Cubis-Brochure Rs
Cubis-Brochure Rs
Cubis-Brochure Rs
4 Modularity
6 Operating Design
8 Q-Apps
10 Applications
12 Levelling
14 Communication
16 Draft Shield
18 Microbalances
21 High-capacity Models
22 Mass Comparators
26 Safe Weighing
32 Technical Specifications
4 Modularity
Cubis®: Standard,
Since we launched the Cubis® You can choose from thousands of New Models
range of premium laboratory options to configure your balance With the new high-capacity
balances in 2009, it has become to suit your individual needs and models, Cubis® now covers the
the benchmark for use in obtain the optimal solution for entire range, from research and QC
regulated sectors that impose integration into your process. laboratories to testing laboratories.
the highest requirements, such as Cubis® offers a comprehensive
in global pharmaceutical labs. Cubis individual Software range of accessories to choose from
With the unique Cubis® individual so you will find individual solutions
Modular Configuration software, you can create your own that are best for your applications
The first series of laboratory fully individual profile for your (see p. 20).
balances to feature a completely specific requirements without
modular design, Cubis® enables additionally needing to use a Equally new are the MCM manual
you to combine your choice of computer. Start off by integrating mass comparators based on the
display and control unit, weighing data into your software infra Cubis® platform. A total of 14
module, data interface module, structure and continue right on up different models are supplied for
and much more. to implementing complete control regulation-compliant mass
of your weighing process. comparison applications and | or
for weight calibrations. Thanks to
Your benefits: quick, clearly- integrated climate sensors, the
defined processes and accuracy. measurement uncertainty is
indicated for every measured value.
Beyond this, integrated workflows
ensure a high level of reliability
for error-free results (see p. 22).
6 Operating Design
In addition to aspects strictly The Cubis® easy-to-operate Q-Guide is designed so that you
involving metrological specifica- Q-Guide concept speeds up lab only see what is needed for carry-
tions, preparing for and perform- workflows. Moreover, Q-Guide ing out the task at hand. Once you
ing a weighing procedure, eliminates the need for you and have configured a task, Q-Guide
compliance with the relevant other users to perform time- will lead you interactively through
regulatory standards is gaining consuming steps all on your own. the settings and display only the
ever-increasing importance. relevant information.
Uniqueness Wins
Turn your Cubis® lab balance into
a Cubis® individual by integrating
The Sartorius App Center: Download and customer-specific applications,
Test Your Preferred Apps called Q-Apps. These are down
You can readily download any standard
loadable application programs
Q-Apps from the Sartorius App Center and
install these from an SD card in a Cubis® that guide you step by step
laboratory balance. Just test the Q-Apps of through a specific workflow
your choice for 30 days free of charge to sequence.
discover all their winning capabilities for
increasing efficiency in your daily lab work. Q-Apps ensure that the proce
dures described in the corres
ponding SOPs are observed at
Easy Licensing for Permanent Use of
all times. This makes Q-Apps
To permanently use your Q-App on your an attractive alternative to imple-
Cubis® balance, you must first activate the menting external middleware.
Q-App. Just enter the serial number of your
Cubis® balance as well as your personal data. Q-Apps:
In just a few minutes, you will receive your Standard or Personalized
individual Q-App activation code. Besides individual Q-Apps that
are performed according to your
specific application, a variety of
No Computers Needed!
In pharmaceutical labs, placing computers solutions for differential weighing,
next to a balance is not necessarily desirable formulation and average weight
because this does not meet the strict control, or checking the net
cleanroom requirements that Sartorius lab quantities filled are available as
balances comply with so effectively. standard Q-Apps.
You can use the new Q-Apps to completely
transfer your operating procedure (SOP) to
Standard Q-Apps additionally
the balance and avoid using a computer.
provide solutions for defining the
starting point of your balance‘s
operating range as well as for easy
pipette calibration. With Q-Apps,
you can carry out a specific
workflow without needing to
connect a computer.
Application Example
Q-App: Differential Weighing (Backweigher Light V3)
10 Applications
Q-Grid Pan
This gridded weighing pan, Q-Grid (accessory option
YWP03MS), is available for all Cubis® models with a
readability of 10 mg and 100 mg, except for model 5202S.
