H P Đ NG Ngo I Thương
H P Đ NG Ngo I Thương
H P Đ NG Ngo I Thương
Model Contracts for Small Firms: International Commercial Sale of Goods (standard)
1. Goods
1.1 Subject to the terms agreed in this contract, the Seller shall deliver the following
good(s) (hereinafter: “the Goods”) to the Buyer.
1.2 Description of the Goods (details necessary to define/specify the Goods which are
the object of the sale, including required quality, description, certificates, country of
origin, other details).
1.3 Quantity of the Goods (including unit of measurement).
1.3.1 Total quantity .................................................................................
1.3.2 Per delivery instalment (in the case of a contract for delivery of the Goods
by instalments) ...........................................................
1.3.3 Tolerance percentage: Plus or minus . . . . . . . . . . . . % (if appropriate).
1.4 Inspection of the Goods (where an inspection is required, specify, as appropriate,
details of organization responsible for inspecting quality and/or quantity, place and date
and/or period of inspection, responsibility for inspection costs).
1.5 Packaging .....................................................................................................
1.6 Other specification . . . . . . . . . (e.g. the intended use of the Goods could be
2. Delivery
2.1 Applicable International Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter: ICC) Incoterms (by
reference to most recent version of the Incoterms at date of conclusion of the
contract) ........................................................................................ 2.2 Place of
delivery ......................................................................................... 2.3 Date or period of
delivery .........................................................................
[Comment: Where there is a delivery by instalments the Parties should indicate
every date of delivery for each instalment.]
2.4 Carrier (where applicable) (name and address of carrier, contact person)
..................................................................................................................... 2.5 Other
delivery terms (if any) ......................................................................
3. Price
3.1 Total price .................................................................................................. 3.2 Price
per unit of measurement (if appropriate) ........................................ 3.3 Amount in
numbers ................................................................................... 3.4 Amount in
letters ....................................................................................... 3.5
Currency ..................................................................................................... 3.6 Method
for determining the price (if appropriate) ..................................
4. Payment conditions
4.1 Means of payment (e.g. cash, cheque, bank draft, transfer) ...................... 4.2
Details of Seller’s bank account [if appropriate] .......................................... 4.3 Time
for payment [specify the time] ..............................................................
The Parties may choose a payment arrangement among the possibilities set out
below, in which case they should specify the arrangement chosen and provide the
corresponding details:
Payment in advance
Amount to be paid (total price or part of the price and/or percentage of the
total price) ..................................................................................
Latest date for payment to be received by the Seller’s bank ............... Special
conditions applying to this payment [if any] .......................... Payment by
documentary collection
Amount to be paid [total price or price per delivery instalment] ...............
Latest date for payment ........................................................................
Means of payment: (i.e. documents against payment − D/P, documents
against acceptance – D/A) hereafter: .................................
The documents to be presented are specified at Article 5 of this contract.
Payment by documentary collection shall be the subject to the Uniform
Rules for Collections published by the International Chamber of Commerce
5. Documents
5.1 The Seller shall make available to the Buyer (or shall present to the bank specified
by the Buyer) the following documents (tick corresponding boxes and indicate, as
appropriate, the number of copies to be provided):
8. Lack of conformity
8.1 There is a lack of conformity where the Seller has delivered:
8.1.1. Part only or a larger or a smaller quantity of the Goods than specified in
Article 1 of this contract;
8.1.2 The Goods which are not those to which this contract relates or goods of a
different kind;
8.1.3 The Goods which lack the qualities and/or characteristics specified in
Article 1 of this contract and/or which lack the qualities of a sample or
model which the Seller has held out to the Buyer;
8.1.4 The Goods which do not possess the qualities and/or
characteristics necessary for their ordinary or commercial use;
8.1.5 The Goods which do not possess the qualities and/or characteristics for any
particular purpose expressly or impliedly made known to the Seller at
the time of the conclusion of this contract;
8.1.6 The Goods which are not contained or packaged in the manner specified in
Article 1 of this contract. [Comment: In the absence of such a contract
clause, it shall be the manner usual for such goods or, where there is no
such manner, in a manner adequate to preserve and protect the Goods.]
