hazards encountered and associated with entering and working in confined spaces
are capable of causing bodily injury, illness, and death to the worker. Accidents occur
among workers because ;
of failure to recognize that a confined space is a potential hazard. It should therefore be
considered that the most unfavorable situation exists in every case and that the danger of
explosion, poisoning, and asphyxiation will be present at the onset of entry.
Before forced ventilation is initiated, information such as restricted areas within the
confined space, voids, the nature of the contaminants present, the size of the space, the
type of work to be performed, and the number of people involved should be considered.
The ventilation air should not create an additional hazard due to recirculation of
contaminants, improper arrangement of the inlet duct, or by the substitution of anything
other than fresh (normal) air (approximately 20.9% oxygen, 78.1% nitrogen, and 1%
argon with small amounts of various other gases). The terms air and oxygen are
sometimes considered synonymous. However, this is a dangerous assumption, since the
use of oxygen in place of fresh (normal) air for ventilation will expand the limits of
flammability and increase the hazards of fire and explosion.
Hazardous conditions covered in this discussion include: Hazardous Atmospheres
(flammable, toxic, irritant, and asphyxiating), and General Safety Hazards (mechanical,
communications, entry and exit, and physical).

Types of Confined Spaces

Confined spaces can be categorized generally as those with open tops and with a depth
that will restrict the natural movement of air, and enclosed spaces with very limited
openings for entry. In either of these cases, the space may contain mechanical
equipment with moving parts. Any combination of these parameters will change the
nature of the hazards encountered. Degreasers, pits, and certain types of storage tanks
may be classified as open topped confined spaces that usually contain no moving parts.
However, .gases that are heavier than air (butane, propane, and other hydrocarbons)
remain in depressions and will flow to low points where they are difficult to remove. Open
topped water tanks that appear harmless may develop toxic atmospheres such as
hydrogen sulfide from the vaporization of contaminated water. Therefore, these gases
(heavier than air) are a primary concern when entry into such a confined space is being
planned. Other hazards may develop due to the work performed in the confined space or
because of corrosive residues that accelerate the decomposition of scaffolding supports
and electrical components.
Confined spaces such as sewers, casings, tanks, silos, vaults, and compartments of
ships usually have limited access. The problems arising in these areas are similar to
those that occur in open topped
confined spaces. However, the limited access increases the risk of injury. Gases which
are heavier than air such as carbon dioxide and propane, may lie in a tank or vault for
hours or even days after the containers have been opened- Because some gases are
odorless, the hazard may be overlooked with fatal results. Gases that are lighter then air
may also be trapped within an enclosed type confined space, especially those with
access from the bottom or side.

Hazards specific to a confined space are dictated by: (1) the material stored or used in
the confined space; as an example, damp activated carbon in a filtration tank will absorb
oxygen, thus creating an oxygen deficient atmosphere; (2) the activity carried out, such
as the fermentation of molasses that creates ethyl alcohol vapors and decreases the
oxygen content of the atmosphere; or (3) the external environment, as in the case of
sewer systems that may be affected by high tides, heavier than air gases, or flash floods.
The most hazardous kind of confined space is the type that combines limited access and
mechanical devices. All die hazards of open top and limited access confined spaces may
be present together with the additional hazard of moving parts. Digesters and boilers
usually contain power-driven equipment which, unless properly isolated, may be
inadvertently activated after entry. Such equipment may also contain physical hazards
that further complicate the work environment and the entry and exit process.

Reasons for Entering Confided Spaces

Entering a confined space as part of me industrial activity may be done for various
reasons. It is done usually to perform a necessary function, such as inspection, repair,
maintenance (cleaning or painting), or similar operations which would be an infrequent or
irregular function of the total industrial activity.
Entry may also be made during new construction. Potential hazards should be easier to
recognize during construction since the confined space has not been used. The types of
hazards involved will be limited by the specific work practices. When the area meets the
criteria for a confined space, all ventilation and other requirements should be enforced.
One of the most difficult entries to control is that of unauthorized entry, especially when
there are large numbers of workers and trades involved, such as welders, painters,
electricians, and safety monitors.
A final and most important reason for entry would be emergency rescue. This, and all
other reasons for entry, must be well planned before initial entry is made and the
hazards-must be thoroughly reviewed. The standby person and all rescue personnel
should be aware of the structural design of the space, emergency exit procedures, and
life support systems required.

Hazardous atmospheres encountered in confined spaces can be divided into four

distinct categories:
Flammable, Toxic, Irritant and/or Corrosive, and Asphyxiating.