Q-Grid lets you easily operate a balance with a large
pan under laminar flow in safety weighing cabinets,
workbenches or even in fume hoods, without restricting
its performance. This saves considerable effort in busy
pharmaceutical laboratories.
Monitoring Levelling
If the Cubis® continuous self-monitoring
function detects that the balance is no
longer level, an alert message will appear,
prompting you to start the levelling process.
Once started, internal motors level the
balance in just seconds. You can track the
progress of motorized levelling on the
display. Almost instantly, the balance is
ready again to provide reliable results.
14 Communication
Web Communication
Cubis® MSA features a Web Services communication
platform as an option. This standardized communication
technology permits external software systems, such as
LIMS, ELN, etc. to display and use information, input fields,
menus or complex operations on the touch screen of the
balance. Bidirectional data transfer is enabled without
complicated driver software. This eliminates the need to
install computers, laptops or terminals in the direct vicinity
of your balance.
Communication Protocols
Cubis® is standard-equipped to support ASCII and SICS
communication protocols. You can therefore have your
balance communicate with other manufacturers’ software.
Used with the MSA display and control unit, Cubis® can
optionally communicate over XML.
All Cubis® balances have three standard-equipped interface
ports (USB, RS232C, Ethernet [not on MSE]) and three
optional ports (Bluetooth®, PS/2, RS232C), enabling nearly
any type of bidirectional communication. Now that’s
what we call maximum connectivity!
Configurable Printout
The scope and content of the information to be printed is
freely selectable. Via the Sartorius YDP30 printer, it is even
possible to print out barcodes and QR codes.
16 Draft Shield
Efficient Cleaning
Easy and fast cleaning is especially
important when working with minute
sample sizes, as it helps prevent cross-
contamination. All parts of the draft
shield can be removed fast and easily.
After cleaning, the balance is ready to be
used again just as quickly.
Optional Accessories
Weighing scoop: 6566-50
Featuring IP 54 protection
and top-quality, smooth surfaces,
the new Cubis® high-capacity
balances are more than capable of
withstanding these conditions.
They consistently deliver reliable
results, even under the most
adverse conditions – with an
unwavering readability of 0.1 g
for loads of up to 70 kg.
Cubis MCM
Manual Mass Comparators –
Your Full-range Mass Standard Laboratory
The new Cubis® MCM manual can compromise the accuracy
mass comparators are the first of mass determination, making
devices on the market that results more reliable.
combine metrological weighing At the same time, the Cubis® MCM
expertise and integrated control ensures optimal, user-friendly
of workflows in line with the workflows to reduce stress on
recommendations of the Inter operators.
national Organization of Legal
Metrology (OIML). In the OIML Integrated Climate Sensors
R111-1 International Recommen- The sensors integrated in the mass
dation, this organization defines comparator automatically log
metrological and technical climate data like temperature,
requirements. These are the basis air pressure and humidity for
of the OIML’s primary air to calculating the air buoyancy
harmonize the regulations and correction at the site of
metrological controls applied by measurement. This climate
national metrological services data can be documented
and other related organizations on a computer so that
of its member states. In particular, you can check at any
the pharmaceutical industry time that the limits on
requires that greater accuracy temperature, air pressure and
standards based on global regula- humidity for the respective cali-
tions be adopted consistently bration levels are in compliance
throughout its manufacturing for accuracy classes E1, E2, F1
operations. In addition, Cubis® or F2.
MCM delivers results that are all
ASTM-compliant as well. The Fastest Mass Comparison
Integrated Workflow Control Compared with conventional
Integrated workflow control in the units, Cubis® MCM mass compara-
Cubis® MCM manual mass com- tors are by far the fastest in
parators minimizes operating error completing ABA, ABBA or
rates: During a measurement pro- AB1…BnA cycles to determine
cess, the mass comparator pro- the conventional mass and its
vides user guidance prompts and combined standard uncertainty.
instructions about the next step
to perform. This significantly
reduces the “human” factor that
You can instantly tell where you are in the A full presentation of the results is displayed
measurement process and what the next step along with the measurement uncertainties.
to be performed is, which prevents errors.