8.2 The Seller shall be liable under paragraph 8.1 of this Article for any lack of
conformity that exists at the time when the risk passes to the Buyer, even though the
lack of conformity becomes apparent only after that time.
[Comment: The Parties may limit the Seller’s liability for lack of conformity of the
Goods. However, such a contract clause shall be null and void if a lack of conformity
was known to the Seller and he failed to notify the Buyer thereof. If the Parties decide to
limit the Seller’s liability for lack of conformity, they could use the following clause:
The Seller’s liability under paragraph 8.1 of this Article for lack of conformity of the
Goods is limited to [specify the limitation(s)].]
8.3 The Seller shall not be liable under paragraph 8.1 of this Article for any lack of
conformity if, at time of the conclusion of this contract, the Buyer knew or could not
have been unaware of such lack of conformity.
8.4 The Buyer shall examine the Goods, or cause them to be examined, within as short
period as is practicable in the circumstances. The Buyer shall notify the Seller of any
lack of conformity of the Goods, specifying the nature of the lack of conformity, within .
. . . . . . . . . days after the Buyer has discovered or ought to have discovered the lack of
conformity. In any event, the Buyer loses the right to rely on a lack of conformity if he
fails to notify the Seller thereof at the latest within a period of two years (other period of
time) from the date on which the Goods were actually handed over to the Buyer.
Comment: The Parties may specify that the notice of non-conformity shall be in writing.
The Parties may also specify that, where the notice of non-conformity has been sent by
letter or other appropriate means, the fact that such notice is delayed or fails to arrive
at its destination shall not deprive the Buyer of the right to rely thereon.]
8.5 Where the Buyer has given due notice of non-conformity to the Seller, the Buyer
may at his option:
8.5.1 Require the Seller to deliver any missing quantity of the Goods, without
any additional expense to the Buyer;
8.5.2 Require the Seller to replace the Goods with conforming goods, without
any additional expense to the Buyer;
8.5.3 Require the Seller to repair the Goods, without any additional expense to
the Buyer;
8.5.4 Reduce the price in the same proportion as the value that the Goods
actually delivered had at the time of the delivery bears to the value that
conforming goods would have had at that time. The Buyer may not
reduce the price if the Seller replaces the Goods with conforming goods
or repairs the Goods in accordance with paragraph 8.5.3 and 8.5.3 of
this Article or if the Buyer refuses to accept such performance by the
8.5.5 Declare this contract avoided in accordance with Article 11 of this contract.
The Buyer may also claim damages as provided for in Article 14 of this contract.
9.3 The expert shall consider and report to the Parties on the alleged non-conformity of
the Goods.
9.4 For this purpose, the expert shall be entitled to inspect the entire goods, or samples
taken under his supervision, and may carry out any test which he considers to be
9.5 The expert shall submit his report to both parties by (specify the means, e.g.
registered post). The report shall be final and binding upon the Parties unless,
within . . . . . . . days after it has been received, it is challenged by one of the Parties by
the commencement of proceedings in accordance with the dispute resolution procedure
provided under this contract.
9.6 The expert’s fees and expenses shall be borne by the Buyer pending completion of
the expertise procedure, but shall be reimbursed to the Buyer by the Seller if the non-
conformity of the Goods is established.]
10.4 If the Seller fails to comply with a request made under paragraph 10.2 of this
Article, the Buyer may declare this contract avoided in accordance with Article 11 of
this contract and claim damages in accordance with Article 14.3 of this contract. If the
Buyer does not declare this contract avoided he shall have the right to claim damages in
accordance with Article 14.3 of this contract.
10.5 The Buyer shall lose his right to declare this contract avoided if he fails to notify
the Seller as provided in paragraph 10.2 of this Article within . . . . . . . . . . days
[Alternative: Reasonable time, immediately, etc. from the moment when he became
aware or ought to have become aware of the right or claim of the third person in respect
of the Goods.]
10.6 The Seller shall not be liable under this Article if the existence of right or claim of
a third person on the Goods was notified to the Buyer at the time of the conclusion of
this contract and the Buyer agreed to take the Goods subject to such right or claim.