Flammable Atmospheres

A flammable atmosphere generally arises from enriched oxygen atmospheres,

vaporization of flammable liquids, byproducts of work, chemical reactions, concentrations
of combustible dusts, and desorption of chemical from inner surfaces of the confined
An atmosphere becomes flammable when the ratio of oxygen to combustible material in
the air is neither too rich nor too lean for combustion to occur. Combustible gases or
vapors will accumulate when there is inadequate ventilation in areas such as a confined
space. Flammable gases such as acetylene, butane, propane, hydrogen, methane,
natural or manufactured gases or vapors from liquid hydrocarbons can be trapped in
confined spaces, and since many gases are heavier than air, they will seek lower levels
as in pits, sewers, and various types of storage tanks and vessels. In a closed top tank, it
should also be noted that lighter than air gases may rise and develop a flammable
concentration if trapped above the opening.
The byproducts of work procedures can generate flammable or explosive conditions
within a confined space. Specific kinds of work such as spray painting can result in the
release of explosive gases or vapors. Welding in a confined space is a major cause of
explosions in areas that contain combustible gas.
Chemical reactions forming flammable atmospheres occur when surfaces are initially
exposed to the atmosphere, or when chemicals combine to form flammable gases. This
condition arises when dilute sulfuric acid reacts with iron to form hydrogen or when
calcium carbide makes contact with water to form acetylene. Other examples of
spontaneous chemical reactions that may produce explosions from small amounts of
unstable compounds are acetylene-metal compounds, peroxides, and nitrates. In a dry
state, these compounds have the potential to explode upon percussion or exposure to
increased temperature. Another class of chemical reactions that form flammable
atmospheres arise from deposits of pyrophoric substances (carbon, ferrous oxide, ferrous
sulfate, iron, etc.) that can be found in tanks used by the chemical and petroleum
industry. These tanks containing flammable deposits will spontaneously ignite upon
exposure to air.
Combustible dust concentrations are usually found during the process of loading,
unloading, and conveying grain products, nitrated fertilizers, finely ground chemical
products, and any other combustible material. High charges of static electricity, which
rapidly accumulate during periods of relatively low humidity (below 50%), can cause
certain substances to accumulate electrostatic charges of sufficient energy to produce
sparks and ignite a flammable atmosphere. These sparks may also cause explosions
when me right air or oxygen to dust or gas mixture is present.
Toxic Atmospheres

The substances to be regarded as toxic in a confined space can cover the entire
spectrum of gases, vapors, and finely-dividedwbome dust in industry. The sources
of toxic atmospheres encountered may arise from the following:

(1) The manufacturing process (for example, in producing polyvinyl chloride, hydrogen
chloride is used as will as vinyl chloride monomer, which is carcinogenic).
(2) The product stored [removing decomposed organic material from a tank can liberate
toxic substances, such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S)].
(3) The operation performed in the confined space (for example, welding or brazing with
metals capable of producing toxic fumes).

During loading, unloading, formulation, and production, mechanical and/or human

error may also produce toxic gases which are not part of the planned operation.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a hazardous gas that may build up in a confined space. This
odorless, colorless gas that has approximately the same density as air is formed from
incomplete combustion of organic materials such as wood, coal, gas, oil, and gasoline; it
can be formed from microbial decomposition of organic matter in sewers, silos, and
fermentation tanks. Carbon monoxide is an insidious toxic gas because of its poor
warning properties. Early stages of CO intoxication are nausea and headache. Carbon
monoxide may be fatal at 1000 ppm in air, and is considered dangerous at 200 ppm,
because it forms carboxyhemoglobin in the blood which prevents the distribution of
oxygen in the body.
Carbon monoxide is a relatively abundant colorless, odorless gas, therefore, any
untested atmosphere must be suspect. It must also be noted that a safe reading on a
combustible gas indicator docs not ensure that CO is not present Carbon monoxide must
be tested for specifically. The formation of CO may result from chemical reactions or work
activities, therefore fatalities due to CO poisoning are not confined to any particular
industry. There have been fatal accidents in sewage treatmeat plants due to
decomposition products and lack of ventilation in confined spaces. Another area where
CO results as a product of decomposition is in the formation of silo gas in grain storage
elevators. In another area, Ac paint industry, varnish is manufactured by introducing the
various ingredients into a kettle, and heating them in an inert atmosphere, usually town
gas. which is a mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
In welding operations, oxides of nitrogen and ozone are gases of major toxicologic
importance, and incomplete oxidation may occur and carbon monoxide can form as a
Another poor work practice, which has led to fatalities, is the recirculation of diesel
exhaust emissions. Increased CO levels can be prevented by strict control of the
ventilation and the use of catalytic converters.
Irritant (Corrosive) Atmospheres

Irritant or corrosive atmospheres can be divided into primary and secondary groups. The
primary irritants exert no systemic toxic effects (effects on the entire body). Examples of
primary irritants are chlorine, ozone, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, sulfuric acid,
nitrogen dioxide, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide. A secondary irritant is one that may
produce systemic toxic effects in addition to surface irritation. Examples of secondary-
irritants include benzene, carbon tetrachloride, ethyl chloride,
trichloroethane.trichloroethylene, and chloropropene.
Irritant gases vary widely among all areas of industrial activity. They can be found in
plastics plants, -chemical plants, the petroleum industry, tanneries, refrigeration
industries, paint manufacturing, and mining operations.
Prolonged exposure at irritant or corrosive concentrations in a confined space may
produce little or no evidence of irritation. This may result in a general weakening of the
defense reflexes from changes in sensitivity. The danger in this situation is that the
worker is usually not aware of any increase in his/her exposure to toxic substances.

