Aktivita - Just Eat It - Thinking About Consequences - Merged

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Summary: Students will be better aware of wasting food as a topical subject. Using the film and following

discussion and reflection, they will assess their own attitudes towards food and think about their

steps towards environmental behaviour. Furthermore, students will hear authentic language

and have an opportunity to learn new vocabulary.

Educational Areas *EE and *SGE: language and communication through language, humans and their world (stage 1 for

and Educational Content basic education), humans and society, arts and culture

Topics: *STVT: language and language communication, basics of civics and social science

LANGUAGE AREAS: vocabulary (food, environment)

LANGUAGE SKILLS: listening, speaking, writing

Cross-curricular *EE and *SGE: personal and social development

Subjects: *STVT: citizen in the democratic society

Key Competencies: problem-solving, communication, social and personal, civic

Recommended Level B2+

of Proficiency in English:

Language Goals: Students will:

Learn vocabulary connected to food waste issues

Improve their ability to comprehend a specific English accent

Use the language when primarily discussing important global problems (content-based teaching)

Other Goals: Students will:

Be better aware of the food waste issue

Learn how they can reduce food loss in their households themselves

Think about thriftiness and consequences of their own everyday habits

Time: 90 min. (wtih the film screening)

Tools: Board/Flipchart



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Directions: 1. Open the lesson with a mind map. Draw the central part of it on the board students will use to

develop their thoughts. Explain how to work with a mind map. Give student 5 minutes to write

the ideas down (in groups or individually), then ask them to tell you them. Add their ideas to

your central part on the board to create a “whole class mind map”. If someone mentions food

waste or a similar theme, ask more questions about that: When was the last time you threw

food away? Do you ever think about how much food is wasted?

2. After the tone is set, make sure students know some necessary vocabulary. Ask them to find as

many synonyms for the word “waste” as they can. They can use an online dictionary. You can

also provide them with the VOCABULARY LIST to make it even easier. Then ask them to fill in


3. Screen the film. Pause it at 28:30 and let someone summarize what has happened. Then follow

up on the last played part and ask students to think about some solutions to reducing food

waste. Hand them WORKSHEET 2 or draw the table on the board. Students can work in small

groups. Give them around 10 – 15 minutes. Then have them present their suggestions. After

the small student presentations, play the rest of the film where some solutions are mentioned.

4. Use I.N.S.E.R.T. method to reflect students’ thoughts. Divide the board into four parts. Into

each of the part, write one symbol (+,-,?,!). These symbols stand for:
Positive moments (+): What do you perceive as positive about the film?

Negative moments (-): What do you perceive as negative about the film?

Surprising information (!): Did you learn anything new? If so, what? Which part of the film

was the most powerful for you?

Questions (?): Do you have any questions in your mind?

5. Students will write a few sentences (5 – 7) about what they think the couple has been doing

since the end of the project. They should use present perfect tense. If there is not enough time

left in the lesson, this activity can be assigned as homework.

Reflection: The reflection activity is performed after the film projection using the I.N.S.E.R.T. method.

Note: Before using the lesson in your classroom, take into account its suitability for your students.

The activities can be adapted to the students’ current educational needs, for instance by using

only some of the materials or by adding others.

Provide students with some more information using Questions and Answers. You can find tips

there on how to shop effectively or recommend them to read Q&A.

Experience in Practice: Aktivitu jsem testovala při distanční výuce. Pracovala jsem se studenty třetího ročníku. Při úvodních

otázkách - kdy naposledy vyhodili jídlo a zda přemýšlejí o plýtvání jídlem - se zdálo, že je to pro ně

nový pohled. Říkali, že jídlo nakupují rodiče a že si nepamatují, že by něco vyhodili. Cvičení na slovní

zásobu studenty zaujalo - byly tam pro ně nové výrazy a zajímalo je zjistit řešení.

Studenti pak měli za úkol podívat se na film a vypracovat pracovní list. Myslím, že film je opravdu

vtáhl do přemýšlení o plýtvání jídlem, bylo vidět, že používali termíny a slovní zásobu z filmu.

Ve druhém úkolu, kde měli v 5-10 větách spekulovat o tom, co filmaři dělají teď, všichni psali o tom,

že určitě hodně řeší plýtvání a snaží se inspirovat k podobnému další lidi. Aktivitu určitě doporučuji

pro školní i distanční výuku.

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Ida Vohryzková, VOŠZ a SŠZ, Ústí nad Labem

I tried the activity online with 3rd-year students. The initial questions seemed to bring a new point

of view for the students. They mentioned that food shopping is mostly done by their parents and

that they do not remember they would throw some food away. The vocabulary exercise was

engaging for the students which made them also interested in finding out the correct answers.

The next task was to watch the film and fill in the worksheet. I think the film made the students

think deeply about the topic of food waste and I appreciated they tried to use the vocabulary from

the film. In the second task, where the students should discuss and write down 5-10 sentences about

the couple’s current behaviour, most of them agreed that the couple is still dealing with the problem

of waste and they are probably trying to inspire other people to do something similar. I recommend

this activity for in-class and online teaching.

