White Dwarf Weekly 097 - 05 Dec 15
White Dwarf Weekly 097 - 05 Dec 15
White Dwarf Weekly 097 - 05 Dec 15
05 DECEMBER 2015
7 A fellspear, a deadly
4 5 6
lance in the hands of a
charging Varanguard.
muscled than even Chaos Knights or the warband. Likewise, the Varanguard are 10 The Stormcast Eternals
feel firsthand the power
Blood Warriors of Khorne. The kit contains protected by warpsteel shields, rune- of the Varanguard. Even
a total of six heads for the three models, encrusted creations which are as capable the greatest heroes of
ranging from a helm that embodies the of nullifying the spells of a Slann Sigmar’s Stormhosts will
find the Varanguard a
wrath of Khorne to a horned helm akin to Starmaster as they are deflecting hammer deadly menace, able to
those worn by the scions of Nurgle, and blows or shots from a skybolt bow. cleave through sigmarite
more – each head fits any of the bodies. armour plates with ease.
Each Varanguard rides to war upon a With their mighty lord
The Varanguard possess some of the heavily mutated Steed of Chaos, a flesh- behind them the
deadliest weaponry of all the legions of eating horror twice as large as the horses Varanguard spur their
steeds into battle, an
Chaos and the new kit has no shortage of ridden by lesser warriors. Barded in unstoppable tide of
options here either: the three fellspears jagged plates of Chaos-forged armour, spiked armour and deadly
are wicked thrusting weapons, equally these steeds are utterly corrupted from Chaos-wrought weapons.
suited to spearing a foe on the charge or whatever beast they once were – fanged
simply stabbing the enemy up close. The maws exist only to consume flesh, while
three ensorcelled weapons are brutal, barbed tails, talons and claws replace
short-ranged implements, from the axe smooth equine hooves. They are a
that resembles a gigantic butcher’s cleaver nightmare vision of what a steed can
to the terrible skull-hammer, a nightmare become through the warping power of
mirror of the weapons of Chaos’s most Chaos. The heads, chest plates and armour There is plenty more
hated foes. A trio of Daemonforged blades spikes that decorate these monstrosities about the Varanguard
rounds out the arsenal and resonate with are all interchangeable, further broadening in this issue. See here
the past history of the Varanguard as the variety of Chaos Steeds you can make. for Paint Splatter
champions of the Dark Gods – the Another nice feature of the barding on article and here for
hellblade is an obvious sign of Khorne’s these steeds is that the flank plates match more on these Knights
favour, suggesting the Varanguard who the Varanguard’s warpsteel shields, so you of Ruin, including their
wields it once fought in a Bloodbound can coordinate them with their riders. full warscroll.
Tap on the images above to visit the Games Workshop website for more information on this products.
PAINT SPLATTER Brassy Trim Black Armour
1 1
2 2
3 3
Basecoat: Khorne Red Basecoat: Rakarth Flesh Basecoat: Rhinox Hide Basecoat: Zandri Dust Wash: Agrax Earthshade
M Base S Base M Base M Base M Shade
2 2 2 2 5
Wash: Nuln Oil Wash: Reikland Fleshshade Wash: Nuln Oil Layer: Ushabti Bone Layer: Ushabti Bone
M Shade M Shade M Shade M Layer M Layer
3 3 3 3 6
Layer: Khorne Red Layer: Rakarth Flesh Layer: Gorthor Brown Wash: Reikland Fleshshade Layer: Pallid Wych Flesh
M Base M Layer S Layer M Shade S Layer
The release of the Imperial Knights also advice out there if you look for it. I tried a 2 The Warlord Titan
Ember’s Journey,
had a profound effect on Roland, who lot of new techniques and different styles honoured of Legio Atarus,
added both the Citadel and Forge World on my models including airbrushing, Firebrand of Phaeton. Its
models to his army. “Their name, House weathering, non-metallic metals, you name princeps, Felix Galien,
was one of the few
Thiel, was inspired by the character it. The encouragement from members of survivors of the War in
Aeonid Thiel from the Horus Heresy audio my wargaming group has been fantastic the Shedrim Drifts, which
drama Censure,” explains Roland. “I thought and has pushed me to try and improve saw much of the Legio
destroyed. Now, as
it was a nice tie-in to my Ultramarines with every model.” This is most evident in commander of one of the
collection and I imagine the Knights have Roland’s latest creation, the Warlord Titan Legio’s greatest
a similar attitude to warfare as the Ember’s Journey, which Roland finished just God-Machines, Galien
has allied himself to the
censured sergeant.” The house heraldry prior to us borrowing his army. “I’m really XIII Legion to fight against
– a white bar and yellow rings on a red looking forward to seeing it in action at my Horus, who so callously
background – is part of Roland’s own local gaming club,” says Roland eagerly. sacrificed many of the
Legio’s Titans.