Asphyxiating Atmospheres

The normal atmosphere is composed approximately of 20.9% oxygen and 78.1%

nitrogen, and 1% argon with small amounts of various other gases. P-eduction of oxygen
in a confined space may be the result of either consumption or displacement.
The consumption of oxygen takes place during combustion of flammable substances, as
in welding, heating, cutting, and brazing. A more subtle consumption of oxygen occurs
during bacterial action, as in the fermentation process. Oxygen may also be consumed
during chemical reactions as in the formation of rust on the exposed surface of the
confined space (iron oxide). The number of people working in a confined space and the
amount of their physical activity will also influence the oxygen consumption rate.

A second factor in oxygen deficiency is displacement by another gas. Examples of gases

that are used to displace air, and therefore reduce the oxygen level are helium, argon,
and nitrogen. Carbon dioxide may also be used to displace air and can occur naturally in
sewers, storage bins, wells, tunnels, wine vats, and grain elevators. Aside from the
natural development of these gases, or their use in the chemical process, certain gases
are also used as inerting agents to displace flammable substances and retard pyropboric
reactions. Gases such as nitrogen, argon, helium, and carbon dioxide, are frequently
referred to as non-toxic inert gases but have claimed many lives. The use of nitrogen to
inert a confined space has claimed more lives than carbon dioxide. The total
displacement of oxygen by nitrogen will cause immediate collapse and death. Carbon
dioxide and argon, with specific gravities greater than air, may lie in a tank or manhole for
hours or days after opening. Since these gases are colorless and odorless, they pose an
immediate hazard to health unless appropriate oxygen measurements and ventilation are
adequately carried out.
Oxygen deprivation iS OTIC form Of asphywation. While it is desirable to maintain the
atmospheric oxygen level at 21% by volume, the body can tolerate deviation from mis
ideal. When the oxygen level falls to 17%, the first sign of hypoxia is a deterioration to
night vision which is not noticeable until a normal oxygen concentration is restored.
Physiologic effects are increased breathing volume and accelerated heartbeat. Between
14-16% physiologic effects are increased breathing volume, accelerated heartbeat, very
poor muscular coordination, rapid fatigue, and intermittent respiration. Between 6-10%
the effects are nausea, vomiting, inability to perform, and unconsciousness. Less than
6%, spasmatic breathing, convulsive movements, and death in minutes.



If activation of electrical or mechanical equipment would cause injury, each piece of

equipment should be manually isolated to prevent inadvertent activation before workers
enter or while they work in a confined space. The interplay of hazards associated with a
confined space, such as the potential of flammable vapors or gases being present, and
the build-up of static charge due to mechanical cleaning, such as abrasive blasting, all
influence the precautions which must be taken.

To prevent vapor leaks, flashbacks, and other hazards, workers should completely isolate
the space. To completely isolate a confined "space, the closing of valves is not sufficient.
All pipes must be physically disconnected or isolation blanks bolted in place. Other
special precautions must be taken in cases where flammable liquids or vapors may re-
contaminate the confined space. The pipes blanked or disconnected should be inspected
and tested for leakage to check the effectiveness of the procedure. Other areas of
concern are steam valves, pressure lines, and chemical transfer pipes. A less apparent
hazard is the space referred to as a void, such as double walled vessels, which must be
given special consideration in blanking off and inerting.

Communication Problems

Communication between the worker inside and the standby person outside is of utmost
If the worker should suddenly feel distressed and not be able to summon help, an injury
could become a fatality. Frequently, the body positions that are assumed in a confined
space make it difficult for the standby person to detect an unconscious worker. When
visual monitoring of the worker is not possible because of the design of the confined
space or location of the entry hatch, a voice or alarm-activated explosion proof type of
communication system will be necessary.
Suitable illumination of an approved type is required to provide sufficient visibility for work
in accordance with the recommendations made in the Illuminating Engineering Society
Lighting Handbook.
Entry and Exit
Entry and exit time is of major significance as a physical limitation and is directly related
to the potential hazard of the confined space. The extent of precautions taken and the
standby equipment needed to maintain a safe work area will be determined by the means
of access and rescue. The following should be considered: type of confined space to be
entered, access to the entrance, number and size of openings, barriers within the space,
the occupancy load, and the time requirement for exiting is event of fire or vapor
incursion, and the time required to rescue injured workers.

The hazards described in this section include thermal effects (heat and cold), noise,
vibration, radiation, and fatigue while working in a confined space.

Thermal Effects

Four factors influence the interchange of heat between people and their environment.
They are: (1) air temperature, (2) air velocity, (3) moisture contained in the air, and (4)
radiant heat Because of the nature and design of most confined spaces, moisture content
and radiant heat are difficult to control. As the body temperature rises progressively,
workers will continue to function until the body temperature reaches approximately
102°F. When this body temperature is exceeded, the workers are less efficient, and are
prone to heat exhaustion, heat cramps, or heat stroke. In a cold environment, certain
physiologic mechanisms come into play, which tend to limit heat loss and increase heat
production. The most severe strain in cold conditions is chilling of the extremities so that
activity is restricted. Special precautions must be taken in cold environments to prevent
frostbite, trench foot, and general hypothermia.
Protective insulated clothing for both hot and cold environments will add additional bulk to
the worker and must be considered in allowing for movement in the confined space and
exit time. Therefore, air temperature of the environment becomes an important
consideration when evaluating working conditions in confined spaces.


