DCP 2010 Appendix G Flood Assessment Study Requirements

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A flood assessment shall be undertaken where development lies within

Potentially Flood Prone Land or where required by this Plan.

The primary objective is to determine a reasonable assessment of the extent of

flood prone land and the 1% AEP flood level, to identify what development
controls may apply and whether a more detailed Flood Study is required (see
Schedule 7).

Flood Assessment Requirements

Unless instructed otherwise, site specific Flood Assessments shall be prepared

under the following guidelines:
o The assessment shall be undertaken and certified by a professional
Civil/Hydraulic Engineer with qualifications suitable for admission as a
corporate Member of Engineers Australia or other suitably qualified
professional. A suitably qualified professional is someone who is a
member of a recognised organisation and has suitable experience,
education, qualifications and indemnity insurance to undertake the work
o All levels shall be relative to Australian Height Datum (AHD).
o Topographic levels shall be to an accuracy of 0.1m, structures and the
like shall be to an accuracy of 0.01m.
o Rainfall intensity/frequency/durations shall be determined from Australian
Rainfall and Runoff (ARR) 1987 or later.
o Flows shall be assessed using a rainfall-runoff hydrologic model and
compared to peak flows using the Rational Method from ARR for urban or
rural catchments as appropriate.
o The 1% AEP and the PMF flood events shall be assessed using a steady
state backwater analysis technique (or better) with a sensitivity analysis
on assumed or assessed parameters.
o Flood heights shall be reported in metres to two (2) decimal places, while
flood velocity shall be reported in metres per second to one (1) decimal
o The assessed flood levels shall be compared to historic flood levels in the
vicinity, if available.
o Anecdotal data and assessments based on extrapolating levels or flows
from other parts of the catchment or adjacent catchment will generally
not be accepted unless it can be demonstrated that such an assessment
is clearly conservative and results in an upper bound design level.
o Developers shall be requested/required to make data available to Council
free of cost, to form part of a local government area database.
o The Flood Assessment report shall:
o Clearly set out the objectives of the assessment, the methodology
adopted and provide sufficient detail to enable easy checking of
calculations and validity of assumptions used.
o Present all historical rainfall and flood height data.
o Present complete model results including those for sensitivity testing
o Include maps/figures of the catchment, site, model layout and cross
section locations.
o Include tabulations and/or figures model parameters and results.
o Present the findings in sufficient detail to support the validity of the
o Identify appropriate access routes and emergency management
procedures over the full range of flood up to the PMF.
o Provide survey data including Digital Terrain Model (in a format
compatible with Council’s GIS) and model data files arranged in an
orderly file structure.
o Clearly demonstrate the flood impacts associated with the
development (if applicable).

Where development is proposed below the 1% AEP flood level or where required
otherwise by this Plan, a more detailed Flood Study shall be undertaken in
accordance with part 2 of this appendix - Flood Study Requirements.

A Flood Study shall be undertaken in accordance with these requirements

where called for by this Plan.

Flood Studies are generally required to identify the flood behaviour in the
vicinity of the development; to identify what impacts the development
would have upon flood storage or flood flow, adjacent properties and the
like, and/or to assess the impact of the development and/or the cumulative
impacts associated with further similar developments.

Flood Study Requirements

Unless instructed otherwise, Flood Studies shall be prepared under the

guidelines of the NSW Government’s Floodplain Development Manual 2005
and the following:
o The study shall be undertaken and certified by a professional
Civil/Hydraulic Engineer with qualifications suitable for admission as
a corporate Member of Engineers Australia or other suitably qualified
professional. A suitably qualified professional is someone who is a
member of a recognised organisation and has suitable experience,
education, qualifications and indemnity insurance to undertake the
work competently.
o All levels shall be relative to Australian Height Datum (AHD).
o Topographic levels shall be to an accuracy of 0.1m, structures and
the like shall be to an accuracy of 0.01m.
o Rainfall intensity/frequency/durations shall be determined from
Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR) 1987 or later.
o Flows shall be determined using an appropriate computer based
hydrologic model and compared to peak flows derived from the
Rational Method of ARR for rural and urban catchments as
appropriate (contemporary models such as RAFTS< RORB or WBNM
would be acceptable).
o Local flood behaviour shall be determined using an appropriate
computer based hydraulic model (steady state backwater analysis
models such as HEC-RAS area acceptable where loss of flood storage
is not an issue, otherwise the unsteady version of HEC-RAS or other
1D or 2D unsteady state models such as MIKE11, ESTRY, Rubicon,
RMA-2, SOBEC or TUFLOW shall be used).
o Flood heights shall be reported in metres to two (2) decimal places,
while flood velocity shall be reported in metres per second to one (1)
decimal place.
o Where sufficient historical information is available, the hydrological
and hydraulic models shall be calibrated and verified.
o For the purposes of the study, design floods shall include 5% AEP,
2% AEP, 1% AEP and PMF flood events.
o Sensitivity analysis shall be carried out to assess how much
influence the model parameter values have on the results of the
calibration, verification and design events (sensitivity analysis would
normally include but not limited to variations in flow, friction,
infiltration and energy losses at structures).

o Where development tis proposed below the 1% AEP flood level, a
hydraulic quantification of the impacts of the development shall be
assessed over the full range of flood events.
o Developers shall be requested/required to make data available to
Council, free of cost, to form part of a Council wide database.
o The flood study report shall:
Clearly set out the objectives of the study, the methodology
adopted and provide sufficient detail to enable easy checking of
calculations and validity of assumptions used.
Present all historical rainfall and flood height data.
Present complete model results including flood heights (levels),
flow distributions, velocities and flood storage variations for all
calibration, validation and design events.
Where development is proposed below the 1% AEP flood level,
present the changed in hydraulic behaviour at the structure, at
the property boundaries and all sites across the floodplain
affected by the development.
Include maps/figures of the catchment, site, model layout, cross
section location, flood profiles, flood extents, flood contours, flow
and velocity distribution.
Include tabulations and/or figures depicting the spatial
distribution of model parameters, flow and velocity at each
Information on preliminary hydraulic categories and preliminary
hazard categories.
Present the findings in sufficient detail to support the validity of
the conclusions.
Identify appropriate access routes and emergency management
procedures over the full range of flood up to the PMF.
Provide survey data including Digital Terrain Model (compatible
with Council’s GIS) and model data files arranged in an orderly
file structure.
Clearly demonstrate the flood impacts associated with the
development (if applicable).


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