Lean Mass Hyper-Responder
Lean Mass Hyper-Responder
Lean Mass Hyper-Responder
Reviewed by: 5 Department of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, United States, 6 Lundquist Institute at Harbor-
GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT | A recent cohort study of 548 persons on carbohydrate-restricted diets (CRDs) revealed inverse associations between triglyceride/HDL-C
ratio (TG/HDL-C) and LDL-C change, and between BMI and LDL-C change, on CRD. This means leaner persons with lower TG/HDL-C ratios generally exhibit larger
increases in LDL-C on CRD. Individuals with a particularly pronounced high LDL-C, high HDL-C, low TG ratio are termed "Lean Mass Hyper-Responders." This report
provides a clinical vignette of a patient who exhibits the Lean Mass Hyper-Responder phenotype, with LDL-C as high as 545 mg/dl, despite normal pre-CRD LDL-C of
95 mg/dl and consuming a CRD with a high unsaturated/saturated fat ratio. Coronary CT angiography conducted after 2.5 years of extremely elevated LDL-C reveals no
detectable plaque development.
cumulative over the week and BMI was measured the morning of each test using the same Withings Smart Body Cardio scale. Lipid data prior to ketogenic diet are included for comparison, though dietary data were not collected prior to
Calculations were performed using LM's dietary records (provided in Supplemental Information) and data extracted from USDA food central database in combination with brand-specific nutritional data, where applicable. Exercise volume is
LMHR as a unique metabolic sub-group, paving the way for
future study of LMHR individuals.
We herein present the case of a 26-year-old LMHR male, LM,
who adopted a ketogenic diet prioritizing unsaturated fat for the
management of ulcerative colitis and subsequently exhibited an
increase in LDL-C of over 400 mg/dl, along with increases in
HDL-C and decreases in TG. LM’s case possesses distinctive and
useful features, including detailed information on dietary intake,
longitudinal lipid panels, and a recent Coronary Computed
Tomography Angiography (CCTA) scan, that collectively
(% Calories)
provide a valuable clinical vignette in the context of the recent
classification of the LMHR phenotype. LM’s case also
demonstrates the challenges associated with the clinical
management of LMHRs and highlights the need for further
Net Carb
study of those with this phenotype.
Macronutrients (g)
LM is a 26-year-old man with a medical history significant for
ulcerative colitis, diagnosed at age 21. Despite treatment with
TABLE 1 | Macronutrient intake and dietary fatty acid profile correspond to average daily intake over the 7 days prior to each blood test.
oral and suppository mesalamine and hydrocortisone enemas, he
was unable to remain in remission for longer than 8 weeks. At 23,
he experimentally adopted a Mediterranean-style ketogenic diet
Net Carb
[with an emphasis on intake of fatty seafood, extra virgin olive
oil, and low-carbohydrate fibrous fruits and vegetables (5)] and
entered a 6-month period of remission, following which he
Exercise (h)
in remission. Since adopting a ketogenic diet two and a half years
ago, LM has only experienced colitis flares on three occasions:
twice when trying to reintroduce carbohydrates in the form of
honey, fruit, and/or starchy vegetables, and once following acute
mold exposure.
As previously reported (5), in the first 6 months following
BMI (kg/m2)
gram food scale and by keeping fastidious dietary records in the 7 was recommended to reduce dietary cholesterol intake, eliminating
days prior to scheduled lipid testing. Nutritional information liver, shellfish, and egg yolks from his diet (in substitution for lean
extracted from these records, using data exported from the chicken, fish, and egg whites). One month later, in September 2020,
USDA Food Central database along with brand-specific his LDL-C was re-measured at 545 mg/dl (HDL-C 94 mg/dl, TG 58
nutrition information, is provided with photographs of mg/dl). In January 2021, following a weight gain of 6 lbs and
representative meals in Supplemental Information. elevated intake of polyunsaturated fatty acid in the form of ~3 Tbsp
Lipid and metabolic panels over the years have been notable for toasted sesame oil daily, LDL-C was measured at 393 mg/dl (HDL-
elevated LDL-C-related markers, LDLp and apoB, and elevated C 116 mg/dl, TG 40 mg/dl). Finally, testing in October 2021
Lp(a) ranging from 109 to 168 mg/dl. Despite his low LDL-C while following further weight gain of 4 lbs (BMI 20.2 kg/m2), and in
consuming a mixed diet (95 mg/dl), Lp(a) was elevated in LM prior the context of a diet far richer in saturated fat, LDL-C measured at
to starting a ketogenic diet and is also elevated in LM’s father, who 411 mg/dl (HDL-C 116 mg/dl, TG 39 mg/dl) (Table 1
has a history of coronary artery disease manifesting in 99% left and Figure 1).