Noise problems are usually intensified in confined spaces because the interior tends to
cause sound to reverberate and thus expose the worker to higher sound levels than
those found in an open environment This intensified noise increases the risk of hearing
damage to workers which could result in temporary or permanent loss of hearing. Noise
in a Confined space which may not b& intense enough to cause hearing damage may
still disrupt verbal communication with the emergency standby person on the exterior of
the confined space. If the workers inside are not able to hear commands or danger
signals due to excessive noise, the probability of severe accidents can increase.

Whole body vibration may affect multiple body parts and organs depending upon the
vibration characteristics. Segmental vibration, unlike whole body vibration, appears to be
more localized in creating injury to the fingers and hands of workers using tools, such as
pneumatic hammers, rotary grinders or other hand tools which cause vibration.


Some physical hazards cannot be eliminated because of the nature of the confined
space or the work to be performed. These hazards include such items as scaffolding,
surface residues, and structural hazards. The use of scaffolding in confined spaces has
contributed to many accidents caused by workers or materials falling, improper use of
guard rails, and lack of maintenance to insure worker safety. The choice of material used
for scaffolding depends upon the type of work to be performed, the calculated weight to
be supported, the surface on which the scaffolding is placed, and the substance
previously stored in the confined space.

Surface residues in confined spaces can increase the already hazardous conditions of
electrical shock, reaction of incompatible materials, liberation of toxic substances, and
bodily injury due to slips and falls. Without protective clothing, additional hazards to
health may arise due to surface residues.

Structural hazards within a confined space such as baffles in horizontal tanks, trays in
vertical towers, bends in tunnels, overhead structural members, or scaffolding installed
for maintenance constitute physical hazards, which are exacerbated by the physical
surroundings. In dealing with structural hazards, workers must review and enforce safety
precautions to assure safety.

Rescue procedures may require withdrawal of an injured or unconscious person. Careful

planning must be given to the relationship between the internal structure, the exit
opening, and the worker. If the worker is above the opening, the system must include a
rescue arrangement operated from outside the confined space, if possible, by which the
employee can be lowered and removed without injury.
1.1 To understand how gas detection instruments works and how to use them
1.2 To understand the gas detection instrument's weaknesses, disadvantages and


The gas detection instruments ultimately can be divided Into two categories:
a) Direct-Reading Instruments
b) Indirect-Reading Instruments

Direct-Reading Instruments
Direct-reading instruments are those where the substance of interest is collected and
analysed within the testing instruments.
Instruments typically used for evaluating confined spaces employ sensors, which
detect the presence of specific gases.
Signals produced by the sensors are processed electronically, and measurement
results are reported on a meter or digital display.
Indirect-Reading Instruments
Indirect-reading instruments require two separate steps to measure atmospheric
contamination. First, the contaminant of interest must be collected, then the collected
sample must be subjected to laboratory analysis.
Indirect-reading instruments typically use a small, battery-powered vacuum pump to draw
contaminated air through "collection media such as filters solid sursequent or liquids. The
collection media traps the contaminant of interest and preserves it for subsequent
laboratory analysis.
The selection of collection media, flow rate and sampling time are largely a function of the
laboratory analytical method. However, to general, fitters are used to collect particulate
contaminants such as fumes and dusts, and solid sorbents and liquid media are used for
gases and vapours.

Because conditions in the space may change between the time the sample is collected
and receipt of the analytical results from the laboratory, indirect reading instruments are
rarely used to evaluate confined space atmospheres prior to entry. On the other hand,
they are particularly well suited for use in evaluating employee exposures to
contaminants resulting from operations performed in the space.
Gas detectors have two tasks:

a) to detect the presence" 6f oxygen, gas or vapour, and

b) to give an indication or an alarm.
Their purpose is to warn of a hazardous condition so that . action can be taken to prevent
personal injury or property damage.



The LEL is the minimum concentration of a gas in air, which must be present before ft is
capable of being explosively ignited by an ignition source. If the gas is present in a
concentration below the LEL, the fule is too "lean" to propagate flame through the


The UEL is the maximum concentration of a gas in air, that can be present if an explosion
is to occur. Concentration above the UEL, are too "rich" in fuel and insufficient oxygen is
present to permit the rapid propagation of a flame through the mixture.

