Kytik2020Surface and Coatings Technology
Kytik2020Surface and Coatings Technology
Kytik2020Surface and Coatings Technology
Keywords: Electropolishing of bronze was investigated in this work in an electrolyte based on a deep eutectic solvent,
Deep eutectic solvent Ethaline (a eutectic mixture of choline chloride and ethylene glycol in a 1:2 M ratio, respectively). Two kinds of
Anodic treatment bronzes were used: AMPCO® 22 alloy (containing Al and Fe as alloying components) and AMPCO® 712 alloy
Bronze (containing Sn, Ni, Pb and Zn as alloying components). Electrochemical responses of bronze in Ethaline were
Surface roughness
studied by cyclic voltammetry technique. It was established that the electropolishing of both bronzes can be
Corrosion resistance
performed at the temperature of 25 °C and anode electrode potential of 2.5 V (vs. Ag pseudo-reference elec-
trode). The surface leveling and dissolution of microdefects were confirmed by atomic force microscopy and
scanning electron microscopy. The electrochemical polishing of the surfaces of AMPCO® 22 and AMPCO® 712
bronzes was shown to result in an improvement in their corrosion resistance. Electrolytes based on deep eutectic
solvents seem to be a promising replacement for traditional corrosive and environmentally hazardous acid
aqueous solutions for electropolishing of copper alloys.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.A. Kityk).
Received 6 May 2020; Received in revised form 8 June 2020; Accepted 9 June 2020
Available online 11 June 2020
0257-8972/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A.A. Kityk, et al. Surface & Coatings Technology 397 (2020) 126060
It was shown that deep eutectic solvents due to the unique combi-
nation of physicochemical properties and environmental safety can be
widely used as a medium for electrodeposition of different metals, al-
loys and composite coatings [29–34]. The possibility of efficient elec-
trodeposition of metals and alloys from DESs can be considered as the
basis for the future purification of electrolytes after electropolishing
and the possibility of their reuse.
It is worth-mentioning that a relatively high viscosity of DESs and
slow diffusion in them are the main prerequisites for the formation of a
viscous layer and the implementation of electropolishing process under
diffusion control. It's well known, that implementation of electro-
polishing under diffusion control provides an excellent result of leveling
and brightening the surface. Earlier, DESs-based electrolytes were used
for electropolishing of various steels [19–21], Ag [22], Ni and Co
[23,24], and Al [25]. To the best of our knowledge, only few works
have dealt with anodic processing of pure copper and CueSn alloy in
DESs [26,35,36] and no papers have reported the electropolishing of
bronzes with Al, Fe, Ni, Pb, Zn alloying elements.
In order to develop novel and high-efficient procedure for the
electropolishing of some bronzes, we considered in the present study
the use of a deep eutectic solvent, Ethaline, for the electrochemical
polishing of two types of commercial bronzes: bronze AMPCO® 22 (it
contains Al and Fe as alloying components) and AMPCO® 712 (it con-
tains Sn, Ni, Pb and Zn as alloying components). We revealed the fea-
tures of electrodissolution processes and the effects of the electro-
polishing on surface morphology and topography, surface composition
and anticorrosive properties of two kinds of bronzes under considera-
A.A. Kityk, et al. Surface & Coatings Technology 397 (2020) 126060
Fig. 2. SEM images of AMPCO® 22 (a and b) and AMPCO® 712 (c and d) bronze samples before (a and c) and after (b and d) electropolishing in Ethaline.
Electropolishing was performed at the electrode potential of +2.5 V, the temperature of 25 °C and the duration of 20 min.