24 XXX
All Cubis® MCM mass comparators feature The climate sensors for temperature,
a separate display and control unit with humidity and air pressure are integrated
an electronics unit isolated from the weigh in a small, compact, lightweight inter-
cell to reduce the effects of heat generated changeable unit. They can be easily
by the electronics and of the warmth of removed for DAkkS calibration.
the operator‘s hands.
Mass Comparators 25
– The mechanical level indicator – The Bluetooth® interface module – With the sample holder
of a balance is often difficult eliminates the need for cables YFH01MS, the best ergonomics
or even impossible to see inside that can become contaminated are ensured for weighing-in
a cabinet. This leads to parallax so that the YDP10BT-0CE printer under the difficult conditions
errors during levelling and can be operated wirelessly in the cabinet.
ultimately to incorrect weight outside the cabinet. – With the grid weighing pan
measurement results. With – The Q-Stat ionizer integrated YWP03MS, even lab balances
Q-Level, an optional feature into DI draft shield (see p. 11), without draft shields (readability
on balances with a weighing not only reduces the interfering of 10 mg or 100 mg) can be
capacity of < 6.2 kg and a effects of static electricity. operated in the air flow of the
readability of > 0.001 mg, This highly effective device also cabinet without any problems.
motorized levelling can be prevents samples from adhering
performed automatically inside to a spatula, which can lead to
the cabinet. frustration and contamination
– With the optional infrared when a user tries to shake off a
sensor YHS01MS, the draft sample and ends up spilling it.
shield can be opened hands-free
and the balance can be tared.
This reduces the risk of
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30 Advanced Pharma Compliance
Balance Monitoring
Process Monitoring
Technical Specifications
Order Code
MSA 524P - Ø TR - D I I P
0.001 mg
6.6S 0.001 6.1 d 30 5 8 0.001 0.004 0.004 (2) 0.82***
3.6P 0.001 | 0.002 | 1.1 | 2.1 | 3.1 d 30 5 8 0.003 | 0.004 | 0.004 0.005 (1) 0.82***
0.005 0.005
0.01 mg
225S 0.01 220 85 + 85 2 6 0…60 g: 0.015 0.1 0.15 (100) 8.2
60…220 g: 0.025
225P 0.01 | 0.02 | 60 | 120 | 220 85 + 85 2 6 0…60 g: 0.015 0.15 0.2 (100) 8.2
0.05 60…220 g: 0.04
125P 0.01 | 0.1 60 | 120 85 + 85 2 6 0…60 g: 0.015 0.15 0.15 (50) 8.2
60…120 g: 0.06
Analytical Balances
0.1 mg
524S 0.1 520 85 + 85 1 3 0.1 0.4 0.3 (200) 82
524P 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.5 120 | 240 | 520 85 + 85 1 3 0.15 | 0.2 | 0.4 0.5 0.4 (200) 82
324S 0.1 320 85 + 85 1 3 0.1 0.3 0.3 (200) 82
324P 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.5 80 | 160 | 320 85 + 85 1 3 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.4 0.5 0.4 (200) 82
224S 0.1 220 85 + 85 1 3 0.07 0.2 0.2 (100) 82
124S 0.1 120 85 + 85 1 3 0.1 0.2 0.2 (50) 82
High-capacity Balances
70201S 100 70,200 400 + 300 1.5 100 500 500 (20,000) 82
36201S 100 36,200 400 + 300 1.5 100 200 300 (10,000) 82
10,200 |
36201P 100 | 1,000 400 + 300 1.5 100 | 500 200 300 (10,000) 82
20201S 100 20,200 400 + 300 1.5 100 200 300 (5,000) 82
70200S 1,000 70,200 400 + 300 1 500 1,000 1,000 (20,000) 820
36200S 1,000 36,200 400 + 300 1 500 1,000 1,000 (10,000) 820
Cubis® Levelling
Select the type of levelling mode and enter “Ø” or “1” in the field identified by the icon in the order code.
Ø Cubis® shows the level indicator on the display and provides support for rapid levelling (a standard feature on
MSA and MSU display and control units; for MSE units, only symbols are provided to support manual levelling).
1 Fully automatic, motorized Q-Level levelling at the touch of a key (available for all Cubis® weighing modules with
a weighing capacity of > 6.1 g and < 6,200 g).