[10.7 Optional: “No action for legal defects can be taken by the Buyer after one year
(specify other period of time) from the date when the Buyer became aware of the
existence of right or claim of a third person on the Goods.”]
1 Note: For the purposes of this Model Contract, the term “Avoidance” is taken from the CISG and means
termination of contract.
13. Restitution
13.1 On avoidance of this contract either party may claim restitution of whatever it has
supplied, provided that such party concurrently makes restitution of whatever it has
13.2 If both parties are required to make restitution, they shall do so concurrently.
13.3 Where the Seller is under an obligation to refund the price, he shall also be liable
for the interest thereon at the rate fixed by Article 6.2 of this contract, as of the date of
13.4 The Buyer shall be liable to account to the Seller for all the benefits which he has
derived from the Goods or part of them, as the case may be:
13.4.1 Where he is under an obligation to return the Goods or part of them; or
13.4.2 Where it is impossible for him to return the Goods or part of them, but the
contract is nevertheless avoided.
14. Damages
14.1 Any non-performance gives the aggrieved party a right to damages either
exclusively or in conjunction with any other remedies except where the non-
performance is excused under force majeure as provided for in Article 17 of this
14.2 Where this contract is not avoided, damages for a breach of this contract by one
party shall consist of a sum equal to the loss, including loss of profit, suffered by the
other party. Such damages shall not exceed the loss which the Party in breach ought to
have foreseen at the time of the conclusion of this contract, in the light of the facts and
matters which then were known or ought to have been known to it, as a possible
consequence of the breach of this contract.
14.3 [To be adapted to a particular contract] In case of avoidance of this contract,
where there is a current price for the Goods, damages shall be equal to the difference
between the price fixed by the contract and the current price on the date on which the
contract is avoided. In calculating the amount of damages, the current price to be taken
into account shall be that prevailing at the place where delivery of the Goods should
have been made. If there is no such current price or if its application is inappropriate, it
shall be the price in a market which serves as a reasonable substitute, making due
allowance for differences in the cost of transporting the Goods. If there is no current
price for the Goods, damages shall be calculated on the same basis as that provided in
paragraph 14.2 of this Article.
14.4 If this contract is avoided and if, in a reasonable manner and within a reasonable
time after avoidance [the Parties may specify the concrete terms], the Buyer has bought
goods in replacement or the Seller has resold goods, the Party claiming damages shall
recover the difference between the contract price and the price paid for the Goods
bought in replacement or that obtained by the resale.
14.5 The damages referred to in paragraphs 14.5 and 14.6 of this Article may be
increased by the amount of any reasonable expenses incurred as a result of the breach or
up to the amount of any loss, including loss of profit, which should have been foreseen
by the Party in breach, at the time of the conclusion of this contract, in the light of the
facts and matters which were known or ought to have been known to it, as a possible
consequence of the breach of this contract.
14.6 Damages are to be paid in a lump sum [the Parties may specify the other solution.
Comment: Damages may be payable in instalments where the nature of the harm makes
this appropriate. Damages to be paid in instalments may be indexed].
14.7. Damages are to be assessed in the currency in which the monetary obligation was
expressed [the Parties may specify the other solution, e.g. in the currency in which the
harm was suffered].
19. Notices
19.1 Any notice under this contract shall be in writing (which may include e-mail) and
may be served by leaving it or sending it to the address of the other party as specified in
Article 19.2 below, in a manner that ensures receipt of the notice can be proved.
19.2 For the purposes of Article 19.1, notification details are the following, unless other
details have been duly notified in accordance with this Article:
– ............................................................................................................................
– ............................................................................................................................
Questions not covered by the CISG shall be governed by the UNIDROIT Principles of
International Commercial Contracts (hereafter referred to as UNIDROIT Principles),
and to the extent that such questions are not covered by the UNIDROIT Principles, by
reference to [specify the relevant national law by choosing one of the following options:
The applicable national law of the country where the Seller has his place of
business, or
The applicable national law of the country where the Buyer has his place of
business, or
The applicable national law of a third country (specify the country)].
23.2 This contract shall be performed in a spirit of good faith and fair dealing.
Seller Buyer
Date ............................................................... ...................................................
Signature Signature