Explosive Range of Methane of (CH4) mixed with air



The Cat-Ex Sensor is a transducer for the measurement of the partial pressure of
flammable gases and vapours in the atmosphere. This sensor is based on the thermal
heat-of-reaction principle. The flammable gas or vapour to be measured diffuses into the
sensor onto a heated detector element (catalytic bead) and is catalytically burned.
The required oxygen to support this burning is provided by the oxygen in the ambient air
diffuses into the sensor. As a result of this burning, the detector element is heated.
This heating changes the resistance of the detector element proportionally to the
concentration of the flammable gas. In addition to the detection element, there Is a
heated-passive compensator element. .
Both elements are part of a classic wheatstone bridge circuit. Environmental influences
such as temperature, humidity, or thermal conductivity effect both elements similarly and
are therefore almost completely compensated for.
The voltage change registered by this circuit is amplified by the electronics and gives a
display in % LEL, % Vol.. or PPM
1 –IR Light Source
2 -Window
3 - Cuvette
4 - Mirror
5 - Window
6 - Beamsplitter
7 - Interference Filter
8 - Pyroetectnc Detector
9 - Interference Filter
10- Pyroelectric Detector

The infrared (IR) sensor is a transducer for the measurement of the partial pressured
of flammable hydrocarbons or carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This sensor works
on the principle of the absorption of infrared light. The gas to be measured reaches
the cuvette by means of diffusion or a pump.

The sample is illuminated in the cuvette through a small window with a board-band
infrared light source. This light beam is reflected and focused onto a beam splitter
which it is divided into two beam components. One of the beams passes through an
interference filter (the measurement filter) into the housing of the pyroelectric
measuring detector and is converted into an electrical signal.

The other beam passes through the reference filter to reach the reference detector.

If there is a hydrocarbon or CO2 present, the relative intensities of these two beams
are changed because one is partially absorbed by the gas. This change is relative
intensities is amplified by electronics and converted into the value in the display.

The lifetime of electrochemical sensors varies from 19 to well over 36 months

depending on the sensor type.
Electrochemical sensors are transducers for measuring the partial pressure of tone
gases or oxygen in ambient air.
The ambient air being measured diffuses through a plastic membrane into the liquid
electrolyte of the sensor. In the electrolyte enclosure there is measurement electrode a
counter electrode and a reference electrode.
An external electronic potentiostat ensures a constant voltage between the
measurement electrode and the reference electrode. The voltage and electrode
materials are so chosen that the gas being measured is oxidized or reduced at the
measurement electrode. The electrons that flow during this process produce a current
that is proportional to the concentration of the gas. Simultaneously, at the counter
electrode, a reaction with oxygen from the ambient air takes place and -completes the

The oxygen sensor functions similarly. The electrolyte and the electrode materials are
so chosen that the oxygen being monitored is reduced at the measurement electrode
while, at the same time. oxygen from the ambient air is oxidized at the counter
electrode. This process causes a current flow through the sensor that is proportional to
the partial pressure of oxygen in the ambient air.

GAS DETECTION TRAINING - Participant's Notes

Gas detectors, which work on the principles of thermal conductivity, measure tee.
conductivity of the gas being detected. These detectors do not depend on oxygen for a
reading and therefore they can measure gas above the explosive limits.
These meters are generally calibrated to measure up to 100% gas and have a number
of ranges in order to accurately determine the explosive limits of each gas.
Because they are not dependent on oxygen, they can be used to measure the % of
gas in an inert atmosphere such as nitrogen. This is especially useful when measuring
the content of gas in a mixture after purging if it is not sure how effective the purging
has been.


Glass tube type detectors are always based on a reagent system that has been
derived from the field of chemistry, so that the reagent system in a detector tube
constitutes a ready-made analysis.

The gas drawn into a detector tube chemically reacts to the reagent and the products
of this chemical reaction change the colour of the strip in the tube. Each tube is
graduated and the amount of colour change is proportional to the amount of gas
contained in each sample. A table is provided for each type of detector tube that allows
the user to determine exactly what the content of the gas in the atmosphere tested is.
Since there has to be a known volume of gas, each type of detector tube will specify
the number of pumps required for that particular tube.

One of the biggest advantages of tube type detectors is the large numbers of tubes
available for a large number of substances. This gives the tube type detector a lot of
versatility in being able to measure specific contaminants.

Gas detection instruments are not intelligent They only sense the atmosphere that is
immediately exposed to the sensor. If some residual hydrocarbons are trapped in the
probe, the meter will sense them the next time the meter is turned on. It is vital to purge
the probe and pump on a gas detector with clean air after gas has been detected. This
can be accomplished by allowing the pump to operate for at least 2 (two) minutes in a
known clean atmosphere.

The gas detector also only measures the gas, which sucked into the probe. If there is
dean air a few inches from a leak and the probe is inserted into the clean air. it wiB not
detect any gas. If there is a good wind or a lot of ventilation, it may be easy to obtain
dean air readings even though there is a source of gas.

The AGT must do the thinking and analyse each situation. For this reason, it is
important that a thorough series of tests are undertaken and the size and rate of a leak
is estimated. If the probe is inserted into a vent line, which is full of gas but does not
have a gas flow, gas will be detected. If there is no flow, however, the extent of the gas
or possible consequences may be small. Gas tests in the vidnity of the vent must also
be taken to confirm the gas is not escaping and that area immediately surrounding the
vent is clear.



Oxygen can be a dangerous gas. This seems to be a strange statement about the
gas that we all know to be vital for human life. Perhaps it is because we are all so
conscious of is fife sustaining properties, and the danger of its deficiency, that we
seldom consider that under some circumstances it can also present a hazard.