D0 Flat, stainless steel weigh pan with no draft shield for weighing modules with a pan size of 206 + 206 mm and
400 + 300 mm.
DR Flat, stainless steel weighing pan draft shield (removable, with no glass components) for all precision balances
with a readability of 1 mg and weighing module 5202S.
DE Manual glass draft shield for precision balances with a readability of 1 mg and weighing module 5202S.
DU Manual glass analytical draft shield chamber, with smooth-action doors that open wide and provide unimpeded
access to the weighing chamber without interfering braces. For all models with 0.01 mg, 0.1 mg, and 1 mg
readability and weighing module 5202S.
DA Automatic, glass motorized draft shield with learning capability for user-friendly operation and easy
customization to the changing requirements of different applications. For all models with 0.01 mg, 0.1 mg,
and 1 mg readability and weighing module 5202S.
DI Identical to the DA draft shield, but also includes an integrated ionizer to eliminate interfering electrostatic
charges on samples and sample containers.
DM Automatic, motorized, round 100% glass draft shield with learning capability for ultra-microbalance and
microbalances with a readability of 0.0001 mg and 0.001 mg (2.7S, 6.6S and 3.6P weighing modules).
DF Manual stainless steel draft shield for weighing filters with diameters of up to 50 mm (75 mm and 90 mm pans
optional). Designed to minimize the effects of static electricity (not for weighing module 3.6P).
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth® SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks by Sartorius is under license.
Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
38 Technical Specifications
Special Applications
Density determination kit for solids and liquids: for weighing modules with a readability < 1 mg YDK01MS
Density determination kit for solids and liquids: for weighing modules with a readability = 1 mg YDK02MS
Q-Grip, universal holder for containers used for weighing and filters up to a diameter of 120 mm (replaces the YFH01MS
original weighing pan; for Cubis® models with 0.01 and 0.1 mg readability)
Q-Grid weighing pan for Cubis® models with a readability of 10 mg or 100 mg (pan size of 206 + 206 mm) YWP03MS
for weighing in laboratory hoods, safety weighing cabinets or workbenches (reduces exposure of the weighing pan
to lift by strong air current; replaces standard weighing pan)
Balance Tables
Balance table made of cast stone, for weighing with vibration dampening YWT03
Wall console YWT04
Balance table made of wood with cast-stone inset for precise, reliable weight measurements YWT09
Weighing Accessories
Weighing scoop of chrome nickel steel, 90 + 32 × 8 mm 641214
Aluminum weighing scoop, 4.5 mg (250 units) for ultra-microbalance and microbalance models 6565-250
Aluminum weighing scoop, 52 mg (50 units) for ultra-microbalance and microbalance models 6566-50
Support arm for 10 | 100 mg precision weighing modules for raised mounting of MSE, MSU and MSA display YDH01MS
and control units
Support arm for precision weighing modules with 100 mg | 1 g readability and weighing capacity > 20 kg YDH02MS
for raised mounting of MSE, MSU and MSA display and control units
Hook for below-balance weighing; for precision weighing modules with 100 mg | 1 g readability and weighing 69EA0040
capacity > 20 kg (not for models verified for use in legal metrology; selectable CE features)
The brand name and logo for Bluetooth® wireless technology are the property of Bluetooth® SIG Inc.
The use of this brand name and trademark by Sartorius AG is under license. Other brand names and trademarks are the property of
their respective owners.