family crest, while each Knight also bears
its own personal heraldry. The turquoise- “I’m not one for competitive gaming,” 3 Baron Voralis of House
coloured Reaver, Aeturnus Rex, shares the laughs Roland when quizzed further on the Thiel pilots his Cerastus
Knight-Castigator Iron
same colour scheme as the Knights, sorts of games he plays. “I tend to fight Rain into battle alongside
showing that its princeps once came from battles with a narrative to them, such as a the Knight-Acheron The
their household. strike force outnumbered by a horde of Divine Flame.
Orks, or a last stand against Tyranids. It’s
“Building and painting large models like fun games like that, with a cool story You can see more of
Knights and Titans was a real challenge for behind them, that really add to the Roland’s collection,
me,” adds Roland. “I didn’t really get into character of your collection and make it including his vast army
painting until about two years ago and your army, not just an army. Collecting and of Ultramarines, in
they seemed so daunting at the time. painting are definitely my main passions, Warhammer Visions
Luckily the world’s full of people who love but I can’t imagine it’ll be long before my 23, out on Saturday 2
painting so there’s more than enough army takes to the field of battle again.” January.
Foremost among the legions of Chaos are Archaon’s Varanguard, the Knights of Ruin.
Numbering in their thousands, they form eight circles of warriors, dark brotherhoods each
with their own monstrous reputation across the Mortal Realms.
The Varanguard are chosen from among deadliest bands of warriors to be found in
The Swords of Chaos, the the billions of Chaos warriors across the the legions of Chaos – perhaps the most
First Circle, wear the Mortal Realms, summoned to Archaon’s dangerous anywhere in the Mortal Realms.
same jet black Chaos
armour with gold banding
cause by a sign of Chaos, be it a burning
as their liege. They are brand in the skies, a vision in a spray of Each of the Eight Circles has its own fell
utterly fearless killers, arterial blood or a dark whisper from the reputation, whether it is the vile
who would each lay
down their life for their
flames of a campfire. Such omens are cannibalistic rituals that follow the endless
lord. While they are unmistakable, and for those devoted to victories of the Bane Sons or the horrific
willing to die for Archaon, the Dark Gods they herald the start of a acts of desecration used by the Souls of
they are far more willing
to kill, and countless
perilous quest to join the Knights of Ruin. Torment to break the will of their foes.
millions have fallen to Gruelling trials await those who seek out Most feared of all, however, are the Swords
their blades as they have Archaon, and most find nought but death of Chaos, an ancient order of warriors who
laid waste to the Mortal
Realms in the name of
on their journey. Those who win Archaon’s are ever found at Archaon’s side, and have
the Everchosen. favour are granted a place among one of been, some say, since even before the
the Eight Circles of the Varanguard, the Mortal Realms were born.
The Swords of Chaos, First Circle of the Varanguard, The heads of kings and emperors hang from the saddles
ride into battle at the side of the Everchosen himself as of the Scourges of Fate, Fifth Circle of the Varanguard,
his dark champions and brutal executors of his will. for none can escape their vengeful blades.
The armies of the Everchosen are vast beyond mortal comprehension. Uncounted hordes of war-scarred tribesmen;
legions of hulking, armour-clad murderers; blood-hungry beasts of claw and tentacle; multihued horrors and gore-
drenched daemons; lumbering war-gargants with mutated flesh; thundering hosts of hell-forged knights – all are
counted among the servants of Archaon.
Like an avalanche of Chaos-forged steel, the Varanguard smash into their foes, scattering bodies before their charge.
Under the hell-shod hooves of their steeds, and the barbed blades of their weapons, enemies are reduced to red ruin.
They are the wrath of the Dark Gods united, and before them all men are but meat ready for the slaughter.