Ida Vohryzková, VOŠZ a SŠZ, Ústí nad Labem



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1. Match the words with the pictures.

1. soil

2. dumpster

3. apple core

4. landfill

5. greenhouse gases

6. fertilizer

2. Match the words with their definitions.

• Something remaining above what is needed

1) Sustainable agriculture
• To have no remaining …
2) (To) harvest
• The season (or the process) when the vegetables or fruit are gathered
3) To grow
• Environmentally friendly farming methods
4) To be out of…
• General rules that people should follow
5) Food bank
• A center that collects food and distributes it to the needy
6) Policy
• Food we can give someone who needs it
7) Surplus
• A long-term process especially due to an increase in the average
8) Climate change
atmospheric temperature
9) Donated food
• Increase in size or substance

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Try to come up with some ideas how to reduce food waste. You can work in pairs or small groups. Present your ideas to the

class. Then watch the rest of the documentary to see if there is som

Examples of waste Solutions


Restaurants and hotels


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foodie labužník 01:10

wasting vyhazování, plýtvání 01:48

sustainable agriculture udržitelné zemědělství 02:02

efficient, efficient with water efektivní (šetřit vodu) 02:12

fertilizer hnojivo 02:17

raised/grown pěstováno 02:28

scattered through the system rozptýlený po celém systému 02:37

food supply výroba/dodávka potravin 02:46

increase zvýšit 02:49

cutting the food waste omezení plýtvání potravinami 02:51

discarded vyhozený (odložený, …) 02:59

extra charge příplatek 03:10

Vybírání odpadků
dumpster diving (pozn. – není pouze záležitostí chudých, ale i protest proti 03:23
konzumnímu způsobu života a snaha o šetření zdroji)

bulb boule 04:07

that’s what we do for a living živí nás to 04:30

assuming that předpkládají, že 04:38

crop zboží, plodina 04:50

blemish vada, skvrna 04:55

harvest sklizeň 05:31

curvature zakřivení 05:48

thrown away vyhozeny 06:24

food bank potravinová banka 06:40

grower zemědělec 07:02

that bothers me to mi vadí 07:08

peel ořezat, oloupat 07:40

raisins rozinky 07:57

druh jídla – recept

(pozn. Jde o pokrm, který se připravuje většinou jako
ants on a log 07:58
svačina v Americe, nejčastěji z celeru, rozinek a
burákového másla. Existují však různé variance.)

dice up nakrájet na kostky 08:10

feasible realizovatelný, proveditelný 08:19

abundance hojnost, nadbytek 08:30

have people over mít k sobě pozvané lidi (většinou na jídlo) 08:37

run out of food došlo jídlo 08:39

conscious vědomý 08:50

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we’re out of … došel nám… 09:48

fatigue vyčerpaný 09:50

garbage odpadky 11:00

bum bezdomovec (hovorově) 11:20

littering odhazování odpadků 11:44

widespread rozšířený 11:59

compactor lis, válec 12:19

culled stuff vyřazené věci/potraviny 13:55

rack regál, věšák 14:00

deal sleva (vyjednávání) 14:13

mother lode zlatý důl 14:46

dumpster konterjner 15:14

hit the jackpot uspět 15:23

gross nechutný (slang) 16:02

soil půda 16:45

expired prošlé 19:37

human species lidský druh 20:08

surplus nadbytek 20:16

feasts hody 20:27

concrete beton 21:10

we are trashing plýtváme 22:28

estimate odhad 22:57

toss vyhodit 23:02

precious commodity vzácné zboží 23:17

drought (drought-ridden
sucho 23:22

feel guilty cítit se vinen 24:18

highs and lows vzestupy a pády, špatné a dobré chvilky 24:33

date label datum spotřeby (nálepka) 24:50

shelf life 25:06

they have gone bad jsou prošlé 26:05

it’s not a big deal není to velký problém 26:18

apple core ohryzek 26:23

decompose rozkládat se 26:31

landfill skládka 26:32

anaerobic condition anaerobní rozklad 26:37

greenhouse gas skleníkový plyn 26:41

trapping heat zachycující teplo 26:44

climate change klimatická změna 26:48

volunteering dobrovolnictví, dobrovolničila 27:02

you’re low income or in need máte nízký příjem nebo jste v nouzi 27:08

donated darovaný 27:12

trucking, warehousing doprava, sklad 27:51

dispose plýtvat, vyhodit, zlikvidovat 27:59

convenient pohodlný, vyhovující 28:19

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chipping away at snižovat, odštipovat 28:54

get around to… dostat se k … 29:04

stick to (that list) dodržet, držet se něčeho 29:15

treat (food) zacházet s 29:34

tweaking vyladění 29:36

rescued food zachráněné jídlo 29:56

value ocenit 30:34

leftovers zbytky 30:42

get rid of zbavit se 31:05

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1) a, 2) c, 3) f, 4) d, 5) b, 6) e


1) d, 2) c, 3) i, 4) b, 5) f, 6) e, 7) a, 8) h, 9) g




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