Repeatability “s”
– under optimal conditions 1) 0.15 µg 1 µg 1 µg 1 µg
– under standard conditions E 2) 0.3 µg 1.5 µg 2 µg 2 µg
– at 1/3 load 2) 0.2 µg
– at 1/10 load 2) 0.7 µg 0.7 µg 0.7 µg
– under standard conditions F 3) 0.6 µg 4 µg 5 µg 5 µg
Electronic weighing | tare range 6.1 g 31 g 61 g 61 g
Substitution weights 50 g
Linearity 1 µg 6 µg 8 µg 8 µg
Eccentric (off-center) load deviation 0.25 µg / mm 1 µg / mm 1 µg / mm 1 µg / mm
Stabilization time 10 s 3s 3s 5s
Cycle time (ABA) 90 s 90 s 90 s 90 s
Standard Accessories
Data interfaces RS-232C, USB, Ethernet, SD card (optional RS-232C, PS2, Bluetooth®)
Draft shield • • • •
Additional application programs Weighing, mass unit conversion, individual identifiers, density determination, statistics
Port for below-balance • • • •
weighing hook
Climate sensors Integrated into draft shield
Optional Accessories
Calibration weight 5 g | E2 20 g | E2 50 g | E2 50 g | E2
YCW352-00 YCW422-00 YCW452-00 YCW452-00
Climate module YMC20MC YMC20MC YMC20MC YMC20MC
Calibrated climate module YMC20MC-DAkkS YMC20MC-DAkkS YMC20MC-DAkkS YMC20MC-DAkkS
2nd draft shield YDS20C YDS24C YDS24C YDS24C
Balance table YWT03 YWT03 YWT03 YWT03
Weighing pan size d 16 mm d 30 mm d 30 mm d 50 mm
Maximum object size (D × H) 16 × 70 mm 30 × 120 mm 30 × 120 mm 50 × 120 mm
Weigh cell (W × D × H) 122 × 343 × 141 mm 222 × 431 × 301 mm 222 × 431 × 301 mm 222 × 431 × 301 mm
Electronic unit (W × D × H) 239 × 320 × 56 mm 239 × 320 × 56 mm 239 × 320 × 56 mm 239 × 320 × 56 mm
Repeatability is the standard deviation “s”; it is calculated from 5 ABA cycles under the following conditions:
Optimal conditions: Automatic measurement without operator influence measured in a laboratory under E1 conditions, on a decoupled weighing stone,
no drafts from above
Standard conditions E: Measurement performed manually under a laboratory under E1 conditions, on a decoupled weighing stone, no drafts from above
Standard conditions F: Measurement performed manually under a laboratory under at least F1 conditions, on a non-decoupled weighing stone,
air conditioning and minimal drafts from above
40 Technical Specifications
Repeatability “s”
– under optimal conditions 1) 10 µg 15 µg 0.05 mg
– under standard conditions E 2) 20 µg 20 µg 0.07 mg
– at 1/3 load 2) 15 µg
– at 1/10 load 2) 10 µg 15 µg 0.05 mg
– under standard conditions F 3) 30 µg 50 µg 0.2 mg
Electronic weighing | taring range 610 g 610 g 610 g
Substitution weights 500 g 500 g
Linearity 100 µg 100 µg | 600 g 0.1 mg | 600 g
Eccentric (off-center) load deviation 10 µg / mm 15 µg / mm 30 µg / mm
Stabilization time 5s 5s 3s
Cycle time (ABA) 90 s 90 s 90 s
Standard Accessories
Data interfaces RS-232C, USB, Ethernet, SD card (optional RS-232C, PS2, Bluetooth®)
Draft shield • • •
Additional application programs Weighing, mass unit conversion, individual identifiers, density determination, statistics
Port for below-balance • • •
weighing hook
Climate sensors Integrated into draft shield
Optional Accessories
Calibration weight 500 g | E2 YCW552-00 500 g | E2 500 g | E2
YCW552-00 YCW552-00
Climate module YMC20MC YMC20MC YMC20MC
Calibrated climate module YMC20MC-DAkkS YMC20MC-DAkkS YMC20MC-DAkkS
2nd draft shield YDS24C YDS24C YDS24C
Balance table YWT03 YWT03 YWT03
Weighing pan size d 90 mm d 90 mm d 90 mm
Maximum object size (D × H) 135 × 140 mm 135 × 140 mm 135 × 140 mm
Weigh cell (W × D × H) 222 × 431 × 301 mm 222 × 431 × 301 mm 222 × 431 × 301 mm
Electronic unit (W × D × H) 239 × 320 × 56 mm 239 × 320 × 56 mm 239 × 320 × 56 mm
Repeatability is the standard deviation “s”; it is calculated from 5 ABA cycles under the following conditions:
Optimal conditions: automatic measurement without operator influence measured in a laboratory under E1 conditions, on a decoupled weighing stone,
no drafts from above
Standard conditions E: measurement performed manually in a laboratory under E1-conditions, on a decoupled weighing stone, no drafts from above
Standard conditions F: measurement performed manually in a laboratory under at least F1 conditions, on a non-decoupled weighing stone,
air conditioning and minimal drafts from above