DESCRIPTION Daemonforged Blades: When a Favoured of the Everchosen: You can add
A unit of Varanguard has any number of Varanguard attacks with a Daemonforged 1 to all hit rolls made for Varanguard if
models. Each member of the Varanguard Blade and the hit roll is 6 or more, the Archaon is on the battlefield. In addition,
wields either an Ensorcelled Weapon, a daemon bound inside the blade awakens; if Archaon uses his Warlord Without
Fellspear, or a Daemonforged Blade. Each roll a dice to see what happens instead Equal command ability, all Varanguard
warrior also carries a Warpsteel Shield of making a wound roll. On a 2 or more, are inspired by their dark master’s
and rides a mutated Steed of Chaos, which that attack inflicts a mortal wound on the presence: you can re-roll the dice in the
tears into the enemy with its Jagged Fangs. target as the daemonic weapon feeds upon subsequent charge phase to see how far
its victim’s soul, but on a 1, the attacking they can charge.
unit suffers a mortal wound instead as the
ABILITIES daemon blade turns upon its wielder! Archaon’s Command: If Archaon is on
Relentless Killers: Varanguard have the battlefield in your hero phase, he can
slaughtered foes beyond counting, Warpsteel Shields: The great shields bestow this unit of Varanguard with one
butchering their way across the battlefields carried by the Varanguard are defence of the following keywords: KHORNE ,
of the Mortal Realms without mercy. Once against even the most potent magical NURGLE , TZEENTCH or SLAANESH .
per battle, this unit can be chosen to pile attacks. Roll a dice if this unit is affected This unit then has that keyword for the
in and attack for a second time during the by a spell cast by an enemy WIZARD . If the remainder of the battle, or until Archaon
same combat phase. result is 4 or higher, the spell has no effect bestows a different one upon them during
on the unit (although it will still affect any of your following hero phases (at
Impaling Charge: Warriors armed other units as normal). which point the new keyword replaces the
with Fellspears are utterly deadly on the previous one). Archaon can bestow each
charge, their weapons lowered to skewer unit of Varanguard under his command
the enemy upon their vicious points. A with a different keyword if he so wishes.
Fellspear has a To Wound characteristic
of 3+ and a Rend characteristic of -2 if the
wielder made a charge move in the same
Start Here
Fleeing the Warmaster’s fleet at Isstvan Garro’s story began in the opening
III, Captain Garro of the Death Guard trilogy, but soon spread into further
took his ship, the Eisenstein, and returned books and even a mini-series of exciting
to Terra to warn of Horus’s betrayal. At audio dramas following his exploits.
first treated with cruel distrust, Garro Malcador had long seen the need for
was taken aside by Malcador the Space Marines who could combat the
Sigillite, the Imperial Regent, and tasked forces of Chaos directly, and his various
with a secret mission. Wearing no Legion schemes will eventually lead to the
colours, he would seek out exceptional foundation of both the Grey Knights and
individuals from the Space Marine the Inquisition. But in a secular
Legions for a new force in the Imperium: Imperium, Garro suspects that the power
the mysterious Knights Errant. of faith has been overlooked...
Follow the lines from one title to another to see where stories
THE RAZING OF PROSPERO begin and continue, and the dotted lines to tales not yet told…
Start Here
Garro was not the only loyal son who hero, Magnus faced the wrath of his
tried to warn the Emperor. Although the brother Leman Russ.
Council of Nikaea had forbidden the use
of psychic powers within the Space Although the Space Wolves’ attack on
Marine Legions, Magnus the Red and the Prospero is often considered to be the
Thousand Sons continued to practice perfect example of a loyal Legion
their arts in secret. When Magnus saw punishing their traitorous kin, the truth is
the powers of Chaos reaching out to actually much more disturbing. After
Horus, he cast his mind out through the this, the fealty of other Legions such as
Warp and pushed through the protective the White Scars was called into question,
wards that surrounded the Imperial and everyone began to question just
Palace. But instead of being praised as a what the Alpha Legion were really up to.
Follow the lines from one title to another to see where stories
CALIBAN AND THE DARK ANGELS begin and continue, and the dotted lines to tales not yet told…
Start Here
For ten millennia, the Dark Angels From the very beginning, the First
Chapter have dedicated themselves Legion were shrouded in secrecy. These
utterly to burying the disturbing secrets stories peek behind the curtain,
of their past – secrets that, of course, following their sometimes dubious
have their roots in the Horus Heresy. In loyalty to the Throne of Terra. From the
fact, the truth lies in the history of the earliest days on Caliban to the bitter
knightly orders of Caliban that predated enmity between the Lion and Konrad
the coming of the Imperium, and the Curze of the Night Lords, and right into
young Primarch Lion El’Jonson who rose the mystery of Imperium Secundus, it
to become their leader. But will anyone has never been entirely clear which
ever discover the real reasons behind version of the truth really serves the
Caliban’s complete destruction? Dark Angels best…
Start Here
With the Emperor’s Children at Isstvan Fulgrim and his Legion would become
III, Horus sent their Primarch, Fulgrim, to synonymous with cruelty and excess,
turn their brother Ferrus Manus to the and in service to the god Slaanesh he
cause. In his arrogance Fulgrim failed, would betray yet more of his brother
and it was Ferrus’s Iron Hands who led Primarchs in order to pursue his own
the catastrophic loyalist counter-attack daemonic destiny. In fact, it was just
on Isstvan V later known as the Dropsite such an incident that led Perturabo to
Massacre. Fulgrim, now also under the lay waste to the verdant world of Tallarn
influence of Chaos, slew Ferrus in cold with his Iron Warriors in search of
blood, and thus began the Age of vengeance – one of many unnecessary
Darkness, a horrifying new epoch in the battles that Horus was forced to resolve
history of Mankind. in order to win the war.