Oxygen is also essential for combustion, but the rate of combustion is closely
dependent upon the concentration of oxygen present. With a small increase in
oxygen concentration above that normally present In the atmosphere (21%
vol.),there is a noticeable increase In combustion rate.

Above 30% by volume there Is a serious risk that articles such as clothing may
burst into flames in circumstances when, in air, they would not readily be ignited.

The fact that enrichment of air with oxygen has been a significant factor in many
serious fire, often resulting in fatal casualties, indicates how little is appreciated of
the hazardous aspect of oxygen.

The manner in which this enrichment occurs can be divided into three main

a) leaks from oxygen containing equipment,

b) inadvertent use of oxygen instead of air or inert gas, and

c) deliberate addition of oxygen.

Safety instructions should recognise these hazards, and precautions should be

specified to avoid them.

The most commonly encountered oxygen containing equipment is that used in

cutting operations. Storage cylinders, gas hoses, and valves must be handled with
care and frequently inspected for damage. Cylinders must not be taken into confined
spaces. Care should be exercised to prevent damage to hoses and, in particular,
special protective measures should be taken if it is necessary for hoses to pass over
sharp edges. Cutting equipment must always be removed from confined spaces
during breaks, and at the end of the working day; also a gas test for oxygen content
should be made on each occasion that work is restarted after a break.

There have been cases when oxygen has been inadvertently used as a purging
medium. To avoid this hazard, oxygen lines should -be clearly distinguished, and if
flexible connections are used for purging, a system of non-compatible adapters
should be employed.

If the oxygen content of confined spaces requiring entry is found to be less than
19.5% by volume, it is not permissible to use oxygen to improve this level. Such an
action has the danger of increasing the oxygen content to a level significantly above
that found m air, and hence' of increasing the combustion potential. In
circumstances where insufficient oxygen is present, only air may be used for
ventilation to obtain a satisfactorily oxygen level.

If this is not practical and entry is essential, then breathing apparatus must be used
by any person catering the confined space.


May be caused by the oxygen being displaced by another gas or by oxygen

being used up. The process of natural oxidation of sewage or rotting
materials within spaces produces an oxygen
deficient atmosphere.
Oxygen deficiency below 11% affects the reliability of gas detectors.


Electronic oxygen detectors have a sensor, which measures the partial

pressure of oxygen in the gas mixture. This oxygen enters into an
electrochemical reaction, which produces a current directly proportional to
the oxygen concentration and this current in turn develops a voltage across
a temperature-compensating resister network.

Oxygen detectors are specific to oxygen. It doesnt matter what gas is

mixed with the oxygen, the reading will accurately measure % oxygen.

C02 will also reduce the expected fife of the oxygen sensor if b
concentrations are greater than 1%.

Once a sensor is installed in an oxygen detector it begins to age. The

typical life of an oxygen sensor is about 2-year depending on the
manufacturer. If you have a multi-gas detector, replacement of the oxygen
sensors should be planned for each year.



The warm up time is the elapsed time necessary for an instrument to meet its
performance specifications after being turned off for at least 24

Instruments with short warm up times offer the practical advantage of minimising the
time an operator must waft before making a measurement.


A gas detector does not provide measurement result instantaneously. Instead, there
is a slight delay encountered as the air sample makes its way to the sensor. Then
once It arrives, there is another. delay as the sensor reacts to the substance of
interest The elapsed time from the start of the measurement until a reliable reading
can be obtained is called the response time.

If an instrument has a 30-second response time the operator must wait at least that
long before he can be confident that the reading is correct.
It is important to note that different sensors in the same instrument may have
different response times. For example, an oxygen sensor could have a response
time of 10 seconds, while the combustible gas and toxic gas sensors in the same
instrument may have response times of 30 to 45 seconds, respectively.


Drift is a measure of how stable an instrument is over time. Instruments
with low level of drift are more stable and consequently require less
frequent readjustment.
Generally there are two types of drift:

a) Zero drift - is the change in a meter's output response over stated period
of unadjusted continuous operations when the input gas concentration is
b) Span drift - is the change in a meter's output response over stated
period of unadjusted continuous operations when the input gas
concentration is about 50 - 75% of the meter's full-scale range.


The detectable limit provides an indication of how sensitive an instrument
is by specifying the lowest gas concentration that can be measured


Portable gas detector may operate in either the sample-draw or diffusion

mode. Sample-draw devices use either a squeeze-bulb aspirator or a battery-
powered pump to mechanically induced air into sensors. On the other hand.
sensors of detectors operating in the diffusion mode are exposed passively to

Response times are influenced not only by whether the instrument is operated
in the diffusion or sample-draw mode, but also on whether sample-draw is
provided by an aspirator bulb or motor-driven pump.
Response Time (Seconds)

Motef Aspirator Diffusion

Gas Pump Bulb Mode

Oxygen <10 <30 <30

Combustibles <10 <30 <60
Carbon monoxide <30 <50 <70
Hydrogen Sulfide <20 <40 <50

Source: Bacharach, Sentinel 4. Persona! Gas Monitor, Instruction Manual.