Repeatability “s”
– under optimal conditions 1) 0.05 mg 0.3 mg 0.5 mg 0.8 mg
– under standard conditions E 2) 0.1 mg 0.5 mg 0.8 mg 1 mg
– at 1/3 load 2)
– at 1/10 load 2) 0.07 mg 0.3 mg 0.5 mg 0.8 mg
– under standard conditions F 3) 0.3 mg 0.8 mg 1.5 mg 3 mg
Electronic weighing | tare range 2,500 g 5,100 g 5,100 g 11 kg
Substitution weights 50 g
Linearity 1 mg 2 mg 3 mg 6 mg
Eccentric (off-center) load deviation 30 µg / mm 151 µg / mm 300 µg / mm 0.5 mg / mm
Stabilization time 3s 3s 3s 3s
Cycle time (ABA) 90 s 90 s 90 s 90 s
Standard Accessories
Data interfaces RS-232C, USB, Ethernet, SD card (optional RS-232C, PS2, Bluetooth®)
Draft shield • • •
Additional application programs Weighing, mass unit conversion, individual identifiers, density determination, statistics
Port for below-balance • • • •
weighing hook
Climate sensor Integrated into draft shield Can be connected
Optional Accessories
Calibration weight 2 kg | E2 5 kg | E2 5 kg | E2 10 kg | E2
YCW622-00 YCW652-00 YCW652-00 YCW712-00
Climate module YMC20MC YMC20MC YMC20MC YMC20MC
Calibrated climate module YMC20MC-DAkkS YMC20MC-DAkkS YMC20MC-DAkkS YMC20MC-DAkkS
2nd draft shield YDS24C YDS24C YDS24C YDS24C
Balance table YWT03 YWT03 YWT03 YWT03
Lifting device for 10 kg YAW51
Lifting device for 20 kg
Weighing pan size (W × D) 136 × 136 mm 136 × 136 mm 136 × 136 mm 200 × 200 mm
maximum object size (D × H) 130 × 200 mm 130 × 200 mm 130 × 200 mm
Weigh cell (W × D × H) 240 × 276 × 373 mm 240 × 276 × 373 mm 240 × 276 × 373 mm 240 × 276 × 102 mm
Electronic unit (W × D × H) 239 × 320 × 56 mm 239 × 320 × 56 mm 239 × 320 × 56 mm 239 × 320 × 56 mm
Repeatability is the standard deviation “s”; it is calculated from 5 ABA cycles under the following conditions:
Optimal conditions: automatic measurement without operator influence measured in a laboratory under E1 conditions, on a decoupled weighing stone,
no drafts from above.
Standard conditions E: measurement performed manually in a laboratory under E1 conditions, on a decoupled weighing stone, no drafts from above
Standard conditions F: measurement performed manually in a laboratory under at least F1 conditions, on a non-decoupled weighing stone,
air conditioning and minimal drafts from above
42 Technical Specifications
Repeatability s
– under optimal conditions 1) 2 mg 4 mg 6 mg
– under standard conditions E 2) 3 mg 6 mg 10 mg
– at 1/3 load 2)
– at 1/10 load 2) 2 mg 4 mg
– under standard conditions F 3) 6 mg 10 mg 25 mg
Electronic weighing | tare range 41 kg 64 kg 64 kg
Linearity 20 mg 40 mg 50 mg
Eccentric (off-center) load deviation 3.5 mg / mm 3.5 mg / mm 3.5 mg / mm
Stabilization time 5s 5s 5s
Cycle time (ABA) 120 s 120 s 120 s
Standard Accessories
Data interfaces RS-232C, USB, Ethernet, SD card (optional RS-232C, PS2, Bluetooth®)
Additional application programs Weighing, mass unit conversion, individual identifiers, density determination, statistics
Port for below-balance with opt. accessories 69EA0040 with opt. accessories 69EA0040 with opt. accessories
weighing hook 69EA0040
Climate sensor Can be connected externally
Optional Accessories
Calibration weight 20 kg | E2 50 kg | E2 50 kg | E2
YCW722-00 YCW752-00 YCW752-00
Climate module YMC20MC YMC20MC YMC20MC
Calibrated climate module YMC20MC-DAkkS YMC20MC-DAkkS YMC20MC-DAkkS
2nd draft shield YDS05C | YDS03C YDS05C | YDS03C YDS05C | YDS03C
Lifting device for 10 kg YAW51 YAW51 YAW51
Lifting device for 20 kg YAW52 YAW52 YAW52
Lifting device for 50 kg YAW53 YAW53
Crane with chain hoist YLD01C YLD01C
Gripper for weights with handle YLD02C YLD02C
Floor-mounted column, stainless steel
Weighing pan size (W × D) 400 × 300 mm 400 × 300 mm 400 × 300 mm
Weigh cell (W × D × H) 400 × 326 × 126 mm 400 × 326 × 126 mm 400 × 326 × 126 mm
Electronic unit (W × D × H) 239 × 320 × 56 mm 239 × 320 × 56 mm 239 × 320 × 56 mm
Repeatability is the standard deviation “s”; it is calculated from 5 ABA cycles under the following conditions:
Optimal conditions: automatic measurement without operator influence measured in a laboratory under E1 conditions, on a decoupled weighing stone,
no drafts from above.
