Instructions Narrative Essay

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There is no set formula to write a commentary on narrative prose. Structure your essay in a
coherent way, making sure your analysis shows progression in the way characters and actions
are developed by means of the elements you analyze. Organize your ideas in paragraphs and
avoid being reiterative. Pay attention to the means of representation, not only the question of
WHAT is said but that of HOW it is said. There is no need to ascribe to the text a definitive
meaning. Commentaries need not necessarily be exhaustive; you can just emphasize particular
elements and aspects of the passage that you consider relevant.


- 600-800 words approximately, in Times/ Times New Roman 12, and doubled-spaced.
- Write always in paragraphs, trying to link ideas within the paragraph.
- Avoid any kind of telegram-like style. Write grammatical sentences.
- Always link meaning to form. That is, comment on thematic and formal questions
- Always quote from the text to provide examples that illustrate your points.
- Revise your work attentively after finishing it. Check spelling, syntax, vocabulary, style,

Structure of the essay (this is intended to provide some guidance as to the steps to follow, but
do not use the headings below as section headings to divide your essay into different parts. Try
instead to make smooth transitions between parts instead of making them explicitly as
“Introduction”, “Conclusion”, etc):

1.- Introduce and describe the fragment (focus on general information; do not quote
from the text at this stage).
Title, author and year of publication. Possible themes, tensions/ conflicts. Who are the
main characters? Is there any information about where and when the story happens?
(just mention it, you will give details later). Type of narrator(s), existence (or not) of
several narrative levels. Explicit presence (or not) of a narratee and relationship with
the narrator (if relevant). Type of focalization, main techniques of representation
(Direct Discourse, Indirect Discourse, etc .)and significant time devices.

2.- Next, suggest a structure for the paragraph and explain the logic of your division.
Advance part by part after that. Avoid fragmenting the text excessively (think of main

3.- Develop your analysis (here you are expected to be more detailed, and to quote
from the text).

Focus on each of the parts you suggested before. Think of the main aspects in each
section, those which are relevant to comment on. Consider how the portrait of the
characters is developed, the details that build up suspense, maybe, or those that
contribute to creating a particular atmosphere and a sense of place/ time. Avoid
focusing only on contents. There will be comments to make about narration, possible
inclusion of dialogues, focalization (perspective), symbolism (if any), irony (if any), or
stylistic devices that you consider worth mentioning (rethorical figures are not
exclusive to poetry, and you may find them in prose texts as well). Always support
your comments with quotations from the fragment. Quotations should be selected:
you do not need to quote each and every example that supports your point, you
should make sure to choose just the most representative one(s).

4. - Close your essay: summarize the main ideas (but do not repeat literally something
you have said before) and end with your conclusion(s) to the analysis.


Structure (2)
Correct understanding of fragment (1)
Correct application and knowledge of narrative terms, devices and techniques (3)
Relationship between form and content (3)
Use of English (1)

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