anterior descending stenosis at age 44, although the father presented After two and a half years of persistently elevated LDL-C
with a profile in strong contrast to his son: unremarkable LDL-C levels, and a prior CAC of 0, LM was again counseled to initiate
(70–92 mg/dl), atherogenic dyslipidemia (HDL-C 33–39 mg/dl, TG statin therapy. He considered, and a compromise was reached
199–294 mg/dl, with a preponderance of sdLDL), and history of whereby he agreed to initiate pharmacotherapy if “it was first
obesity. (NB: Subsequent to his event, the father adopted a CRD and proven” that he was developing measurable atherosclerotic
has lost 50 lbs and reversed metabolic syndrome, while maintaining plaque. Given consideration of data available at the time in
LDL-C <100 mg/dl on atorvastatin and ezetimibe). LM exhibits young people at elevated risk for ASCVD (6), and LM’s
normal thyroid and testosterone, HbA1c (4.8–5.0%), and fasting significant exposure (LDL-C ~400–550 for ~2.5 years), a CCTA
insulin (<3 mIU/ml), low hsCRP (<1.0 mg/L), Pattern A phenotype, was ordered for calcified and non-calcified plaques. No plaque or
and an extremely low TG/HDL-C ratio (~0.3) characteristic of the stenosis was observed in any vessels CAD-RADS = 0 (Figure 2).
LMHR phenotype. Whole exome sequencing performed by Veritas
Genetics, and independent dyslipidemia and ASCVD genetic risk
testing by GB Healthwatch, revealed no pathogenic or likely DISCUSSION
pathogenic variants that could account for LM’s phenotype.
Results of lipid panels conducted between August 2020 and In LM, LDL-C More Tightly
October 2021, in conjunction with data extracted from LM’s dietary Associated With Body Weight
records, are presented in Table 1 and Figure 1. In August 2020, Than With Saturated Fat Intake
LDL-C was 521 mg/dl (HDL-C 113 mg/dl, TG 47 mg/dl). This time LM’s BMI and LDL-C data reveal that an increase of 6–10 lb
point corresponds to LM’s BMI nadir of 18.8 kg/m2 and 83% body weight was associated with a >100 mg/dl drop in LDL-C.
unsaturated fat intake (17% saturated). In the following month, LM This presentation is consistent with prior cohort data (4), in
FIGURE 1 | Patient timeline. Above: LM experienced his first colitis flare in March 2017. Episodic flares persisted, despite treatment with oral and suppository
mesalamine and hydrocortisone enemas. LM commenced a ketogenic diet in June 2019, followed by a period of continued remission associated with ketosis.
Medications for colitis were discontinued. Below: Between August 2020 and October 2021, LM began a practice of fastidiously recording dietary intake (see
Supplemental Information) prior to scheduled lipid panels. Pie graphs represent fat pro!le of LM’s diet in the 7 days prior to testing. Further details provided in text,
Supplemental Information, and Table 1.
FIGURE 3 | The Lipid Energy Model. (A) In the context of carbohydrate restriction, (1) glycogen depletion and (2) changes in circulating hormones stimulate
hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL)-mediated secretion of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) by adipocytes to fuel oxidative tissues. (3) The liver captures circulating NEFA
and repackages them into triglycerides (TG), (4) secreted aboard VLDL. (5) Increased lipoprotein-lipase (LPL)-mediated VLDL turnover generates increase of LDL-C
and HDL-C. (B) The magnitude of carbohydrate restriction, adiposity, and energy expenditure each contribute as independent variables to the degree of LPL-
mediated VLDL turnover and, thereby, to the magnitude of the high LDL-C, high HDL-C, low TG triad. Details and lines of evidence supporting this Lipid Energy
Model, along with suggestions for future experiments to assess the model, will be the subject of an upcoming review (Norwitz et al. in preparation).
Computed Tomography Angiography ordered (for the purposes of directing pharmacotherapy), it was
Shows No Evidence of Atherosclerotic reasonable to assume that he might exhibit plaque development
Plaque in LM based on the available data. This includes a study on young
LM’s CCTA data are difficult to interpret given his young age and adults with type II diabetes, mean HbA1c 7.9%, in which 80% of
the relative paucity of comparator data. At the time the scan was those above 25 years exhibited measurable plaque burden (6),
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