Standard conditions E: measurement performed manually in a laboratory under E1 conditions, on a decoupled weighing stone, no drafts from above
Standard conditions F: measurement performed manually in a laboratory under at least F1 conditions, on a non-decoupled weighing stone,
air conditioning and minimal drafts from above
Europe America
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Sartorius Spain, S.A. Toll-Free +1.800.668.4234 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Avda. de la Industria, 32 Fax +1.905.569.7021
Finland & Baltics Phone +60.3.8996.0622
Edificio PAYMA
Sartorius Biohit Liquid Handling Oy Fax +60.3.8996.0755
28108 Alcobendas (Madrid)
Laippatie 1 Mexico
00880 Helsinki Phone Spain +34.902.123.367 Sartorius de México S.A. de C.V.
Phone Portugal +351.800.855.800 Circuito Circunvalación Poniente Singapore
Phone +358.9.755.951 Fax Spain +34.91.358.96.23 Sartorius Singapore Pte. Ltd
No. 149
Fax +358.9.755.95.200 Fax Portugal +351.800.855.799 1 Science Park Road,
Ciudad Satélite
53100, Estado de México The Capricorn, #05-08A,
México Singapore Science Park II
Hungary Switzerland Singapore 117528
Sartorius Hungária Kft. Sartorius Mechatronics Switzerland AG Phone +52.5555.62.1102
Kagyló u. 5. Fax +52.5555.62.2942 Phone +65.6872.3966
Ringstrasse 24a
2092 Budakeszi Fax +65.6778.2494
8317 Tagelswangen (ZH)
Phone +3623.457.227 Phone +41.44.746.50.00
Fax +3623.457.147 Fax +41.44.746.50.50
Asia | Pacific South Korea
Sartorius Korea Ltd.
Ireland 8th Floor, Solid Space B/D,
Sartorius Ireland Ltd. U.K. Australia PanGyoYeok-Ro 220, BunDang-Gu
Unit 41, The Business Centre Sartorius UK Ltd. Sartorius Australia Pty. Ltd. SeongNam-Si, GyeongGi-Do, 463-400
Stadium Business Park Longmead Business Centre Unit 5, 7-11 Rodeo Drive
Dandenong South Vic 3175 Phone +82.31.622.5700
Ballycoolin Road Blenheim Road, Epsom
Fax +82.31.622.5799
Dublin 11 Surrey KT19 9QQ Phone +61.3.8762.1800
Phone +353.1.8089050 Phone +44.1372.737159 Fax +61.3.8762.1828 Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in the EU on paper bleached without chlorine. | W
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Sartorius (Thailand) Co. Ltd.
China 129 Rama 9 Road,
Ukraine Sartorius Scientific Huaykwang
LLC “Biohit” Instruments (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Bangkok 10310
Post Box 440 “B” 33 Yu An Road, Airport Industrial Park
Zone B, Phone +66.2643.8361-6
01001 Kiev, Ukraine
Publication No.: WL-1010-e150414 · Order No.: 98649-008-61 · Ver. 04 | 2015