Follow the lines from one title to another to see where stories
WAR IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM begin and continue, and the dotted lines to tales not yet told…
If you really just want the
potted history of the
Start Here Horus Heresy so far,
hitting all of the key
battles and events that
have become so
legendary and infamous
by the 41st millennium,
then after the opening
trilogy you can skip ahead
to each of these novels.
Fulgrim gives a
comprehensive account
of the Dropsite Massacre
on Isstvan V.
A Thousand Sons shows
all that was lost when
the Space Wolves
attacked Prospero.
The First Heretic
examines Lorgar’s
motivations in embracing
Chaos once more.
Know No Fear gathers all
archive material relating
to the Battle of Calth.
Fear to Tread follows the
Blood Angels to the
Daemon-infested world
of Signus Prime.
Angel Exterminatus and
Betrayer tell of the
daemonic ascension of
Fulgrim and Angron.
The Unremembered
Empire delves into the
secret history of
Imperium Secundus.
Vengeful Spirit returns to
the Warmaster’s side to
witness the final years of
the war.
From the moment that word of Horus’s The Horus Heresy was not a war fought
treachery reached Terra, the Throneworld only on the battlefield, between loyalist The Horus Heresy
was put on a war footing. Rogal Dorn, and traitor – at times both sides fell prey series is far too big for
already appointed as the Emperor’s to internal conflict, whether deliberate or us to cover in just one
Praetorian, set his Legion to fortifying the not, and even Lord Dorn’s own Imperial issue, so check back
Palace while Malcador the Sigillite Fists would clash with other agents of the next week for the
developed his networks of spies and Emperor. Many of Malcador’s secretive second part of our
assassins to combat threats unseen. But schemes – not least the activities of Garro amazing feature! And
nothing could have prepared them for the and the Knights Errant – would perhaps be sure to head to
sudden rebellion of Mars, home of the have been seen as heresy in themselves www.blacklibrary.com
Mechanicum priesthood and always Terra’s were it not for the greater threat posed by to see the whole Horus
most valuable ally... the Warmaster Horus… Heresy range.
Join us for a round-up of the week as we share comment, opinion and trivia on all the latest
releases, plus other fun tidbits that have cropped up in the White Dwarf bunker. This week
we delve into Battletome: Everchosen and rejoice in the majesty of the Varanguard.
Driven by the will to fight
and win, Gorkamorka
takes his past defeats
against Archaon badly.
As Sigmar’s storm
breaks across the realms,
he hungers for revenge.
The opening pages of Battletome:
Everchosen contain a gorgeous sequence
depicting Archaon’s rise to even greater
power following his victory in the world-
that-was. It’s a stylish illustrated story
which evokes the madness of the Dark
Gods’ patronage. From the illustration of
Dorghar’s flesh being twisted into his
monstrous form to the clash between
Archaon and Sigmar as the Gods of Chaos
watch on – it’s as if the raw stuff of Chaos
has spilled out onto the page.
1 2
BATTLETOME: EVERCHOSEN LIMITED EDITION Online only See www.blacklibrary.com/games-workshop-digital-editions for details
Boxed hardback book and accessories set VARANGUARD PAINTING GUIDE
£120, €155, 1,200dkr, 1,440skr, 1,320nkr, 600zł, USA $200, Can $240, A complete stage-by-stage painting guide in eBook format
AU $335, NZ $395, 1,200rmb, ¥27,600
See www.blacklibrary.com/games-workshop-digital-editions for details
Available in eBook and iBook editions
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logo, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Battletome, Stormcast Eternals, and all associated logos, Editor: Jes Bickham
illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters,
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