An illustration of response time variations in different modes for one manufacturer's

instrument is as follows:


Suspended dusts or liquid residues found in some spaces could damage sensor
elements on contact. Detectors can be protected from these insults by installing
accessories in-line filters and liquid traps that prevent harmful materials from getting
into the sensors.


Lengths of flexible tubing and rigid extender probes may be attached to your gas
detector to allow testing of remote areas. Some tubing materials may absorb gases
and vapours. Others may be adversely affected by certain chemicals and will
deteriorate over time.

To avoid these problems, ensure only sample lines made of materials recommended
by the instrument's manufacturer should be used.

Since long lines increase the time required for the air sample to Teach the sensors,
tubing lengths should kept as short as practical. The 'temperature of the tubing
should also be at or above the temperature in the space. If it is cooler than the
atmosphere being tested, vapours may condense in the line resulting in inaccurate


Most gas detectors are equipped with audible alarms that will sound at pre-set
levels. Alarm set points can often be selected by the user; however, typical factory
settings are:
10% of the LEL for combustible gases;
23.5% and 19.5% oxygen (high and low level);
The TLV or PEL for specific toxic gases.

Alarm may be either latching or non-latching. Non-latching alarms are activated

only as long as the set point concentration is reached. Latching alarms, stay on
until the operator manually resets them.


Even me most sensitive and advanced sensors need to be checked and re-
checked to make sure they are getting proper readings.
It involves a multi-point check of an instrument's response to a variety of span (
(test) gas concentrations and may also include a check of the alarm points and
response time.

Use a known span gas to calibrate. Knowing the concentrations of the span gas
will allow you to know whether your sensor is reading correctly.
Function Test

Function tests do not replace calibration. They are to make sure alarms sound
and sensors respond. It is recommended that a function test to be done on the

Blow into oxygen sensors to test for oxygen deficiency

A solvent marker will be enough to activate the alarm on a combustible gas

sensor. Using butane lighter is dangerous. You never want to introduce an open
flame where there is the potential for combustible gas.
Confined spaces

Ventilation can be simply defined as the process of continuously moving fresh air
into an area. This process is the best way to control most atmospheric hazards
found in a confined space. Effective ventilation systems can provide a method of
maintaining a breathable atmosphere within the space by achieving a reduction in
the level of atmospheric contaminates (gases, vapours, mists, fumes and dust)
within the space; and by heating or cooling air in the space to make the temperature
comfortable to work in.

There are essentially three methods of ventilation:

the natural method mechanical supply

mechanical exhausting

Choosing the best method will depend on the size and configuration of the space,
the work being performed, how many people are inside the space working, and the
nature of contaminates and hazards to be managed. In addition, a building's own
ventilation system may also impact the process.

Natural ventilation
Natural ventilation occurs when the space is opened and the natural air currents
cause air flow into, through and out of the space. These currents develop because
of thermal conduction within the space;
heavier or lighter gases within the space; or a variance between the inside and
outside atmospheric pressures.

Natural ventilation is quiet, requires no power source, doesn't cost money to

operate, will not cause ignition of combustible gases or vapours, and is maintenance
free. This method is highly unpredictable (as to what part of the space is ventilated)
and very inefficient (in regard to consistency of contaminate dilution ' throughout
the space). In addition, its passive nature makes this practice difficult to adjust to
changes in the conditions in the space.

Supply ventilation

Supplied ventilation is the process of moving fresh air into the space and forcing the
contaminated air in the space out to dilute the atmospheric contaminates.
Depending on the legislation, supplying fresh air equivalent of up to 20 air changes
per hour, or ACH, is required to achieve adequate dilution of contaminates. Supply
ventilation is very effective in managing atmospheric hazards.
Forcing air into the confined space creates turbulence that will ventilate a greater
area and increases air pressure and that will help to eliminate the chance of gas
seeping back into the confined space through crevices or ducts. As-well, blowing air
into the confined space reduces the chance of-flammable gases being drawn across
the ventilator motor, particularly in the case of an axial ventilator where the motor
lies directly in the air path.

Disadvantages of supply ventilation include the fan noise, stirring up dust, and
during cold weather, the supplied air will lower the temperature within the confined
space. However, most of these drawbacks can be controlled with accessories (such
as heating.

Exhaust ventilation

Exhaust ventilation pulls air (and contaminates) out of the space and decreases air
pressure causing fresh air to be drawn into the tank through any available opening.
Exhaust systems operate best when the air intake is positioned close to a very
localized work area to carry away any contaminate that is generated before it can
spread throughout the space. It can also work in dusty areas where supply
ventilation could stir up the dust "and cause eye injuries or disrupt the work in

However for most applications, general area exhaust systems are not
recommended. For instance, it is difficult for exhaust systems to create sufficient air
movement to cause all the air in the space to move around and dilute the
contaminates to acceptable levels. Supply ventilation can force air into the space up
to 30 times the distance that an exhaust system

can effectively draw it out. Other disadvantages to exhausting systems include

fan noise, stirring up dust, and drawing in cold atmospheric air.