(Zeiss EVO 40XVP). The chemical composition of the surface was es- dissolution as in the case of electropolishing of Cu and Cu-based alloys
timated by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX, calibrated with in H3PO4 solutions [4].
respect to Cu) coupled with SEM microscope (Oxford INCA Energy On the contrary, there is only one peak of anodic dissolution in the
350). anodic region of the CV corresponding to the AMPCO® 712 sample (at
The bronze samples after electropolishing in Ethaline and before about +0.45 V). Also, a current plateau can be observed in voltam-
further testing (SEM, AFM, EDX, and LPR) were thoroughly washed metry curve. Let us note that CV for AMPCO® 712 bronze looks very
with bidistilled water and then dried in air flow. similar to those which were reported for electropolishing of Cu and Cu-
All quantitative results were taken as an average of five parallel based alloys in concentrated acidic solutions [4–7].
measurements. We suppose that the first dissolution peak for AMPCO® 22 (at about
+0.45 V) and the sole anodic peak for AMPCO® 712 (at the same
3. Results and discussion electrode potentials) can be mainly associated with electrochemical
dissolution of Cu [26]. Abbot et al. [41] showed that an initial as-
3.1. Electrochemical study cending section of the polarization curve of Cu-electrode dissolution in
Ethaline is most likely due to the formation of a CuI species, e.g.
Cyclic voltammograms (CVs) of AMPCO® 22 and AMPCO® 712 [CuCl2]−. In such a case, the near-electrode layer becomes enriched in
bronze samples in Ethaline are shown in Fig. 1. The voltammetric CuI species, which has a low solubility as compared with CuII in this
curves were recorded starting from the open circuit potential (−0.25 V solvent [42]. This can provide the formation of a porous layer of in-
vs. pseudo-reference Ag-wire electrode) in the anodic direction. After soluble dissolution products in this potential region. It was also de-
achieving the potential of +4 V, the sweep was reversed into the monstrated [43] that the CuI/II redox couple in Ethaline appears at
cathodic direction (up to –0.75 V). Finally, the potential sweep was +0.45 V. Thus, the first dissolution current peak for alloys AMPCO® 22
once again reversed to return the initial value of the open circuit po- and AMPCO® 712 corresponds to the dissolution of copper that yields
tential. the accumulation of CuI ions in the near-electrode layer and a further
As can be seen from Fig. 1, the voltammograms of these two kinds of formation of CuII species. Taking into account the high content of Cl−
bronze exhibit significant differences. Two anodic dissolution peaks are anions in Ethaline, it can be assumed the formation of [CuCl4]2−
observed for AMPCO® 22 bronze at ~0.45 V and ~1.2 V. At higher complexes under these conditions. Earlier by using UV–vis. analysis and
anodic potentials, the CV curve shows a current plateau, which can be EXAFS methods, Karim et al. [36] established that the dissolution of
attributed to a diffusion-controlled process of electrochemical copper in Ethaline occurs with formation of [CuCl4]2− complex ions.
A.A. Kityk, et al. Surface & Coatings Technology 397 (2020) 126060
A.A. Kityk, et al. Surface & Coatings Technology 397 (2020) 126060
Fig. 3. EDX analysis of surface elemental compositions of AMPCO® 22 bronze (a) and AMPCO® 712 bronze (b) before (1) and after electropolishing in Ethaline (2).
Electropolishing was performed at the electrode potential of +2.5 V, the temperature of 25 °C and the duration of 20 min.
A.A. Kityk, et al. Surface & Coatings Technology 397 (2020) 126060
Fig. 4. AFM images of the surface of AMPCO® 22 (a and b) and AMPCO® 712 (c and d) bronze samples before (a and c) and after (b and d) electropolishing in
Ethaline. Electropolishing was performed at the electrode potential of +2.5 V, the temperature of 25 °C and the duration of 20 min.
A.A. Kityk, et al. Surface & Coatings Technology 397 (2020) 126060
Table 5
Corrosion parameters of AMPCO® 22 and AMPCO® 712 bronzes in 10 wt% NaCl solution calculated from polarization measurements.
Alloy Corrosion parameter
Ecorr (V) |ba| (V dec−1) |bc| (V dec−1) icorr (A cm−2) CR (mm year−1)
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