Much has been written about ventilation systems by various organizations, most
notably the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).
However with the many variables in confined space work. there is only limited
information on confined space ventilation practices. Most information on confined
space ventilation theory is based on industrial hygiene theory combined with
empirical data developed by Bell Telephone Laboratories in the early 1970's. Their
study looked at how to get smoke out of a standard below ground telephone vault
They found success at clearing the vault required the hose and fan to be in a set
position with a fan and air flow large enough to supply seven times the volume of air
in the space per hour.

The researchers do caution that changing the space or contaminates will alter the
outcomes. In the early 1990's, the School of Public Health at the University of
Michigan also conducted a study on confined space ventilation. This study looked at
a variety of different gases, shapes of spaces and other variables and prescribed 20
air changes per hour. However, no matter what source or standard is the basis for
your ventilation procedure, you must use a gas monitor with an appropriate sensor
to verify that your ventilation is performing as desired.
No matter the method, to achieve any form of reliable ventilation, a mechanical
moving device with some form of directional device -(usually a duct) must be used.
The equipment will create noise, block the entry point and may even create a
potential ignition source. But despite the problems, they are a necessary hazard
control system. The selection of a specific ventilator should be based on the
following factors:

*job details such as the atmospheric hazard, the size of the confined space,

* the airflow required

* the volume required at the end of the duct to control the hazards present;

* the breeze to ensure worker comfort in the space.

* duct friction loss to ensure adequate air volume reaches the end of the duct

 fan performance details such as fan design, it's weight, sound levels, as
well as power supply and demand.

Job details: Before any ventilation can be planned, it is important to know the
contaminate's density (whether it is heavier or lighter than air) and how fast is it
created. In addition how much space is available for the ventilation equipment

Airflow: Airflow is the amount of air delivered at the end of the ventilation hose to
create the desired air changes per hour in the space.

Breeze: Another instance .where air volume is important is the ACGIH, air velocity
ranges" for work areas. According to the ACGIH, work areas air motion should have
a specific range of air velocities. For workers who are sitting, the range is 75 to 125
feet per minute (fpm); for standing workers, it's 100 to 200 fom.

Fan performance and design: Ventilators come in a variety of designs. Knowing

performance information supplied by the manufacturer such as fan speed, design,
and motor drive size can make the selection process easier.
The most important factor in determining air volume at the end of the hose is friction
loss, or the amount that the breeze decreases from point A to point B. Friction loss
can reduce the airflow by over 50 per cent in a 15-foot length of hose. The
manufacturer usually provides friction toss information, however, the unit must be set
up according to their instructions to obtain their stated airflows.

Mechanical ventilation of-a space will require a fan that generates enough air flow to
achieve 20 air changes per hour, sufficient ducting hose and webbing or rope to
position and secure the hose.

Supply ventilation
1. Position the fan four to six feet from entry point with the fan intake pointed into the
wind. For eight feet from the fan intake, the area should be free from airborne
contaminates and loose stones.

2. For vertical spaces, position the hose in approximately 75 per cent of the distance
to the bottom of the space, and no more than maximum 15 feet from the work area.

Tie a rope approximately 2' from the end of the hose and lower the hose into the
space. Raise the end of the hose with the rope to achieve a second bend (inside
hose angle between 120 and 150 degrees) in the hose and secure the rope to keep
the bend in place. For horizontal spaces, lay the hose on the floor with the end of the
hose within 10 feet of the far wall.

3. Turn the ventilator on before placing the hose into the space and let the unit run
for time enough for two complete air changes before performing any gas testing.
When testing, ensure the detector is out of the direct ventilation airflow pattern.
4. Ensure there is no "short circuiting" of the air. If the space has a second opening,
place the ventilator at the smaller opening to create better air circulation through the
space. If the space has only one large opening, place the ventilator on the opposite
side farthest from the area where the workers will enter the space.

Exhaust ventilation

1. Position the worker three feet from source of contaminate generation point If the
entire space is contaminated and to be cleaned with exhaust ventilation, keep the
hose three feet from the worker
2. Position the duct one foot from the contaminate source, and one foot below the
worker's breathing zone.
3. Position unit so that the exhaust end of the unit is out of the wind and the
exhausted air is not pull back into the space. If the exhaust contaminates are
explosive, make sure the air does not come in contact with the fan motor. In addition,
the unit should be grounded.
4. If the contaminates being purged are potentially lethal, an area 10 feet in front of
all openings should be considered hazardous, barricaded and monitored periodically
with the gas detector. In addition, the attendant should wear appropriate respiratory

In all cases

1. Ventilation of the confined space should continue while the space is occupied to
ensure a safe working environment. Since ventilation can help control heat and
humidity and therefore it should be turned on even if the workers inside are using
supplied air breathing apparatus.

2. If there is a potentially hazardous environment exhausting from the space near

the ventilator, attach a four foot hose to the intake side of the fen to prevent
recirculating the polluted air coming from the space. In addition, monitor the area
around the entry point with the gas detector and have the attendant wear
appropriate respiratory protection.

3. For both supply and exhaust operations involving atmospheres that present a LEL
reading on the gas detector, always remove or retract the ventilation hose before the
ventilator is turned off. With no velocity pressure in the hose to keep combustible
gases out, the gases can come up the hose, across the hot motor and possibly

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